On Religions

I understand the dislike for the Jews and Muslims, but what do Zig Forumslacks have against some aspects of Christendom? Take for example the Amish or the Mormons, what's there to dislike? The Amish don't give a fuck about anyone else, and the Mormons refuse to compromise most of their modern belief systems.

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The only people on Earth I dislike are Zionists

Easy. A christian is someone who would betray his race to gain eternal life, he is a coward afraid of death.

The problem is that modern Christianity has been subverted and cucked.

If they were out crusading against the kikes and sandniggers it would be fine, but instead they are sucking off niggers.

I'm asking specifically about the Amish, who don't give a fuck, and the Mormons. I understand that the majority of Christianity has swayed under a pretense that leaves much to be desired


This Aryan nobility and this warrior spirit are reflected in the Doctrine of Awakening
itself. Analogies between the Buddhist ascesis and war, between the qualities of an ascetic
and the virtues of a warrior and of a hero recur frequently in the canonical texts: "a
struggling ascetic with fighting breast," "an advance with a fighter's steps," "hero, victor
of the battle," "supreme triumph of the battle, " "favorable conditions for the combat,"
qualifies of "a warrior becoming to a king, well worthy of a king, attributes of a king,"
etc."—and in such maxims as: "to die in battle is better than to live defeated." As for
"nobility," it is bound up here with aspiration toward superhumanly inspired liberty. "As a
bull, I have broken every bond"—says Prince Siddhattha.1 9 "Having laid aside the burden,
he has destroyed the bonds of existence": this is a theme that continually recurs in the
texts, and refers to one who follows the path they indicate. As "summits hard to climb,
like solitary lions" the enlightened are described. 2 ° The Awakened One is "a proud saint
who has climbed the most sublime mountain peaks, who has penetrated the remotest forests, who has
descended into profound abysses." 21 He himself said, "I serve no man, l have no need to
serve any man";22 an idea that recalls the "autonomous and immaterial race," the race
"without a king" (αβασίλεντος)—being itself kingly—a race that is also mentioned in the
West 2 3 He is "ascetic, pure, the knower, free, sovereign."24
These, which are frequent even in the oldest texts, are some of the attributes. not only
of the Buddha, but also of those who travel along the same path. The natural exaggeration
of some of these attributes does not alter their significance at least as symbols and
indications of the nature of the path and ideal indicated by Prince Siddhattha, and of his
spiritual race. The Buddha is an outstanding example of a royal ascetic; his natural
counterpart in dignity is a sovereign who, like a Caesar, could claim that his race
comprehended the majesty of kings as well as the sacredness of the gods who hold even
the rulers of men in their power 2 We have seen that the ancient tradition has this precise
significance when it speaks of the essential nature of individuals who can only be either
imperial or perfectly awakened. We are close to the summits of the Aryan spiritual world.
A particular characteristic of the Aryan-ness of the original Buddhist teaching is the
absence of those proselytizing manias that exist, almost without exception, in d i rect
proportion to the plebeian and anti-aristocratic character of a belief. An Aryan mind has
too much respect for other people, and its sense of its own dignity is too pronounced to
allow it to impose its own ideas upon others, even when it knows that its ideas are correct.
Accordingly, in the original cycle of Aryan civilizations, both Eastern and Western, there
is not the smallest trace of divine figures being so concerned with mankind as to come
near to pursuing them in order to gain their adherence and to "save" them. The so-called
salvationist religions—the Erlösungsreligionen, in German—make their appearance both
in Europe and Asia at a later date, together with a lessening of the preceding spiritual
tension, with a fall from Olympian consciousness and, not least, with influxes of inferior
ethnic and social elements. That the divinities can do little for men, that man is
fundamentally the artificer of his own destiny, even of his development beyond this
world—this characteristic view held by original Buddhism demonstrates its difference
from some later forms, especially of the Mahāyāna schools, into which infiltrated the idea
of a power from on high busying itself with mankind in order to lead each individual to

- Julius Evola, Doctrine of Awakening

We don't dislike some aspects, we dislike the whole thing. The idea about a king of Jews being your only ticket to heaven, the cuckery (except when it comes to killing white Europeans on behalf of their Jewish masters), racial inclusiveness, globalist nature, promoting servitude, semitic myths (literal worship of Jews in some denominations), then there is extreme hypocrisy, fake morals, financial profiteering, and lack of any genuine self-development. Not to mention that the whole story is highly illogical and simply false. It was not corrupted, it was corrupt from the very beginning.

Mormons are, ironically, closest to the truth, but they got the whole thing a bit inverted.

Mormons aren't part of Christianity OP. They are a cult.

A philosophy is better.

Christians forced integration with niggers on the White Nation in that thing called "America." They did it to benefit their fellow nigger Christians.

In any case, it is
certain that the Buddha, in his Aryan superiority, always abstained from using indirect
methods of persuasion and, in particular, never used any that appealed to the irrational,
sentimental, or emotional element in a human being.

Because they're kike shills who hate Jesus. they refuse to even use the + symbol in Israel because it reminds them too much of the cross

Problems with Christianity and Zig Forums are two-fold.

