The truth is hidden at plain sight

-Part 1-

For a long time an inscrutable truth has been hidden in plain sight, a red pill so obvious but elusive that molded our community and the digital culture in general without being directly pointed: Behind all the conflicts in which the chans has had direct or indirect responsibility, there is a power struggle between the aspies and the normies, a struggle between the mainstream evolutionary branch and ours, an emerging alternative that in the last few centuries has seen extraordinary growth along the ever-increasing pace of technology and specialization. Trough history most of us were ostracized, excluded and forced to live in a world where we were no more than foreigners. Those "functional" enough were tolerated to a certain extent due to their inherent skills, the rest were discarded ad lib, relegated to perish alone and in despair. And from this despair, anger was born among us, the desire to retaliate against an invisible but oppressive enemy never to be identified. This lack of self-perception enabled the normies, in the form of various political movements, to canalize our vindication against their enemies, in a war in which we have nothing to win but everything to lose. Our internal political differences are being exploited to separate us in order to neutralize any possible resistance. The "alt-right", the incel movement and the chans are, all the same, the materialization of our political development and the consequent will for power, the power to take over a society that despise us for what we are, that leaves no other choice for our people that hide from its scrutiny. In the past an implicit pact was made with them, our existence will be tolerated to a certain extent if we secluded ourselves into our fantasy worlds, the only place far enough from their reach.

Attached: pepe.jpg (1789x2173, 354.21K)

-Part 2-

As time passed, our numbers grew and the paradigm changed. The invention of internet connected us, in the depths of its embrace we discovered that we were not alone, that the same traits for which we were alienated brought us closer to people like ourselves. A profound misunderstanding was exposed, what seemed like deficient social skills from their point of view was, in turn, a consequence of a profound cognitive contrast. Between ones and zeroes, the unity of the scattered was discovered, and across social classes, languages and nations bonds were made and a new culture emerged, a culture still not fully aware of itself. Ironically as time passed that little fantasy world started to grow stronger, in the era of knowledge the table started to turn on them. Thanks to a cognitive configuration with an elevated affinity with the demands of this millennium, some of us started to gain an enormous level of power and influence inside this new technological paradigm, but sadly there is a long road ahead and the vast majority still suffers from the exclusion and the alienation imposed on us. This was not unnoticed by the normies, whose natural disgust against our kind generated a strong and diversified reaction against this new culture. A conflict like no other is starting to grow, a conflict that is fought by our army on multiple fronts, an army whose identity, expressed through symbols (memes) is still being developed. Sooner or later the real nature of this combat, that hides beneath a multitude of political (and temporary) proxies, will be revealed. Those of you who are lost and confused, don't surrender to despair. Each day, our memetic power (political influence) increases and the time will come for us, for our kind, to gain control of our own destiny. This is just the beginning.

You couldn't even make it through the title without fucking up.

shut up, faggot

either go shoot up a Synagogue or fucking kill yourself

Maybe this post was not written for you, normie.

In all seriousness, your writing is pretty incoherent, poorly organized, and grammatically nauseating. You shit out 20 words that skirt around what you're trying to say—like you're getting paid by the word.

Attached: sure thing normie.png (1033x193 677.05 KB, 84.5K)

Not everyone on the internet speaks English as a first language.
Not everyone who isn't an asshole is guilty of one of your ebin maymay transgressions.

You're right about normie though. Never got used to that one either.

*slow golf clap*

of Rotschild Jew ascendacy

Freedom is an idea the Jew is exploiting because white men don't understand r/K selection theory and how to resist temptations of wealth brought by Freedom, over Kingdom.