Ever since the (((elections))), I've noticed no one tried to make a thread on wymyn.
I'll simply say this:
Ever since the (((elections))), I've noticed no one tried to make a thread on wymyn.
I'll simply say this:
((( )))
are you a kike or a woman?
Women need an anchor, this will either be a man or a large group of friends made up of other women or gay men. But women can't reproduce with other women or with gay men. So when a man isn't stable, he's failing humanity, while the same isn't true for women.
you don't know just how right you are
women were made through EVOLUTION to submit
Zig Forums is irreversibly bluepilled on women. MGTOW or men's right's threads get taken down almost immediately. I hear lots of bitching and name calling, but nobody talks about actual solutions.
Don't you know goy?
Hitler had the great idea of keeping Aryan wymyn independent, while paying them to have children. If you don't believe bribing wymyn to have children works, you're a kike shill. :^)
/r/inceltears is my favorite website
Is this guys advice good? It sounds pretty reasonable to me, but what do I know.
Turd flinging monkey is the lowest hanging fruit of "eceleb" patheticness. God hes like an even more defeated RagingGoldenMGTOW. Dumb fucker has even bought literal sex-doll. Just gas his home with monoxide.
"f51b2f" is probably Turd Flinging Monkey.
the actual solution is Chad Nationalism. basically, if you want white women on our side, you have to establish the cultural association between being far-right and being a Chad hunk. women will just go along with the whole white nationalist far right thing if they think it will get them some quality dick, that's all they care about
Here is what you do:
Take (((wymyn's rights))) away, to pre-first wave feminism.
1) Men set up THEIR own governance (like the Muslims or Amish).
2) Treat women like they usually would, with the group's governance in mind.
3) Keep vigilant of inside sabotage, and keep ensuring your own governance.
so basically redpill the chads and the women will follow. the redpilling of the chads can be helped by creating an association between liberalism and being a beta faggot
Do you have any advice besides just changing society on such a large scale?
There is NO NEED to change society as a whole (also, it's kinda impossible at the moment).
You (anyone reading this), need to work on forming new communities that are managed internally. This includes having your own community police to enforce the community laws.
If you're unable to get with other MEN and make a community, you are always welcome to immigrate to a community that is patriarchal. There, you must follow the rules and don't be to shy to inquire how to make it better (like asking how to join local RWDS).
no… be in charge of your neighborhood and lynch Chad
Pretty good video actually.
fuming roastie
It's over.
In my experience, it's the men who already were chads who were eithet redpilled already or on their way to be redpilled. Not all the time, but if they are smart and have already come to realize the behaviors of women then they have tended to accept there are things the world is lying to them about because it already lied with how women actually behave versus how they claim they behave.
Redpilling one or two people at a time has led us to a point where the average internet comment section has reactionary posters calling out globo-homo bullshit, the POTUS saying "fuck off, we're full" to immigrants on nightly news, half chan and full chan have become household names through the news, memes have been labeled WigNat pyschological warfare tools, normies are openly discussing the possibility of civil war, sitting senators and representatives are putting ((())) around their names on twitter, and young whites are abandoning college as the scam it mostly is, en masse. There's a whole host of other shit but redpilling one person or two at a time while clownworld goes down its natural path into maximum overdrive and honks its clownworld clown car horn straight to hell is what got us to where the world sits currently. More than anything else, anons just going out and finding other people to befriend and redpill has been the most effective tool in this struggle. Befriend a Chad (learn from him if you haven't already), and then let him learn from you.
Said what I had to say, but to reinforce: being a liberal is being a faggot because you don't see reality as it is. You think with feelings, compartmentalizing problems to individual causes rather than connecting the dots together and seeing the full spectrum picture. Liberal men tend toward weak bodies, weak voices, weak lifestyles and weak minds. They meet outside ideas and challenges with passive-aggressiveness and female interpretations of authoritativeness, like telling someone to "only talk one at a time" in a mass argument instead of calling him a faggot and slugging the other guy. Being abrasively convicted can sometimes change their opinions and reveal that they were just brainwashed and not fags in the end, but most times it just accelerates their behavior and outs them as passive aggressive fags, which hurts their public perception amongst other individuals who are sensitive to the truth. Do this enough and you could create subconscious associations in your community or workplace.
