Read, screenshot, and archive. This is hilarious.
Read, screenshot, and archive. This is hilarious.
You know why.
Why are you asking this stupid question?
There is no meaningful differentiation as regards the demographic future of the US, between legal and illegal immigration.
Did anyone even ask him if he's jewish?
Does it even matter? He looks like a spic who just wants to import more of his own kind to gain more political power over Whites.
Of course.
They often do.
Jesus Christ take a look at this one…
whatcha slidin, rabbi?
A (((ludenpresse))) journo getting BTFO is always relevant, even if reddit
Reddit "AMA's" are all fake, dumb nigger
his name is Alan [[[Gomez]]] so of course he is hispanic
also, can we make [[[wall brackets]]] a thing?
no kikes
no dykes
pro life
pro white
They have bred global agents
are they trying to make us all tranny lookin
Posting for any eurofag in the room
No joke, this is what the EU is planning to do in Africa. The day this happens, western Europe is fucked.
You'd be surprised at how many (((spics))) are actually just sephardic jews
It used to be that "Portuguese" was synonymous with Sephardi.
You take that back, motherfucker.
-1/10 would not smash
-1 (mod 11) is congruent to 10 (mod 11). Degenerate.
That's a fellow white man.
hi newkike, keep shitting up the board
i guess even leftist redditors are against illegal immigration. still many steps away from ethnonationalism
i'd be interested in hearing you elaborate on that if you'd care to
beginning to understand why some for outright killing gays
>You'd be surprised at how many (((spics))) are actually just sephardic jews
OP guy looks like a jew
Reddit is waking up, spic.
How is this crap one of the top three selling newspapers in America?
There's nothing in it but the usual bullshit, except even less entertaining, you can read it in five minutes, and it looks like a parish newsletter or one of those free sheets you find on public transportation.
The New World Order must just buy it up in bulk.
Spam isn't kosher. Better go torture a chicken for a while moshe.
Not even with a shovel?
Used to be the only national paper you could reasonably trust when your other choices were completely liberal rags like NYT. But that was decades ago and they went downhill with the internet like most things.
Why are you so mad at this thread, dude?