Airbnb black people?

Holy fucking shit. Any idea how to avoid black people in tech startups like Airbnb?

Jesus Christ. I lived with a nigger for less than 24 hours and it was the biggest professional risk I've ever taken
too good to be true.jpg
"ay whud doop I was claynin fo yo show uh ya hee arly"
What the fuck
Turns out she was welcoming me and telling me which room to go to

W/e I got fucking shit to do
"ay mane whup doo didee like be up boop bop ya from Gran Junctin dey got weed rie hehe"

All of this would have been avoided if I knew I was going to be in a minority neighborhood.
Is there a fast and easy way to tell what racial composition a neighborhood is by a few quick minutes of google searches? Or should I bite the bullet and just do expensive asf hotels?

Fuck right off. That takes a long time to do

Attached: 1521852103363.jpg (680x793, 40.68K), I think. Wikipedia will also have demographic information, though the census they pull from isn't always consistent. It's a worthless nigger country, though, so the only real solution is genocidal violence. The fact that you work to keep the system afloat actually makes me think much less of you, even though I'm sure you thought you'd be well received here.

And then you still entered.
This thread and your actions dont underline "i am responsible for millions!" at all. SAGE!

Fuck off nigger. YOU try traveling across the country to have your first legit social interaction in years in an attempt to leverage your data analysis skills honed after living 100% of your life in an upper-middle class white boomer basement. Besides, wouldn't YOU like to know how to avoid black people in the future?


keep it believable and we all have a much better time reading your blogpost.


I go to hotels i research. I know how to avoid black people: Dont go for the lowest prices like all the other niggers.

tl;dr OP had a bad experience with black people using airbnb and wanted to ask how to avoid blacks in the future but wanted more (Yous) so made up a bunch of other shit.

Face it OP. You're an undergrad out on some interview, aren't you? For a prestigious position, like a top law school or massive company internship, aren't you?

Gotta pay the patrician tax bro

I thought every one in here was at least not stupid. Well, I was wrong. What a dumb sequence of decisions you made, user. Damn.

Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.

Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.

Remember anons;
Report duplicate threads.
Sage duplicate threads.
Filter duplicate threads.


They should definitely have a "filter niggers" option.

are you retarded? i grew up in georgia surrounded by niggers. why do you spastics act as though your life is in imminent danger the second you are near a nig? anybody with street smarts would have just not left valuables laying around and locked their door/window during sleep with a stick propped against the door that will fall if some nig with a key tries to sneak in while youre sleeping. youre a retard.

That was the critical moment you fucked by not doing a 360 and walking away OP.

Because it almost always is. Without a way to guarantee it's not, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Attached: around-blacks-never-relax.png (500x759, 140.65K)

Let me see if I understand this: you're carrying a laptop worth billions, but the company with billions at risk can't afford to put you up in a hotel room? Is that your story?

I grew up in St. Louis, so I just get a tingling sensation in the back of my neck

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Exactly! Sleep with one eye open. Problem solved.

How about stop being a racist cunt?

You’re too fucking lazy to street view the fucking address? It’s like one more click.

If you stop irrationally hating people you can do even less work.

Remember user;
you're an annoying cunt,
kill yourself

Lol, the only nigger here is you.

Attached: congratulations-you-played-yourself.jpg (610x360, 150.96K)

Now I really don't care about you

Been in the same situation has you, but in my case, it was a legitimate Jew contacting me, only to find out the house was full of niggers.
But in my case, I only found out the morning after when I woke up to some lovely rap music blasting from the living room.
All I was told was that the house had a couple more tenants. Turns out, a couple more meant "about 8 or 9".
You said you got out and went to an hotel. Smart. I called my boss and was told to stay put. The end result: I got a watch, mp3 player and even a fucking soda can stolen. They didn't take the laptop because I keep it with me. Called the cops and the only thing that came out of it? I actually discovered that somehow, they also took my wallet without me noticing it. They manage to argue that "wez jus fund it in da libing rum" and that was it. It was missing a few (50) euros, but since I couldn't prove it I ever had them there…
You know how to avoid them? Easy: never ever fucking use Airbnb. After this episode, my boss still used it 3 times. One with me (got a couple of shirts stolen) and two with colleagues. The first got his wallet and briefcase stolen, never found. The second almost lost his life in point blank robbery INSIDE THE VERY HOUSE. Took THAT to open the eyes of my boss.
Hotels are expensive, but they're safe.
If you want cheaper, motels. You gotta deal with chink tourists making noise till 3AM but it's a small price to pay. Bring ear plugs.

Protip: don't bring suitcase with locks. They'll steal the whole fucking thing because lock=valuables. And don't let anyone hug/get near you. Your wallet will vanish.

Really not funny, what if you were a woman? WTF mate? This is ridiculous.

Niggers, gotta love em

If I was a woman, I'd be raped.
But despite the feminist propagand, some subliminal part of my bosses brain still hold true ot the old ways, and when a women was sent out, she went with male company and to an hotel to boot. From personal experience: people will agree with all the feminist mantra you say in public, but when they gotta make decisions, or talking in private, the same old "patriachal" ways of thinking prevail. Small mercy for the women, that they keep eroding because they don't know how it protects them.

The thing that got me was the complete lack of thinking two days ahead. You rob a guest today, maybe tomorrow another comes, but what about in a week? When the news spread? I did drop a negative review on them, and the must have been mortified when Jamal and friends tryied to counter-review with 100% ebonics. You couldn't make sense nor heads of the shit they said. A week later, the offer got out of Airbnb.
I ended up using it again for personal vacations in Europe, and the thing I noticed is that when it's whites posting it, they'll usually include either a photo of themselves or the neighborhood. The old lady that receive me made some of the best jam I've tasted at breakfast and the old man knew a couple of things of firearms. I took what I learned back and out of curiosity looked at the site again.
And it checks out: if it's a nigger house, they have no pride in themselves or the neighbourhood. No photos of either in any nigger posting I saw. I guess that's one way of telling them apart. albeit a small percentage of white posting were simply inept or shy people who didn't post either.

And you might be thinking: I've seen a couple posting where niggers post themselves. What about those.
In short: Don't. Ever.
You're dealing with a proud nigger. That happened to a sister-in-law. Go to one of those, couldn't get the nigger to shut the fuck up. The nigger loved the house, loved the neighborhood, loved EVERYTHING a local-nigger ever touched. Try leaving the house without the costumary 40 minutes of nigger praise. You're rude, you're not respectfull. You're just another white-trash tourist.
I'd honestly have my bags stolen than sit throught that every single day, morning when you leave and at night when you return.

Airbnb is a great place where moderates go to become racists.
For real, I wasn't a racist before that, never dealt with them before and assumed Zig Forumsacks were just memeing around. After THAT? I'm all for massacring the bastards. It would be a kindness to them and for us.

We can post and talk about whatever we want. OP was clearly sharing a bad experience with Air BnB which has no method of quality assurance. It's an app for niggers and his experience is similarly bad to my own. Rap music all night, no lock on my room door, blacks coming and going all night. Air BnB is not suitable for business or family travel.

Sharing politically relevant experiences is not blogging. You're a faggot.

op should write a nigger novel tbh

Trulia has a crime map that is top notch, for having to use jewscript.

And this. City data is good. Better if moving to place. Crime map is better.

Fuck off. Race is real, statistics and genetics prove behavioral differences between races. You don't know the first thing about living because you have a woman's mind. Hating criminal behavior is the most rational thing you can do to stay alive. Stay cucked, faggot. Your death is just a nigger away. is another good one

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