Stress testing the diversity fantasy

It's time to gear up.

In the past there have been various articles of jewporters failing to comprehend why gays are voting far-right.

Now we are seeing what we expected for years: As the minorities gain positions of power and demographic strength, homophobia is rising.

I hope you all realize the tilt that can occur in a matter of mere months at this point.
Progressives are stuck. Checkmate. Why?
Because their utopia is one where everyone (except white males) live in harmony. Yet the reality is that many of these groups simply clash. The fundamentally do not get along. The Muslims and the LGBT are the most prominent group. Of course other groups clash as well. Certain sects of Islam. Many groups and Jews. Afghans clash with everyone. Africans and hispanics.

The left consistently falls short when it's time to pick sides.
[YouTube] White liberal women defending homophobic refugees (embed)
White liberal women, who are no doubt massively pro degenerate LGBT, always pick for the hateful homophobic migrant, when it's time to pick their favourite oppressed minority.

We need to do something with this. We need to push on this. Once people realize that there will never be a progressive utopia, it will all fall apart entirely. It starts with one group, and it will continue to shatter. The entire concept is based on something any sane person knows just doesn't work.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I should probably not just copypaste threads.

These are what's known as entry-level redpills. And I don't mean that in a bad way.

The last few years marked a very strong push away from focusing on how SJWs got everything wrong. Places like reddit and others influenced by GamerGate continued to focus on SJWs. Basically Zig Forums made a lot of gains teaching people to expose SJWs and controlled opposition platforms made a lot of influence and money piggy-backing off of it, but Zig Forums was more interested in getting people to name the jew and exposing the sham of controlled opposition.

It was more or less a win-win, but it was also a double-edged sword. SJWs are low-hanging fruit. They're easily despised and using them as a boogeyman and a strawman makes anyone on the fence not want to be associated with them. This is why the mainstream media does everything they can to pretend SJWs don't exist, so there's still a large portion of the boomer and Gen X left that don't even know what SJWs are, but are part of the party and side led around by it. You will never see a stereotypical tumblr-hamwhale on daytime news, even though parties like the democrats cater to them regularly and benefit off of SJW outrage.

The double-edged sword lies in getting trapped focusing on them. As mentioned before, Zig Forums has been focusing on getting everyone to name the jew, mostly targeting people already primed by their healthy disdain of SJWs. Those who haven't been redpilled get sucked into the false reality of the (((alt-right))) where everything is designed to keep you focusing on fighting the SJWs and not the jews, traitors (e.g. politicians), and jewish pets (shitskins). The jews inside the alt-right such as (((Ben Shapiro))) are basically entertainers, providing regular opportunities to see him btfo the left, but the moment you want to talk about the unambiguous atrocities committed by jews and their white genocide schemes, suddenly that wit and reason used to combat the left (sjws) is gone and replaced by kvetching and fallacies (e.g. appeal to emotion).

Overall, this is why you rarely see threads strictly focusing on exposing the left, aka sjw threads. I see their use because they're easy for normalfags to access, and in many ways Zig Forums would not be as popular today without this type of content. But there is also the double-edged sword, where time spent exposing SJWs is not time spent exposing jews and their schemes.

Threads like these could be repurposed as a General where everyone collects 2014-2016 entry-level type material. Zig Forums started the SJW-outrage train, and can still do it better than the alt-right and reddit. Once you're aware of SJWs and against them, you don't want to be like them. I've said that many times before in the past and still see that realization by normalfags. It is definitely a gateway redpill:
Guess where the alt-right and associated online circles stop at? They see where Zig Forums leads you so they keep you in a feedback loop at step 1.

This is a real flash-point in the UK now. Britanons should consider disguising themselves as sandniggers (easy enough with fake tan and beards), then distributing Islamic-themed anti-LGBT flyers wherever you think they will stir the most shit.

