Jennifer Hart drove her six children to their deaths as her wife looked up how much they would suffer, a jury says
>(((CNN))) — As a drunk Jennifer Hart drove her six adopted children captured niggers in their family SUV, her wife, Sarah, sat in the passenger seat looking up different ways to end their lives.
>The SUV carrying the Hart family would drive off a 100-foot Pacific coast cliff on that day in March last year — a tragedy police say took all eight lives and sparked questions about abuse and homicide. As the car was in motion, Sarah was busy with the searches: "How easily can I overdose on over the counter medications?" "Can 500mg of Benadryl kill a 125lb woman?" "How long does it take to die from hypothermia while drowning in a car?" One of her last searches was for a no-kill dog shelter. They intended to kill their 6 children niggers, jury finds
>The horrifying details emerged Thursday after a coroner's jury unanimously ruled that Jennifer and Sarah Hart intended to die along with their six adopted children captured niggers: Markis, 19, Jeremiah and Abigail, both 14, Devonte, 15, Hannah, 16, and Ciera, 12. At first, it seemed unfathomable the parents would drive their children from their home in Woodland, Washington, to their deaths in Mendocino County, California. Their social media pages included photos of beaming children holding "love is always beautiful" signs.
>As the national spotlight on the story grew, more details emerged that the children niggers desperately sought help from neighbors. Allegations surfaced that their parents abused and starved the six adopted children captured niggers.
>When authorities entered the Hart home, it seemed neat, orderly and newly remodeled, said investigator Jake Slates from the California Highway Patrol. But while Jennifer and Sarah's were decorated, Slates said, the children's niggers rooms were bare.
>According to a case report, the children niggers also complained of racist behaviors an sheet.