How Jews Argue

This video is an excellent example. If we are to defend white culture and the white race, we must understand how the jews think. How they argue. It is one thing to read a quote from Hitler, it is another thing entirely to watch and learn by example.

I am currently creating a list of fallacies they employ, how to identify them, and how to counter them. If you could share more examples of this jewish argument strategy, my guide will be much more effective.

Remember, the jew is not demoralized. They know exactly what they are jewing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's one kike talking to another kike. Also your cuckchan picture doesn't help

Ids breddy ez 2 idendiby XDDDDD

These jewish dogs probably hired the same shilling organization from 4chan.

Hahah, I had that exchange in mind as I read your post. Of course that was the one. Fast talking Jerry Seinfeld look alike.

>Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.
- Adolph Hitler

(I did not deserve these)
Please forgive me Führer, I meant Adolf. Adolph is a friend of mine, and not worthy of the association

Interesting. I like how you negro shills post an important, critical question then mix it up with bland writing and responses so as to influence this boards culture.

What are you talking about you nigger brained dolt? That's probably the most famous quote on dealing with Jews.

He must be from a jew york lawyer family.

Fast talking, invading your personal space, gas lighting, victim blaming, evasive answering.

"I'm just a random person you pulled out of the crowd" haha totally…

Meanwhile a swarm of kikes are hovering around.

Infowars is a CIA or mossad op as well btw.

I like how you faggot nigger jew nazis always
By pretending I didn't add to the fucking thread, bitch.

user, don't be a jew.

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Shit your shit elsewhere reddit.

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Let's see them try to argue with pic related. Whites taking direct action is the only thing that kikes are afraid of.
inb4 "ur a fed"

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Don't hate Jews. They are nice people.

There's a very good reason that is the historical baseline for dealing with (((them))).

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.


Always do opposite of what jews say.
Jews cry in pain, while they attack you.

Jews accuse you of the things, that they do themself.

The most common tactic kikes use is a blatant inversion of reality.

Jewish privilege becomes "White privilege."

Systemic anti-White racism becomes "White supremacy."

Jewish patriarchy becomes "White patriarchy."

The jewish declaration of war on Germany in 1933 becomes Germany "starting" WW2.

The drunk Indian attacking the White high schoolers a couple months ago becomes a White attack on Indians.

Jews letting other Jews into elite schools and deliberately keeping out higher-IQ Whites is "meritocracy" whereas the earlier, merit-based Anglo system is portrayed by jews as "discriminatory."

Israel, the biggest security risk in the US, becomes America's "greatest ally."

Jews, who have always been parasites on Europeans, portray themselves as indispensable to Europe's history as Europeans as guests in their own homelands.

Whites like Trump are slaves to Jews as Jews accuse them of being "anti-semites."

Jews persecute people while claiming to be persecuted.

Reality-inversion is the most common and devastating jewish tactic because it would never occur to a White person to be that blatantly dishonest. A jew will never admit he is liar, not even when he's caught. He will instead keep on lying, accuse you of being the liar, and try to convince you that you're crazy, evil, or dumb if you don't believe his lies.

Absolutely correct.
Capped, mein niger.

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Almost good, but Trump isn't White.

"Christcucks, christcucks !"

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that Holohoax is hoax is now settled among all honest persons.

We need to move on to Stage II and use Holohoax as teaching tool in Critical Thinking as examples of "how lies work".

Example: the more details you add, the less likely anyone will check or argue. If I say "studies show Fords are 10% more reliable than Chevys you would say "BS, who paid for that, Ford?"

But if I tell you a tranny was arrested for raping a pitbull on #33 bus in 77th Street in SF, you accept it as gospel and tell your friends, without checking if SF even has a 77th St and #33 bus.

Holohoax mainstays like "Night" give lots of details, but they are all made up and don't even get locations of major buildings 1/2 right.

inversion works great because it can seem "profound" as if they "see something" you don't.

modern art, etc. when called out there is always some BS line they can start feeding the crowd on some imaginary "fine point"

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I don't think we can out-argue them. I certainly can't, I know my verbal IQ is much lower than my spacial IQ etc. We should keep making memes. We can do that well it is what we're good at.

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Nigger please…

jews are leftists
leftists are feminine
you might as well ask "how do you argue against a woman"

Not exactly arguing, but it looks like these Jews have been calling for Israeli Zio Jews to suffer the fate of being lampshaded due to the bloody murders of so many Palestinians in Gaza.

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10/10 post. The half-truths are the most destructive. Don't get tied in. Do what Alexander did and cut the knot.

I'd add: When inversion loses some effectiveness, it becomes part of the strategy of obfuscation. If people are lost in confusion and abstraction they freeze up, unable to act. Most people will just continue on if everything is a little bit poisoned, ignorance is bliss. Those outside the malaise will have greater difficulty acting, given the destructive pattern that has already been observed.

