Solving the JQ

What is the real final solution to the Jewish Question? How do we realistically solve it? As much as I and I'm sure many of you would just like to $hoah them (except not a hoax this time), it doesn't seem practical or feasible. Mass deportation? Nuremberg type laws?

What do you think?

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The only way to defeat the jews is a global White Revolution.
But we'll never accomplish this because National Socialists refuse to work together.

That's because jews aren't white.

No shit, Sherlock.
Any other amazing revelations for us?

The holocaust didn't happen.

Attached: Das Salz Ist Gut.jpeg (720x405, 62.23K)

But it will.

first step: delet 666.000.000 jewz

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Seriously? Make everyone aware of (((the problem))), which at that point (((their))) activities will have been exposed and public perception of them will be bad. Then mount a political movement for (((them))) to be exiled outside white man's borders (preferably to Israel), then pull back any political aid to Israel, then let the Arab dogs loose on them. Our hands are clean and the problem will disappear.