Finally, someone pushes back against these retards. Fucking cancerous influence of US.

Russia doesn't have jews putting toxins in the vaccines.

putin is the most based and experienced world leader by far. I would give him the keys to nwo without hesitation.

If the stuff that's in some vaccines wound up in food there'd be widespread panic. That's how 'safe' they are.

putin is a globalist all the same as the others, he's just playing from the other side of the board opposite the US and EU.


Attached: Jewtin.jpeg (598x1118, 418.42K)

I would still rather have one enemy instead of 100

Good goy, take your aluminium shot and drink your fluoride. We can't have you being mentally fit when you are too old to work.

The term "Anti-Vaccination" is unfitting. These people are not against the use of vaccines, which can save lives. They are against them containing dangerous ingredients that cause autism, seizures and other types of brain damage in infants. This is most prevalent in the USA where the kikes control Big Pharma. Even on Jewtube of all places you can find parents talking about the damage vaccines did to their child, it is a fact. As long as vaccines contain ingredients that do this, my child will receive none. Saying not all vaccinations are dangerous is like saying not all smokers get cancer. Don't fucking do it.



Attached: 15230188474930.jpg (600x317, 44.82K)

80% of farma in Russia is imported.

i hate to break it to you but putin is just another puppet for (((TPTB)))

You're not allowed to choose what gets injected into your body, goy!
Reminder that practically all Russian vaccines come from the EU and Israel, so are as pozzed as American ones. Also remind yourselves how "Russian" mafia in the EU and New York is almost entirely Jewish, with some Russians at best being disposable killers.




Putin is a kike.

leave it to faggot OP to find nothing wrong with a pharmaceutical cartel pushing their products on a populace that is legally barred from holding them accountable

This is the best thing that could have happened for antivax.

can't tell if shitposting or shill.

why so serious? this is a joke thread.

Russia is absolutely owned and controlled by Jews. it's like their second israel. 1917 Bolshevik revolution they killed the czar and installed themselves in all corners of the government and banks and everything else.

Watch Europa the last Battle, it explains all of this.

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Jews control Russia still, even today. If they didn't, The Kremlin wouldn't be importing niggers and arabs by the thousands to replace ethnic Russians.

Kalergi plan is in effect globally.

BASED kike loving pootin forcing jew drugs into people. Kill yourself OP.

Woops read that wrong. OP is a jew. But so is Putin.

Kremlin mostly imports muslim asians.

Fun fact: Russia has no visa migration regime on its South border with asian countries. Imagine Mexico had no visa regime with US….

LOL. Bolshevik Marxism aka Communist Judaism originated in Russia

Correct. We need to retake the language and use the more accurate "contaminated vaccine". Contamination is a psychologically penetrating term.

Russia is ZOG. Vaccination is the ultimate ZOG tool.

non-vaccinated population bad
vaccinated population good