For a long time now we have been hearing the radical leftists demanding that we abolish ICE, open our borders and let in everyone. If their goal is to combine them and us, in this way, it makes us feel violated. Our border and our soveriegnty is violated. And we see them as parasites sucking the blood from the body of our country.
We could invert this strategy against us into a strategy against them by pushing for WAR with Mexico. If we conquer and annex Mexico, they will have no reason to cross our border because they will already be here. We crush their corrupt government. We use their own people against them. If these refugees want jobs and citizenship, I have a job, it's called soldiering. We give them rifles and send them right back into their shithole with instructions to take it over. We take all of their resources, and make all of their citizens our, including making them take our tax burden on all of their descendants the way it burdens all of our descendants.
I've been reading up on Chinese methods lately and I think they have the right idea when they enforce cultural norms. When they have a Muslim in China, they make them drink alchohol, eat pork, and speak mandarin. You are not allowed to have your own little culture and language in China. It's a bit draconian, but it does generate greater homogeneity in Chinese society which strengthens their society.
You should try not to drown on israeli semen first though
Lincoln Edwards
should start mining the other side of the border. give those invaders a nice surprise.
Joseph Martinez
A survey I read once indicated that a disturbingly large percentage of Mexicans would be cool with a sudden annexation of Mexico by the USA. But I'm not one of them. Bring it, whiteboy.
Jacob Brooks
Jeremiah Bell
also genuinely cringe and underageb&
Christopher Wright
You have no power here kike
Aaron Nguyen
Go to bed jordan
Matthew Gray
The US just needs to fire bomb all the border cities, push the border in like 50 miles and take the land. That would solve quite a bit.
Ryder Rodriguez
Typical kike
Oliver Russell
sent US troops to cut off North Mexico about 400 miles from Border, then DE-populate the sparse northern most 400 miles of what used to be Mexico by shipping everyone south across their NEW border, then declare it a "Security Zone" and "World Wildlife Preserve".
Fact is the USA has 1,000,000X more valid legal reason to invade our hostile southern neighbor than ANY of the wars we've gotten into since WW2.
Samuel Jones
I went to make a cheeseburger like a goddamn American. Yeehaw! I knew what handful of expected responses were coming. And they did. Fucking predictable guys.
So The only actual argument against my idea so far is - Mexicans are the enemy, don't arm the enemy and expect it to work out. Right? We already have the path to citizenship through military service. This has been a thing for a long time. Many of the people trying to flee to the US for a better life, we just need to mold them into a useful weapon. The army is really good at instilling discipline and getting people to follow orders. You see them just as an enemy while I am seeing them as a resource. We just need to direct them into this task that will benefit us all.
I feel like a lot of the people coming here are the ones smart enough and rich enough to GTFO of a bad spot. Mexico is a corrupt shithole by all accounts. They are also fucking cowards with none of the American concepts of taking liberty by force via revolution if necessary. We just need to teach them how to be better. With military discipline.
Michael Gomez
We should just take the whole thing. Everything straight down into central America. We are gonna need that oil eventually, right?
Kevin Young
rich agricultural lands (avocados, peppers, corn), reclaim lost manufacturing jobs, large amounts of additional coastline and a large influx of christians (catholics).
we know mexicans can be bought since they sold out to narcos so they can be bought with social security and health care.
Brandon Ross
Yeah, see this guy gets it. We can turn a shitty border crisis into the catalyst for a new golden age of US domination.
Luke Cox
Nah, the best way to go about it is to invade Mexico and save what's left of the White race there by undoing the Mexican Revolution and putting in programs that'll decrease the Mestizo population while rising the Whites. If we're lucky, it'd be similar to in demographics to Argentina. To annex that many people would be Puerto Rico on a bigger scale, those people will never assimilate. They're not like Muslims with explicit orthodoxic practices that they need to follow, they're Catholics. They just cuck out to the Pope, anything other than that they're nearly the same as Protestants. What are you gonna force a Mexican to stop doing? To stop them from wearing a hijab? To stop them from eating Tacos? Best you can do is stop them speaking Spanish but we've had Puerto Rico for over a century and they still speak the language. Sage for subtle shilling for China. TL;DR - Will support if it's to save the white race in Mexico, annexing it is too much trouble. That's why we didn't annex the whole thing in the first place.
