real nationalists support tulsi gabbard not Yang. Yang is a jew puppet who is only there to steal votes from tulsi who is the only non-ZOG candidate
Real nationalists support tulsi gabbard not Yang...
If elected, would Gabbard destroy the economy?
the economy of israel, perhaps
That'd be fun but irrelevant.
What matters first and foremost is
1. Awakening White nationalism to the point where enough White people support revolutionary violence to make it possible.
2. Creating an environment where the System can be overthrown.
The center of world jewry is New York, not Jerusalem. Crashing the economy in New York far exceeds crashing it in Tel Aviv.
Can't trust Gabbard for similar reasons Trump couldn't be trusted. Too much geopolitical overlap between the Hindustani interests and zionist America. She is being built up just like Trump was with the same "outsider" image. Can't be trusted.
maybe but I really can't see what is great about yang except what he said about circumcision.
At least Gabbard wants to end wars for ZOG
And so did Trump – right until he got into office. Gabbard is military, she is ZOG.
Wasn't Patrick Little military too?
/r/ing that comic with the two kikes and "freedom being a touch choice"
Agreed. Though none of these people have that power. None of them actually make decisions as presidents, and none of them are capable of defeating Trump in 2020 anyhow. It really doesn't matter who wins, but I think that Trump's been annointed by Big Jewry for 2 terms and he'll get it. He'll be the last, (((white man))) in the office. Then, shit can get real.
Really nationalists are not faggot vote cucks.
Do your job you faggot mods
This is just disingenuous. It is absolutely in israel's interest to provoke a war sooner rather than later. That isn't going to change if somebody else beats Netanyahu in an election. The US doesn't have any interests where israel is concerned. Sometimes people say more with what they don't say.
Key difference there is Little does not dance around the issues. He confronts them directly and does not hold foreign allegiances to which he would see American power and resources diverted to support. Hindustanis cannot be trusted. The people who keep pushing them are zionists who have geopolitical overlap with combating political islam – which isn't a real Western problem outside of getting muslims the fuck out of Western countries along with any other group that is angling to leverage American power to support a foreign cause.
In our day, the primary culprits are the jews, the muslims, the hindus, with the insidious Brits and literal superpower China bringing the rear.
Probably. Trump has certainly served jewish interests like no other president EVER. I think the next president after trump will be a BASED black republican who will be even more pro Israel than trump, since democrats seem to be unreliable allies for jews these days
okay, pinned the thread
i liked gillibrand up until a recent interview. she was looking rough. frankly i think any woman in the white house would be enough to crash the economy and push through unsustainable social reforms.
Being military makes you anti war. JFK was military and jews killed him.
Then you haven't been paying attention. We've explained this to you dozens of times already.
True. However it's worth a shot.
JFK wasn't particularly anti-war. He certainly wasn't pro-thermonuclear war, but was a strong anti-Soviet. JFK was killed because he was digging around Dimona.
I say Trump will win in 2020, because say what you want about cuckservative boomers - its all true - they have the funs and the money to do some damage, before they get too dead and broke, if they saw a bunch more niggers and trannies in the white house. They still have to die convinced their children and grand children will inherit a capitalist, multiculti utopia.
There's going to be a war for Israel's interests against Palestinians and Gaza right before the end of Trump's last term. This will seal his second term and allow the war gibs faucet to go full again.
And following this up, the cult of military worship really needs to fucking end in this country. That this cancerous lesion finds its way here SO often is perhaps the most under the radar shill campaign going. The US military is a parasitic entity and is a major, major source of our problems as White Americans. This idea that it is some neutral observer or potential source of salvation or rationality needs to end. The Pentagon is the primary driver of anti-White policies and the primary enforcer.
Patrick Little is a Putin Shill, wouldn't be surprised if his entire military career is just a massive load of horseshit. Just like Putin himself's pro-whiteness
Tulsi Gabbard is hot ngl, certainly better looking than most white American women today who either fuck dogs or niggers (what difference does it make?).
don't hate the player hate the game my nigga. warrior mentality should be respected but yeah the us military needs to be destroyed along with the federal government
fuck off azov kike
No, the players should definitely be killed. We have a good blueprint for easy it is thanks to Major Hassan.
Patrick Little is a federal psyop, just like Chris Cantwell, Paul Nehlen, Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch and the rest of them. You can’t trust anyone who puts themselves out there so blatantly in our current environment. They might as well strap up the boots and wear armband swastikas to fully reach peak 1.0 (((white nationalism))).
Reminder that all spam is now allowed here.
For fucks sake, are the mods even here anymore? This whole board is just a joke right now
shiiiiet. hassan and no thang. americans have been fragging since 1967.
but seriously if you aren't a militarist then there is no sense in saying you think the us military should be destroyed. you see one needs the other. civvienauts can't get a fucking thing done on this planet without mother green.
reminder that kikes like you are not allowed here
Trump said similar things, dialed back a few notches when he was running. He literally said "Iran was fighting ISIS" in a nationally televised debate. He tweeted we should stay out of Syria when Obama was going in. Then he burned his whole base, so the next man up has to push a little more to build their bonafides. Follow the geopolitical interests – just like people failed to do with Trump. Stop repeating the same mistakes.
She's another Jewish Puppet. Kill yourself.
K kike
Kill yourself
Not exactly. A big part of Trump's campaign was about being anti-Iran, but Trumpniggers pretended it was all chess. He only really lied about wanting to get out of Syria.
Trump was openly "with Israel 1000%" during the campaign. How could anyone have thought he was anti-ZIonist when he was running as a republican and the republican base is literally Israel worshipping boomers?
Gabbard is totally different because she is a millennial woman of color and so are most of her voters
Yes, he said a lot of anti-Iran things and then he got up on stage at a nationally televised debate and literally admitted to the country they were the ones fighting ISIS. He said that because he needed to appeal to the fringes of the genuinely aware population to secure a victory. It worked. Like I keep saying, follow the geopolitical interests.
Anglo bloc. Jew bloc. Chicom bloc. Russia bloc. Caliphate bloc. EU/Habsburg bloc. Where do the Hindustanis fit in? I'll give you two guess.
that's because these intelligence agencies probably nonstop feed him with credible information about how Iran actually does build bases and finances opposition groups and tries to sabotage US interests in the middle east.
So after years of this he starts to believe that Iran is a terrible nation etc. I mean they are muslims, they arent good. But he is losing his pre-politics natural sane views after years of briefings about how horrible Iran is.
real nationalists don't vote in jewish elections
real nationalist understand that traitorous politicians have addresses and families that are public information
Nice try. Trump ended the Iranian nuclear deal as soon as he was in office and shilled for it during the election. He's ALWAYS been a kike puppet but you retards wouldn't listen to Dr. William Luther Pierce when he warned us in 1999.
trump lied about immigration, but he told his true views on Jews and Israel
trump was "the only non zog candidate" on election season and look at how he turned out, no thanks.
Even voting for a literal kikeis better than experience such a deep level of betrayal again.
Stop voting and start killing jews.
killing jews isn't nice. vote for blumpf to protect israel!