From Fornite to AltRight

Attached: Traditional Aryan Tribal Dance.gif (418x478, 3.24M)

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Here's a proposal for anyone who still plays video games on this board:

Stupid? Maybe.
Will it work? Also Maybe, but it'll be fun trying

lol wut?

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Fine, I'll summarize it for you, lazy nigger

TLDR: A "gaming studies proffesser" talks about how games like fornite are recruiting grounds for the "Alt Right"

ive tried this nobody cares at all

yes I'm getting tired user, lets just go to sleep

I have already done this, dripfeed Zig Forums memes until over the course of a year or so they are ready to join the fold. Its a great way to build networks without getting glow in the dark spookniggers

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lol people are still taking that guy seriously

What the fuck kind of delusional, strawman, mental gymnastics must these idiots engage in to keep their fearfucked fantasies afloat?
Shit is has hilarious as it is frightening.
Promise me we won't bother with insane asylums, and just remove all stains?
The coming future will be brutal, until it no longer needs to be.

Who the fuck gives a shit about some faggots opinion, goddamn

All the faggots with serious political power that listens to his bullshit.
Are you always this retarded?

It's obvious you are

Anyone suggest a good vidya to play? I hate going to /v/. None of the threads are about video games.

what types of games do you like to play?

All of the threads are about video games. Anyone who says anything about politics is instantly banned and all his posts are removed, as long as he’s not a leftist. That’s the problem.

This was the gayest thing I've read in a long time.

Fuck off you spamming fucking cunt jew.

Prince Harry says Fortnite sucks because it turned him into an oil driller.

Because pointing out fraud and neoptism is "harassment" in the culmarx brain.


Attached: vj.jpg (474x474, 19.84K)

Any "former white supremacist" who is open about it is on the payroll of jews who want to give their cocaine-dealing white power minions a credibility boost.

Anything they can to keep the sheep from paying attention to their real actions. The deception I've learned about over the past few years here is off the charts.

If this was true the /gg/ generals would be banned a long time ago. That said the BO is a massive (literally and figuratively) cuck and very likely a jew.

I can't believe they are still freaking out about gamergate even now. These people talk about tolerance but it's not their side that has any tolerance for criticism or being under the spotlight for a change.

How new are you? The autistic kike isn't exactly secretive about it.

and since you posted about this on this public board the FBI and Mossad now know about this.

Stop trying to engage in (((damage control))) with your lies, people must play Spyro 3 and understand the egg-stealer analogy, and Fortnite teaches modern combat tactics. It is 100% truth.

I don't understand this reference, please explain. Is that how long Zoe lived with Eron or something?

Journalism at his best.

I'm sure they knew about gamergate before today. We're not discussing anything super secret or great mind blowing revelations here.


Ebil white supremacist bogeymen are targeting vulnerable teenagers and recruiting them to their secret organisations through videogames and platforms around discussing videogames

you gotta love this whole something-for-nothing psyop scammery these government larpers come up with

the shits completely made up and they then have all these other useless shills 'analyse' it. Entirely fake history being created

It's how long the GamerGate bogeyman has lived in their heads. Rent free, leaving dirty dishes in the sink and not taking out the garbage.

Are you well?

Video games are boring and gay

Attached: 1488nite1.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)


Attached: fortnite.png (2600x1462, 6.19M)

OP here, ID might have changed cause VPN
Most people don't know who Rockwell is, or what the term "1488" means. Juxtapose that with calling yourself "KILLALLTHENIGGERS" or "HITLERSWASTIKAMAN"

Imagine if Kotaku had just said

Instead they decided to get any mention of their little mistake removed from reddit and 4chan. Which through the streisand effect caused Brexit and Trump. Apparently.

I like people who call themselves killallniggers or hitlerswastikaman.
I admire their chutspa.