Firstly, during all of our formative years we were exposed to heaps and heaps of anti-Christian propaganda. Everything from television and the seemingly tame shows like The Simpsons portrayed religion as, for the most part, silly and over the top, boring and hypocritical. Our media has gone on an all out campaign for demonising Catholic Priests, and whilst I certainly do not like the Popes and certainly see it as important to expose those who cover-up such crimes; the truth is that statistically Catholic Priests commit sexual abuse against children at lower levels than the civilian populace, and lower also than Jews and Imaams, both of which are ALSO protected by their people (and in Judaism they are literally commanded to ALWAYS side with a Jew against a non-Jew regardless of what happened, which might shed some light on why all those Jews always come out to stand up for people like Weinstein and why all those Jewish Judges never imprison their own). You then have schools going out of the way to misportray Christianity with half-false stories like Gallileo where they insist Christianity was backwards and believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth (absolutely untrue at the time and there are many Theological books disproving the common narrative from that era). You have incidents like the Crusades portrayed as an attack against Civilians, you have the Spanish Inquisition distorted to be about oppressing citizens at random instead of it being that the CIVILIANS were massacring Jews and Muslims who were pretending to be Christians as they were secretly aiding the Muslim forces in Spain; in response the Inquisition was sent in as an official body, much like the police, and as they took control the random slaughter stopped and sadly many Jews and Muslims survived. The Witch trials in Europe and Salem are massively exaggerated, and newly examined (and conveniently ignored historically) evidence suggests that Salem never even happened and was a fraud scheme perpetrated by, you guessed it; jews! Non-stop demonisation during the formative years of many people will leave a negative impression and its very hard to undo that.

The second issue, and the real issue; is that the US 'mega Churches' run by people like John Hagee, are the anti-thesis of Christity. Hagee purports to be a Protestant, yet he condens Martin Luther. In Catholicism we see a Pope so perverse he makes many of his predecessors appear Saintly; not only is he a Communist with clear biases for Argentina, but he's a white-hating, faggot-loving, atheist-supporting, foreign-religion-appreciating sub-human lover. Scum of the Earth. The Vatican has been infiltrated by Satan.

Combined there's a lot of hate for Christianity. Non-denominational Protestants, Greek Orthodox and Tradition Catholics are still among the best whites on the planet and seem to be the only ones breeding, so whether you like Christianity or not; you will have to work with Christians in the future if you want to preserve White Interests.

Mormons aren't Christians at all; they're some odd offshoot of freemasonry and their history isn't good. They tend to get run out of town for being assholes, like the kind that abduct their neighbors' wives to add to their harems. They also tend to be welfare parasites supporting their big families off of welfare scams.

Amish, Mennonites etc are anabaptists and I invite you to read the dreadful history of the uprising at Munster. They were communist assholes that were so outrageous that the warring Catholics and Protestants stopped fighting so they could join forces to utterly crush them. After that massive vicious defeat they were so badly beaten that they decided to become pacifists. Before that they were horribly self righteous assholes that wanted to totally destroy private property, to the extent of burning down the city records office to destroy all the records of land deeds there.

I am against every aspect of Christianity, it is of Semitic origin and thus has nothing to do with Europeans as a race.
Though it has integrated a lot of properties (virtues, rituals etc.) from native European religions, it is still a multiracial religion with Semitic poison at its core.

Everyone here should read 88 Precepts from David Lane, who coined the term 14/88 , they are really useful.

Here are two on this subject:

1. Any religion or teaching which denies the Natural Laws of the Universe is false.

7. Religion in its most beneficial form is the symbology of a People and their
culture. A multiracial religion destroys the senses of uniqueness, exclusivity and
value necessary to the survival of a race.

Lying dougblethink nature of Christians. Who flip moral principles 180 degrees and conveniently forget about this (i.e. "slavery is fine - no its not" etc).

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Its all about race, and the ability of a group of people to remain coherently distinct from others through the generations.

What do you think that Pharisee, Saul, whose words make up most of the New Testament would be against for the goyim to have? Do you think Saul was "a good jew", in order to be Christian you have to accept Saul as Paul, and thus the possibility ethnically jewish converts can be good jewish Christians, which centuries of European history shows the opposite of. Now, if your vision of these righteous upstanding jew Christians, in any century, becomes dimmed, then you have to confront if any of them were out for the goyim's good.

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in the middle of reading this myself

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This books explains it perfectly



Bully for them. However, the vacuum that they exist in is an incredible luxury and their history and beliefs are extremely radical. Just because they're not polygamists or beheading kaffirs doesn't mean they're not on the ragged fringe.

Firstly, false. Secondly, Mormonism shares many (if not most) of the issues that other forms of Christianity present. Thirdly, the Mormons put their faith before their folk just like every other Christian sect out there. Sure, if things got crazy and we had a Turner Diaries-esque domestic conflict they might (and that's a big maybe) be on our side but before the dust even began to settle they'd be hard at work establishing a theocracy in their corner of the country taking up arms against anyone who would interfere, including and especially their erstwhile allies - namely us. This isn't idle speculation, either; they did exactly fucking that in the 19th century before deciding that they weren't going to win against the federal government and putting their plans on the back burner.

