I've noticed that since the election here, as well as half Zig Forums and any other "right leaning" site or forum anywhere has suddenly noticed that the man with kike grandchildren is as pro-israel as he always said he was and also that he's not as bad as obama, bush, or most often brought up hillary (high bar). Broadly speaking these two points being brought up, all "trump bombing syria, touching wall" as well as "nominating judges, fixing economy" basically boils down to this, are in nerely every thread 24/7 and only serve to make any real discussion (i.e. any thread on any issue related even remotely to america) or even joking or making fun of people and having fun (i.e. saltmining the media and leftist retards over the mueller shit) impossible. Most people seem to assert that either one or the other are (((shills))), however it seems obvious to me that literally all these anons are kike shills and rather than shilling either pro/anti trump they're just trying to ruin Zig Forums
correctly if I'm wrong, but as I remember it most of the actual 2016 election posting was shitposting. Meme magic, bane posting, kek, pepe, etc. Did anyone unironically support Trump for anything other than opposing hillary, improving the economy, and hopefully getting a wall. Did anyone actually not expect him to be pro-israel?
It seems weird to me that the media and their useful idiots were pushing this "trump is literally hitler, anti-semitic white nationalist dog whistles" narrative during the whole election and the whole first year of his presidency and everyone here at the time seemed to know it was bullshit, but now you have all these anons running around unironically arguing that it actually wasn't true and "trump betrayed us" or that it's actually still true "it's just 4d chess." Almost like the shills just re-purposed their narrative from then by pretending like everyone here really believed it.