I leave out women because the odds of you finding an objectivist woman are rare and you're not going to change the mind of someone who's already overdosed on bluepills, only a woman who wasn't secure in her beliefs or was sensitive to truth anyway. Women will also lord over men's window of acceptable ideas(seen this in the workplace a lot) and get very pissy if you go outside of them. So you basically have to either ignore or disengage, only biology and time will bring a change in perspective at that point. Obviously it's different with your own woman because you could, potentially, remold her associations through the whole pair-bonding process, whatever remains of it.
While the liberal lemming cunts are lining up to funk niggers to be the next kim kardashian…
MGTOW is the most retarded shit I've seen that didn't have the self awareness or honesty to just admit and embrace the retardation. It's exactly the kind of thing that amplifies and pushes on the destruction of White families and future and someone must rub their hands together every time they see people from that area being promoted. MGTOW is also heavily infiltrated with queers who want men to go THEIR way and stay away from women as well as being full of non-whties.
Get married, have a family. That is the only way the 14 words is going to work. There's no future without it. No tricks or arguments can get around this necessity.
A bunch of men "going their own way" together sounds like supreme faggotry as they're either all jerking off alone or they are faggots trying to corral men into their bath houses and there's no such thing as butt babies yet, thankfully.
MGTOW is about protecting your freedom and assets from the gynocentric courts and government. Tradcons like you see the abysmal marriage/divorce statistics and think that wont happen to them. MGTOWs look at those same statistics and deduce that the juice isn't worth the squeeze, the risk isn't worth the reward. So what if you get a wife and three kids if she ends up taking them and most of your income away from you? Would you call divorced men who can never see their kids, who have had their assets stripped away, winners? I'd be willing to say that most MGTOW see the demographics shifting towards the worse in white countries, but they don't want to risk being raped by our government/courts/wives.
Children matter more than money. White families existing in the future is literally the only thing that matters. No amount of money or plastic junk you'll buy with it matters more. We can work on the culture or laws and societal structure as long as there are still White people. Nothing else matters if the White people go. The last thing we need is anything else that will cause faster dwindling numbers or the poisonous cultural elements that is causing it (men and women never growing up, endless hook up culture, using each other for sex into middle age instead of settling, etc.). The vast majority of couples never have any experience like these horror stories of divorce that bitter old guys love to talk about. Most people's lives are still blissfully mundane even in this age of clown world. The worst of those people are the old guys who have kids who are then telling young men not to get married and settle down as those guys have their bloodline secure, so can larp about in retirement, but shouldn't lead others astray.
This is the fundamental argument between MGTOW and tradcons when it comes to white survival. MGTOW white nationalists believe that procreation for the sake of itself doesn't guarantee anything. Tradcons believe that children are the key to white survival and if you don't have kids and a family, you aren't helping the white race.
History has shown only one approach to work. White people have been having children for the past 50 years. Has it made any noticeable impact on our politics or media? No! This is because we don't own our politics or media. The kikes do, and the only we can win is by taking it from them or buying them out. The latter is impossible, so that leaves the former. We need to fight back. Tradcon ideas are the generational version of white flight. Don't fight back today, wait until we are 20% of the population!
The MGTOW philosophy can work, PROVIDED it is applied in a militant way towards the judaic apparatus. Single, financially independent men are in the best position to actually fight back against ZOG. They have no obligations to family, can be anywhere at anytime. The money they save can be used to buy equipment and material for a war effort. They have nothing to lose. There is a lot to be said about the philosophy's stressing of male independence and its potential to create militant men.
If you believe that there are no political solutions, MGTOWs shouldn't be your enemy. Tradcons need to understand that having white children alone will not save the white race.
I used to think to the same… UNTIL I watched my first video of TFM and he was giving economic advice (stocks and maximizing asset investment).