Catholic Priest Is Cucking

I'm pissed off that my local Catholic priest has used the money we've all been giving him to sponsor a rapefugee family instead of giving a shit about his actual neighbors, the homeless and poor and unsaved (which are numerous), here in my own city. There is a big card that everyone is welcome to sign to "welcome" the rapefugees. Well I'm planning on plastering the church in slogans and statistics that will really show just how fucking "welcome" these bastards actually are. Post whatever you want me to write and I swear to God I will fucking deliver and you'll read about this in the news this week. I am thinking of writing the average age at which a white female in my country has their first child, historical accounts of Islam and Catholicism teaming up to kill Europeans, the birthrate average for white females in my country as a whole, the birthrate for white females specifically in cities (so none of the rural stats included) if I can find it, messages about free speech and dialog or censorship and war, and other things. I've been steaming mad all day and thinking about this. The priest can't cuck this hard without knowing some of us are very much against his crap.

Furthermore; if after my message they try to seek charges against me for my exercise of freedom of speech then I will escalate further to actual violence. I do not want to do this and hope they aren't stupid enough to fuck with my freedom but I will lay down my life for freedom if need be.

Video unrelated and required to start the thread.

If anyone also wants to join me in my protest then email me at [email protected]

Other urls found in this thread:

bump for messages

Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah Warns “West Will Disappear” As A Result of Mass Migration

Will you only post written messages or will it also include images?

I am intending for written messages only. I might post a single image of the front cover of Brenton Tarrant's Manifesto though as well. I want to maybe put up about 20-30 messages probably in Impact or a similar font on the doors of the church overnight, to be found hopefully by the priest in the morning.

Anyone going to volunteer any messages I should write? Just keep them short please.

Pls post here too

Have you not figured out Catholicism != Christianity? It is its own religion, completely separated from Scripture. You should not only figuratively raze the message per your plan, but give brochures with informative weblinks to churchgoers until the caliphate loving jew golems church has the cops separate you from the premises. Godspeed finding a non-pozzed church.

You can't be this new

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Email Mining are we Moishe?

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The pope is a homosexual Masonic satanist.

Wish the popes would get back into the chemical business.


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I visit a lot of Churches.

I'm not a Catholic. I've been touring around all the different churches and finding out which ones are the most based and which the most pozzed.


He has specifically, today, sponsored a rapefugee family. He's not merely talking politically correct bullshit but putting money and time into helping them invade. He even said they get instant full citizenship too, so they're officially citizens now, instead of counted as refugee status. Meaning the bastards will never go back.

Yeah man, that's how christcucks work. They stab us in the back by importhing third-worlders while at the same time saying they can't take a stand on race-mixing because Christianity has no position on race.

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Well is anybody going to offer me slogans? I've already read and know all these things. Night is going to fall soon and I will have to act.

This does not have a breakdown by race.

Christianity has been subverted by Catholicucks, all those beaners down south are Catholics, and Catholics are all faggot city people who love kikes and niggers

Christianity was cucked 100 years ago, you cannot expect civilization from gynocentrism.


christmutts deserve the Tarpeian rock as much as their jew masters

Cuckristianity is the religion of cuckholdry… from the very beginning nya~

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Christianity started redpilled on women

Lmao what is with you I just saw you drop this email after a very long autistic comment in the other thread by a "woman" asking what the ideal wife is, trying to get her to marry you or something. It was either a trap or a hell of a dumb bitch but damn dude chill

Christianity is a tool of the Jews. They are controlled and cucked by Jews. They are led into labor, battle, and death for and by the Jews.

Death to the Jews. Death to cucked Christianity who bind well-meaning white men. Hail Odin.

women are chameleons

Talk to your Priest, ask him if his liberal wet dream is worth giving up civilization for. Remind him about all the tales of the Israelites fighting to keep invaders from their land (use his jew love against him). If he instead decides to favor the muds, ask him where he thinks the money will come from as he losers parishioners.

Be prepared to severe ties with this cucked faith


welcome to non-profits, nothing stopping them from giving money to a political candidate, using or sending money to foreign countries, etc.

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The early 2000s called, they want their memes back.

Sounds like he's being a good Christian to me. After all, don't those poor sandniggers need charity more than the church needs new upholstery?