This shit again? Really? I'd have thought you lot would still be laying low after getting destroyed so hard in the last few threads.

Non-Whites are starting to make up the ranks of Mormons and Amish more and more. Already the Jehovah Witness's in my area have so many non-Whites in them to not send out only Whites anymore.

One easy way to prevent Jehovah Witness's from coming to your door anymore, is to be racist at them. I can see why Adolf despised that particular mind disease.

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Ex Mormon here. When you have a bunch of christians under one roof and they're all of different races, the only criteria people are looking for in a mate is whether they're good christians. Non religious people often cite difference of culture when avoiding other races (which is more common than you'd think in this woke age); when everyone's christian and the only thing you're discriminating against is whether potential partner goes to church and you all have the same culture, racemixing is not a discerning factor. It's the ultinate universalist cult.

Nearly every couple at my church was mixed race I shit you not. Christianity damages the white race more than you could ever know.

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Jehovah witnesses and mormons were both made by freemasons. They don't even try to hide it. The world is literally run by satanists(jews basically but more than just them). People need to understand that these people see satan as their god and this is why all this degeneracy is so prominent. They are preparing for the arrival of the antichrist or the jewish messiah. Keep an eye on jerusalem eventually the temple will be rebuilt then the antichrist will rule the world by promising global peace.

I like how all religions imply that females are inferior

Christianity spawned the Social Gospel, which morphed into implicitly atheistic progressivism in barely two generations.
Same goes for abolition, which was a project of BLM-tier woke nutjobs.
Nowadays we have American prots who can't put down their Scofield bibles for long enough to notice that Jews absolutely despise them, churches profiting handesomely from the mass importation of brown scum thanks to their presence in the Social Service industry, churches that want to import Mesoamerican peasants to shore up their declining concregation numbers and so on and so forth.

In the end, deep down Christianity will always be a egalitarian and universalist worldview.

Stop using the definition made up by (((them))).
Satan means truth in Sanskrit. Satana Dharma being the original religion. Jews inverted the meaning so that gentiles curse the very thing they are looking for.

Add to that that they don't trust non-believers and it's impossible to trust someone who doesn't trust you. Atheists and pagans don't have this problem because neither has universalist requirements.

This, and their demonization of Lucifer, who was literally the light (tan) bringer.

We can disagree a lot, but still value each other based on personal character and racial characteristics. A Christian would pick a godly nigger over a pagan or atheist white any day.

The great deceiver calling itself the truth? Where have I heard that before? Remember when the mainstream media started calling people like us liars and spreaders of fake news, and thus they our opinions and information removed from their sites because they only want the 'truth' on theirs?

No matter how you see it, the Christian understanding of the world is one of Natural Order that venerates Truth. Deception is the great weapon of the enemy, the devil is the father of lies, and he masquerades as an angel of light. Reminder also that Hindus and Buddhists say that we are all one, that there is no TRUE hierarchy, that everything is an illusion and that there is no divine (or else we are all the divine). Such a perverse understanding of the world should not be contemplated by white men.

Christians have to be pro pedophilia. There's nothing else wrong at all.

end yourself

The similarity between church ladies of 100 years ago on constant lookout for sin and SJWs on constant lookout for racism, homophobia, etc. is that they are both cult-indoctrinated.

Say Satan and try to really observe how that makes you feel.

Abrahamic religions are so full of filthy pride. At least hindus and chinese aren't so obsessed with "demonizing" other religions. Also, your tipical indu or christians or whatever does not understand deep misteries.

"Truth" veneration is idolatry. It's a reification of the adjective "true". True/false are logical categories and a true statement gives rise to no discoverable object. Platonism is BS.

Typical* Mysteries*

Do you feel something at your heart? On self.

national ==socialism==

Look around you turdskin, what do you see? The world was made for us and reality is obvious to every eye. It is our enemies who try to obfuscate reality by telling us to reinterpret all things in all manner of insane ways. They are the occultic; the holders of the so-called hidden knowledge, those who purport to understand something super secret which is necessary to all existence; they are always frauds. Such are the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism.

In contrast Christianity is the natural religion. It seemingly borrows from countless 'pagan' nature-based religions which honour such ideals as the Father and the Son, the Harvest, the Sun/Light of the World, the rebirth/seasons and countless more. If you want a real theological lesson on it I might be willing to write one. Where Paganism emulates Nature, we find it emulating the Real world, the Created world, the Truth. Christianity as such manifests in the same way embodying all those Truths of Nature. Gnosticism is perverse and all other religions with their peculiar and subjective understandings reek of deception.

You won't reach truth. But you get close to it as deep as you can. Few primordial ideas can be considered total truth. That is up to debate.
Being honest means that what you are saying reaches into the light. Into the truth.

The only people on this board who hate Christians are literally jews and faggots.

Daily reminder: kike literally means "Anti-Christian"

did the same doctrinal turnaround on blacks to conform to the current pozzed Zeitgeist as the Scientologists did with gays.