This wouldn't work in my opinion.
We already have copious amounts of evidence of their hatred of gays. The problem isn't that there isn't enough evidence of it, the problem is that faggots don't wanna see. They can still look the other way in relative peace (provided they avoid certain areas). We can't allow them to avoid the consequences of their own voting patterns. We don't need to antagonize Muslims. We need to rub the evidence of it in LGBT faces.

We are indeed talking about entry level, because this is about redpilling the true delusional ones. The people that truly need to tiniest little redpill their clenched up buttholes can tolerate. It's not about your average right-winger.

I perhaps didn't make my intentions clear enough, and that's on me. I have no interest in conflict with the SJWs. I've done that for several years, on several succesful platforms, and the profit was great. I treated all of those instances as not a debate with the SJW in front, but a fight for the perception of the bystanders. And I agree that that time has passed. They served their purpose.

My purpose here is not the SJWs, it's the average leftist, the average LGBT. The average left-leaning normie that still thinks this is all just right-wing propaganda.

Why do liberals love niggers?

When women are left without strong men setting boundaries their retarded idealism expands all over the place. When women like this find themselves at age 35, childless after 2 decades of progressive sluttery, their motherly instincts, yet ruined by a twister worldview, is still intact, and projects itself onto the dregs of society, and sadly, through voting rights, onto all of society.

That's the short answer.

Well those apes look so ugly.

Yeah but that only appeals to women's motherly instinct to care for the needy.
Even looking at this video you know that's an adult man saying stuff that they would get enraged about if a white man said it. But they hold him to a lower standard, because he's a helpless low IQ retard and deep down they know this.

It would be funny to do those "It is ok to be White" t-shirts but make it "It is ok to be an Islamophobe."

Muslim invaders are extremely dangerous and need to be exterminated. I'd rather be executed as a degenerate in a white ethnostate than endure a european calphate

"It is ok to be an Homophobe."
"It is ok to be an Antisemitic."
"It is ok to be an Pedophobe."


"It is ok to be a Constituationalist."
"It is ok to value self defense."
"It is ok to defend your nation." (Hail Saint Tarrant)

Fixed for you. Leftists are born failures.
As for hating faggots, it is the natural state of any living being. Always kill faggots simply for existing and being what they are.
Deceive opposing groups to meet each other. The more aggressive group will attack the less aggressive one, and leftists will be caught between both. Example: always spread info about faggot parades or gatherings to mudslime groups. Incite them to go there and attack and kill as many faggots as they can. Another example: make spics and niggers meet each other whenever one of those groups starts some protest or parade. They will attack each other on sight.

This. But up the game: seize the opportunity to kill some faggots, to clean the world of them.

It's not about being pro or anti faggotry. It's about leveraging a weakness.

Honestly great idea on the faggotry. Perhaps even hold a gay pride rally during Ramadan in a Muslim area or something. In the past though, we've seen gays eagerly reorganize and replan entire events to not have to upset Muslims.

Sodomites get the rope.
No exceptions.

Attached: molestation.png (895x931, 88.88K)

You guys are supposed to be less retarded than 4chan.

This isn't about faggots. It's about exploiting a weakness in the progressive narrative.

it's not just that honestly. There are two types of homo, the ones that have a sexual fetish for perverting the mainstream culture, basically gay weddings in church, adopting little boys and so on, they do it to gratify a sexual fetish for dominance.
Then there are the ones that actually like being a part of a perverted, drug-fuelled non-PC subculture and don't want any of that shit out in the mainstream, and these guys are pretty redpilled about political issues and generally quite knowledgeable about the world works if you know what i mean.

This sounds retarded. It's like saying "it is ok to treat illness".

