Julian Assange to be expelled from Ecuadorian embassy
Make sure you have the 'insurance files'.
They're coming for the White Wizard
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It's hard to put into words how much contempt I have for the US government
Live feed from embassy in London
Brenton Tarrant
Julian Assange
Fraser Anning
How are Australians so fucking based??????????
You right user, Julian Assange is an aussie born in Queensland (i got that from wiki). I thought this whole time that he was a swede.
The true villains in this story are the UK government.
They should have respected that he was offered asylum. But noooo they just had to have him so they could send him to the Americans.
Fugggg. I wonder if he will drop some encryptions before he’s removed.
Julian is long dead you newfags
Why not just make a deal with another nation like russia or china to pick you up and take you to their embassy?
Nah, he's a fucking Aussie. Fuck, I wish I was an Australian.
Huh? I don't think you read my post.
We should meme every Aussies into Tarrant!
why didnt he just go to the russian embassy like snowman
>get your revenge on (((god's chosen))) for importing all of those niggers and forcing your lifestyle change
I'm still interested in what's going to happen here.
I guess they finally found someone who resembles him enough to fool the cameras. The guy has been dead for 2 years.
Everyone get your recording software ready for when he steps out
Assange is a kike puppet
run boyo run
The moment he steps outside the embassy he will be arrested and detained. He's monitored 24/7, how do you think he can arrange an exit out of the country when he can't step past the threshold of the embassy? Now he'll be grabbed up and tortured for whatever information he has, then imprisoned for the rest of his life. RIP Assange, you were a good man in an evil world, and are another one of the righteous crusaders to stand valiantly against all odds while the slack jawed uncaring masses stood by and watched without more than the most lukewarm of praise and applause, if they even noticed at all. There are no heroes left in man.
Wtf is with the creepy teddy bears on the sidewalk. What symbolism is that?
whatever you say my greatest ally.
I'd be likely to guess the same, or that he was at least allowed somehow, but his help in exposing pedos makes me think twice… maybe it's all just a little revelation of the method via actually well-meaning, honest individuals.
anyways, claiming anyone of significance is a kike is like some sort of kike power-move.
Could they be the tents that press will sleep in? They need teddy bears and safe spaces with phone chargers. Hah!
Assange is a cuck. Like a petulant antifa soyboy he aggressively pined for the Atomwaffen Division chatlogs.
If he winds up raped by a pack of niggers I won’t lose sleep.
so i'm watching someone play with lightbulbs for nothing?
is there anyone left alive to dump docs/keys?
It sucks knowing I will be playing video games while he gets tortured mercilessly by mossad and cia. Oh well.
Why is it always 33?
DNC/Judenpresse/FBIniggers require a scalp after the Mueller report flop. He's fucked.
I wonder if Assange will call in bomb threats to nearby buildings, allowing him to escape in the ensuing chaos.
Q here. no, not that Q. the other-other Q–the real Q.
i have a message for DCIA Gina (Mommy) and DIRNSA Nakasone (Daddy). i want one of you hundreds of JTRIG and FBI e-moles and other Federale faggots who shill here to pass my message up your chain of command. this message was given to me directly by Julian Assange many years ago, in the very beginning, and i swore an oath to support and defend Wikileaks against all enemies in the Deep State; that I will bear my mission in total secrecy and with perfect allegiance.
go ahead glow in the darks. make my day. kidnap and rendition Assange from the embassy. you're already illegally imprisoning him in de facto solitary confinement for over 7 years, so go on, get it over with, stop being pussies about this and escalate so that Wikileaks can escalate in its retaliation.
but there's just one more thing.
the moment you take Assange, then The Plan (which you all should be trusting btw) goes into action.
the #StochasticTerminator activates. the Dead Man's Hand falls. Периметр goes live. tens of thousands of bots, which i have personally planted like ACORNS, by hacking into systems and installing the backdoor which i created–they have been laying in wait all around the Internet, for years, awaiting my Bat Signal. the signal could be anything. a personal's post to m4w on the DC Craigslist. a vulgar tweet from a rando looking for #NSASex in the Fairfax VA region. a rare lolcat posted to /r/adviceanimals. an off-topic question emailed to [email protected]. the switch could be anywhere, it could be anything–you and who's army will never find my THINTHREAD among the 1.5ZB of annual global Internet traffic.