They're unable to act completely without self-interest but can observe altruism.

They want people to be caught in the web of abstraction. Ever see those airhead liberal women that walk around with a smile all the time and (worst case) go on bike trips through the mideast and end up dead? Those are people so trapped in the fantasy, there's just no bringing them back. They are the Eloi.

That's the ultimate goal: Creating a society of cattle so divorced from reality, so lost in the ideals, that they can't see what is in front of them. Jewish idealism has nothing to do with the real world, it's always some airy fantasy. They don't believe it anyway. White idealism is forging a circumstance from current trends.

They want everyone to be what they present to others so they can prey on them.

Honestly, the best way to confront them is to just speak past them. Never fall for rhetoric, speak the truth simply and cut out the pretensions. They prey on vanity, which is why they like to sound smart but constantly bring up retarded theories.

The Jewish led murder of millions of Europeans during 30s and 40s becomes "The Holocaust" and the Jewish run NKVD labor camps in the USSR became "Auschwitz".

The reason Jews are so invested in "The Holocaust" is because they have been working to completely eradicate ethnic Europeans for centuries.

Also the NKVD gas vans became "Nazi gas chambers".

>The use of gas vans was supervised by (((Isay Berg))), the head of the administrative and economic department of the NKVD of Moscow Oblast.

Look up the signs of gaslighting (an extremely feminine form of abuse) and feel the goosebumps as you realize that's exactly what's happened to our societies.

Another kike tactic is to present a problem, and then act as an expert to the problem. To people that don't know about it, they ignore that the jew's arguments come across more as of a sales pitch than an idea. AIDA as the old meme goes.

Awareness, present a problem that doesn't actually exist (or create one if the existence is needed). Interest, where the jew lays in with pathos. "The jew is so pathetic, how can they be a threat?" "How can the nigger be a threat if the institution is the reason he's actually bad? Give them a chance." "These poor immigrants need a nice place to live, and it would only be fair to give them some of your country's land." "Religion is so pathetic, you want to be a smart atheist, right?" "Trannies are struggling like the rest of us, only even more because they don't fit in. You shouldn't hate them." Desire, namely to fit in with the herd or else. "If you're bigoted, your friends and family will hate you. You'll be fired from your job. You'll never blah blah. But if you fit in, you'll be cool and woke" And finally action. "Submit to the kike propaganda." "Let the browns into your nation, your state, your city, your house." "Let the children become drag queens."

This is very much the key liberal tactic, to pretend to be an expert and run AIDA. Notice the "holier than thou tones," the talking down, the dismissive sighs, the smug eyebrow lifts, all that. "user, you're not serious right? Stop joking." It's to pretend they know more than they actually do. It's complete pathos manipulation, since their arguments will not have logos or ethos. "I feel that blah blah blah." Nothing about thinking, or knowing, I feel. When you confront them with reality, that cool, smug exterior shatters and subject switches.

How does one combat this? Pathos, ethos and logos. AIDA is a simplified version of this, which eshews logic for rapid emotional responses. Remember, the jew/leftist can only work pathos, and manipulate ethos via pathos. But this does not mean you ignore pathos entirely. You must learn to tie in emotions to logic, while understanding that most people come from a judeo-christian understanding of personal ethics.
"If the jew is so pathetic, why has he been kicked out of 300 different countries?" "Why is it that rich well off niggers commit more crime than poor white folk even with everything provided?" "Why is it fair that these people take my land? They have no right, it's not fair." "Why does atheism come with blah blah." You get the idea. Asking "why?" poking holes into their arguments. When you get the leftist trying to explain their ethics, it's always inherently contradictory. The jew/leftist does not want you to talk about their ethics or illogical stances.

Leftists have made spectacular political gains by mastering this strategy over the past 70 years. Ever wonder why William F. Buckley got memoryholed? Because he publicly crushed leftists by exposing this precise method of argumentation time and again. A quick way to shatter this garbage is to pay attention to the intellectual sloppiness camouflaged through the use of any variant of the English language equivalent of the verb "sein."

lol, this has been a trick for a long time and is perpetuated in our universities….the reason you have things like climate change scientist is because originally the people who were pushing for that sort of thing were ran out of the meteorology departments because they were agenda driven not science.

think about it, only difference between meteorology and climatology is time scale….why would you need to create an entirely different educational path and program for something that is just a matter of time scale and resolution? …for the fucking weather… it's not like we're talking about biology and microbiology here where things on different scales are completely different, meteorologist used to routinely deal with all recorded weather history…

there are so many things in our educational system that has been perverted becuase the kikes realized all they have to do is manufacture credentials and the moronic public will comply regardless of what they are being told and what kind of sense it makes.

if you really want to see this in your face, go and start reading the studies and research put out by the genderfluid nonbinary faggot type crowds, gender studies, you can really see where they pervert science in order to push an agenda….i have a BSME and do a bunch of R&D in the aerospace industry, i look at the methodology of alot of these things and just fucking lose it….they are all a's utterly ridiculous and i just really don't understand how they are getting away with it and why the larger scientific community isn't calling this horse shit and bad science out…it's funny, they've even relabeled bad science as "soft science" like what the fuck it is that shit?