Here's your first problem. This faggot cult lives through your donation money. Campaign on stopping giving them any dime. And fucking stop reporting only to the "clergy inspectors" instead of reporting to the police about the gay priests fiddling with boys and young men.
Spread the word about your priest being a scum. Proclaim him being a heretic or some blasphemer shit, end his reputation.

You're the cuck for even going to church at all, for worshipping a dead jew as GOD and giving money to those good for nothing dead beats.

God bless you OP. I understand the need for charity, but this situation of actively supporting the invaders overrunning the West is far, far beyond that. It is plainly a Satanic action, using His favorite (((puppets))) to destroy the White, Western civilization that has heretofore brought so much good to the world.

If God sees fit to do away with us all, then that's strictly His affair (though I personally doubt it strongly, but hey that's just me). In the meantime, actively and incredibly foolishly, contributing to the murder of one's own people is both ludicrous and evil. Please remind him of that.

At the least find a better place to sew your funds (I'm sure you're already there heh).

I am a predator and I have preyed upon both men and women alike. I enjoyed my time when I would seduce homosexuals like you and their girlfriends, then beat the shit out of them both, rob them of their drugs and money, then leave them a bloody red sobbing mess. BLOOD RED SOBBING MESS. That is what you Marxist scum are to me because you deserve nothing but death and ruin. I always keep tabs on the Marxist neighbors when I lived in the city and I report them to the police and try and get them sent to jail after I bait them into attacking me in front of the police who are "on board and my side" so to speak. I can't wait till you animals are slaughtered in the next civil war.

gtfo asshole.

Is Christianity a homosexual religion? Or is it very very progressive in embracing the Trans-sex? Both Women and Men are taught from an early age that they are both the brides of Christ. Therefore they are both Jesus' bottom bitches. Do the men fantasize getting ass fucked by the Son of God? Do they imagine a White Wedding Dress with cake and rice throwing? What does the Honeymoon look like? Lots of butt stuff?

One cannot have both the Universal and the Particular.

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We don't want to know about what pranks you plan to do. Do your prank then tell us about it. Or livestream it, that works too.

Nail them to the door like the 95 theses

Then its a statement with historical basis and not vandalism.

Go pray to Mary you paganistic heretic, Catholicism is a spic religion.

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Luther played with poop.

Tell to that catholic priest of yours that you won't give him a cent anymore and that you are abandoning the Church because of people like him AND that you will never cease urging others to do the same.

Obviously you'r'e going to post pictures of your work. godspeed user.

Just don't die over this. Fuck the Latins. Become Orthodox. The Latin west fucked us all when they changed the creed and later claimed universal temporal authority. Out of the branch of Rome sprang 30,000 protestant heresies as a result. Ortho bros don't fuck with fag flags. My priest has a ton of kids and reviles communists.

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sounds like your pedo priest is being blackmailed by jewish media into being a multiculti


Before Nostra Aetate it was the opposite. Prior to that Catholics were against Jews. Since they have been totally owned by the Jews and flooded with homosexual revolutionaries.

The way I see it it doesn't matter who is on the other end the topic is what matters and the truth is what matters. My postings are always more geared towards the lurkers than the actual participants in the thread. I still think it important that if someone wants to discuss the ideal woman that I supply such an ideal in the thread.

I technically don't believe in a personal god at this point and so can't really accept Jesus.

I don't give any money.

I go to churches in order to not be alone all the time and to get a feel of public opinion and to spend time thinking about god.

The fuck is wrong with you?

Don't h8 me cuz u a8nt me

I need to start reading Martin Luther and encourage others to do so as well..

Consider including a few of the best images from the Tarrant meme threads for maximizing the triggering. Most people don't care about statistics and graphs and lists of facts, they react to content that is funny, offensive, inspiring, etc. Take photos…

Which is why the Catholics killed Kikes as well as Mudslimes all the time during the crusades, in an attempt to conquer Jerusalem? They don't even use the + symbol in Israel because of it's similarity to the crusader crosses. If the Jews did create Christianity as a weapon, then it is one which they are terrified of it being controlled by us.

