
Oppressed refugees are FORCED to use their children as human shields against the racist Riot Police

Attached: wow.jpg (356x309, 13.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Think of this, from the end of WW1 (11/11/1918) to the rise of the Nazis and Hitler's ascent to power in 1932-33, it was about 14 years. We are ahead of schedule in our time because of instant communications. It won't be long before the collapse of the LEFT in America and Europe. Everything they do is fake. Everything we do is based on truth. We don't silence them because we use their lies against them. They have to silence us because we expose them constantly. Stand Fast and Hold. We haven't even begun to fight yet and they have practically thrown everything under the kitchen sink at us and more. They can't stop the rise of the new right because it is natural and a counter to what the LEFT has created that has been rejected..

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Mudshits gonna mudshit dude

I think that's his shariah wife.

And the pendulum of cancerous ideological extremism keeps on swinging. If you think like this, you're the bad guys. I don't care what "side" you think you're on – it's not my side, and it's not the side of rightness.

Shite post. Put the fucking video IN the thread.

a (((jew)))

Is the truth objective or subjective, kike?

It is just a 'daughter' user…surely even you know that she is worthless in the half nigger goat fuckers eyes.

These are the people we're letting in? They don't even hold their own children sacred. I hope a thousand fires burn them to a crisp.

I see you're still stuck in the political circus. Stop doing it. The global western economy is going to collapse entirely and all the accounts will be nullified. To hide the jewish involvement in this 100 year old usury debt crime, they will create a global race war against the entire western civilization. They are in in full blown violence acceleration mode and will soon stage a massive false flag to put the blame for the crashing economy solely on Christianity or the "Whites". All this is going to go down, unless a global strike at the khazarians will be launched, otherwise nothing will stop the upcoming wars that will claim hundreds of millions of lives.

On unrelated news…Germans still can't get the word JUDE over their lips.

They literally used her as a ramming bat

Attached: bypass.png (500x229 339 B, 490.69K)

I hope you will set one of those fires…in MeinKraft of course.

Attached: shield bash nigger.gif (498x179, 3.74M)

Their kind sure, their own? Unlikely. Shitskins love grabbing random kids to use however they see fit.



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Attached: Battered Wife Syndrome.mp4 (1280x720, 1.12M)

Download! Download the videos before (((they))) shut it down!

Typical racist germans. Hurting innocent kids once again. Last time jews, this time muslims. They just want to live in your country for free. Fucking germans.

At least they are teaching their children that life is tough rather than enforcing their mother's desire to make the child into a faggot's fuck toy

Thanks, dipshit.

And then you have a nerve to call those monsters humans and being against murdering them, literal monsters. The monsters who also absolutely "legally" are stealing children from white parents with a help of the same child trafficker monsters who hide behind such strong words as "child protection".

Attached: the-refugee-cries-out-in-pain-as-he-strieks-you.jpg (646x620, 80.1K)

that's Greece you twat. Even the police have Greek on their shields.

> : Migrants clash with police in Diavata, Greece
OP, what the fuck are you smoking

Regardless, perfect example of the kind of people (((they))) want living amongst europeans. Literally no one sane can defend this. Anyone who tries will out themselves for the deranged lunatics they are. This HAS to be spread.

Attached: wrong.jpg (480x357, 55.86K)

Is this the the thread for retarded people?
Pardon I wanted to say intellectual different capable persons.

That is Greece.


Germany; Greece…it's all the same user.

LOL…makes you wonder where they dig up the bugs that post this on Zig Forums doesn't it…you know like one form of 'European' chicken scratch is the same as another to a subhuman bug, right?

Evil White Police hitting children with riot gear trying to keep oppression of the poor refugees on going as they seek out a better life from their war torn home lands

This is why we can't have nice things

The word you are looking for is righteousness you fucking clown.


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(((christians))) are the (((jew))) foot-soldiers, so eliminating them will be a boon and it would purge some of the weakest in intelligence whites leaving the rest to breed superior Atheistic children who understand that their superiority is evolved and in their genes, and not the divine dictate of some water-walking antiracist (((jewgod))) lie.
Christians are gullible followers. They'll probably go after the thinkers, the movers and shakers, the memetic warriors, and their destabilization armies on the left.

Economic migrant, but still quite amusing

And here we have it as predicted, attempting to get low iq copycats of Brenton Tarrantino to do what jews really want, kill christians.
Anyone but the actual enemy eh torfag menachem schekelgruber?

We are spammed by bots. The ant-christian-bot, the anti-nazi-bot and some other spammer (most likely all the same source)


I would just like to say, GURPS has multiple approaches to doing this. If you can lift someone, you can use them via the Shield skill and hit with either a Bash or a Rush, or defend with a Block.

If you can't lift them, you have to use a Grappling skill (or DX) and the "Kiss the Wall" maneuver.

You're glowing, nigger. No European would betray his ancestors and History for a jewish cult.

This entire zionist front party needs to be put up against the wall.

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This is a Jordan Peterson fan.

You're a cuck if you think ultra violence can be avoided at this point. Do you think the millions of non-Whites that have flooded our countries are going to just pack their bags and leave if all of the jews disappeared tomorrow?

You are a coward. You are full of fear. All you can think about is keeping yourself safe and avoiding conflict, and you shit yourself day and night thinking about the future. Pathetic.

Putting Whites in scare quotes. Go back to reddit.