Enough Fighting You Fucking Tards

One thing I need to make clear…


It doesn't matter if you're more of a nu-pol person or an old-pol person. That shit don't matter a single bit. We all share the common goal of the destruction of those who make our lives a living hell, and endanger the future of our children. It doesn't matter if you're a Brit, a Kraut, a Taytonig, a Med, or a Baltid. As long as your ancestry comes from the Great Steppes, you're White.

Anyone who says otherwise is clearly a fucking kike, only wishing to destroy our conversation, which shall organize us and prepare us for the actions we must take for survival.

Brenton Tarrent may have been a Mossad agent. But let us not remember his Ends, but his Means. Irregardless if Tarrent was a Mossad falseflag, we shall remember his actions as a brave move to try to start the DOTR. We will rise up, irregardless if Tarrent was Mossad or not, he can be called the catalyst.

The time is now. Go /sig/ mode. Start redpilling your friends and family. Stock up on food, water and firearms. The end is amoungst us. Steel yourselves, mein kamaraden.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Please stop with the butchered German, it makes us who actually know some cringe

Israel ashkenazi jews are the biggest Hitler fanboys.

Filter immediately, lurkers.

No user, I am a card-carrying ANTI SEMITE…and ANTI PARASITE…the jew is just one small aspect of the purge that needs to happen on this planet.

Sage this incredibly gay thread.

I'm a white man who looks Hispanic on DACA, and I agree that we need to all work together.

No, he may not have been. Way to dress up your agenda in otherwise pretty language.

==We'd get more shit done if you stopped niggering about Brenton.== That goes out to to the lot of you.

Fuck off you jew cunt.

After everything you did? Bombing everyone invading countries genociding natives? Our ancestors correctly deemed you inferior. Now go back to reading the bible otherwise us jews will transform into christians and torture and murder you. You will bow to GOD.

Brenton Tarrant was not a mossad agent, dummy.

good point
but it gets the larpers to pay attention

seems like it's time to work in tel-aviv

He could be, we can't know. That's the problem. So far, the effects of his actions have played right into the jews hands

You will never be white moshe.

newfags take note which slides the kikes endorse.

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water or inflatable?

bot posts, report and ignore

nu/pol/ mainly stands for JIDF agents who play stupid and make mental gymnastics in order to convince us to attack (((their))) enemies

You could be a mossad agent.
And no, attacks against invaders is not part of their plan. Any violent action taken against invaders is a threat to the jews because THEY are invaders too. One positive action inspires others.

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our white immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.

You still don't understand how this board works do you?

Just in schedule (((torpedo)))

Some what. Depending on how you define nu/pol/ though.


Wohohooowww! LOOK how scared the kikes are!!! Holy fuck.

This is a good rustle.

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Ah huh…

Yeah. I like how a lot of the sage posts are basically
even though i literally want the board to get its shit together and stop being a faggot cesspool

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Gee I wonder who could be behind this thread.

Wait why would Moshe bring attention to himself like that?

I agree. I think posts that are inflammatory and purely posted to divide and derail should be treated as spam/bots. Unfortunately it seems many of us are overly eager for a fight and many threads turn to trash. This is one of the few places we can organize our thoughts and share information and who knows if they will (((shut it down))) soon.

This is a fight for our lives, we should be treating the opportunity to use this site (board specifically) more tactically and efficiently and less as a shitpost/stress reliever/time killer space. Shills/bots/lefty invaders do their fair share of shitting up the place and I don't care what CodeMonkey says, this is a NS/WN board and should be maintained as such by the mods.

Yes. Real world action is more important now. Over the next few years I hope I have enough to buy a plot of land.

Starve the jew, become self-sufficient.

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reminder that causing infighting is a textbook JTRIG tactic. It’s ok to argue a bit but have a bit of board etiquette, do not take the bait and trash threads, do not derail discussions with shitty little quips. Effortpost more, and learn to walk away.