You are going to want to quote this in full:
1 Timothy 5:8
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
You can extrapolate this into the priest proving that he is negligent in his sacred duty to provide for his own people instead giving it all to strangers while his sacred dependents suffer, and that action has denied his faith and he has become much worse than unbeliever, he has become a hypocrite and a heretic.
The cross-references for that passage are very interesting:
For certain men have crept in among you unnoticed–ungodly ones who were designated long ago for condemnation. They turn the grace of our God into a license for immorality, and they deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Jewsus Died 4 Ur Sinnies

There is nothing like stabbing the jew with his own knife.


as do I, I'll settle for a few thousand hooknoses on a string as trophies

Here's an idea:
Reward for a lifetime of hardwork and service: freezing to death.
Reward for invading: a free home.
Post results later user.

Checked but this is pure boiled blood for me so I'm requesting more chill shit por favor. Gracias.

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Christianity is non-European. Use your access to the church to redpill whites there about race.

Of course the LARPagans will poison this op.
OP, dont approach this from an autistic pagan viewpoint, make it seem as if it's pissed off christians protesting against this cuckoldry of the church. An outwards "evil nazi pagans fighting against good pozzed church" will only reinforce them.

I read the Bible. That's how I know NOT to be Catholic. But also there's the list of money laundering, human trafficking, extortion, mafia war, murder, and literal faggotry a mile long in case the Bible doesn't convince.

That's some basic bitch zeitgeist tier caved in head larpagan shit. Jews hate nothing more than Christianity. They'd love for you to worship a fucking thunder god or die in nihilism. Just so long as you don't remind them of their ancestral sin as Christ-killers, damned of God.

Good documentary, but even as an orthobro, russophile, that shit stank so bad of russian state propaganda it was hard to take seriously at times. Still enjoyed it though, and largely true. But what's up with the nigger kid walking off into the sunset at the end of the empire and why are they pushing a "western genetic hatred of the east".

The inseparable accretions of ressentiment and philosophical thought contaminate the entirety of the Nietzschean corpus. His final fragments are blistered with unrestrained animus, dreadfully bitter and yet sustain an addictive virulence. In his own words:

The two types: Dionysus and the Crucified. – To determine: whether the typical religious man is a form of decadence (the great innovators are one and all morbid and epileptic); but are we not here omitting one type of religious man, the pagan? Is the pagan cult not a form of thanksgiving and affirmation of life? Must its highest representative not be an apology for and deification of life? The type of a well-constituted and ecstatically overflowing spirit! The type of a spirit that takes into itself and redeems the contradictions and questionable aspects of existence! It is here that I set the Dionysus of the Greeks: the religious affirmation of life, life whole and not denied or in part; (typical – that the sexual act arouses profundity, mystery, reverence). Dionysus versus the “Crucified”: there you have the antithesis. It is not a difference in regard to their martyrdom – it is a difference in the meaning of it. Life itself, its eternal fruitfulness and recurrence, creates torment, destruction, the will to annihilation. In the other case, suffering – the “Crucified as the innocent one” – counts as an objection to this life, as a formula for its condemnation. – One will see that the problem is that of the meaning of suffering: whether a Christian meaning or tragic meaning. In the former case, it is supposed to be the path to a holy existence; in the latter case, being is counted as holy enough to justify even a monstrous amount of suffering. The tragic man affirms even the harshest suffering: he is sufficiently strong, rich and capable of deifying to do so. The Christian denies even the happiest lot on earth: he is sufficiently weak, poor, disinherited to suffer from life in whatever form he meets it. The god on the cross is a curse on life, a signpost to seek redemption from life; Dionysus cut to pieces is a promise of life: it will be eternally reborn and return again from destruction
- Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power, §1052 (March-June 1888)

In Nietzsche, we find a recognition of the irreconcilable opposition between the perspective of the victimisers’ mythology and the Biblical perspective of the victims – and the consequent ramifications for all future ethics and politics. The passion and intensity of Nietzsche’s polemic betrays his ressentiment par excellence. Perhaps blunted by the silence brought by Christian society, Nietzsche considered ressentiment the primary form of the desire for violence, and both the fruit and the germ of Christianity; everything in Nietzsche is under the influence of Christianity.
As the Bible relates:

