Texas Teacher Suspended Over Ties To White Nationalists.
It is outrageous. Is it America? Anyone could express political opinion freely. Freedom of Speech is protected by US Constitution. The school should be sued.
Texas Teacher Suspended Over Ties To White Nationalists
No offense but Yurope got is involved in 2 fucking world wars, we came to America to get away from that shit, not have it influence us. I don't want to be associated with Yurotrash
Bot or kike? You decide.
probably both
checked, it's a bot, since the post is off topic
That's my guess, anyway
He's right to question why the fuck an American organization is called Identity Europa. It's fucking retarded. alt-turds had 15 seconds of fame to destroy evangelical Zionism in the brain of the average American and instead they LARP about their 65% Nordic admixture. Get the fuck out of here.
While only the govt and govt funded institutions are limited in their restrictions on speech, meaning you cannot silence private individuals or groups, protections do not exist for "political" associations or identities, as it does for racial, sexual, and genetic associations or identities. It's bullshit tbh.
step up your game nigger.
Jews got us into WWI and WWII.
America is a European nation.
this is also a bot (text file) and won't respond to me becaue it is a bot (text file)
what a faggot this text file is.
Might makes right you stupid faggot
Unless the political association is one of the good anti-white ones like La Raza. Then you're totally okay and you can teach all the children you want. Yvette Felarca was a fucking 7th grade teacher in Berkeley, after all, and it practically took an acto of Congress to get her fired, even after her conviction for riot.
I say this every time – There is no right or wrong. There is only what serves the ruling cult and what the cult doesn't like. If what you believe and say and do goes against the cult, then you will be fair game, muh-constitution be damned. If what you do is judged good by the cult, then you can (and do) get away with murder.
Newfags remember this when we advocate violence. There is no legitimate way out, and they'll get us all sooner or later. If the cult is feeling generous, we'll be given the option to convert to Islam say we love Big Brother audit our thetans welcome the caramel and queer future, but either way we're targets.
Stop believing fairy tales about equality. We are not equal, we are heretics to be persecuted. What's maddening is that it's because we can't stop telling the truth about the evil that rules us.
People here will go on and on about the virtues of intolerance, tolerance as a false god but then cry like babies for tolerance when the tables are turned.
He's the kike screaming "shitler" in nearly every single thread on the catalogue while there's the one torfag shitting up every thread with him.
You have no idea, Mr. Enlightenment. We don't give a fuck about principled "tolerance," we want to win. When we do, we plan to be much worse than the most repressive liberal who ever lived.
Heil Hitler, kike.
On one hand, this is a horrible betrayal of the foundation of peace in this nation. On the other, this makes clear only war, fire and an ocean of blood can end this treason and betrayal. Since I've turned to the accelerationist size just so I can start hunting fuckers like you down.
I support this action by the state. Keep it up. Good fucking job. The sooner we get this shit show started the sooner I can impale your subhuman/cuck/jew ass up like vlad. Keep laughing faggot, I'm right there with you.
I believe the school could be put through the Court. They can not fire a teacher for political opinion. It is racial and political discrimination at school. They are saying he as a white can not teach in school where 90% are "minority".
Europe is our homeland you retarded burger. If Europe is lost Whites will NEVER have a Homeland. America has 60 million Niggers, 49 Million LEGAL Spics, and at least 30 million ILLEGAL Spics plus 15 Million Jews - not even counting the mixed race trash like you.
Fuck America. Save Europe.
Obvious D&C along USA/European lines happening here
Prove it nigger jew nazi faggot.
Absolutely not, I agree with George Washington. An excess fondness for another country should be avoided because we'll simply lose the passion and drive to fix our own shit. Worrying non-stop about others affairs never leads to anything good. There's already an alliance between us and Europe, but their affairs are not ours and vice versa
"G-d" forbid they say the "j" word.
Amongst all this petty squabbling about "European identity" you've caused these problems to exist in the first place in our own country by abandoning it and it's people to minorities and foreign invaders and niggers
The kikes are getting lazy. This is just a rehash of the female teacher suspended over ties to White Nationalists story, which was debunked.
Turned out she was just some zionist kike.
Our "racist" here looks rather kikeish too.
