This article is exceedingly long but I recommend you read it. A jew is basically admitting:
That last point and the statements in the article referring to the christchurch shooting explain the behavior of sandniggers following the attack. The jewess even brags that they taught the muslims well.
that kike is high off his own farts. I read his other article where he touts his political successes in the T.E.A party and quit reading; Taxed Enough Already party didn't lowered taxes or spending. One could make the case that it subverted and then killed whatever remained of the small gov't Conservative movement…remember Jewbio and Cuck Ryan were TEA party darlings, LEL.
Jayden Roberts
Yeah the kike got his tax cuts and more money for israel, a complete success for him.
Nolan Stewart
The author, David Cole, is a Holocaust revisionist, and is much more self-aware than the average coin-clipper. Ron Unz is another self-aware yid. Read them both, if you want insights into how the noses think.
Matthew Sanders
The only thing Jews are worried about is Trump losing 2020 and their greater Israel plan falling apart.
Owen Garcia
Wow, kikes are targeting non-kikes, color me surprised.
Reminder that the alt-kike is the same old jewry. Its all lies, deception and manipulation with these scumbags. Stand for the Truth like True Men of the West.
Lucas Turner
He was boomer so he could not meme on stream like Saint Tarrant. But at least he still give us meme about optics.
too little too late rabbi. we will show you pogroms so hardcore you will wish holocaust was real.
Eli Barnes
Fair point. I guess it was always just an exercise in (((rebranding))) without actually changing the product much like today.
Dominic Mitchell
That takes me back. Pity they got rid of their comments, occasionally some of them were good, more entertaining than the articles.
RWDS + culture/nationalism/tradition/lineage = Third Reich equivalent.
Sorry bud, we're inevitable.
Tyler Miller
That's the spirit!
By treating kikels as a monolith, you eliminate the possibility of fracturing them; of turning them against each other. A very stupid thing to advocate, if you consider them enemies. A subversive one, if you are a jew. Are you stupid or subversive, user?
What you're suggesting has been done and done over, and its failed every time. The only ones who ended divided and conquered were our forefathers. Fuck off.
Isaac Anderson
or worse disconnecting from their system. It would be impossible to track every single person if everyone disconnected and lived innawoods or spread out. There's tons of land deemed uninhabitable or untouched that can be moved into. If anyone asks, use the excuse that you're going green: "for the environment you filthy goy!" They don't have the tech or man power to keep up and the reality is whites don't need to live in cities to survive unlike the other subs. Once whites leave, the tax funding and entire society/city will cease to exist. No one left to leech off of since kikes only fund themselves through tax breaks and only buying "kosher". The majority of kikes/nogs don't live in rural areas for good reason. Their advantage is lost. Might as well get ahead of the curve while cash is worth something and have the funds to finance this move. Also modern day tech (satellite everything, mobile phones, amazon) makes living innawoods extremely easy.
Jace Adams
Thanks for the (You), my fellow neon nazi white supremacist.
Can you provide some examples?
Are you saying that jews are our superiors? Surely you aren't a jewish supremacist, user?
Yes, everyone knows that Jews constantly fuck themselves over with despicable attitudes and actions. Now consider the amount of "free radical" agents the Jews have. Jews who think they are acting in the interests of the Jew over whitey, but end up fostering western communist communities who hate everything Israel stands for, or losing vast swathes of Jew-controlled media to their own sandnigger "golems". They're not even good at conspiring, they just do it anyway because it's in their roach nature.
If they weren't monstrous things in the shape of people, they probably wouldn't continually end up in this situation. Open borders for Israel, lads, they're a first world country with billions in foreign investment and should take in the rapefugees.
Thomas Carter
Never mind I misread your post, thought you were one of those anti natsoc lazy shill fags. I disagree with that sentiment, when I say jews are not that stupid and prideful, what I am trying to say is, jews are not that dumb enough to go down in the streets and yell. because it is against in their talmud I think I am not sure if it says that it is allowed to call anyone goy in the open, if were trying to get the jew to reveal their true colors, lets try to get them to boast that jews have a right in japan and that japan are supremacists. Not only will more normalfags understand their parasitic nature, the japs will also wake up and kick them out.
You could say the media arm of jewry is some type of kike golem, internet turning kike media golem against the jew?
Oliver Davis
They've been cultivating destructive forces and they are surprised these forces are wrecking everything in reach. My heart bleeds for you, kike.
My favorite part of this is the reference to the original golem story:
Nah, brah, it's working as designed.