Christopher Bennett
The only real problem I see is that they don't have our values. We would need to reeducate them, which leads me into my second idea.
Religion has pro's and cons. Social cohesion, a network of charity and support, and a sense of purpose and moral guidance are all great. The downside is magical thinking and illogical antique superstition. What I suggest is we ban all religion, and scrap the education system. We replace it with a nondenominational cult of education, that teaches our values and principles of Western society handed down from the greeks n shit. You could get all the benefits of a religion without all that nonsense getting in the way.
Christian Edwards
When I went to Mexico on Spring Break the thing even us dumb know-nothing college kids, including the girls who knew literally nothing of practical matters, was "these Mexicans could easily do so-&-so and be SO much better off".
They don't just want a "better life", they want to take it from someone else, to avoid having to create it themselves. Such is the history of BOTH SIDES of Spanish and Aztec DNA of Mexicans. IMO, after 50+yrs in CA, its that Mexicans are the 2nd most toxic people after Blacks.
Jayden Foster
not gonna bump a shit tier thread made by an underage warhammer roleplayer who thinks declaring war on mexico is a realistic possibility. let's not even delve into his asinine durr hurr arm the refugees, how fucking stupid can you be? surely that could never go wrong. this board is such a joke when little faggot roleplayers like you and OP piss and moan about JEW, SHILL, NEWFAG anytime someone calls you out for being a retarded niggerfaggot. go the fuck back to cuckchan, or reddit, or wherever the fuck you congregate and stay there
Jonathan James
these sorts of problems can be solved in 1 generation. You just need to take the kids. Hitler youth style.
Dylan Jackson
Threads made by obvious conservatives pushing their thinly disguised ZOG Kalergi plan laced with patriotard window dressing are the worst.
James Cruz
What a cynical bunch :P
Evan Garcia
Your army can't even defeat a bunch of gang bangers. Wtf are you going to do against an army of remote operated drones, low orbital bombardment with kinetic weapons and hundreds of thousands of pounds of explosives? Having said that you can keep it, there is no point. We want less Mexicans not more.
Joshua Sullivan
Ever wonder why Albania is a better place to live than Cameroon despite the shared Muslim values?
My idea was literally to turn the Mexicans around and send them back to kill each other. How is that not a win-win scenario for you guys?
Liam Ortiz
Take the hint and leave already.
Adrian Parker
no :)
Gavin Morris
Kayden Wilson
You guys are gonna love when Yang is prez and China takes over lolz
Matthew Murphy
Trump is a mixed bag. He isn't Clinton so automatic win. He kept us out of the TPP, fuck that deal, he kept us out of the paris accords, fuck that deal too. He bombed the shit out of many muslims. All of these things appeal to me.
But he is being a real faggot about this border situation. I want blood.
I elected him as a joke and as a protest. He has been a glorious meme-lord and he never stops pissing off the cunty left, but I always knew he would be put in check on any meaningful immigration reform. Too many rich and powerful forces align against him.
Adam Watson
Zig Forums is a board of peace. report, sage, and hide.
Lincoln Reyes
Joshua Price
Oliver Ward
Who cares. Debt is made up jewish magic anyway. I'm never gonna pay back anything. Eat my ass.
Aaron Stewart
Has it ever occurred to any of you that Mexico isn't the USA? We don't function the same, does not make us dysfunctional. We fight for our rights all the time. Almost too much, the 19th century was a revolution every 15 years. Of course the USA beat us so easily we were constantly crippling ourselves over whether Mexico should be a confederation or a federation or whatever.
But seriously, if a company gyps somebody here you're likely to see that particular business being defamed on a billboard for shady practices.