And given that Identity Europa is just a cookie-cutter controlled op, either he was retarded enough to contact them in good faith, or he's part of the program. In the latter case, the objective here is to serve as a warning exercise showing the consequences to your professional life, of expressing right-wing views.
Dig a little and you'll find the truth.
This is how a boomer scripts a Gen X Zig Forumsack "trying to hide his identity."
You have a point
Turns out I'm shadowbanned from kiketube. My comments post until refresh.
Oh shit, get this lads… hahahaha
One article mentions that he also posted on "The Right Stuff" and Stormfront, under his real name.
Checked Stormfront and he has 1 (ONE) post (a thread in fact), which conveniently includes all of the information needed to link him up with what he disclosed in Identity Europa messages.
All in his single message. He didn't even reply to posters in the thread he started. Gee, what's the chances.
Fake event confirmed.
So he's a traitor
That's not at all what he's saying you retarded faggot. He's saying that teaching to subhuman chinks isn't satisfying.
Thread is archived going back to 2017, and the post was made in 2015. There's no way it was faked, or is somehow a hoax, 4 years in the making.
He's probably just a moron, as you'd expect someone who posts on WN websites under his real name and listens to TRS podcasts.
That is what happens when you don't take violent action against jews and their leftist lapdogs.
Form armed militias and kill them, or else, America will soon become Sweden 2.0, where jews simply jail anyone for anything that they say.
He's an agent.
Whether he's a traitor or not depends on whether he's White or a kike.
But considering he couldn't even bring himself to capitalise "Whites", yet managed to do so for Japanese (the language), I'm guessing he's just a kike.
Sorry but that's evidence for it being bullshit, not against. Why else would someone archive such an inconsequential thread? I'll tell you why; because they knew they would need it later and wanted it available in case of deletion.
So what?
I never implied it was faked. Yes, it's a hoax. The hoax is that he's a WN. This was placed for later use.
Archive.org doesn't require someone to archive it manually, they just do periodic captures.
Ok, thought you meant archive.is
That's true but it doesn't change what I initially wrote. People who are moles or sleepers can and do wait years before finally being asked / ready (depending on the arrangement) to play their part.
They don't lose their jobs and end up unemployed, he will have been offered a position already, and this is how he buys it.
The Stormfront thread is glowy enough, but the other place mentioned is TRS, run by Mike the kike Enoch (Peinovich). And the TRS forum is dark so how did they get his posts? He has the typical gormless "look how awkward right-wingers are" look (think that NA agentguy being "found to be" a pedo) they always give guys chosen for this sort of work.
There's always an "irony". The guy will have a black girlfriend, be a pedo, or in this case lived in Japan for years (watch it come out that he had a jap gf). The point is to:
It's interesting that no matter how hard they try, they always fuck up.
As has been pointed out many times before, a right-winger can emulate a leftist, but the reverse doesn't hold true.
They don't understand us and always fuck it up.
Case in point, forget the circumstantial posts if you like. Check out his actual Discord messages.
He repeatedly capitalises "Hispanic", "Black", "Japanese" while reliably writing "white" with lower case W.
Even when trying to fit in and act "racist", he cannot bring himself to grant Whites a capital W.
And so the kikes will always be detected by those with eyes to see.
You have no idea what my ancestors came here to do in the 17th and 18th centuries you fucking newcomer. Va te faire fouté à Lafayette
Oh, thought it was something about the Texas Brand. Oh well.
as a matter of fact I do know
More shit to build the ridiculousness of the character.
And some more.
His Youtube channel.
Multiple hip-hop playlists.
And one for "Tokyo Hotel", which is an obscure German band headed by an effeminate faggot, interestingly one of the main shills associated with Mike Enoch (who runs the TRS forum he is linked to) has a fetishistic obsession with that faggot and cosplays to look like him.
She used to go by the name of Veronica K Clark, wrote (or had her name put to) many anti-Hitler books, associating the Wehrmacht with gays, blacks etc. She is also a jewish anti-nazi who works for the ADL.
Pure coincidence of course.
I like how they make sound as if he has committed a crime.
yeah, the media reporters are pure idiots
It is like being White well be a crime soon.
