Nick Fuentes debates Destiny, Sargon, Asmongold, TrainwrecksTV, Hasan Piker

Nick Fuentes debates Destiny, Sargon, Asmongold, TrainwrecksTV, Hasan Piker

Attached: pepe.png (550x451, 401.8K)

Fuck off.

They are talking about the christchurch shooter.

the only white in theat thread is a complete beta

Neanderkike if ever I saw one

why does my adblocker not work on twitch lately

Attached: @NickJFuentes “Women in the movement”.mp4 (640x360, 2.52M)

works fine for me

Attached: 7ccbcaa3d39b0f702cb6ed6859add4ffe2855da3e1dcf85be09d678be713c11a.jpg (1200x1200, 111.97K)

who are these guys?

Attached: talking.jpg (1286x643, 200.15K)


destiny is a manlet, top right is related to the fatass that runs the young turks, you should know about sargoy, nick the spic fuentes, and I don't know the other two

Attached: Nick_J_Fuentes_Your__laughing_now.mp4 (856x480 4.26 MB, 5.75M)