And the Lord said to him, “Therefore, who ever kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” And the Lord set a mark on Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him. Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of this son – Enoch. To Enoch was born Irad; and Irad begot Mehujael, and Mehujael begot Methushael, and Methushael begot Lamech. Then Lamach took for himself two wives: the name of one was Adah, and the name of the second was Zillah. And Adah bore Jabal. He was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. His brother’s name was Jubal. He was the father of all those who play the harp and flute. And as for Zillah, she also bore Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron. And the sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah.
- Genesis 4: 15-22

The legacy of Cain lies in his role as both fratricide and founder. Consequent to Abel’s murder, the law against reciprocal violence is established. And where Cain builds the first city, his descendants give that city husbandry, music and technology. Modern anthropology, ignorant or unwilling of cultural interpretation, ends at observing the same elements in the mythologies of Cain, Dionysus and Romulus. All these myths are statements on collective murders, and so require a name.

As John relates:

Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of all lies.
- John 8:43-44

That name is Satan, and these myths are thus expressions of the false accusations, collective murders and victim deification that founded pre-Christian culture, and that the Gospels recognise, reproach and reject. The Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, is therefore the advocate of all martyrs as witnesses to the truth of the Gospels. The dreadful sword1 of Christ, l’ordre de la charité, spells the doom of all those Satantic societies by revealing their social order lies on the convergence of collective violence upon a scapegoat. And it was this inevitable destruction of Satan, by the Christian interpretation of collective violence and its universal declaration of guilt that must invariably, argued Nietzsche, prevent any continued order or fraternity between men.

Ressentiment is the element of violence that survives the impact of Christianity. For ressentiment flourishes wherever violence is diminished and Christianity has only partly succeeded in its aims to eliminate violence in all its forms.

The ressentiment, only made possible by Christianity and its diminution of Satanic violence, expressed by Jungian efforts to Biblicise mythology, by Heideggerian efforts to mythologise the Gospels, and by the idealisations of primitive cultures have only contributed to the vague and eclectic religiosity of our time. Faced with the dreadful turbulence of Christianity, both Jung and Heidegger grasped at the vestigial elements of the old sacred. Except for their vocabulary, they are wholly within the realms of nineteenth-century historicism.

Unexposed to the priestly whetting of pagan teeth with blood, few recognise the urgency of the Gospels. Bewilderment and condescension follows each mention of the collective murder of God.
Per Nietzsche:

“…God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him! How shall we console ourselves, the most murderous of all murderers? The holiest and mightiest that the world has hitherto possessed, has bled to death under our knife – who will wipe the blood from us? With what water could we cleanse ourselves? What lustrums, what sacred games shall we have to devise? Is not the magnitude of this deed to great for us? Shall we not ourselves have to become Gods, merely to seem worthy of it? There never was a greater event – and on account of it, all who are born after us belong to a higher history than any history hiterto!” – Here the madman was silent and looked again at his hearers; they also were silent and looked at him surprise. At last he threw his lantern on the ground, so that it broke in pieces and was extinguished. “I come too early,” he then said, “I am not yet at the right time. This prodigious event is still on its way, and is travelling – it has not yet reached men’s ears. Lightning and thunder need time, the light of the stars needs time, even after they are done, to be seen and heard. This deed is still more distant from them than the most distant stars – and yet they have done it themselves.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, §12

The expression here is contaminated across several layers, yet still distinguished logically. At its most obvious, Nietzsche is writing on the modern disappearance of the deification consequent to the collective murder of a real victim. The second level follows, the realisation that the victims of collective murder are the pagan gods. The highest level is the realisation that the Passion of Christ is not the death of the Christian God but the death of all other gods.

Like his fellow idealists, Nietzsche felt that the death of an exhausted religion – the Biblical religion – would allow the birth of some new god, a birth unrooted in the death of the resented Biblical God. Idealists are unable to apprehend the reality, rendered unintelligible by Christianity, of collective violence, and see it only as a cure for the fermenting pandemonium – the ressentiment – of their, and our, time. The caustic trickle fills the cup of every “intellectual” nihilist, i.e., the psychologists.

As an interpretative tool, the mimetic principle is far more serviceable than the Freudian complex. By eliminating the conscious patricide-incest desire, it does away with the cumbersome necessity of the subsequent repression of the desire. In fact, the mimetic principle casts the unconscious aside. The mimetic principle explains the Oedipus myth and does so with an economy and precision lacking in the Freudian approach.