This. How many spic teachers and faggots are forced to resign because of ties to La Raza or Antifaggots? When was the last time a sand nigger had to resign over ties to the Muslim Brotherhood?
No you don't. The founding fathers were white nationalists. Pick related.
This could be fun ;-)
but did he sign the new Texas anti-BDS promise to Israel???
back when USA was on the right track, you wouldn't get a job as school teacher UNLESS you were a "White Nationalist"
You already proved his point.
The Founding Fathers are great!
Unless mentioned otherwise schools are public state-ran institutions.
Amerimutt ………
Has no one else noticed the absolutely retarded pronunciation of Evropa in the video?
*Ev*-Rop-A? Really?
Even if you *ARE* that stupid and uneducated, a quick search online let’s you know the proper pronunciation. Fuck…
Can't be fugged searching… I always just pronounced it "Europa".
How racist and insane is to say white nationalist is someway bad. That means white people having own nation is bad. Seems like they are trying to create this kind of thing. Too much, not going to happen.
Maybe it is kinda in Russian. It is pronounce in Russian like that. "Evropa"
They sure as hell weren't French faggots
The Naturalization Act for the first 80 years of this nation allowed only "free white persons of good character" to become citizens of this nation.
Funny how the laws they passed absolutely back up "muh cherrypicked" quotes. Gas yourself kike.
And you would have it right. The fucktarded “journalist” inserts a v instead of a u in your pronunciation, Europa.
No, Identity Evropa is pronounced “Identy Europa”, the reporter is just retarded.
Well to be naturalized. Birthright citizenship has always been a thin in the US and it wasn't restricted to white people. If the founding fathers were as "based" as you thought they were, why didn't they block this simple exploit?
loooool birthright citizenship hasn't always been a thing, it was added with the 14th amendment. And it excluded native americans because they were not deemed "subject to the jurisdiction".
Maybe clarified in it, but it existed long before.
lol no. Birthright citizenship didn't exist before the 14th amendment. Here's where things stood, before they changed in the 1860's:
So regardless of reference to "natural born citizens" in the constitution, the US didn't hve universal birthright citizenship until the 1860s - something the founders, as explicit white nationalists, would have fought against.
Kike starts with a K, user.
The real lesson here is how little the powers jews/antifa fear TRS. This retard was posting there for years under his real name, but only after he showed up in the Identity Evropa discord did anyone bother to dox him.
Now., why would that be?
There is a reason the klan wore hoods. Why do people think that they won't be destroyed if they get rid of being anonymous?
Our founding fathers were white nationalists too. What's the crime again? Oh, right, being European in the peoples republic of taconiggerstan.
The bitch could not even pronounce the word 'fascist'. She said fucking fassist. Fucking retarded mystery meat NPCs.
I bet they needed meta data from discord or he said something dumb in the chat.
He's like a teflon coated retard. There was endless chances for the (((media))) and others to bring him down and they didn't go for the kill. Charges mysteriously dropped when others were being put to the rack.
Are people still using that honeypot chat?
Good. White Nationalist larpers are the reason millions of Whites have no jobs or homes.
White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our white immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.
No they we not WN larping faggots. And the the fucking Black Sun in the pics retard?
Why the fuck can't you autists just hide in plain sight?
You can still work towards achieving your goals without telling the whole fucking world what your intentions are.
It's easy to subvert the leftist agenda if they believe you're on their side or at least apathetic.
Daniel Wallace Rasch
DOB: 7/11/87 – 31 years old
Address: 2212 Oak Springs Drive Greenville, South Carolina
Occupation: Global Leadership Development Program- Michelin Tires, Greenville, SC
From: Washington & St. Louis Missouri
Previously Lived In: Bryan & Houston, Texas, and Lexington, South Carolina
School: Attended Texas A&M – Mays Business School 2016-2018
Ben franklin called the germans "Swarthy", I.E. not-white, how the fuck is that white nationalism?
They where all freemason judeo-americans
we will not be silenced fight back fascism is the way to stop our race from dying
Stephen William Arnquist
DOB 8/11/1985
Address: 4701 Sycamore Street, Dallas, Texas 75204
Former Employment: Japanese teacher at Skyline High School, Dallas Independent School District
It's a bot. The post isn't even on-topic.