Adrian Wood
This month 100,000 of them came to US. So the reason not to Annex from our first war with Mexico, probably doesn't hold water anymore. So fucking many of them are already here.
Liam Fisher
Because neither the narcos, nor the army, nor the patriots, nor the small town folk are gonna like it.
Jonathan Morgan
you won't be asked to be like us, you will be told. with mexico annexed narcos will be a terrorist group. i wonder just what kind of assets narcos have that can be seized.>>13078429
Cameron Edwards
The Kombucha mushroom people Sitting around all day Who can believe you Who can believe you
Let your mother pray (sugar)
Lincoln James
Like I said, bring it on.
Andrew Sanchez
The Narcos situation is interesting. I heard we sent in special forces to take over the cartels and then they decided to just run the cartels and then the US couldn't stop them because they knew all of the methods that could be used against them from being trained by the US.
Dominic Ross
mijo, you couldn't even beat texas when it was alone
Elijah Parker
Alternatively we could use all these refugees as slave labor by putting them into our prison industrial complex. Force them to make jeans for 5 cents an hour and it will feel just like home.
Chase Murphy
I mean, if we are using them for labor I would make them build the wall, and then build a moat in front of that wall, and then raise the alligators that go in the moat in front of the wall.
Michael Brooks
the war on narcos will be the next money making scheme like the war on drugs.
Charles Anderson
Another fun Idea, that anyone could do at any time. Step 1: Buy some pirahna's. Step 2: release them in the rio grande.
Hudson Turner
Santa Anna was a prick and the logistics of sending an army from central Mexico to the north and then to Texas at the time were insane. He could have won the war if it wasn't for some bad luck or bad decisions, as I understand, but with our geography and lack of population at the time it was almost no contest.
But now the population foot is on the other hand and the USA is filled with Mexicans. So good luck fighting a war against us.
Kevin Smith
Hahaha. I think I meant population shoe on the other foot.
Michael Bell
Nah bro, it's not a war against you, its a war for you, to liberate you from the corrupt Mexican government. Let us save you. Help us save you. You are already us. You said it yourself. Why fight yourself. Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself…
What if we bypass Mexico and go after the dead fish Venezuela. The people there would suck our dicks for a saltine cracker at this point. Total economic collapse makes them ripe for annexation.
Hudson Kelly
Lots of the 'refugees' aren't even actually Mexican, they just travel through Mexico. So going after the source …
Christian Rodriguez
you seem to forget that texas was filled with mexicans when texas declared its independence. they knew they were better off with the anglo settlers so they (mexicans) betrayed their motherland and rebelled.
mexico has turned into a 3rd world shit hole where women get abducted in mass to be sold into prostitution, government officials and journalists are not just bought but killed and violence is carried out in broad daylight.
the united states declaring war on mexico with the purpose of annexation will bring law to the lawless and economic prosperity for the mexican people.
for american politicians its war for the war hawks, money for the military industrial complex, latinos get more of their own kind, religious conservatives and farmers/ranchers gain power in congress.
president trump will solve the border crisis not by excluding but including. by force by hey results are results.
Benjamin Brown
The Democrats would probably be into it too, 1. because war is a business and 2. it would add many more socialist leaning states to the united states. This is a problem in my opinion. Unfortunately it's a problem whether we conquer Mexico or simply absorb all of it's best people while it dies under its own failures.
Ayden Scott
Cry some moar, you will never be white
Tyler Perry
God damn this is the funniest thread ive read in a long time
Carson Sullivan
Shame, we could have converted them when we had the chance, now that everyones a giant pussy it's never going to happen and they'll just wind up taking the SouthWest back again
Luke Peterson
You made me laugh out loud my friend. It was a deep belly laugh that made my huge cock rub up against my inner thigh and pull free from where I keep it teathered during work to prevent the ladies from being distracted. Now I have to go adjust my harness, thank you though, I needed the laugh.
Carter Morales
There is no viable invasion route to Venezuela.
Michael Diaz
No shit. It's the insult behind it, like they think we're too stupid to see what they're up to.