Jesus literally gave you a coded speech about him being the false messiah and the anti-Christ all along, but even 2k years, you still didn't get the memo.

That's because they are mostly non-whites whose capacity for understanding those ancient texts is very limited, leading to various corruptions. If you actually bothered to read any of the ancient texts of our people, you would realize that Many are implicit in One, inseparable from it, and that hierarchy is venerated, leading to the very opposite of Judeo-Christian (((oneness))). It's Christians and their modern iteration, SJW's, that are strictly opposed to hierarchy, especially a spiritual one, since both are materialistic religions. In fact, they form a perverse and primitive hierarchy where people are valued based on their adherence to Jewish lies. Competing who is going to be more true, more devout, in spreading their poisons.

Antifa is the modern inquisition, they literally serve the same purpose.


Truth is a direction, not a reified object.

Refusing to reify or hypostasise abstractions is not in itself solipsisic. It's called nominalism.

No, it's an abstraction that some people take as concrete. Same as perfection/perfect.

>Judeo-Christian (((oneness)))
You clearly have less than no knowledge of Christianity, you actively believe things that are clearly false about it. It is impossible to deny hierarchy in Christianity, and the idea that there can be a 'Judeo-Christianity' is absolutely absurd.

Its always good to read old texts though, so at least you advocated for that. You aren't all bad, but before talking about Christianity you should know at least something about it.


Haha… No.
Gnosticism is perverse? What about Christian gnostics? If you deviate from the church and persecuting pagans then you are not a typical "christian"


We have reviewed the Old Testament and found it to be basically a collection of dirty stories about dirty, whore-mongering
Jews, such as Abraham, Judah, David, Solomon and many others. We have taken a closer look at the New Testament and
found that it, too, was written by a passel of Jews. Whereas the Old Testament served as a rallying creed for the unification of
the Jewish race, we find that the New Testament doing just the opposite for the White Race, namely it was designed to
confuse, confound, divide and disintegrate the White Race by overwhelming it with so much drivel and with such a multitude of
bad advice as to leave the White Race naked and defenseless before the rapacious Jew.

The last thing the White Race needs for its survival is a collection of bad advice. This, however, is exactly what the Christian
religion does give the White Man a multitude of just outright bad and suicidal advice advice that if followed, will most surely
destroy those that embrace it. Christianity despises facts, it despises evidence and reasoning. It despises thinking men. It
wants "believing" sheep. It loves gullible fools. Christ is quoted as saying, "Unless ye become like little children, ye shall not
enter into the kingdom of heaven." It wants to reduce everyone to a simple childlike condition where they are easily duped and
misled to believe just about anything. It wants to reduce the creative, productive, heroic and energetic White Race down to
where they are meek and submissive fools, easily managed, easily controlled and easily enslaved.

Again he question arises, why would the Lord, who is supposed to be so righteous, so just, and so wise, make a special
sweetheart arrangement with such a s group of perfidious cutthroats, scoundrels, whoremongers, pimps and prostitutes, such
as, e.g. Abraham and Sarah ?
It's a great story for the Jews, but a pretty stupid story for us Gentiles to incorporate into "our" religion.

In the second part of the bible (which is the New Testament) it says that the Holy Ghost descended upon the Virgin Mary and
she became pregnant. She conceived "God's only begotten Son" who was to save mankind from this horrible fate, evidently
going to hell. This s indeed a droll and fantastic story. To think that this all powerful Creator, who could create the earth, and
the sun, and the milky way, and galaxies billions of light years away, a universe so vast in which the earth is only a mere speck,
and man upon it is more like an atom, that such a supernatural being would have to stoop to the idea of having intercourse with
an earthly creature, and a married Jewish woman at that. All this so that she could raise up his son, only to have him nailed to
the cross, seems so fantastically farfetched and idiotic that you sometimes wonder about the sanity of the human race as a

You say "truth" and I say "true". What's the difference?

One is a noun, that generally means "all of the things that are true", and the other is an adjective that declares it's subject as being real.

You also don't know what the Inquisition was or did. You are not from Zig Forums. Lurk here for 2 years before talking you deluded reddit-spawned paki-chong.

Actually yes, nature-based pagan stories and images are littered all throughout Christianity, because Christianity is the religion of the Creator of Nature. You will find very similar themes and stories running through both. I do stress that I am talking about nature-based pagan stories though as paganism is an incredibly broad term. You are of course correct than many Christians persecuted pagans (and vice versa) and that a lot of people fail to see the imagery or purpose behind the stories. It is there though and if you try reading the Bible with that in mind, you will be quite amazed.

Gnostics claim that there is extra hidden stuff in Christianity. They are obsessed with 'hidden knowledge' and think they have a deeper understanding of everything because they base their understanding off of impossible to know rubbish. Real Christianity is based off the world about us, nature and history; just like nature-based paganism was (the difference being that a lot of the stories in nature-paganism were parables, whereas they became actual human experiences in Christianity as God manifested those instinctive understandings of nature into reality. This is also why Truth is seen as a virtue; and why the subjectivists abhor it so.

