Hundreds of migrants shut down Greek train station and clash with cops as they try to reopen a land route to Germany in...

Hundreds of migrants shut down Greek train station and clash with cops as they try to reopen a land route to Germany in uprising fuelled by social media

Greece on Friday urged hundreds of migrants and refugees who have gathered in a field close to the country's northern border to return to their housing settlements, otherwise they could face sanctions.
Small groups of people including children arrived at a field next to the migrant camp of Diavata near the border with North Macedonia on Thursday.
By Friday morning there were more than 100 tents pitched in the field, prompted by reports on social media of plans for an organised movement to cross Greece's northwest land border with Albania in early April.
In Athens, a group of about 50 migrants squatted on the tracks of the capital's main railway station shouting 'Germany!' and 'Open the borders.' Several more were at the station under heavy police presence.

Services from the station were suspended.
'We want to go to Thessaloniki and then to the borders,' said Amin Omar, a 27-year-old Iraqi Kurd sitting on the tracks. 'We don't know if they are open.'
Greek Migration Minister Dimitris Vitsas appealed to the migrants at the border to return to the accommodation centres.
'It's a lie that the borders will open,' he told Greek state television ERT. 'In international treaties, there are obligations but there are also sanctions'.
Police parked buses across a road in the area to block an access route.
Tens of thousands of refugees and migrants, mainly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, are stuck in Greece from when Balkan countries shut their borders in 2016. That route was the main passage way to northern Europe.
Vitsas said he hoped those in the field would leave by night.

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Mudslimes are really just pouring into every place they can at really fast rates. Despite Greeks being greasy they're still Christian brothers who should have the support of other countries to help stem the flow of mudslimes, but of course that probably wouldn't work for the jews so they'll force Greece to allow the mudslimes in

Maybe they could return home then. Obviously nobody want them here. You was thinking you will get free money and white lolis to rape? Fuck you and go back to your Allah's desert. Or die by starvation or aids. I don't care.

They bankrupted and now own much of Greece.

You can't own something that is STOLEN.

A man can only 'own' what he can defend and possess.


The eternal christcuck strikes again.
Tell me, would you be this butthurt if the "refugees" were Christians?

There needs to come a point where we just start slaughtering these fuckers otherwise this will never stop

…and their enablers. Also, stop patronizing large corporations, if you can. This is the main reason that I haven't bought a new car, because I can't stand the idea of giving money to people who are genociding us.

What a retarded question, no one's butthurt and of course Christians would be fine

So millions of brown niggers flooding into Europe would be fine if they were Christian?
Good to know.

at least in Italy, one of the first worries of the so called christian ""right"" is that christian sandniggers are being killed in the middle east by sandniggers of the other sand religion
the absolute state of these jew slaves

But they're not Christian so your point is retarded. Checkmate

You cannot be a Christian if you are not the people of God user. There is a genetic requirement that you have ignored in your haste to comply with the kikes plans for a socialist NWO engineered by the FAKE AS FUCK religion 'christianity' which was engineered by that jew fuck traitor 'Paul'. Jesus was HIGHLY SPECIFIC that you NOT GO TO THE HEATHEN/SUBHUMANS, but GO ONLY TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD…ONLY because only they are capable of understanding his message.


Thanks to Stormtards keeping the Nadzee narrative alive the Jews can keep pushing mass immigration.

Well by that definition the Greeks certainly don't own it, do they?


So your kike aids brain thinks letting in all these mudslimes is a good idea? Well, at least we know you're officially a jew

They will do it anyway but you are retarted boomer so you will blame us instead jews.

It is totally 'up for grabs' so the shitskins are possessing it…I guess it makes sense. That is why Saint Tarrant is MY HERO…

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imagine being so fucking braindead you somewhat interpret my post like that, no wonder you are a christmutt; mudslimes and christians alike belong to the oven, especially if they are sandniggers or niggers

Nice job, you've just depopulated all of Eastern Europe.


Still easier to recover from depopulation than from having a christian population actively promoting the inclusion of based holy niggers by virtue of worshiping the same ancient sandnigger.

This isn't cuckchan, your shilling doesn't work here, JIDF.

Christianity is a bigger cancer upon Europeans than the jews themselves.

Actually NO, it is not.
Culture is a product of the people.
How many of the almost 2 billion niggers would flood into Europe
if you got your way, dumb fuck?

None, jew-lover, because jew-lovers are the ones arguing for open borders and pacifism. You see these shitskins as potential converts.

man there's braindead, clinically retarded, and then there's christmutt retarded
If I had it my way no nigger would even have any hope of even wetting their feet in the mediterranean, let alone come to Europe, no matter how much they love based rabbi jeshua
if we had it the christian way, flooding Europe with negroids would be fine as long as they were BASED holy niggers

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Agree. Christianity is out of control today. All they do is sending money to niggers in Africa, and to jews in Israel. Look at vatican. Pedos, satanist and crypto jews. If we come back to more based christianity with cruasaders, i have no problem with LARPing is good christian. But today they are all about gay rights and sucking black christian cocks.