Let’s not play into the ZOGbot hands and destroy ourselves

Israel is actually an European American colony. Britannia dumped a bunch of white Europeans in the Middle East and called them "Jews" to aggravate the Palestinian Muslims* who were already there.

*I know Palestinian Christians make the majority, but it's imperative to make this a Jew vs Islam crusade.

Zig Forums is not a good place to organize far from it, but is the best place to discuss things.
4cucks is just for shitposting.

Friends please: On this board we're all in this together, united against a common enemy.
Except Pagans vs. Christians. And Americans vs. Euros. And Irish vs. English. And Germans vs French. And Kiwis vs. Ozzies. And Scots vs. Americans. And Scots vs English. And Scots vs. Irish. And Scots vs. French. And Scots vs. Germans. And Scots vs. Humanity. And Welsh vs. Vowels. And Swedish vs. Swedish. And the Pope vs. White people's feet.


wew lamo

OK. Thanks.

I will give even a marxist a second change. So you, my brother, will not be bothered at all by me. A good discussion amongst brothers can get passionate, but once the sirens go off we battle side by side.

Fuck you (((tornigger)))

We try cause it’s in our dna Germananon
Sieg Heil

Checked. This for all time

i think actual hitler and goebbels speeches are like garlic and holy water to these vampires, you see them trying to shake it off but they can't

You wish, kike. Everyone's sights are locked on you.

The real question is how do you remove the parasite without killing the host? It doesn't matter if "America" exists, whites must survive.

I'm American, Ive no use for this German bullshit.

How about chan autists organize Trump supporters to march like the yellow vests and stop caring if it gets violent?

Die jüden or der jude

You have mistaken yourself for a jew that hasnt broken the Covenant with god

What Ethnic is an "American"?

But if we don’t torment the newfags how will they ever learn?
Unity doesn’t bring strength.
Strength brings unity.

They don't have enemies, they create fake opposition goy. National Socialists are their natural allies.

Stated by dude that had a personal trainer to get him in shape for the role.

Fuck me silly ladies, you can't make this shit up.

You'd think I had full blown AIDS the way you whores treat me.

go back to >>>/reddit/

truly, the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

Honk Honk
Brentan Tarrant did nothing wrong

< If I post Hitler they'll fall for my shilling
nice try JIDF, but you overdid it

This. Unite the white to kill the kike.

There is nothing wrong in torturing and genociding non-whites, including you, jews. Your end is near. There is nothing that you can do to stop your genocide by our hands.


this video is filled with toxic masculinity you must watch it

get fucked, yid

shit, another bagelLARPing fag. It's G-D, Hans.

be nice you anti semite before you get us all gassed in the ovens

fight anti-white policies by killing those who cooperate or implement those policies
there are alot of jews in pro-immigration/race mixing/degeneracy but, majority of anti-white cooperation is done by our own. directly attack the suicidal elements of our civilization in order to terrorize our folk into being actually racially progressive. otherwise at least we die fighting the actual social cancer.

so contrary to anti-jewish sentiments many working/lower-middle class jews in the USA are actually fascist. i don't mean the zionist diaspora either but, a majority of small jews are "racist" and pro-european culture. therefore generally attacking judaism is stupid for our cause. now what bower's did by killing jews who were assisting the immigration invasion was great and there should be more attacks like that. better if a strike were made against the media mogul's with proper revisionist propaganda.

oy vey you naughty goy!! My name is Kappawitz shekelsniffer AleShaWitzd Jude-stein… I am self promoting my video so you racist goys can learn how to be good….. my mother died when she was 10 do to the gas ovens and I later became a kappwitz at the same camp. you must all bow down to me as I bring muticulturism to you because you are weak. Diversity is your strength!!!!


DIEversity is your strength, user…get it right.