So here is the White Man, saddled with a religion that is in the first part overwhelming about Jews and God's infatuation with
that perfidious parasitic race; and in the second part, of God's impregnating and fertilizing a Jewish married woman, who has a
son, supposedly the Son of God, but at the same time he is the son of Joseph, and proudly having his male lineage listed all
the way back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Then we have the situation where the Jews themselves don't believe the second
part of the story, namely the New Testament, but by a huge concerted effort that lasted approximately 300 years they finally
convinced the White Roman civilization that this was to be their new religion. And the White Man bought it.

To succumb to the Christian philosophy is to indulge in a cowardly flight from reality, to escape to an Alice-in-Wonderland
fantasy world, and to destroy reason and common sense. We repeat: Christianity despises fact, evidence and reasoning.
Christianity despises logic. To become a Christian is to succumb to the perversion of one's mind by Jewish mind manipulation.
A "born again" Christian is a pervert. He has had his instincts warped, his mind unhinged, and his total outlook on life, outlook
on sex, and on the survival of his kind, completely perverted from that, which, as a natural human being, he was originally
created by Nature. He becomes a destroyer of his own race.

Whereas Judaism was designed to unite the Jews into a solid ramrod, Christianity, on the other hand, also a Jewish creation,
was designed to do just the opposite to their enemies — divide, confuse and destroy them. The New Testament was also
written by the Jews — it supposedly revolves around the character of Jesus Christ, who is identified in the very first chapter of
the New Testament (Matthew 1) as being a direct descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, through David and through
Joseph and Mary, with great emphasis being placed upon him being a purebred Jew. In Luke 2:21 it reads Christ was a
circumcised Jew. Christianity was designed not for the Jews, but was designed to destroy the great White power of the times
— in particular, the Romans, and in general, the White Race. It was designed not to unite and solidify, as the Old Testament
had done for the Jews, but designed to divide, confuse and destroy the White Race.
We, therefore, list the New Testament as a second book of major importance, undoubtedly of the greatest importance,
produced by the Jews, in their program to destroy the White Race.
Not only was Christ himself a circumcised Jew, but so were Matthew, Mark, John, Peter, and all the rest of the so-called
apostles, with the probable exception of Luke. Nevertheless, Luke ran around with Paul, who was a Jew, and who purportedly
wrote practically half of the New Testament and was, therefore, under his complete influence. So, regardless of what angle we
approach it from, the New Testament was written by the Jews and is a Jewish production.

So when I take an oath to tell the truth, I'm swearing that I will articulate everything in the universe that is true, or do I mean that the statements I will testify to are true?

"all of the things that are true"
"Not really a thing" is another way to say "false". I think it refers more to statements. But "the truth" sounds more authoritative and grand than merely "true".

That's why you pervert the doctrine by adding weird shit like Marcionism and Sufi.

Tbf the Old Testament is Demiurge and fake and gay

The History of the creation of Control:

1. Ownership - Guy has an apple, another wants it. Violence happens.
2. Leadership - I'm your boss, gimme that apple. Violence happens.
3. Law - The law says you have to give me that apple. Violence happens.
4. Law Enforcement - Gimme that apple because it's the law, otherwise that guy is going to kick your ass. Violence happens.

Intermission…Mankind has to overcome violence, otherwise the benefits of control and the repercussions of violent response doesn't add up. We have to make them BELIEVE that what we're doing must not have to be answered with violence.

5. Religion - So the deity speaketh "share the apples freely, become a better man and get as many imaginary things that you want" Amen.

In short…all abrahamic religions are population control. They created the laws of men, which are manipulative lies to control the human race. The only truth they are deliberately masquerading is the law of nature. The few control the many.

Attached: Main_Abrahamic_Religions..png (300x764, 5.84K)

(heil'd myself)
things as you want

Amish are christian vargs.

It's enough to read the Bible to know that you are full of shit, lying kike. Christianity is as far removed from Nature as possible.

Matt. 15:22,23 and 24 give the following story: "And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto
him, saying, have mercy on me, 0 Lord, Thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But he answered her
not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. But he answered and
said, 'I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
So here, evidently, we have a new development. We find that the only people Christ claims he was sent to bring salvation to
was the House of Israel. Apparently that would completely wash out the rest of us that are Gentiles and not Jews. Then we
have the further perplexing situation that none of the Jews believe in Christ and therefore would be excluded from salvation
also. So who is there left? Confusing as all this may be, and undoubtedly is meant to be, this is further confirmed by John 4:22
where Christ is speaking to the women of Samaria and says to her, "Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship:
for salvation is of the Jews." Evidently he is spelling it out to the Gentiles: salvation is a Jewish thing and the Gentiles are so
confused they don't know what they're worshipping.

