Confronting the reality that "they wuz Kangs"

The reality of any real research into anthropology or etymology is that it clearly shows Egypt to have been filled with Black People. Every culture that has a word for Egypt or those people uses the same root word for "black" in their language.

The land of Khem, the Blacklands.

Khem is the origin of alchemy and Chemistry. Meaning that the origins of our modern sciences clearly point back to Black people.

What is the riddle of the sphynx and why is that even an old timey meme? It's because Napoleon blasted the nose and facial features off the face so you couldn't tell that it was obviously depicting a black guy. (Wide nose)

Now I know this board is full of shills whose agenda is to DandC by convincing anons that white supremacy is the gospel. I'm not typing this for them, I'm typing it for those anons out there who aren't giant ignorant pieces of shit.

Anons who aren't cringey edge Lord's and can hold civil conversations objectively about reality with one another.

"We wuz Kangs" appeals to this weird incel esque groupthink mentality that these shills prey on. Like the movie Blackkklansmen making it seem like real non psyop shills all agree and actively work towards a pure future of whites only. The whole movie is propaganda and not even in the way you think half the time.

Don't be so smug or naive to think you have uncovered all the layers of subversion. Movies like this which clearly have a political agenda and stance work two ways. Charging up the liberals sjws and charging up their natural opponents.

Without their natural opponents, there really is no reason for SJW to exist. They feed off of it.

Imagine a future where petty nonsense like racism is so far removed to the back of the mind that we can accurately judge people based on what they can provide to society (the merit of their character)

It's not a pill or anything wild. Just a thread telling you that any amount of research into this topic reveals that yes, Egypt was run by Black people.

Did they look like Andre from down the block? Probably not. The "blacks" we are used to today are likely as much "Egyptian" as the Jews today are *white*

Doesn't systemic racism make way more sense when you acknowledge that the Jews run modern society since it's inception and one of their biggest beliefs is that Egyptians fucked them over.

Think of the nature of the Jew. His strategy for getting back at people he holds grudges against.

What better way to get back at the former elites than to shift them all the way to the bottom of the social totem pole and place yourself at the top?

A huge component of this is the notion that any group of people after being systematically fucked with will start to devolve after a few generations. (In the sense that they lose their original culture and are handed a degenerative alternative to have as their own. Ie: forget alchemy, rap music is your heritage)

I've seen chicks with different sized titties from all sorts of races. Titties I liked, titties I didn't like. Same with brains and attitudes/personalities.

The future the Jew fears is not a White Ethnostate. It's a culturally diverse society that respects boundaries and acknowledges the real issues ($$$$$$$$ banking)

Stop falling for the same White supremacy nonsense. You literally create the environment for black supremacists to exist.

The only people who complain about things like integration are people who are too broke and weak to handle their own shit and require the governments help for everything.

Don't like that your kids are being forced to go-to school with black kids now?

Teach your kids yourself. They would likely benefit from it anyways. No one is forcing you to stay and participate.

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Did you know that Bantu-speaking Africans have extra dna.
Nobody else has this extra dna.
Well, they did.
Millions of years ago.
Then they used it to grow a larger brain.
Africans did not.

Ethnic Egyptians are Mediterraneans, meaning that they are genetically related to Greeks and Phoenicians. That means they have olive skin.

Did you know that all European were actualluy Africans.
The jews just white wash history.
The real history is in those block etchings.
King James VI/I was African.

Actually, genetic Greeks, Italians, Southern Slavics, and Iberians have ivory skin. Only the Arab, Turk, and Morrocccccan mix has "olive" skin, e.g., non-europeans.

Not how dna works retard

Hiw come ancient egyptians depict themselves as semitic and ethiopians as black then?

Don't look like nigger kangs to me

Attached: Ägyptisches_Museum_Kairo_2016-03-29_Rahotep_Nofret_01.jpg (640x767, 85.2K)

So what happened? Why has literally every other civilization, outside of Plains Indians and Inuits, achieved greater heights than Africans? Did White people crawl out of their caves and steal your magic brain power through trickery?

Das rite!

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Hey now dont sleep on the inuit. Lets see how well you do in a frozen wasteland getting by eating rotten seal guts. At least the inuit have an excuse, they have 0 material to build a civ with

American Indians were more advanced than niggers in Africa…

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And west coast indians like the Haida Gwai and the Tlingit while influenced by Polynesian Japanese and Chinese fishermen that got accidentally washed onto the coast by typhoons produced far superior art and architecture to anything the nigs ever did

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Polynesians populated the west coast in the first place. The bering land bridge is a lie


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This study asserts that a non-functioning extra piece of NOTCH2 code from a "copy error" from ~10million years ago is still present in chimps and gorillas but not in orangutans, and that ~5million years ago, this "extra" dna was used in non-African humans to grow a larger brain.

But you know all about it.

Don't forget to sage the HONEY NUT NIGGERS THREAD user.

Why cant the nigger ever prove it? I saw 2, maybe 3 Africans/Black people when I was in Egypt. The old (very old) families that still live in Giza have colored eyes and light skin.

Shill thread.

True that Polys sailed here before almost anybody but the japs came here first and zero was the Soultreans from Europe. There is a great Discovery/History/H2 documentary on it. The ystart with Columbus and go back to every culture that has archaeological evidence of their "discovery" of the Americas. West coast was Japs then Polys (Mongolians). East coast was Soultreans.

Africans (Kushites) ruled Egypt for 200 years. Pretty signifigant tbh.

Nah I never sage the thread will be delete or slid soon enough.


The Haida, and other Salish-speaking peoples of the PNWCNA, are the only "indians" to carve totem poles. They didn't live in the tipi, either. They built round houses like their Nordic influencers.

You "dissapoint" yourself by having expectations of others that you havent sought agreement to. One hapafag removed all the form fields and I

… couldn't "sage in all fields" anymore I quit saging because it was no longer fun. Also, the .onion limitations on images because I can post images over Tor reduced the fun becaue no images.


sad story user.


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And that's because of the last kali yuga.
Persia and India fell, the whites fled through the pacific and ended up in South America.
The technology they brought filtered up to North America.
Looking back further, the Celts brought their technology as proven by the Clovis artifacts.

Kennewick man predates everything.

There are like 4 claims there. There is 0 evidence or proof of those claims. Why are niggers so stupid?

Oh. This is a fucking nigger, plebbit slide thread.

Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.

Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.

Remember anons;
Report duplicate threads.
Sage duplicate threads.
Filter duplicate threads.

Because they have an 80% allele match to chimpanzees.

if niggles were Egyptian kings then why the fuck are there not any niggers in Egypt=

Google Egyptian people

I think the only real bot on this forum is the one that tries to shut down every thread by whining SAGE! SAGE SAGE!

Quit being a little bitch and if you don't agree with what someone has to say fucking own them in a debate with your solid arguments or sit down and fuck yourself with a chainsaw.

what these try hard to be relevant niggers need to do is go back to their motherland afroca and stop living like the punk bitches that they are hanging on to dear life to whiteys coat tail and prove just what kangz your supposed to be by bringing that shit hole you claim to originate from up to par

I like how you elaborate in a language that belongs and originated solely from the white man…pathetic fucking niggers


It would be nice if he spoke chimpanzee, his genetic language

Max as much sense of March of the Titans, HyperBorea, and the Solutrean Hypothesis.

Intersting trick how you lump fact with fiction.

Scotts have olive skin moron. Olive skin is a classic european trait. This board is faggotry.