America is historically a hodgepodge of various European people’s and cultures. This was the case until 1965 with the passage of the Hart-Celler Act, which shifted immigration from northern Europe to Latin America and Asia.
Before this within the United States were strong cultural pockets that mimicked their source, with a particular American flair for liberty and personal responsibility. For instance, the North East was heavily influenced by British culture, with injection of Irish and Italian culture as well, portions of the Midwest have strong German and Nordic culture. It is even postulated that the midlands accent is itself a derivation of a Scandinavian accent for early English speaking migrants from the region. The Boston accent, as an example, is thought to derive largely from the pre-Victorian accent of England, and share a lot of commonality with Australian and Kiwi accents.

The notion that America is a “diverse melting pot” is a very recent thing. For >75% of its history it was largely a minor ammagation of Northern European cultural norms.

oy vey, you anti-Semite trying to correct me!!! just watch the video you dirty goy before i go paint swastikas on my own synagogue!!!

Its sunday so the JIDF is back to work

the national socialist fight was primarily against the reactionary right and leftist marxist. the 'counter war on judaism' was ancillary. i think whites would pray for a reactionary government now but, the solution to our problem is the same. the fight is against ideologically anti-white europeans primarily still. no matter how much our population shrinks we'll never revive our civilization if we don't defeat our own counter cultures.


Einige Leute neigen dazu, beim Joggen herabzusehen, aus welchen Gründen auch immer. Wenn Sie 3-4 Minuten pro Woche 30 Minuten in entspanntem Tempo laufen, kann dies als solide, leicht zugängliche Grundlage für mehr Gesundheit und Freiheit dienen. Sieg und Wohlstand. Zerstöre den Zionismus.

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but user have you read hitler's book? the jew will act like they're for you but they are only trying to win you over…..(((The Peoples Jew)))

hitler and the NSDAP attempted to work with the zionists as well. although during the war hundreds of thousands of jews were shot out of hand the total european jewish population (which is miniscule compared to negro or mestizo USA population today) was a problem that required diplomatic solution. the deportation of the jewish population was always the goal at the reichstag. if jews are willing to work towards their seperation from european lands then they are allies. right now a jew who claps for trump-golem is at least not a proponent of eurasia policies that the worst segment of their people push.

Shut the fuck up.

We are going to police fuckwits.

If you don't like it then fuck off.

This isn't the democrat party where you get to spout whatever crazy shit you like and everyone has to accept it.

Learn to march in fucking line.

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Anonymous 04/07/19 (Sun) 12:44:44 6a3cc5 No.13090665

hitler and the NSDAP attempted to work with the zionists as well. although during the war hundreds of thousands of jews were shot out of hand the total european jewish population (which is miniscule compared to negro or mestizo USA population today) was a problem that required diplomatic solution. the deportation of the jewish population was always the goal at the reichstag. if jews are willing to work towards their seperation from european lands then they are allies. right now a jew who claps for trump-golem is at least not a proponent of eurasia policies that the worst segment of their people push.

What? What are you trying to say user, this is like 5 points rolled up into 1 statement.

Not really. NSDAP policies of declaring other white people as untermensch and their subsequent loss in the war is the reason for todays suppressed immunity towards invaders, not white nationalism in general.

>Trying this hard to speak German when you can't even spell Verbündete right

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the "people's jew" depends on his camoflage. if/when we have restored our social institutions then the jew should be deported/seperated from our lands. zionists and right-leaning jews are debatable while the marxists ones (which i think is a shrinking elitist group) should probably be killed.

we should send them all away except for a few… "by the 6th or 7th generation the jew is breed out of them"….

you get it

Der Tag des Seil ist noch nicht kommt. Heute ist Der Wartenzeit. Wann jedes Mann wunsch ein Krieg, wird der Tag des Seil kommen.

When the unwashed masses are begging for a day of the rope, we can carry it out unopposed, and soon the sand niggers and jews will have overplayed their hand/. Not yet, now is too soon, the reaction will be hostile against us. Now that is too radical, but in 5 years? I think it will be the norm.

kys yid

please learn German for 2 years before LARPing this hard and bad again.

Larping White Nationalist retards is not unity nor anything Nationalist. Whites will never become tribal with Nazi jerkoffs.

