/aeg/ Anti Echo-chamber General

Daily reminder that the unchallenged opinion is absolutely devoid of merit.
ITT we post any concerns, doubts or questions we have regarding ethno-nationalim, identitarian politics, and huwhite advocacy, and other anons answer or respond with their solutions or opinions.
Zig Forums is a diverse board of peace, not one person with one set of beliefs, and seeing as how discourse is the best route to higher learning, we should take advantage of our legionhood and pick each others brains.

inb4 cuck, glow, liberal faggot etc

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I think the disagreements mostly rely on other issues.

I never saw anyone seriously defending racial egalitarianism.

Nice thread. Hone your skills and stop calling everyone a shill when you lose faggots.

Great thread. I'll bite.

Just questions that kind of haunt me.

I've noticed this as well, lots of ad hom attacks. There are shills, there are saboteurs, absolutely, but not everyone we disagree with is one of them.
Remember, as Tarrant said, skepticism is good but not when it grows into paranoia (paraphrasing)

Ethnic group of the semitic race where muslims take part

Maybe not user. I don't believe the future is set in stone. But what I can say with certainty is that we will lose if we don't try.
Faith is required, be it faith in God, faith in your folk, faith in what you believe is the truth.

Here's something I've been thinking about the past few days-
How many non whites should be allowed to live in America at any given time? What percentage of the population? Does the US have as much of a right to ethno state status as European nations?

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Apparently, a significant number of newfags don't even know what the definition of genocide is. Nor do they understand what White Genocide means.
Here is an infographic that defines genocide (see pic)
Here are some sites that you might use in researching the definition of genocide according to the UN

Now, let's examine this in greater detail to determine why what is happening to us is an act of genocide.

1. Genocide is killing members of the group
While it is true that White people are not being machine gunned into holes that we are forced to dig, "genocide" is not a term restricted solely to shooting people

2. Genocide is causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
The jewish media and its System intentionally and systematically promotes non-stop anti-White propaganda designed with the sole purpose of causing White children to grow up hating themselves.
That is by definition causing mental-harm based entirely upon one's group identity.
They do not tell blacks to be ashamed of their ancestry
They do not tell Asians to be ashamed of their ancestry
They do not tell jews to be ashamed of their ancestry
ONLY White children are taught to hate themselves. This is an intentional and racially motivated act of causing mental harm to one race and ONLY one race with the goal of destroying us mentally.
That's genocide.
In addition, White children are targetted more than any other race for transgender politics. White parents are told to mutilate their own children in order to be fashionable.
Destroying ones' reproductive organs is causing serious bodily harm to members of the group

3. Genocide is deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Flooding White communities and ONLY White communities with foreigners with the intention to demographically replace us is by definition "inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction"

4 Genocide is imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Which race is targeted with pro-abortion/anti-child propaganda the most?
Have you ever seen an anti-children propaganda piece that featured non-White parents/children?

5. Genocide is forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
I have personal experience with this one. When my father died, I was able to live on my own. But my brother was taken from his mother by SS and given to first, mestizo foster parents and when they grew tired of him, he was transfered to homosexual "parents"
Interestingly, these homosexuals had been adopting many male children, some as young as 3 years old.
While I never learned whether my brother was sexually abused, I do know that now he believes that he is a woman and has been undergoing surgeries and drug therapy to "correct" his body.

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Say we establish a white ethnostate, how do we prevent subvertion down the line in newer generations that wouldn't be familiar to the true nature of jews, niggers, etc? they'd be easily fooled by the lies of liberalism and cuckery.

I guess there are 2 schools of thought here. The 1st and less strenuous method of identification would be the Jared Taylor approach, being that you can just tell white Europeans from non-whites. The other method I suppose is DNA testing and the identification of dominant haplogroups.
Personally I go the Taylor route- I don't think we can afford to reject allies over split hairs. If a small number of (i.g.) Moore-descended Mediterraneans who identify and act as white Italians make it into the ethno state, I don't mind. Remember when were talking about hundreds of millions of people, small numbers of outliers won't make or break the system.
If it quacks like a nigger and swims like a nigger, it's probably a nigger
Sure, or rather a conglomerate of several groups, ie ashkenazi, sephardic etc

Yes. According to the supreme court they are and to the jews themselves.

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Sorry to hear about your brother, user. My cousin is going down that same dark path

We force ourselves to remember painful memories, and we teach them to our children. Acquired knowledge and learning is the greatest gift we're can give our offspring

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"Sure" that they're a race or "sure" that they're an ethnic group?

Notice the Jews always refer to you fucking Stormfags as an excuse to do whatever they please.

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our white immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.

Sorry user I misunderstood the question. I suppose they are a group of differnt racial classifications who share an ethnic identity, or a set of ethnic characteristics, and a common goal.
I know that's a convoluted answer, but it's not necessarily a simple question

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Skepticism about shooters is good you fucking faggot. This is Zig Forums if you want to argue with senseless retards >>>/cuckchanpol/

Thanks, man.
God, I wish I had protected him. If there's one thing that I regret most of all, it's that I didn't know how evil the System is until it was too late.

Genetic FST distance

Sage for retarded cuckchan thread and on par with "unpopular opinion" threads on /v/. This is nothing but a potential for subversion, if you have genuine questions take it to QTDDTOT

Yeah, you've been spamming this shit for months and despite being challenged by hundreds of anons to justify your claims, you have yet to do so.

