Nestle Virtue Signaling

This commercial came across my tv and snuck up on me. I almost went into full "kill your television" mode.

Moose-limb cucked commercial announces
100% real chocolate (embracing) the lightness of crispy rice.

An american flag is seen being folded up behind her.

mfw her fucking nose

Other urls found in this thread:é_boycott

Chocolate is a Jewish Trick to Subvert your Children!
Islam is a Jewish Proxy!
Christianity is a Jewish Proxy!

This faggot makes a kike free first post and plugs his YouTube channel here. The account was made a week before today.

I love how the comments and ratio are disabled immediately. It's like they know this is forced and they're hoping if they just keep pushing it, eventually we'll internalize their faggotry.

I was thinking this was a commercial for Turks but I realized the U.S flag. I don't know why it has a outdoorsy-type mudslime woman, what a weird demographic to aim at.

Who am I kidding though? They aren't aiming to pick up the attention of outdoorsy type mussie women, they are trying to pick up the attention to bleeding heart college faggots.

Attached: 3be5bc4e8c4065fcd84e34337c6d9919dd4e58186e69b6a164481877c8fb456d.jpg (574x764, 67.99K)

The woman isn't a muslim either; she's obviously an American New York style jewess LARPing just to provoke the masses.

Nestle's is a notoriously evil corporation

The CEO spilled the beans and then partially back tracked; water isn't a human right and should be privatized and given market value.

OP that’s considered normal now, welcome to the new world where a white only commercial is FUCKING RACIST and we have to include jews and other minorities cause muh money

Its called virtue signalling

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I honestly think that they are overtly and intentionally trying to foment civil unrest at this point. They are just looking for an excuse to put the country on lock down.

Either that or this is Yuri Bemezov
(sp?) style demoralization propaganda. Making you accept each step past the line quietly as they use their actors to vicariously smug face at you.

I am also pretty convinced that the Zig Forumss are allowed to continue because they are tools for gauging the reaction of people who are paying attention.

Well in this case she's just role playing in a niquab.

She's a jewess and you can bet she would go and sit in a lawn chair on a hill overlooking Gaza drinking cocktails late into the night with her Israeli friends, enjoying the spectacle of Palestinians getting bombed with white phosphorus.

I'm pretty sure those two options aren't mutually exclusive.
And yes, Zig Forums is a datamine that keeps goys from going St. Tarrant IRL, for now

In all fairness, Nestle Crunch is the preferred first food after acid attack.

Looks like John Candy's ugly uncle.

Im glad im not the only one that feels this way about the commercial. Its creepy ad to put it bluntly.

- OP

guys, whats more damaging to society
Niggers or Muslims?
anyone have a crime statistic ratio between nigs and muzzies?

good lord look at the semite on that nose

creepy isn't the right word at all, plus it's girl talk. cut it out.
It's a masterpiece of talmundic marketing. first, notice the thumbnail is this jewess flashing fuck me eyes, her last name is "jefferson" and children of all races are folding the american flag.

so basically, it's targeting men with a breeding aged semite, while also subtly shitting on them at the same time.
it's a jewess posing as a muslim to promote candy to neckbeards. If it was for virtue signalling points, they would have got a darker sandnigger.

polite sage because this is probably for cisbuster outrage clicks.

Attached: 8452421019e30158c356e2571ce97a59bd0259a759a1f5891368b323b4fbf791.png (680x491, 488.63K)

Spotted the jew

Subscribed to pewdiepie*

mein neger

I'm 55yrs old, I remember when it was a big BOYCOTT deal because Nestle's was pushing Baby Formula on dumb African mothers as "the modern thing to do". Once they start their baby on Formula their tits soon dry up (body thinks baby died) and then can't restart when they discover Nestle's jacked up the price on NEXT stage of Formula, AND….their growing baby demands much more Formula than a 3day old newborn.
Yeah, I hate niggers too, but what an evil company.
And of course their Formula was shit back in 1970 even more than today, and even worse if you were an African who might not be able to do every fucking thing right all the time.
Anyone wanna bet the person behind all this was Jewish?


I know theres a disclaimer that this is an actress…. but has anyone checked if Fatima Jefferson is a real mudslime? or is it a kikess actress? How does one go about finding actors of television commercials on the webs?

Nestle? NESTLE?? WOW.
Hey guys, remember that time Nestle got a bunch of third worlders to use their baby formula, and then, when the third-world mothers stopped lactating, they raised the price, resulting in malnourishment and lead poisoning as mothers watered down their remaining formula with dirty lead-infused water?é_boycott

Fuck you nestle


Oh, i forgot, it's because you're corrupt diseased shitfucking niggers and you don't give a fuck about actual human suffering

Attached: ba1.jpg (497x732, 40.82K)

Makes me wonder how many shekels Nestle has in their Swiss based bank accounts. Billions im sure.

^ this is all you need to know about nestle

oh yeah
i forgot one
this one is even better

nestle really loves niggers and mud people! SO much that they'll abuse and prey on them.