To hear the Kosher Konservatives tell it, a fierce, intensive battle is raging today between the evil forces of communism and the
sacred forces of Christianity. We are led to believe that it is an all out battle between good and evil. We are told that these two
forces are the very essence of two poles of opposition — in complete and diametrical conflict.
It is a sham battle. The fact is they are both degenerate products of the collective Jewish mind, designed to do one and the
same thing — to destroy the White Race.
If we take a closer look at these two evil forces that have bedeviled and tormented the minds of the White Race for all these
years, we find that they are not on opposite sides at all. We find that they are both on the side of international Jewry, doing the
job they were designed to do, namely: confuse and confound the White Man's intelligence so that he himself will help the Jew
in destroying the White Race.
In comparing the two we find that they are strikingly similar, and not opposites. In fact, there are so many similarities in the two
programs and in the philosophy of these two creeds that the hand of the same author can easily be detected. That author is the
International Jewish network. They and they alone wrote both the creed of Christianity and the creed of communism.

The other side of the coin is that the leaders of both Christianity and communism themselves are fantastically materialistic.
When we look at the Catholic Church on down through the ages, we find that whereas they were extracting the last mite from
the poor widow, the church itself was gathering up and hoarding gold, silver and precious gems in unbelievable quantities. Not
only was it taking in and gathering all the gold, silver and precious stones that it could, but it acquired huge amounts of real
estate, and the Catholic Church today is undoubtedly the most fantastically wealthy institution on the face of the earth. Even
through the Dark Ages when poverty was widespread, mostly because of Christianity itself, we find these huge and fabulously
rich cathedrals, built in the midst of poverty, with gold encrusted altars and apses and vaults and columns and walls. The
leadership of the Church caused to be built huge and great Basilicas, Cathedrals, Abbeys, Baptisteries, Mausoleums,
Convents, and Churches. Practically all of these were so lavish and so huge in comparison with the meager surroundings of
the times, that they flamboyantly stood out as the main repository of all the material wealth — gold, silver and architectural
lavishness — of both their era and their geographical location.

Yeah, I didn't communicate well enough there. Let me try again.

I said it is a general meaning, and the meaning I am familiar with. It can also be used more specifically to mean the things that are true in a constrained way. Example being, saying that you will speak "the truth of a matter", or that you will speak the truth relative to any subject, means you will say what is true about the matter. In this definition, it is exactly a noun form of the word "true".

It does sound grander, and that is because of the grander meaning of "all of the things that exist in the universe" given to the word from time to time. Saying that you "strive for the Truth" is a way of saying that you strive to know what exists in reality, or to act in response to things that exist. Whatever, depends on the intention said, as that example isn't too direct.

Likewise, the communist bosses in Russia, practically all of which are Jews, have accumulated unto themselves all the riches
of the countryside. While the communist slave laborer is toiling away twelve hours a day and then comes home to a dingy,
dirty, filthy, crowded little apartment shared with other families, his Jewish bosses have opulent palaces spread all over the
countryside. They drive the best of cars, chauffeur driven, of course, and eat the best of foods. Not only that, but they have the
best of planes at their disposal to fly wherever they see fit to govern their slave laborers. These Jewish communist bosses
usually also have at their disposal imported clothes and tailors and a galaxy of servants. When they need a rest from running
their slave empire, they have private villas on the Black Sea or other choice vacation spots at their beck and call. And so it
goes in the Proletarian Worker's Paradise.
Let us pass on to the next similarity. Both communism and Christianity make extensive use of the weapons of terror, both
psychological and real. Undoubtedly the most ghoulish and vicious concept ever contrived by the depraved and collective mind
of Jewry is the concept of hell. Can you think of anything more horrible than placing millions of people in confinement in a
superheated torture chamber and then burning them forever and ever without even the mitigating mercy of allowing them to
die? With this piece of "Good News," and "Joyful Tidings," Christianity set out to conquer the minds of its superstitious and
unreasoning victims. The fact that such a torture chamber was non-existent did not at all detract from the fact that it was a real
threat to those who were made to believe that it was real. To a child, for instance, if you tell him that the Boogieman is going to
get him, and he innocently believes you, then the threat is just as real as if a Boogieman actually existed. And so it is with hell.
To those that have become convinced that it exists, this horrible threat is just as real as if it did exist.
However, Christianity did not stop with using psychological terror alone. Those who deviated from the official church line were
declared as heretics and forthwith burned at the stake. The idea of using fire in one form or another as a means of torturing
their opponents seems to have obsessed these "loving" Christians' minds. According to van Braght's famous Martyr's Mirror,
some 33,000 Christians were put to death by other so-called Christians by means of burning at the stake, a grizzly type of
revenge. Among my ancestors alone (who were of the Mennonite faith) some 2,000 martyrs were burned at the stake by these
ever-loving Christians.

One outstanding feature about this burning at the stake business was that they were always White people who were being
burned. Never have I heard of a nigger being burned at the stake for his heretical beliefs. Nor have I ever heard of a Jew being
burned at the stake for not believing precisely along specified lines of Judaism, even though they did not believe in Christ at all.

Amish found a way to tunnel the jewish oppression, by redirecting toxic materialism into productivity for the sole cause of protecting their own blood and race. Christianity is just a smokescreen for them to get the religious status.