"You have nothing! Nothing to threaten me with! Nothing to do with all your strength. But don't worry. I'm going to tell you where they are. Both of them. And that's the point. You'll have to choose."
my bot army is programmed to dump the passwords to the Wikileaks insurances. i have all of them btw. my mission has been to hold them until such a dire time as today. believe me, this has been the most difficult task i have ever faced, because countless times i wanted to personally trigger the Dead Switch. but i swore a vow to Julian and i keep my vows, no matter my own personal desires.
the Wikileaks insurance passwords will be released within 48 hours of Assange going into US Federal custody.
i cannot control the botnet after the Dead Switch is activated. it truly operates autonomous of any human intervention, which is the point. you might think if you crash the Internet or bring down the global routing table, that you can prevent your Doom. but i already thought of that when i designed Perimetr. it has offline means of transmission to hop between dropped routes on the global Internet. i designed enough redundancy into the system to ensure The Message always gets through.
After the Wikileaks insurances are decrypted and given freely to the whole world, i would not want to be a Cleared Deep State employee. thepeoples will form mobs after they see what horrific war crimes you have done in their names, and how far you invaded everyone's privacy with your population scale surveillance–they will come looking for you. to hang you from the lamp poles.
i would estimate that after the Wikileaks Insurances are published, that every Federal worker with Top Secret clearance has less than 72 hours to live.
have a nice day!
2010-00-00 Manning Afghanistan Granai Airstrike Civilian Massacre Video
1.4 GB leakmirror.wikileaks.org
# openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in insurance.aes256 -out insurance -k "ONION"
2012-02-22 Stratfor
65GB wikileaks.org
2013-08-16 Snowden Cache
3.6GB wlstorage.net
49GB wlstorage.net
349GB wlstorage.net
94GB file.wikileaks.org
# 4chan LARP?
# John Kerry
# Ecuador
# Eta Numeris
# Sin Topper
# Project Runway
# 7FG Final Request
# Fall of Cassandra
2016-12-09 Shadowbrokers
83GB file.wikileaks.org
2017-01-25 Vaul7
294MB file.wikileaks.org
Entertaining this as though it isn't a larp, I worry that these mobs won't even care. If the average amerifat good goy was told the unvarnished truth about 9/11, he'd shrug his shoulders go home and watch his favorite tv shows, crack open a beer and then start playing on his phone.
We live in an age of people too stupid to care what is done in their name.
Q predicted this.
Haha! No, really though, nice try?!? Just incase, first to post.
How soon they all forget about the fact that his personal encryption key has been absent for years.
We saw it all go down here.
Check out the archives, newfags. It's all there.
This could be IT. Unplayed piece comes from edge of board and completely REKs black leading to CHECKMATE.
That is too fucking weird.
Also, the feed on looks wonky.
I think this might be a test.
See how many people buy it.
I find it really odd that there are only one or two people there waiting.
Assange is already dead. They raided the embassy, confiscated every phone or camera in the immediate area, people heard gunshots and his dead man's switch suddenly went off and started dumping shit. And immediately afterwards, wikileaks started only leaking anti-Trump, pro-Hillary shit.
But don't worry goys, they uploaded a video of him saying that he was okay to his YT channel, never mind the fact that the video was from years ago in an unrelated incident.
Is there a live feed that is allowing comments?
OR from another source other than Ruptly?
They pulled this bullshit last weekend too. It's a distraction from France and the also the impending riots associated with the Brexit fiasco.