WN is good in theory but not in practice – the practice is tons of dead white people. Definitely not the way to advance the cause for their protection.

definition: (politics) The political ideology that white people (Europeans) are a distinct race and should form an ethnic state.
if that is not a good than i dunno what is. you're just trying to make shill arguments but, in the off chance you're a retard; white nationalism doesn't necessarily mean ethnic infighting of europeans

Everyone that identifies as a "White Nationalist" is a fucking cancer killing White survival for the Jews.

Too much faggoty Jew media for you, Brittsh empire was not brittish it was jew controlled, same as the east india company, the same as the US isn't genociding the middle east, it's jew controlled, read The Nameless War and educate yourself, overwhelming amounts of faggotry here now.

Obvious shilling.
No the reason why it went all down hill so fast was because of propaganda and defeating the wrong enemy if if weren't for hitler we will be in way way worse situations having no clue what solution to go for.

What about my post was obvious shilling? This one:

I adore Hitler, I really resonate quite strongly with his message of unity, and his vision, but my above linked post has literally nothing to do with that. Read the post I was responding to.

He was not mossad, it was not a false flag. There is no evidence of this whatsoever. Stop pandering to a bunch of fucking schizoniggers who only hinder us.
Thinly veiled thread to push your agenda, faggot.

You don't understand even the basic concepts behind accelerationalism, and thus you must know nothing at all. Stop posting.

Yeah, that's obviously because you insinuated that Brenton Tarrant was mossad. You're also clearly a newfag, so your advocating for accepting newfags / nu/pol clearly isn't out of the kindness of your heart.

The clear inexperience with board culture implies he is only a newfag, not a jew. though I guess you never know and only newfags are dumb enough to fall for the false flag shilling, anyway

What if The Holocaust is pure bullshit. While German soldiers Froze to death on the front lines from not having proper clothing They just did not give a fuck about the prisoners that's it end of story. But what about the yellow star! They had a triangle color system. Every peaceful cohabitation of land with the self proclaimed Jew Was only achieved by basically make them where Yuck stickers while in public so normal people knew they where (((KIKes)))

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Were all anons.
Heil hitler.

hail victory

I hate these two are kike-on-a-pike worshippers yet this is still a great conversation.

Agreed. I've been watching Owen since he was bluepilled hurr muslims are the problem now he's saying shit like "Hitler did NOTHING wrong" multiple times a stream unironically. E Michael Jones is great but he rejects Pan-European identity.

I'm Jewish and I've realised something lately from being on this board.

We (the Jews) are the superior race. We have higher IQ's, we live longer, and we are wealthier.

Many civilisations and groups of people have tried to wipe us out and all have failed. We can come into any country as a minority and then totally dominate all the top positions.

All the big advances in maths, science, literature, the nobel prizes, etc… it's all Jews.

We are quite literally the ubermensch, the superior ones. The chosen people.

A Jewish poster the other day said it best "As a Jewish person I could just punch any person from this board in the face in real life and I would be a hero". It's true, we've got society to a point where you all are just considered scum.

There's no revolution coming. There's no widespread support. There's nothing. It's just a bunch of cowardly losers in front of their computers spewing hatred into a minuscule echo chamber that has no effect on the world.

Brenton Tarrent? He was nothing and achieved nothing. Just an ineffectual loser sitting in prison for the rest of his life. The only thing he achieved was less guns (a good thing really because it keeps them out of the hands of Nazi scum).

The more I read this forum the happier I am. I'm Jewish and proud to be bathing in your tears and frustration.

Insult me, say your worst. I fucking love it. I…. fucking… love… it

- The Zig Forums Bear Jew

Lol. True you’ve successfully exploited white empathy and guilt for the better part of a century however that’s quickly coming to an end, hence the desperate self-reinforcing quality of your post. Hell even female/sodomite identitarians are finally starting to turn their backs thanks to trump and his israel first policy, only a matter of time now till you and the rest of your rat faced “superior race” are expelled from yet another civilized society.