Hi, jewish shill! No one believes a word you say.

It's only the penis raping your ass that's the problem, not the body attached to it doing the thrusting.

Tell me, would you be this butthurt if there were no "refugees" at all, rabbi?

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The only solution is ETHNOGLOBE and the genocide of the subhuman races. Forgot about your petty and retarded squabbles with your own people.

If you don't then we will know that you are a KIKE, user.


You also convince no one with that kind of post.

no surprise here

Kill all non-white immigrants. If you don't, you lose. Violence always was the only solution.

This. To kill is to win.

You can't hide kike.

Try explaining how he's wrong. Evangelicals love Israel and nigger Christians.

the lions are hungry, race traitor

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They need to just start shooting.


How can you begin to deny that Evangelicals love Israel and nigger Christians? I have a video saved that is too big to post where a preacher goes to Israel to proselytize, but only gets mocked the whole time. He still preaches though, not realizing the jews around him find him to be a silly monkey slave.

he's gone into denial mode; once called out, the christmutt's "brain" shuts up and goes into mantra mode

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They need to be educated. It is our failing for not educating them. Don't take it out on them. There was a time before when YOU didn't know what you know now. HE WHO HAS THE KNOWLEDGE AND REFUSES TO SHARE IT WITH HIS BROTHERS IS THE DEGENERATE. THERE IS NO ONE TO BLAME FOR THEIR LACK OF INFORMATION BUT OURSELVES.



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Jesus was also jew just like his followers. Stop being antisemitic user.

Calm down on the caps lock son. I just wanted to see if you were rational, and seeing eye to eye on Evangelicals is a good step. Here's where we differ now though: I don't believe they aren't educated about jews. They've read the Bible, and they understand the implications about the Pharisees and Judea, yet they still try to work with the jews. I cant figure out why.

Go fuck yourself, you goddamn niggerwhore


Only a kike would hate Christianity this much, none of your faggot arguments are anything other then "dead jew on a stick" shit. Of course you could also be a faggot pagan larper, which is just as bad as a jew

Yarr, I thought you wanted to flood europe with catholic niggers. I completely misread it. Apologies. Carry on.

Sorry but could you quote the post where I said "I hate Christianity, dead jew on a stick". I can't seem to remember posting that

except, you know, christmutts being one of the front line players in the negrification of Europe and end of the west

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Of course a kike would say kike shit like that, every single time there's a thread about religion you faggot larpers just shitpost out of nowhere like a bunch of retarded autismos with 0 argument. It's obvious you're just faggot shitposters

Christians show themselves as traitors at every opportunity. Remember Christians immediately banned all old European religions yet protected the synagogues AND money lenders. It was church policy and enshrined in law almost immediately. Also, the term pagan was not originally a religious term, "pagans" were rural people, the world basically means hick, or redneck. From the very beginning Christians were metropolitan jewish cock-suckers. You destroyed European culture all for the sake of jews.

See what I mean? You kikes just go around and find any mention of christianity and immediately mass reply to the threads with never ending kike posting. Your jew aids doesn't work here

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But they do. If you want to have a discussion about Christianity, you should be ready to talk about the bad parts, namely Evangelicals.

Yes, but they also banned most forms of Christianity and public spreading of judaism.
This depends on era and region. Russia has never protected money lending until USSR.

It's a multifaceted problem of lower classes being low iq subhumans, nobility being greedy bastards who'd sell out their country for more power and money, kings trying to keep it all together and jews pushing their survival through monetary aid.

Fix your religion. All christians i know love niggers if they are christian. All of them send money to Africa. Same methods like jews.


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Also this; usury was widespread in Rome, as were the kikes.

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You mean the ones who got subverted by catholicucks importing kikes and niggers? This shit started with Catholicfags being greedy money grabbing faggot jews

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Attacking jews is always good. Kike might scream out in pain as they kick you, but they only know pain because a rabbi stole their foreskin.

If evangelicals were the only problem…
LITERALLY not a single day goes by in Italy without the pope or some other high rank catholics shilling for integration of niggers and flooding of Europe by them
Just today the bishop of Bologna once again defended immigration and the ius soli(i.e niggers born here get citizenship)
it goes on and on…

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They are called white people and they've always been greedy sellouts.

Ok, but regardless of who started it, Evangelicals keep up the "traditions" of praising Israel and niggers. I describe my main problem with Evangelicals in this post

Atheistfags, please understand.
Nothing serves you. People won't do things you'd prefer if you simply nag enough. Trump is a sellout, like all the other politicians. Yet you're not up there. You're not climbing.
You're whining about 'christcucks' and whatnot. Whatever gets others to a defensive, inactive position.