Both communism and Christianity preach the equality of man. Christianity preaches that we are all equal in the eyes of the
Lord, whereas the communists preach that we all must become equal in the communist society. The latter argue that the only
reason we are not equal is entirely due to environment, and this little quirk of Nature they are going to correct. By the time they
get through processing us all in an equal environment, they assure us they will have leveled us all down to where we are all
equal. This will only be too true, for the White Race will be leveled down to where they are all equal to a horde of miserable
slaves, whereas every Jew, on the other hand, will be a king.
Not only do both communism and Christianity preach the equality of the individual, but they also preach the equality of races,
another vicious lie thrown in the face of Nature.
Both creeds have a very tricky dogma that is rather nebulous and confusing, not to say contradictory, in itself. They both,
therefore, have set up a hierarchy that interprets what the correct dogma of the day is and everyone is to toe the line or suffer
the consequences of an entrenched power structure.
Christianity and communism both have had their schisms. In the case of Christianity, the followers that differed were called
heretics and in the case of communism, those that stray from the official line are called deviationists. In the case of Christianity,
the Great Schism, of course, was during the Reformation when the Protestant segment developed and broke away from the
Catholic Church. It then proceeded to split and splinter in a thousand different directions from there on out, all to the detriment
and destruction of the White Race. The first great split, of course, was when the Byzantine Empire split from the Roman or
Western half.
Among the communists there were a number of schisms such as the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks, and a number of other
schisms, before the communists ever came to power. After they did come to power, there were the Stalinist communists and
the Trotskyite communists, the latter being vigorously pursued and purged from the ranks. Now we presumably have the Mao
wing of the communist party and for a while we had the Tito deviationists, and so on. In any case, the main idea in Christianity
and communism is the same: On top of a confusing and impossible dogma sits a tight powerful hierarchy which dictates and
interprets what the line of its followers must be, and terror, death and reprisal are the consequences to those who dare to think
for themselves.

holy shit, nobody reads that my dude

It is not at all surprising that the archenemy of both these Jewish creeds is Adolph Hitler, because he dared to come out with a
healthy, natural social structure that embodied those principles that were in harmony with the natural laws, and with the healthy
instincts for the preservation of the White Race. We, therefore, find the Jewish press, the communist press, and Christianity, all
in chorus, denouncing Adolph Hitler, and telling us what a terrible, terrible man he was. All perpetrate and repeat over and over
again the same Jewish lies about Hitler that the Jews themselves have dreamed up and supplied to their toadying stooges.
The similarities between these creeds go on and on. Both preach the destruction of the present society. They especially zero in
on the destruction and downgrading of the more creative and productive elements of society as a whole. Both denounce and
vilify the better elements of established society and rejoice at human failures and weaknesses, thereby claiming to prove the
correctness of their communist-Christian theory.
The Jews, who are the perpetrators of communism, envision the United Nations headquarters to finally rest in Israel and in
particular, in Jerusalem. Christianity too, continuously keeps talking about Zion, the New Jerusalem, and looks to Jerusalem as
the Holy Land, its origin and spiritual headquarters.

TL;DR Christianity was the original Judeo-Bolshevist psyop

Gnosis means knowledge. A gnostic just seeks knowledge. Those gnostics you are talking about are developed certain knowledge which has flaws and its outdated.

If you refuse to be a sacrifice and a typical chistian. You may as well be a satanist. Look up on their forums and music. It is a "religion" made to wake up gentiles against the jew

The church is inept to fight for us, or it blatantly attacks us, and the church preaches peace peace all the time. To love my gay kike neighbor, to pray for people who belong on crosses.

No. Get your kike filth out.

Satanism is not for everyone. Because you refuse to be protected by "God" and be sheep. You will go and fend for youself. Without some occult knowledge, allies, and constant improvement that would be hard.

Modern satanism is pretty much the other side of the same shekel.

Jehovah/Yahweh =/ Satan. Shill.

Well the key motto for satanism is do what thou will so I guess according to that logic someone can be a faggot and that is totally ok according to satanists especially considering that faggotry is forbidden in the bible.

Faggotry is natural and important for population control. They are really good warriors too. Greeks had a pretty good system for them.

Why torture and restrain them? They are doing what their heart is telling them. Nowadays they are pretty filthy and decadent yes. But not all of them.

Most satanists are just edgy liberals inspired by kikes, they go into the oven too. Satan doesn't like degenerates.

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Anton Lavey is flawed. You can self sacrifice. But do it wisely. For your people for example.

Yes, he does. There's no desert religion for the White Man. Before you say Mazdayanism, Iran isn't the fucking desert sandnigger trap, but your baal is a sandnigger kike shill. So stuff it.

Baal = Abel = The bull.
I'm not in favor of sacrificing the bull. I want it to grow.

You're still kiked. Good day.

Satan is a straw man to protect the lie of God, because if you attack satan you must acknowledge that god exists.

You do realize that a vast amount of homosexuals are products of abusive sodomites and that homosexuality acts like a virus, spreading and infecting the weakest links?

Exactly. True ascension is a community of gods, self-sacrificing only for the deserving and those who warrant it, leaving the rest wallow in mud. A race is a metaphysical center between absolute individualism, and absolute collectivism. To deify the Self, you need the Other, but the Other needs to be able to follow up and give you a feedback loop. They want you to bounce from one Jewish ideology to another without ever learning the truth, leading to disintegration.