Parker White
A misunderstanding then, since I am as friendly towards genuine NatSocs, as I am hostile towards the fake, neon nazis that plague this filipino frog farming forum.
What I meant, is that I believe that many of the anons who insist that jews cannot be divided, are fake nazis, who don't want us to exploit a weakness in our enemies' defenses.
Read the second sentence in that paragraph a few times.
Angel Johnson
This guy might well be one of those hallowed 'good jews' that don't really exist because to be a jew is not just an ethnicity which, on rare occasions, can buck stereotypes and actually allow for them to be a decent person with morals and ethics that resonate with the virtuous; but to be a jew is also to hold a specific set of ideas, it is afterall a religion which has such an abundance of writings that the jews find their answers for near everything imaginable in it; and thus we can be sure that any who would call themselves a jew must by dint of their ideology be a self-worshiping, manipulative, spiteful and perverse individual. If he was not, he would not call himself a jew.
The main point I was making before though was that this site 'takimag' is renowned as an alt-right 'alt-kike' domain and as such will serve zero use in redpilling any normalfags. If you as a Zig Forumsack were unaware that jews were behind mass-immigration, ISIS, Syria and all the rest; then, well, I don't think you were really a Zig Forumsack.
Bentley Perez
The alt-lite has a place, even if it's just a stopping point it's still bringing people closer to our position. Looking up David Cole brings up his holohoax documentaries, and coming from a Jewish man that's some serious cognitive dissonance. Again, even if he abandoned that field, he normalizes the question, which otherwise would be too fringe for most people to take seriously. None of us here would care, but coming from a standard Republican or libertarian website, it's a stepping stone.
Ian Gonzalez
The Jew who wrote that article deserves to be thrown in an extra hot oven. He keeps referring to his people as geniuses. Such geniuses they are relying on parasiting white countries and billions of dollars of white aid to the welfare state of Israel to survive.
Carson Roberts
You are a right fucking genius. That's how he is referring to them, you fucking legend.
Jackson Wilson
Never heard that one before, but chuckled.
Ryan Cruz
Spoiler that shit, user.
Noah Hill
That is why killing jews is a good thing that must be done frequently. But shills won't act on it, and many will cowardly hunt for some non-existent solution, to try to avoid taking action.
Christian Moore
What if?
Joseph Garcia
No. There are words for this behavior. Chameleon or doppleganger, for example. IOW, you got jewed by the jew.
Religion stems from the mind which stems from genetics. There is no jew religion that anyone can join. Only jews think like jews. Calling jews a race or ethnicity is too generous. They are a race mixed mutt strain reaching back into antiquity. Before they were jews, they were Edomites. They appropriated the name jew after they overrun White Judea, which was built by the tribe of Judah. Esau race mixed with Cannanites [Gen:36] whom spawned Edomites that subverted Judea in 200BC [Strabo, Geography 16.2.34] and later [Rom: 9:1-13, Antiquities 13:254-258, 395-397]. Think of them as demons in showleather. They possess no soul, monsters wreaking havoc upon the world.
Benjamin Thompson
What your point, m8? Don't be so cryptic.
He's right, and he can see it, which what makes him an outlier among jews, who, generally speaking, are driven by their own peculiar biological imperatives, for which they concoct elaborate rationalizations.
Sebastian Ortiz
Brody Hill
You are right about this But in order to have a damaging effect with this, we will have to make sure they won't unite against goyim. We should attack their solutions for jewry (Israel vs Diaspora) Some good strategies would be
Austin Gonzalez
He's being sarcastic, ya knucklehead.
What does that even mean, sagenigger?
Grayson Morales
why would I sage a thread some child raping jew is using to promote his tripe? is that you David?
Ethan Reyes
Yeah, that's their most vulnerable fracture point:
1. Stronk independent zyonists who don't need no goy 2. Weak, passive, helpless, historically poisecuted damsels in distress, that need a white knight to rescue them
They have to choose one or the other, and soon.
Another good one is the Final Solution to the Palestinian Question. Quite a few are exterminationists, either openly or covertly. The remainder are horrified by the prospect.
Turning muslims against jews is exceedingly easy, because of zionism. Now, niggers are harder because they have no brain. They just follow whatever some other nigger is saying. Feminists is easy with stuff like #MeToo. Spics I have no clue.
For spics and niggers just look for some socio-economic angle.
Julian Hill
Just tell them rich jews are the evil whitey boss man keeping them down.