Provide sauce please. inb4 wwi/ii, nationalism wasn't responsible for those (tragic) deaths, (((violent globalist response))) was

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You misread my post you cretin, I said skepticism is good, but not when it festers into paranoia. Reread the manifesto, ball juggler

The ethno isn't debated, because the genocide against Europeans is very present and real. Fuck off to any twat who says "durr hurr you still have a few years to go". No. We won't. The system in place now is only being propped, until we become a declawed minority in our own countries. Short of the race war, mother earth's intervention, or anons baking a new plague there's no reversing demographics. Then the shitskins will be left masters of a crumbling, desert planet of negative relevance. The earth will dry out from industrial poisoning for sustaining their fucked up races, and the sun will freeze over, before any of them reach the stars without Aryans.

Go back to reddit lmao

Eat ass cynicfag
Nice ad hom. Fuck off
This thread is not for unpopular opinions, but for the voicing and answering of nagging questions. Sorry we're not all le 180 IQ and don't have the entire universe figured out. Fuck off
The potential is there, sure, but that potential exists in any thread. I believe in nationalism and white advocacy, and as such I'm not afraid of being questioned. Fuck off

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Oops, forgot to inb4 reddit. Regardless, please find something tall and hop off it

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If you're trying to answer nagging questions, go to QTDDTOT instead of this shit thread. It's obvious you're from cuckchan.

The point of the thread is not for general questions, it's specifically for opinions or ideas (or yes, questions) that don't line up with white nationalist ideology from people who otherwise agree with white nationalism, who would like them addressed. If you don't think such a thread is necessary or warranted outside of qtddtot, fine, don't participate. I thought it was, so I made it. If you're right the thread will die (which seems to be happening anyway) and if you're wrong you can lick my balls.
Now, please harm yourself and others, and don't forget to tell me I'm from cuckchan again

Daily reminder you will never be white nor welcome on Zig Forums kike.

no u

They are a nation, made up of several different ethnicities, all bound by adherence to a religion devoted to the methods for and apparatus of deceiving, swindling, subjugating, and murdering all those who do not follow that religion.

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First you say it's for nagging questions when I say this is just a dumb "unpopular opinions" thread. Then when I say whatever niche you're trying to achieve is already achieved by other threads, you circle around again and say it's an unpopular opinions thread or even worse, a personal blog for people to talk about how their political opinions are unique. Now please, go back to cuckchan.

Sage for formulaic cuckchan thread made by a literal kike

But ashkenazis aren’t even realy semetic, I think their Greek/Albanian

I think Hitler was clever, smart, and wise, but I don't consider him my leader.

I don't think that this iteration of NatSoc has to have anything to do with Hitler, or follow any of his ideas directly. I certainly don't mind taking inspiration from him, but the truth is that I think we need to do things fundamentally different.

We need to have a living leader who truly understands. Not just a celebrity, but a properly intelligent leader who understands the technological side of things, the philosophical side, the economic side, the political side, and of course, the racial side of things.

Essentially, if we do not reinvent the movement entirely, it will go nowhere.

I'm unironically Albanian. Never seen a jew in my life.

Oy vey…
I was the jew all along!

Why don't you fuckers ever lurk before posting shit? A million redpill threads have posted links to pdfs of in depth texts on this very subject by great men like G.G. Otto, this shit is well known on Zig Forums and we're not gonna repeat the same entry level bullshit to you faggots every time you don't know what's going on here. Lurk and learn and shut the fuck up until you get it.

I meant Greeks and Albanians are genetically closest to ashies, though many also have a large Slavic component

Wow. An actual Albanian.

I’ve been lurking for a long while now and have read about people calling them everything from a race, to ethic group etc. Personally, I’d call them a race which branches out into its own ethnic groups. What’s your take on it?

I am a monarchist, I want to be the monarch. This is now the extent of my political views nya~

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why are you faggots pro eu if its run by white people

Please tell you have the names of those homosexuals, as well as where they live, recorded somewhere.

While there many ways to do this, self categorization seems to be the most efficient and up to almost 100% accuracy to categorize ethnic and racial groups.

Genetic Structure, Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity, and Confounding in Case-Control Association Studies
This particular study has been cited by 100 other articles and is primarily used in identifying, preventing, and treating health risks associated with these different racial and ethnic categories. Unless someone politically motivated would like to claim categorization of race in the medical field is biased or racist. This is just undeniable.

Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

The only people who deny these only make the argument that you can't use genetic markers to accurately determine race or ethnicity based on lineage. I have yet to see a good argument for this and they don't present better alternatives to measure this lineage.

i'm not

What the hell is the point of this general/thread if this is what Zig Forums has been saying for years. You can find this in about almost every thread on this board.

yeah you are ethnostate means eu but with white people

no it doesn't

I greatly appreciate the info, but it still doesn’t answer my question if Jews should be classified as a race or as an ethnic group

This is a kike. "You have to entertain opposing arguments" for everyone but his own tribe.

"We need a conversation"
"with people we want to speak with"
"basically, other kikes"
"maybe goyim"
– kike Benjamin Shapiro

I think the borders of Europe should be redrawn based exclusively on the ethnicities that exist, in areas where many ethnicities overlap they can divide at some logical natural marker. The US and Canada should be divided in "ethnicities" too based largely on region. The current North America and Europe should control one United trans-Atlantic army similar to NATO but no longer divided into nations. It should stretch to Russia as well. Japan, as usual, gets an inclusion due to their honorary Aryan status.