Abel (a semite) literally tried to sacrifice Cain (a white man) to (((YHWH))) but Cain fought back and have slain him (being more gifted by nature in both strength and intellect), making the kike god very mad.

You mean like creating a family, protecting them and building a stable community, which will grow into a civilization? Or do you mean for hedonism?

I like the polygamy aspect of mormonism, it sets a eugenic precedent for the culture its within.

Go away

t. whore

I think homosexuals are created by these factors:
Basing myself on Dr. Hamer. The creator of a method that has 98% heal rate on cancer.
He theorized that when someone loses something perceived as territory. The organism will trigger a state of depression/manism. 80% of males will get a depression trigger and 20% manism depending on the dominant brain hemisphere. Women go inverse of this.

Sexual perversion and hedonism will also impact homosexual tendecies. Or people having everything in their lives too easy.

I thought it was Cain the evil semite vs Abel the nice semite? Not sure about both of them being semites.

Cain was the patriarch of Canaanites, which were white (or at least fairer skinned non-Jew semites). They later got genocided and forced into exile by the (((tribe))) and other shitskin hordes. Similar like ancient Egyptians.

One does not exclude another, as long as hedonism is healthy and not excessive. It's precisely Christian concept of "sin" that leads to people snapping and becoming extreme degenerates, destructive for both themselves and society.

All religions are mind viruses. Like a backdoor into the human mind, installed at birth, and manipulated by authorities.

Sometimes they can be used to score a net benefit for their constituents (assuming they are incapable of philosophy otherwise) due to benevolent puppetmasters, but most of the time they just cause people to do crazy shit and realign their entire code to someone else's benefit.

A hardcore naturalist can come up with more potent culture than the religious, but has a hard time spreading that culture, due to the massive amount of philosophy required to generate a coherent world view taking years to communicate. (It can easily take 100 aggregated years of family philosophizing to climb to naturalism.) Oftentimes the only thing he can do is cast errant redpills and hopefully be allowed to father his own children to pass on his knowledge through parenthood, but in current year, this is not even close to guaranteed.

A christfag needs only indoctrinate his child in a religion, assuming the child is dumb enough, he will never leave. Protected by some weak, but present morals, the child is unlikely to fall into the pits of liberalism. If the child is smart, he will leave the garden eventually, and probably be snagged by the very next mind-virus he fancies - almost certainly liberalism.

Liberalism is even more potent a mind-virus than christianity, mind you. Its cultist's hooks are more wicked, its lies more attractive, and its rituals far more intense. The young mind that falls into liberalism hard is irrecoverable. Especially if he is dumb.

Teach your sons nature first. Teach them that the force of emergence is the absolute prevailing force in the animal world. That to be strong is to be right. That nothing deserves to exist. That they are an extension of you - and their children in turn are extensions of them. That life is brutal and unforgiving, and even in decadence, extinction is only a generation away. Teach them about the nature of information. Teach them about natural sciences to bullshit proof-them. Teach them about optimization. Teach them about emergence. Teach them about abstraction and math.

When a boy grows up into a naturalist, he is immune to decadence.

To a trained naturalist, it should be obvious that religions are just animals living in the meme-scape. They predate. They grow. They fill niches. They reproduce, mutate, and even abide by darwinism/emergence. The prevalence of a religious meme is not related to its truthfulness, though their adherents unilaterally believe them to be truth. The prevalence of religious memes is instead related to the meme's ability to proliferate, and this proliferation has very little to do with the truthfulness of the meme. It is instead spread through indoctrination, manipulation, exploitation of the natural human biases, and brute force.

Attached: Thats really lewd _f50807f447fb56dfa9a99ed001a0e56d.jpg (900x772, 130.76K)

Love your post, but that's incorrect. You find a lie behind complexity, the truth represents simplicity, and there is nothing more simple than the laws of nature. This is why politicians use a language that no voter can understand, and why religious follower are drowned into submission by endless words. We were given a tool to navigate between good and bad, common sense, which is based on instinctive behavior. Every life form has it, and it is based on instinctively coming to the most favorable outcome, by making the simplest choice.

Well Communists taught this trick to niggers in 20th century.

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Anyone who dislikes Christianity is a mind nigger, a kike, or a mohamedan.

jw is always a black/white pair in my experience

Islam > so called "liberalism". If mind programing fails they kill failure. Can't be more efficient than this and "liberalism" has no answer to such.

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There is two answer to every real problem: simple and right.

Lets start from basics. Is killing bad? Theft? Its easy to jump ahead with simple yes.

But how about policeman killing man who draw gun on tax collectors? Try to resolve this problem in simple terms.

For the retards who say christianity is against blood and race.
Ephesians 6:12
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Muttstianity has done nothing more than pacify Europeans while parasitizing what great was already present in the Ario-Roman/Hellenic world. Nowadays, they are literally one of the front line executors of the genocide of Europeans and the boom of the negroid virus in africa.
Anyone defending muttsianity at this point is most likely a negroid, a spic, an ungodly mongrel of god knows what or a jew who greatly enjoy as always their muttstian golems.

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