Potato nigger here.
We have a politician here called Catherine Zappone. She's a lesbian. Guess what job she has? Yes, you guessed it, she's Minister for children and youth affairs.
Our Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, who is half-pakistani, is also a faggot. As is our president, Michael D. Higgins. His boyfriend is his "assistant" Kevin McCarthy.
Did you also know, our homosexual president Michael D. Higgins is a bit of a poet? He published "New and Selected poems" a while ago. One of his poems is a tender description of a donkey…it's called "The Ass".
Just to repeat, we have a homosexual president…who wrote a poem…
…called "The Ass".
No I'm not making this up.


The Jew is the Boss Monster. A Black Magic Necromancer.
He keeps throwing out zombies and skeletons to attack you.
It's true that the Jew is the Boss that must be defeated, but you can't just attack him and completely ignore his minions.
You have to take a few of them down and then attack the Boss. Back off to take care of a few more skeletons and the attack the Boss again.
You have to take the time to knock down a few minions in between attacks or else they will swarm you and kill you.

Pic related…..this reminds me of illegals not breaking the laws of our GREAT NATION !


Lets all pretend to be muslims and troll the fuck out fo the LGBTQP community like call for their death and banning them and shit lmao

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Fuck you moshe. I'm LARPing as a kike.

Attached: jews are problematic.jpg (525x350, 30.4K)

You are a KIKE so that wont be very difficult for you…you'll feel right at home pussy

Beloved potato nigger…it is time to overthrow ZOG, don't you think?

Whenever someone criticises the multiculti i tell them
I printed stickers with "This is a sharia-zone", as suggested by Brenton Tarrantino, and put them up all over town, in the most white neighbourhoods.
I put up petitions and posters in my old university to ask for pork-free meals to be more inclusive. I am planning to do the same with other schools.
I put up stickers on restaurants that say "NOT HALAL" in Arabic, in a nice judenster-design.
I petition the theatre to ban white artists, to promote diversity.
I made four fake roadsigns that say: NO DOGS ALLOWED, and hint at the muslim presence being the reason, and put them up at the park.

My next idea is to get some white spraypaint and change the roadsigns to "FOR MUSLIMS ONLY". Like you have in Dubai.
Honestly im having a lot of fun seeing the reactions. It both pains my heart and warms it, when i see an old lady scratch the stickers off the lampposts. But my people need to realise this is where were heading. They need to wake up.

I don't disagree that we can do something to increase leftist cannibalism, but it has nothing to do with making them see logic. They don't, which is why they believe utopia can happen in the first place. Reality being pushed in their faces every day does nothing. They doublethink away muslim-homo violence, and other "minority group" clashes, because it's not about how well those groups actually get along, it's about how it makes the leftist feel to see minorities together in any circumstance. It's about the leftist consumer's emotional reaction to the idea of utopia, not the reality of trying to implement it ("not real communism"), so any attempts to attack their emotional attachment to the idea using logic will fail.
You need to attack that emotion using some other vector, like using their own revulsion at the idea of "racism" against themselves. Pointing out their own fetishization of brown people as a homogenous group, instead of as individual and differing cultures, would work, with the bonus of subconsciously reinforcing nationalism (focusing on native countries rather than modern erasure/groupings by skin color). You cannot use logic against a leftist, this is psyop 101.

And note: by "leftist," I include the average politically-correct normalfaggot, who is as psychologically enslaved to cultural marxist ideals as any full SJW, even if they don't consciously approve or spout any of it. They have the negative emotional reactions to trigger words like "racist" or "nazi," and that's what keeps them attached to the dream of utopia, the terror of "being evil." You have to show them using their own perspective that they already are "evil," and that continuing to "diversify" everyone will only make them (the individual) moreso.
Attack their morals and values, rather than practical matters they can shove under the rug like "a few faggots killed, the price of utopia." Grab them by the very reins kikes use, until the discomfort shakes them enough to reconsider the benefits of multiculturalism. The reaction you want to achieve isn't:

TL;DR Normalfags operate on feels, not reals, so merely presenting facts is ineffective for mass psychological operations.

Well at least Ireland boycotted Israel.

Word up to my potatoniggers