It's obvious to anyone with double digit IQ that it is the armed civilians in the U.S. who need to be convinced of a certain policy. Democrats/non-gun owners are simply the pawns who are used to push the armed militia (majority of whom are Republicans) in the right direction. So why are the Republicans being pushed to demand a wall? Do the elites really want to close the borders of the U.S.? It doesn't make any sense. What's the endgame here? Is there a war coming to the shores of the U.S.?
Why is the flame of hatred in the Republican militia being repeatedly fanned?
Republicucks don't want a wall.
Not the politicians you fat fuck. The base.
Why wouldn't they want a wall to keep wetbacks out?
Nothing wrong in Americans wanting the wall. The elites always fan the emotions of people to get the people to do what the elites want - removes culpability from the elites. Why would the elites want a wall if it wasn't in their interest? Something doesn't add up.
The elites don't want a wall and they didn't want Trump.
They don't want a wall. The people backing Trump are ultra-zionists who are worried there are viable elements in the national security structure that not only don't trust israel, but see it as a detriment. So they said a bunch of shit to win a narrow electoral victory and then set about trying to cram as much PNAC 2.0 through as possible.
Go back to reddit, or fuck off back to your kike masters and learn to code.
Republicans have never wanted a wall, and they, just like their traitorous Democrat brothers are working together to destroy the USA and Europe for their masters.
Newfags=look at this fucking post and learn what massive kike faggot now pollutes this place.
Why am I wasting my time? You're right user. The elites didn't want Trump and they didn't want a wall. The people are in power for the first time in American history. How stupid of me to think otherwise. Good night.
You are a dumb nigger.
Go back to Plebbit with your bullshit.