Understanding the jewish mind
The jewish mindset is profiting off other peoples labor as politicking and scheming middle men that manipulates people into thinking they are getting a good opportunity when the opposite is the case.
Be it freelancing at Fiverr and Upwork which jews market as a realistic income to goys while charging usurious omissions as the one and only route rather than doing the jewish work of relationship building, politicking and corrupting people in order to gain business - an art that they will never teach to goyim.
Just like negros can't run a simple farm, us whites can't handle the politicking and maneuvering to build modern mega corps as us whites are more focused on producing value rather than building and maintaining power while more often than not corrupting people in the process (this is where fellow jews like Epstein come handy). Mega corps are generally anti human which goes contrary to the white mind set of treating each other like we want to be treated and putting people before profit instead of hellish Amazon working conditions that match Foxconn and the like. A jew can never be rich enough and no matter how much money he has he will never give two shits about non jewish workers and pilpul all day to come up with justifications like globalization, lower management being responsible, workers councils being there with strong rules that are magically never enforced and whatnot.
SMEs is pretty much all that exists in Germany for example and very large companies are semi government or kike run. Whites can't think beyond the tribe while jews have a mass exploitation mindset with the help of corruption of a country on all levels.
Big megacorp is a jewish construct to profit off white labor while giving very little in return to workers and customers alike.
The jewish mindset is having eskimos selling a freezer for the maximum possible price to fellow eskimos at the lowest hourly rate and commission while still keeping them motivated, with the peak of this being MLM companies that exploit human relations to the core.
It's a mindset of manipulation which is what talmudic debate is all about.