Three years of soy during a humans most delicate growing and hormone balance age of their entire life…what do you think?

Attached: soyboys 1.jpg (1600x1600 85.28 KB, 397.67K)

Im one of the lucky ones. My mother gibs me milkers when i was born. Breastmilk is a core essential.

Yeah studies show children that are breastfed have a 10 point higher iq. My fed out for 18 months.

My wife sorry.

Based on watching animals breastfeed I determined when I was young that certain mothers had higher quality milk than others. We used to force breastfeed off the highest quality mothers so that we had the highest quality livestock. Certain mothers are just SUPERIOR to others…something in the milk…even lower quality offspring from another mother would turn out better on SUPERIOR MILK STOCK.

This user has a fine understanding of livestock milk gains in ranching.

-tips ten gallon hat-

my mom said Formula babies have a bad smell, and that breast fed baby shit barely stinks until they start with other food.
Mother deer will eat baby's turds while its breast feeding, supposedly to elude predators.
Yeah, they are still finding reasons breast feeding is better.
I guess that whole artificial wombs and sex-bots is gonna have a few probs too, if they can't even get Formula right after 100yrs.

Yep, I remember some of that.
I want to pimp it out in connection to Black Bus Boycott, Japanese Whaling Boycott, South African Boycott, etc to support the anti-Israel BDS boycott.
IMO some real traction could be found with a good meme linking those boycotts with current anti-Israel boycott, especially the part where the Kikes are pushing to make it illegal.


Is that the cucked ass boy scouts? That's not virtue signaling, that's spiking the football after destroying one of America's oldest institutions.

I recently heard that even without pregnancy, sperms injected into a woman will impart some of their DNA somehow, and that THAT will affect later births even if by other DNA….
so all your gut feelings about your baby's momma's prior sexual encounters was 110% correct and once again Racism and Hate is proven scientifically correct.

That's a good point. I've never really participated in these propaganda wars - maybe it's time to learn photoshop.

You just gave me the plot for my next "The X-Files" rip-off script. Ex-Nazi govt mad-scientists discover that baby's DNA can be affected by DNA of Soy and other plants and maybe sperms, but sperms of what animal, etc.

its the Southern uber-Zio-cuck States (Texas not sure about others yet) that are putting anti-BDS into law.
I'm smelling a ripe opportunity to CLOSELY associate Zio-cuck-cons of today with Racist White Bigots of Civil Rights.

"Names, fashions and calendars change, but some people never do"

IMO it will help greatly that they have the same exact ACCENTS and general appearance today pushing for anti-BDS laws as they had in 1960s-70s fighting Civil Rights.

I'd like to see a youtube of unattractive pasty overweight "mean White person" (bonus if they are Jewy-looking) hollering nearly same way about BDS and Civil Rights decades apart, with a "We didn't back down then, damned if we're gonna back down today"

PS-also some video of IDF vs Pals that is nearly a perfect choreographed match for "pigs VS Negroes" in Civil Rights, and something referencing TIME SPAN of Pals living under Occupation from '47-today VS Slaves Free in 1864 and Civil Rights in 1964.

That's really the best part. There is greater demand for pro-globohomo mudslimes than there is supply so they had to invent one to give the cat ladies something to shlick to.

Attached: D0YcDn8WkAAr_xz.jpg (694x696, 48.76K)

Even worse are the muzzies infecting /tv/

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You must be one of the new people here, or is Brock paying you?

Yeah, that's real organic. Is this Sandy Vag Ocasi herself?

Threadly reminder that you should breastfeed children for 2+ years for best development. Also, consider adding high-quality grassfed raw milk to your diet for similar enzymes/bacteria to breatmilk.

How to Recognize a Semite

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Begging to be replaced with foreskin-intact cock.

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based and milkpilled

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nice work, she looks Jewish
Columbia U grad


Jewish CEO + Catlady Senior VP Marketing Services = Jew LARPing as a Muslim Girl-Scout

every damn time.
do we really want Jews touching our food?

That face. They're purposely trying to make you mad. It's gotta be SJW trolling.
Good thing Nestle only makes shit chocolate, I'll continue buying my Dutch and Swiss varieties, thank you very much.

Don't blame Nestle, they don't handle the branding in the US anymore.

nicely put.
Butt I never liked the Boi Scouting guys, even before I found out it was all started by a Homo (who never molested any bois, honest, he was just a man who loved MEN, really).
I'm just not much of a "joiner". I was into the outdoors more than any of the Scouts I knew, since my parents refused to buy a TV on parenting grounds. But I was into mischief, not wearing a uniform.

Muslim women love chocolate, strange but true. There must be some way that we can use this weakness against them.


Better to make her a coal burner so that the kikes will bitch about race mixing revealing their hypocrisy.

also fuck you for making me find a nigger cock png

Attached: nigger crunch.png (910x874, 1.12M)

Honestly everyone who works for Nestle is on the same list as everyone who works for google, kikebook, the DNC and various NGO's. They all get the fucking rope

Not only that; the baby gets its immune system from its mother's milk. That milk contains not only all the antibodies against all the diseases that the mother has but against all the diseases that all the mothers mothers from time immemorial. Deprive a baby of its mothers' milk, you deprive it of it's right to the collective immune systems of all its ancestors.