Freud’s thought constantly drifted in the direction of mimesis, and was checked, each time, by his necessity for the patricide-incest motif. Lacan, too, failed to intuit the mimetic nature of desire, bound by his linguistic obsession to reinforce the “structural” aspects of Freudian analysis.

The interest of Freudian analysis does not lie in its results, in its pretentious accumulation of psychic agencies; nor does it lie in the spectacle of Freudian apprentices clambering up and down the precarious scaffolding of Freudian doctrine with remarkable and futility. Rather, Freudian analysis is itself an obstacle to discerning the nature of the relationship between subject, model and object; to understanding the origins of ressentiment and violence. Yet Freud recognised, in an anti-Freudian moment, the pagan commonality of collective murder in religious rituals.

Despite its enshrinement in the modern canon, the dramatic insights of Nietzsche have been buried under the rhetorical ornaments and milquetoast analyses necessary to avoid the dreadful guilt of collective violence. The idolatry of Freud ceases wherever his gospel turns to the same Satanic theme.

These men exemplify the heights of ressentiment; their writings plaster every theatre and brothel. They know but one thing: to fill their belly and be drunk, to be wounded whilst fighting for their favourite charioteer, to live like goats and pigs. Here the slayers of Christ gather together, here the Cross is driven out, here God is blasphemed, here the Father is ignored, the Son is outraged, here the grace of the Spirit is rejected. The response to the God Question is as it was in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: You are free to think as you will, and everything of yours shall remain yours, but from this day on, you are one apart from the many.

Few are ready for the answer of Christ:

The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
- Psalm 118:22

The habitual reaction, in the wake of any exception to internalised ressentiment, but especially in real violence, is to retroactively apply a host of malignancies upon the vengeful; and, since every community believes every evil that befalls it comes of evil purpose, to erect prohibitions against the behaviour or action of the vengeful.

Yet modern society further prevents the mediation of the desire for violence with each new prohibition. For, possessing no equivalent response to the adolescent rite of passage or funereal liturgy, it cannot pre-empt and resolve the desire for violence; and dissuades only with the socially-acceptable reciprocation of legal justice. Where nineteenth-century nihilism quietly seethed, modern annihilism flares, with pagan intensity, for real violence. Every modern prohibition is therefore to the encouragement of further violence. Every modern prohibition is therefore to the exciting of further violence, and to the dissolution of the community.
For as Jesus said:

Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?
- Matthew 12: 25-26

Plot twist! OP. You fuck the priest in the ass… for a change.

Pro-tip for a dumb shit. Don't share your plans with ANYONE. So… no making public fucking statements before or after the fact you dumb ass.

OP you should print pictures of dead European's and dead christians from any country taken from any terrorist attack. Make a visual statement about the hypocrisy.

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This is coming from a fellow Catholic, the church is currently lost, with a literal heretic as the head and faggot infiltration of almost every part of it (Hence why there is alot of priests raping little boys). Consider converting to Orthodoxy, since it's the closest to the original teachings today then any other sec. If not, always ask where the money goes before you give and consider finding a decent church. They're still out there, have one back home that a miss. I am not the best Christan myself, but I know how much the church use to benefit communities before being co-opted and tainted by modern day ideas, mostly thanks to Jews and especially Protestants.

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Clever. It won't work to avoid prosecution - most people won't even get the reference and the enforcers won't care either way. But it makes a good statement.

Why are you still going to your cucked church?

If you gave them money, it is your own fault. never trust anyone who doesn't openly advocate for the genocide of jews, leftists and shitskins.

Would you ask me why I'm still going to visit the refugee centers if my report was about one of those?

I've been going around to various places to scout out where the enemy is.


Okay give me those pictures to print out then.

So many fucking ads on that page my god. Also a lost of cross-site linking attacks that Tor is blocking. I'm going to have to do some modifications to make this into a printable article.

Sorry but the article is completely fucked I want to use it but can't. Do you have another page you can link me with the same article or same point being made that isn't plastered with ads and failing to show the video?

Do it user. It would be nice if other Christians would take similar actions against the poz in their churches.


Hey Jocks - "Those who make peaceful reform impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." See you at the gallows.

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Glad you are writing to him,
he might not make a deal out of it, but dont be afraid to speak up with other church goes.
If my pastor did that shit I could make a big stink, since we have a lot of (white) homeless in the area