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Brenton Tarrant Memetic Warfare Thread № IX
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I don't know anything about fortnite. Are named groups/clans a thing? If so, can somebody make an edgy group called the Tarrantulas?
Why are there spaces between the " quotes " and the marks? Looks pajeet tier.
Just a style I use.
Hello Moishe, how does it feel to be absolutely impotent and unable to change the narrative besides few low-IQ tards and schizos?
artist impression of this scene when
G-guys what the fuck?
please explain? Are they reading a chat donation? are they just being edgy?
This is too fucking unbelievable to be true.
Someone find sources to the original clips.
And why is is mostly little White girls doing this anyway?
Why does it surprise you? Breivik is getting literally dozens of letters from female fans every week.
Kids love Tarrantism.
Little white kids haven't been browbeaten by (((modern social norms))) yet, so they just think it's funny and cool
Fresh links for those who need the original stream download of NZ shooting without any processing, should provide best quality available so far and full audio.
bsckol.mp4 - Size: 71717944 bytes (68 MiB) - SHA256: BFF3449B9A48714FED41BEF26F2B4F07DCEB1C85FE3910098F0B432F680C5142
dios mio
What is number 3 supposed to be parodying?
Second ones doesn't have a nipple on her left tit. It's freaking me out. I keep trying to rotate around my monitor to change my viewing angle to see it.
First one best one.
Should have a muffled speech bubble
and a BANG! bubble at the end of the gun with "POP"
this is a america by some nigger
Anybody have the tarrant version of Big Iron? I can't find it.
Anyone know if there's a higher quality version of pic related?
Appreciate you, appreciate your friendship, appreciate your hospitality
Spot on bravo, fantastic
Little of column A, little of column B. Still a huge whitepill though.
It has always been strange to me to represent masculine aspects as sexy anime waifus women. I never really understood it at the beginning, and I still don't now. However, if it means propagating masculine virtues again in some way shape or form even if it means a few get lost to tranny degeneracy then ok. Maybe they can help their mental problems by getting enshrined themselves as real anime waifus or something.
Maybe this is all some kind of muse thing, women muses traditionally. Do it for her.
also, varg, porn, etc.
sex sells.
disregard, i suck cocks
I don't even know why this one made me laugh so hard
thought I'd add a nonsense one for the hell of it
another MD Geist related edit I forgot to include
Anyone got the >lookit this dood.mp4 version?
He makes a good point though, that's nearly an entire town/cities worth of graves. They all died and now those who survived them are in danger of being annihilated by foreigners, but this time the foreigners aren't even European.
Fuck that first pic is almost exactly like the Metallica album cover, just that the hands and string are unseen.
Hello from Russia, I make WebM in Russia style in honour of Tarrant. Salute all Australians fighters and fuck Muslim invader. Enjoy please.
I will shitpost until I am dead
the best picture so far
Deus Vult
British and German cemeteries at the same location.
Me too cunt, me too.
gotta say, memes getting better and better. well done lads
love this, I imagine him like that since he appeared in court in that kind of prison tunic
it's him, i don't know but, not as good as the others i've done. something looks off but can't put my finger on it.
Only a man who has a vagina and twisted view of reality can do what gutless wonder did. I wont even say the cunt's name.
If I were given the chance, I would shoot him right between the eyes, point blank, while I look at the life disappear from his eyes because he doesn't deserve one.
New shop. Can someone get me a higher-res screengrab? It's region-locked to Aus. 7plus.com.au
what about this?
My shop is better. Cleaned him up, fixed his brow ridge & colour corrected it. That one looks like he's fearful.
I agree. will be using yours as stock going forward.
Literally giving his life to send 50 mudshit invaders to the fucking pit.
Fuck oof with ye
yep, you get an Aussie flamechucka too ya cunt.
I MEAN user !
Don't you have a baby dick to chew?
oh shit, thanks for reminding me cubicle 7
Now transparent.
had a stab at it myself
forgotten i even had gimp
Reposting some of these