I bet you she'd enjoy that nigger dick in her mouth a million times more than that shitty candy bar.

I just couldn't resist. It's deeply embedded in my childhood brain.

Are these giant corporations trying to piss us off on purpose? They must know its unpopular and they will lose sales, yet they keep pushing this agenda? Notice they disable likes and dislikes and comments on the video too. Cowards! if they are so confident its a good message why do they need to disable comments and likes?


That nose.

Attached: Screenshot_20190405-022739-01.jpeg (154x177, 8.39K)


(((They))) think it's their time now to rile up the lesser races against whites to start a race war now.

If you aren't rural yet you better go because it's like in prison now: Stick with your race or "victim" group.

If you don't stick around your kind prepare to get ambushed and assaulted or worse sooner rather than later and (((they))) will cover it up.

Bezmenov on demoralization in America

are you fucking retarded?
Civcuck detected. That alone makes you retarded.

It's the antibodies. Having a better immune system generally means you'll turn out better.

Gas yourself.

Nestle is evil, and this is something that just about everyone can agree upon. This looks like Nestle pushing typical kike shit to us, and to a lot of people on the left it's going to look like Nestle very brazenly trying to virtue signal to get good PR, despite being notably evil.

It's entirely possible that those things are disabled for another reason: Nestle has a long history of evil, and they're afraid people are going to comment about their water stealing, formula pushing, or something else.

If you point that out to the left, they'll flip. They'll flip out on you first, but they will also flip out on Nestle.

100% real chocolate? wow.
The highest I've ever found before has been 85-90% cocoa.
Hard to believe that a penny store bar aimed at children and teenagers is going to be 100%. Good way to cause the shits.

Nestle "chocolate" is palm oil- and soy-filled garbage that has been linked to high incidence of cancer in rodents. I have not touched their products for almost ten years now. No way I am putting this shit into my system.
You want chocolate, get Belgian. Even low-end stuff like Guylian is miles better than anything Nestle has.


Also Nestle is a prime player in the coming (already in progress) Water Wars.

Allah, smite all Kikes

Trips of tardation.


what are you JEWISH?

nice reddit spacing kike

Muhammedan detected

Do we really want our MORTAL ENEMIES who have sworn to murder us touching ANYTHING OF OURS? No…we don't.

be honest some jews are cute but the one they choose is a. ugly despite her eyes and b. giving a very odd look as she bites that chocolate.
She looks silly while opening up the bar and going to bite it, before the cut. Looks nervous and hurried, bad acting.

What a disgusting semite. I'm trying to avoid Nestle products anyway

Support your local white farmers


imo 8ch is under government control. Q hinted at it. inb4 qlarp. but it makes sense, believe him or not. keep it around at the least as a honey pot. i like to think someone at the top still loves free speech for the people, but there's no way that's it lol

Sorry, my bad, I would just type it out in German so that it can have proper high and low meaning if I ever get off my lazy ass and take German. English is as close to being worthless for expression as a language as it gets. You can't 'locate' anything in space time and you can't impart high and low meanings and inflections with any real success.


That dried mud isn't chocolate, invest the money into proper chocolate or don't bother.

Attached: DR_boite.jpg (1200x1050, 214.88K)

I think Nestle is mostly clay and filler, isn't it?

all formula contains soy. there is literally not a single soy-free option on the market.
not everyone can breast feed, especially if the baby was born prematurely due to complications.

goats milk however can be used as a substitute.

Breast milk is A NEEDED REDPILL!

Understands English.

There's two things that produce a cheaper (but lower quality) chocolate, if you read old school literature about characters considering a tiny bar a delicacy, this is why. Although you can make it into a powder at the source and it ships a lot easier and could be made into a chocolate drink with a less noticeable drop in taste. During WW1, American GIs actually drank more chocolate drink than they did coffee.

1) The process of "sweating" the chocolate that produces a chocolate like sludge that has the look and feel of real chocolate, but is bland and tasteless… so candy companies then mix milk, butter, sugar and/or espresso powder to the sludge to imitate the taste of real chocolate.

2) The best chocolate in the world still comes from the Amazon rainforest and for it to taste the best it has to be shipped fresh and is rather fickle. Locally produced chocolate can never match the real stuff and Hershey's in America patented a factory style greenhouse chocolate mini-tree that is used extensively in cheap but horrible quality chocolate.

Chocolate should be a luxury and enjoyed as such. A couple of squares here and there, and an entire bar only for special occasions.

Attached: kernow-chocolate-home-slider-top.jpg (1772x998, 79.91K)

Here's why this was done:

To anger and outrage americans and direct that anger towards Muslims, to distract and divert attention away from the real enemy: The kikes.

Everything targetting muslims you see and are going to see is carefully concocted by the kikes to try to create a scapegoat enemy to put something between (((them))) and us.