Any one have the video of when this happened irl? Around 2016-2017 =?? It was
IIRC he was in Germany and running after some cars butt nekkid. I did a search but it seems shoahed or I didn't use the right terms.

They want critical theory to over take the scientific method. There was an article post a while back about how the scientific method should be cast out.

More importantly it also shows the jewish dual mindset. They know natural truth, but also believe their incorrect alterations of viewing it. BOTH AT TGE SAME TIME. They will transition back and forth whenever it serves them, mostly utilizing their altered dialectics. This is basically a schizophrenia. To know truth and untruth, and have both be right at the same time. That insanity is like a folie a deux on a global scale, with sjws falling into their part. It still blows my mind that jewish can reconcile damaging falsities as reality or truth. It is a functional brain damage that is spreading over the earth.

Not this one in the embed which was similar and happened sometime later in 2018. It was an african looking like the thread OP's image and running after cars in rural Germany.

agreed user….fuck progress.

You mean they can't see the Jewish dick that's running around pretending to be White fucking all their women while everybody thinks he's gay because he dresses like a flamer, while he says Whites are actually Jews?

You mean that shit? It goes on constantly. Ask me how I know.

Jews don't argue, and they don't even speak.
They are akin to an AI emulating speech for wanted results.

How about instead of learning to arguing/debate with kikes we just chunk them in a pit full of magma.

fuck off torfag

Another big thing the Hasbari are into these days is proclaiming that Whites need to do some sort of improvement to protect us from the Jews or they give us some "task" that needs to be preformed before the Jew problem is solved.

We should, "control our Women", "get fit", "become more religious", "do this", "do that"…no we just need to get rid of the Jews. They're the problem. We can be the most worthless scum on the face of the earth and still be way better off and more likely to solve our problems by ourselves if we get rid of the Jews.

I'll give you an analogy. If a dog has fleas he doesn't need to learn to bark less, roll over, fetch, he needs to get rid of the fleas. The rest he can learn at his leisure.

lol that mount and blade pic made me legit burst out laughing thanks user.

Hailed and checked. Best post itt.

Well said.

Kikes are more deserving gas chamber.

one thing to remember is that they will use the same arguments at various times once they have figured out that a meme has been useful to them. Pic related is one of the ones that I find interesting. This is one of the reasons that people need to be educated when they are dealing with Jews, so that they can identify their nonsense and put it into a larger historical perspective.

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Was browsing around looking for Baudet videos and I found this:
It's a guy who has studied how (((the left))) do discourse and have written a book on how to tackle it. He uses in that video Baudet's appearance in a lion's den (aka. leftist political talk show) to highlight examples from his book. I don't know if the book has any merit, but what he says about their practices seem down to earth and pretty true. I haven't found it yet, but it can probably be found somewhere on the interwebz. If any user finds it, please link it.

Bingo, the jew will pretend to offer agreeable information in line with what is normal on this board, but do it in a way so as to poison discussion on the board in general. Or they will use the old trick of posting something agreeable, but then sneaking in one or two lines of their agenda in the middle, it can be something as simple as an adjective before a name.

And they invent terms like gaslighting - which then denotes something different, outside of the attention in their general direction, but in fact is the same. I sometimes wonder if they do it unconsciously. They can't help themselves it seems.


I didnt watch the whole thing but the whole gun control in America is a no brainer , America is too big to be policed constantly you would have to pay so much more for cops and invest a colossal amount of money to protect every citizen , it will lead slowly towards a dictatorship and the erosion of rights of an individual Ex UK , as institutions such as police can get corrupt and you will end up with a either russia or china 2.0

Also more strict gun control doesnt really work , I tend to think with "all of it or none of it" it is obvious that once the so called assault weapons are banned (((they))) will push further even for the small ones

They start by small.


the jew is immunized against all dangers.

Another thing kikes will try to twist your words.

But call it a jew.

The … Fag in his natural environ.

Color me shocked.

Of course, the eternal victim kikestian rushes in to make it all about him and his jewish religion.

I mean it's nothing new to anyone who has paid attention, but it is worth reminding people now and then.
This is a pretty good example of a kike arguing though, even if it is InfoJews.

They just ignore some aspects of the truth. That's their main trick
For example
They will ignore and pretend that jewish privilege does not exist, however as white people have more control over their own government and as they have more money because of hard working and oppose shitskins from genociding them, that they will call "white privilege"
Here they will ignore all anti-white incidents and bring out only incidents where shitskins were discriminated


Kikes rule rhe media they will claim to have it debunked.