If you're an American with sub100 IQ, stop posting, stop interacting. You can be of no use to anybody who can't make you aim guns.

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So many fucking pathetic lobotomized anons in this thread. Abrahamic religion is toxic and in the same branch of Judaism. It is mind control and you should fucking know that. Go talk to your local church about anything. They want equal rights for gays and believe in the one race the “human race”! Most of them love their abrahamic “holy brothers”. Stop spurging about it you fucking dumbass. How can you be on Zig Forums and still believe your stupid shit? I’m mainly talking to ID 5f7a10 because he is having a mental breakdown.
Christianity has become a vector for the Jew’s good goy ideology. It’s no longer what it once was, hence the masses of christcucks that plague our world.

That's because Catholics are the cause of all this shit, Protestants found a way out of it and tried to stop being beholden to kikes and then Catholicfags got all butthurt and just started to mass import themselves in lands Protestants called home and then slowly infected them with catholic aids. Evangelicals aren't the problem, it's Catholics

Clear D&C, into the filter

So you're a mudslime then, would explain your butthurt

Oh the ironing. Suck the fattest nigger dick you can find.

Never mind it was the other ID that was spurging. Whatever you’re both on the wrong path

If you don't admit it takes two to tango, you're a fool. This is not D/C, it's simply fact. Democrats and leftists are examples of sellouts, much like Trump is. They are Whites. Genetic connection or not, they are 'the enemy', or at best useful idiots.

The real Romans hated the jews and yes, understood that they had infiltrated, murdered the line of Nero and overthrown the Republic. All they could do was watch while the kikes slaughtered and butchered their people and their Empire. Let us not 'go gently into that good night' user. We are the largest ARMY on the planet. LET'S MAKE THE KIKES PAY WITH DEATH AND ASHES…FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. EXTERMINATE THESE MEDDLING MOTHER FUCKERS ONCE AND FOR ALL!!

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You're an American. You've been kike slaves for a hundred years, attempting to manifest "the Antichrist" to bring about the end of the world. You circumcise your kids and you spread homosexualism across the globe, to whites and non-whites alike.
If you are sub100 IQ, you are useless. It's the truth.

I love watching and laughing as the D&C kikes scream into nothingness

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So the millions of christian niggers living in the U.S. is fine?

The real Scotsmen of today (aka. we), still understand this, but things are back at the starting square once more.

please… protestants are literally the biggest tool of the jew there ever was, created israel and to this day are its biggest financial asset
cucktolics more or less became slaves of modernity, the same modernity the protestant world created

Liberia and Detroit are their fruit. Let them taste it or cut the rotten tree down.


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I realy don't want to chose betwen bad christians and good christians. Jesus is one thing but church is diferent beast. If our popes want more niggers in Europe, i don't support your religion.

so don't interact? Shut it down? You literally revealed yourself and you still have not realized why. Fucking hilarious. Also, you are not saging the thread. I wonder why? Hmmmm?

There is no reason to support anti-human popes.

I don't obey subhumans.

This is what men do. Of course they are the enemy and should be treated as such (if they're gonna act like this then they should be responded to with lethal violence). That said, this is what people who still have their balls and pride look like, even as they're swarming foreign lands looking for handouts.

I don't understand what you mean by this (are you speaking esoterically or literally)…we can't be back at the starting square! The Divine must have learned something in all this struggle.

Can you guys fuck off to a containment thread already so we can talk about the actual thread topic?


We are discussing the thread topic.

Give me a break you jew, notice how every urban center is catholic, and urban centers are the ones who push kikes and niggers and minorities into shit all the fucking time. Protestants are the country folk escaping Judaism only to have faggot urbanites get tired of the city life and move out to the country and slowly infect small towns with their catholic (((pope))) aids. Catholics are the ones who helped free niggers in the South and then worked together with the jews

Both in a sense, though esoterically this is an end phase. Hopefully for Kali Yuga / endtimes / whatever. However, the Roman Empire (and Republic) were selling citizenship. Jews bought it, built Synagogues across the Empire, spread their taint like they always do.
The formation of new identities will begin shortly after the English language dies to its numerous cancers. Rome is falling again. East will once again survive a prolonged fate due to trade and better understanding of cruelty.
Equality has shown us how replaceable humans are / are not. There are still people in this very thread who do not understand why beliefs trump genetics.
Hint: traitors and unified identities. As genetic clusters we are highly adaptable, due to our volatile and violent pre-history.

It doesn't matter, the vast majority of churches today, aside from maybe Orthodox, are all about homosexuality, refugees, reparations, anti racism, etc etc. They spend so much money sending white people to Africa and Africans to white countries. Unless you go to this guy's place, you're wasting your time.

Christianity is a desert religion, foreign to whites. European achievements were in spite of the Church, not because of it. And yes I am aware that the Church did sponsor scientific advancements, but that's because they were white, not because they were Christians. A similar institution would have done the same.

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