Ayden Long
There is only one enemy of humanity and it isn't Mexico.
Zachary Gonzalez
Lol OP you won't do shit.
Neither will the rest of you pussies on this thread.
James Morgan
No need, just kill everyone trying to come over the border and mass deport everyone else including their kids. Anyone opposing this is engaged in sedition and a traitor=kill them on site. Anyone trying to stop such actions is giving aid to the enemy=kill.
Alexander Carter
True. There is not that many countries you didn't declared war against. You should declare war on Russia, China, India, Israel and Pakistan too.
It is a War already that the USA is losing badly. $6,000,000, six million dollars In Food Stamp Fraud in CA, guess who; Maria Teresa Ramirez, 37, Maria Magdalena Salgado, 54, and Yessica Raquel Garay, 37. Additional money and additional people being charged. Palmdale; 2016; 59.9% Hispanic, 23.4% White in 2000 Palmdale was; 37.7% Hispanic, 41% White .Hispanic in CA; 2016; 39.9% Hispanic, 37.5% White . White is an actual MINORITY in CA. . pic related Palmdale Shopping Mall
Enjoy your karma burgers. Same shit that happen to Brits. You play world police and declare war on everyone. And then you become minority in your country. 23% white. How many % (((white))) do you think you have there? Jews will suck all your resources and throw you under bus like they always do.
Jayden Sullivan
>How many % (((white))) do you think you have there? this city-data has it listed as "White Alone" according to the Census 2000 and 2010 (2016 est) questions. . Hispanics from South of the Border of Spanish Decent (Spain) often identify as White Alone. . Map. States MIXED UP, but still shows interactive numbers. city-data
They are mostly castizo these days, though. So only nominally white unless you are very lax about amerindian admixture.
Jackson Wright
There's no point in declaring war if it won't be total war. It's all just been a means to secure economic resources for the jews to profit.
Adrian Garcia
I'm willing to bet that faggot migrated to the US. He's been brainwashed by your propaganda machine. Now ZOG is invading us. Do us a a favor and burn hollywood down to the ground.
Kayden Green
Wow! Great idea, OP. That way we'll ensure that America becomes a third world country even faster.
Ah but you forgot one thing, OP; With what army will you be invading and conquering Mexico?
Zachary Brown
Wow. Sick burn. You sure showed that guy. You must have an IQ of at least 30! Damn!
Christian detected…
Wyatt Kelly
Luke Butler
I have the feeling he is trying to get the fucking congress to do something so when a new prez gets in they already have a law and cant just open the fu king border to every spic nigger south of our border….but thats just my op.
Dominic Rodriguez
We cant get a staight answer anywhere……b but hey look at this ………FUCK YOU !
Hunter Gutierrez
Wow some more fucking lies about population man you need to Go kys……nobody knows how many mutcherfuckers are even in this country anymore…..nothing and I mean nothing is above board any more everything is propaganda for someone elses bull shit…….
Matthew Rivera
They are lieing to you because they get more funding for spics niggers and sandniggers, Wyts dont bring gov gibs… the others do.
John Long
So basically bring in every fucking spic? No thanks.
Chase Russell
Kill yourself shitskin, you will never be white, nor welcome.
Wyatt Clark
Yeah I am well aware. I spent some time in SoCal, I've been to Tijuana. There are white Mexicans, I knew one who actually went through the citizenship process. That's the kind of immigration I can support. The only war with Mexico is maybe a demographic one and yeah we are losing it. Gee I can't imagine why poor people spend all their time fucking and making babies while the rich white yuppies reenact that first scene from Idiocracy until the only offspring they can produce look like this.
In ancient times when you went to war you would attack, rape, loot, and probably kill. Ghengis Khan wiped people out entirely. No survivors in many cases. So I find it perplexing when war in my time only involves spending infinite money to drop infinite bombs on the middle east for Israel. We don't take the land, we don't rape the women, we end up poorer than we started because we take no loot and we leave the enemy alive to hate us forever. It's the dumbest way to wage war.