Friend, we're the Kikes now.

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Gotta lie and cheat!


Is it possible to use pilpul against the kikes

yes i will use kiketube
Sorry but here's an example

Your buddy(the one you're replying to) quoted
Now, you know who wrote that, why is this bland writing and how does it influence the board culture? You know, Hitler IS the board culture

To a leftist/NPC, conversation, especially 'debate', has been streamlined to an efficient exchange of social value signals labeled with keywords.

The keywords recall memory of social value signals associated with that keyword, which in turn recalls emotions experienced while receiving those social signals, which are copied by example, which in turn causes the NPC to attempt to enact cathartic (emotion-relieving) behavior, which it again copies by example.

The key idea here is that the NPC has no experience outside the social group - no individuality. It was raised in confinement and never learned anything for itself before it's was completely assimilated by the people around it to the NPC mob.

So the NPCs are trained to have uncontrolled emotion at all times.

They see stimulus, they become emotional, they will feel the urge to recall the keywords associated with those emotions.

Their goal is simply get through the list of keywords necessary for catharsis (return to baseline emotional state), not to make any logical point; they have no concept of true logic, only a succession of emotions that result in either reward or punishment from their masters.

So that explains why braindead leftist NPC just rattles through a bunch of namecalling and self aggrandizing with absolutely no explanation or argument - it simply wants to get through the list of 'good boy' words as fast as it can.

The NPC is attracted to the keyword signalling of its counterpart. It ignores difficult stimulus (not optimized for keyword exchange) that causes it negative emotion and proceeds to the keywords that attracted it.
It's emotions regarding the difficult stimulus are partially released when it completes its signalling routine, which is the reward conditioned into it by its masters by media narrative - "just spread the propaganda and the evil nazis will go away".

Make no mistake, these things are not human, they have absolutely no free will and their instincts have been brainwashed over.
They can't define anything they say, the only meaning behind the keywords for them is the emotional context.
They can't put anything that they say into different words because they can only achieve catharsis through keywords with socially conditioned rewards, so they never had an incentive to be creative and express their individual emotions or thoughts.
They have absolutely no possibility for recovery whatsoever by the time they are adults.
this one?

Another prime feature of jewing is their tendency to the ‘reification’ (‘thingification’) of essentially worthless or vague concepts. It is a behavior you’d expect to see among a tribe of merchants. They manipulate and attach feminized and emotionally-manipulative meaning to ideas, Hate™ being a prime example. Racist™, Nazi™, Sexist™, you get the idea.

This is the tactic that I've noticed the most, and it's one of leftists not just Jews. Because the media is under their control they have the power to make these neologisms, define them to be as anti white and anti male as possible, and harp on it as often as they can 24/7.

It's not just slander or libel any more, it's Fakenews, and only those evil white supremists on YouTube engage in it. Ever see someone take up more space than they deserve on a bus? Well now we made up, Manspreading, a behavior we've decided only comes from white males.

Thought manspreading can apply to anyone

whites are causing a lot of the problems

Why are you ignoring the role of whites?

So you are against the white womens suffrage movement?

That's a good video honestly, it's really easy to wall in a jew.

You're walled in right now with your comments. You have no idea how flimsy your lead is without the moral support of superior whites. You degenerates are finished unless you obey.

Fuck off to leftypol

You'll see. I'll get the temperature of the rest of the WN pool before acting.

He is one-quarter Jewish at most: his great-grandmother's last name was Kober, a Jewish name, making his Grandfather a genetic Jew, raised as a Christian. That's White according to the Nuremberg laws.


if only we've known sooner.

Apology accepted

Or boiling

We're going to have to be stricter.

Another technique that they use is to constantly derail the conversation. They can tell that you are about to set up an argument when to attempt to establish underlying principles for the basis of an argument. They will immediately disagree or argue against any principles that you try to establish and then lead you away from the conversation. They like to lead off on tangents, especially tangents about esoteric principles that are difficult to quantify and generally just lead to more arguments. During this time they bring nothing to the table of discussion and try to keep you talking. Eventually you will say something that is arguable not %100 correct and thus any argument that you make is now false. The idea is to make certain that you never make your points and no conversation actually takes place. Anyone listening will only be confused and if they succeed, you will eventually say something that others will disagree with, which will suddenly become the most important part of the conversation. They say very little using this technique and never agree to any core principles, thus they say very little that onlookers can disagree with. Meanwhile, you are forced to defend every idea that ever existed, accept your actual argument, which will never be made.

And people say jews are not smart.

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buckley was a part of skull and bones saame as the bushes
if you don't know who they are look up anthony c sutton
just controlled opposition…