Josiah Edwards
It's David Cole, an actual Jew. How are you unaware of him?
"Alt-kike" has always been an intentionally divisive term. You use of it makes you appear to be, at least to me, a subversive.
Liam Jenkins
You're either incredibly stupid or a shill. Which is it? All groups of people (yes, even kikes) have competing internal factions. Yeah, confront a random kike and accuse another kike and they'll reflexively stick up for each other. But be a bit more subtle & of course you'll get them to fight. There isnt some giant single meeting of all Jewry or some shit retard, regular kikes aren't much better off than the typical goy (worse in some ways, see all the pedo shit that goes on). There's secular and Orthodox kikes always fighting. Lots of factions. No, there are no true based Jews - but so fucking what? There are no sufficiently good goy for them, yet they d&c Whites just fine. Hope you are a shill, you're a fucking embarrassment. Kys immediately.
John Young
Muslims are the exact same desert fucking shit as the jews.
Elijah Allen
I wonder if there can be some greater benefit derived from meta-strategy. 4x strategy games allow the CPU to cheat at higher difficulty levels. The player is at an extreme disadvantage and any strategy that mimics the real world will fail. To beat the highest difficulties one must play in the most cancerous way possible. The goal isn't to conquer the map but to break the opposition to an extent that the player cannot be contained.
I called it the alt-kike because it is the website of Richard Spencer (known controlled opposition leader and sodomite), Gavin McInnes (known sexual degenerate) and A LITERAL FREAKING JEW WHO WROTE THE ARTICLE. How much more "alt-kike" can you get? It's literally an alternative to the right-wing that places at its forefront degenerate behaviour which it presents as the pinnacle of 'whiteness' whilst simultaneously pushing LITERAL JEWS as leaders and propagandists.
I don't think you actually read my post after the first line did you? I pretty much said what you did, that there are no good jews because to be a jew is to subscribe to a perverse ideology. We are in agreement lad.
Jackson Morales
the jew is just some mutt level sand nigger that fucked a couple of goodgoy whites who went under usery because the people that owed them shit couldn't suck white banker dick or live in a white christian society. DO not be decieved most of the jew mixed with criminals its only until recently that they started mixing with upper class whites.
Hunter James
Correct on both counts, friend.
This guy gets it.
Yes, my fellow neon nazi white supremacists, dividing our enemies and getting them to fight each other is not the path to victory. What we must do instead, is start a war on multiple fronts, against enemies that outnumber us by millions to one.
are you braindead, i spelled out the situation. Upper class whites do chase after jew money, its up to people here to tell them thats a bad idea so more jews dont consolidate power.
I hate retarded degenerates like you. You only want to destroy and not get to the bottom of shit so that whatever replaces the kike doesn't destroy whites again.
John Smith
I truly and sincerely pity you. I ask you, for your own good, to never come to this website again. I'm not trolling or trying be cruel. Seek help.
Lincoln Powell
Palestine already is a fracture point between jews themselves and liberals. Shia vs. Sunni for the muslims.
Reediting the Torah and the Quran to worship White men would last generations. Flooding the market with the edited works , look at the Mormons, Evangelicals both told to worship jews. Make points that worshiping Whites as their gods that every jew and muslim must offer one daughter to a White male to be bred but, the jew and muslim must care for. That any crime committed against a White by a jew or muslim is instant killed.
The article is genuinely fucking hilarious. I suspect the kike that wrote it has been to Zig Forums one too many times and realized we're right about the jews.
Anthony Thompson
Are there words sufficient enough to condemn and describe the crimes and evils of the Jew?
Jeremiah Clark
We're past words in regards to these subhumans; only action remains.
Jeremiah Phillips
Shhh let them expose them selves.
Aaron Barnes
Only if they are not actually monolithic. By implying that they are not monolithic, you perpetuate the impossibility of fracturing them, of turning them against each other in any real sense. Sure, you can push wedges in to make to fuck with them here and there, but they always close ranks when it comes to jew vs anythingbutanotherjew.
Thus, there are no good jews.
The entire Cold War and everything since? Marxist jewry and Zionist jewry have been pitted against each other on countless occasions, and they've always proven to be on one another's side when it actually matters.
Austin Lee
The horrible reality of that image made me chuckle.
Lincoln Jones
It'd be wonderful if there could be a Zig Forums 100 year plan. Unfortunately, not only would it likely turn out to be shit because of too many cooks in the kitchen, but that'd be showing the enemy the plan. And that's retarded.