Remember, last week Macron threatened to bring in the Army with live ammunition to quell the peasants.
The retard cameraman did something with the exposure setting on the camera a while ago making it all darker/blurrier or something.
That makes no sense.
Taking bets on which teddy bear has the bomb in it.
I guess we'll finally find out of the "Assange is dead" rumors are true
Looks like some people are going to camp out in front of the embassy. What a bunch of fucking idiots.
It's the guitar, then Assange will escape on the strategically placed pedal bike.
My hatred can only be expressed by bullets in minecraft
How old is this pasta?
Bait. Checked.
Why would someone post this on Zig Forums in some hidden ass pol thread?
That kid was weird.
Wtf? what did the kid say? "You are all wrong?"
"I thought you were all gone"?
I played it back, "I had no idea you were all there, I thought you were all gone."
that's really fucking wierd
The instant I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt my wrath is just I'm going to begin
I thought he was English?
Bet that kid is Assange respawned
I guess we'll find out won't we? :^)
It's 4:46 AM in London right now, and journalists are lazy. That makes it even stranger that the kid was out there.
I think if the cops raid, they'll do it at 5:00am (so in 10 mins). Doing it during day break will create too much of a media circus.
It's 4:51am in London. Who are these people camped out there. Is this going to be like some kind of protest?
What's up with all these fucking wierd vans?
probably concealing strike teams
Someone explain why Ecuador which is an environmentalist country is supporting Assange, who helped Democrats lose who are help the environment while helping The Donald who is against the environment?
The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there they say, as an old man, hooded and cloaked.
Look at the door, you never see that.
They did it to spite the United States government. South American leftists hate the U.S. no matter which party is in charge.
good god they are going to refrigerate him
They should threaten Assange to release against The Donald or lose support.
On another note: What countries would not bow to US/UK pressure and allow Assange or any other "Political Refugees" to cool off in their domain so to speak?
I think it is an electric refrigerator truck but no doubt could be holding surveillance or strike team. Who knows maybe nothing.
Yeah, the kid is strange. But, I would expect that in a city the size of London, that there would be people from the general public there. How many Youtubers would love to be able to livestream something like this?
With this big of a city there should be at least tens of people there 24hrs a day.
This whole stream is weird. The picture, the lighting, the staged tents and props. It all looks and feels very unnatural.
Hey guys I've figured out a way to get The Donald. The Deep State who are being attacked by the Republicans through The Donald (t or f), all they have to do is drop on Wikileaks with Equador threatening Assange with a must release against the Donald, thereby forcing a 2020 loss.
Fuck off with your troll faggot
Where the fuck would a fridge van go at 5am
Restaurant deliveries happen early in the morning….
What better way to hide surveillance or grab team then a fake solidarity campout at the front door. That would explain brand new color coordinated tents and wonky teddy bear deal.
+ There's been like at least 10 vans passing through there, is that street a high traffic area?
deliveries to groceries stores and restaurants that need new food to be prep'd.
I agree that the whole set up there is very strange. And the absence of more people from the public is also very off.
This is gonna be a circus. I hope it happens soon.
I guess if there are lots of restaurants nearby this COULD make sense.
There have been quite a few though.
8fags have to keep a lookout for possible false flags because now is the perfect time for a false flag before 2020, to keep The Regime in power, when there isn't anyone who believes they happen, that conspiracies are Aluminum foil.
That's very smart considering that he might be tempted to possibly take their "help" instead of (((them))) possibly risking dragging him off on camera, furthermore suspicious is the little schoolboy kid being outside at 5am at a friday, hmm stage prop much?
I chcked, there is a fuckload of resturants/businesses in the area.
The guitar perfectly arranged, the teddy bear, the lady constantly walking back and forth, the weird light moving on the side of the tent.
This is all a total WTF?
Julian Assange died two years ago.
Heheh! You really think there is some kind of plan to break him out or something?