Urber Driver says no to Jews

Which one you Keks did this? This is nuts!


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Other urls found in this thread:


Remind me why we haven't teamed up with the muzzies yet?


Because they are the same people and want to replace us with equal fervor.

Whose privilege is stronger: jew or muslim?

Muhammads Last Sermon, you dense fool!

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Only one thing to say about it all. 1031. Fear the number Kike!

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Why ask questions? White people just shoot up random people now.

Step 1: Shoot random people

Step 2: ???

Step 3: Victory!!!

You know that wasnt far off of my plan. I mean eventually you will hit the right person right? There is the cost of ammo though….Shit…. Drawing board…..

who hates kikes and faggots more muzziniggers or us?

fuck off muhamed

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Its not random, they're brown :-]

Now that's Change I can Believe In™

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because Muzzies are just another type of Semite. the Semites are only geneticaly capable of quarrel and fighting each other and scamming each other's shekels. the Semites are geneticaly incapable of forming the high trust societies like White Europeans, which is the foundation for the high level cooperation that made it possible for the White Man to invent and create the modern world. if the White Man dodnt need to buy oil from the Semites, they would still be bedouin raiders chopping each other's heads off in the desert.

I bet you they don't tip…also remember the jews who got thrown off the plane because they smelled so bad?

Where we're going, we don't need Jews.

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Wouldn't it be more sensible to refuse dindus? After all the individual jew isn't a threat, they won't rob you outright.

You know almost nothing about the situation. Also it is THEIR WORD against his…they have no proof and he was punished without any due process.

Its even more of a sure thing when you wear your pork coveralls.Or you could steal their diapers.

i knew it was a muslim

Maybe because they are just as degenerate as the jews, and want whites dead & the West destroyed as bad as jews do?


High IQ post

Islam is the sword of Jewry. They're semites and all semites get the gas.

Work your ass of at restaurant Wait on Billionaire cuckerberg Bill is $300+ get tipped .43 cents. Refuse Hospitably to Jews. Oh you wanted a tip Din't be antisemitic remember the 6 gagillion ow vey >My Shekels are not enough Nazi's Nazi's arrest this goyim. Yea Fuck that

Islam the sword; Christianity the shield.

Catholicism you mean, nigger.

because they prefer to be ineffectual losers


This is clearly a case of anti Arab macro aggressions.


why do i keep hearing about uber drivers ?


They wouldnt give a shit about us if we stayed out of their countries.

This is SUCH BULLSHIT. Islam has been attacking Europe at the direct command of the kikes for their entire 1400 year existence.

PROTIP: you already have
yall know hezzbollah and hamas are all over this joint, no?
especially hezzbollah shills.
though to be fair, this board and militarized shia have a awful lot in common, so it makes sense on an ideological level.

God is the Greatest
Death to America
Death to Israel
Curse on the Jews
Victory to Islam
Sieg Heil

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