We're about to enter Cuckchan levels of surveillance. How are you preparing?
Big brother is watching
Other urls found in this thread:
Imma shitpost harder
I-is it possible?
Can we start earning neetbux for working with the local constabularies to decipher memes? Don't tell anyone but I would gladly betray my race for a crate of illicit dojinshi and a few gallons of all purpose sexual lubricant.
What could possibweee be happening ohn 8 chaaan?
fug yesssss :DDDDDD
Zig Forums Bear Jew here:
I welcome the surviellance. I will be collecting and providing information to authorities on neo-Nazi activities wherever possible.
My aim in these forums is to provoke and enrage Nazis into showing themselves in real life where we can assault and eliminate them.
However, if the police want to assist I'm not going to stand in their way. It humors me when Nazis are arrested and identified by law enforcement and made to serve long custodial sentences.
Soooo, more people are in for some dank memes?
Hey, I'm not a Nazis - but I think all kikes should be gassed, then placed in an oven at gas mark 5 for 20-30mins, until lightly basted.
They taste better if you propane grill them.
Zig Forums mods have been sharing ur information to feds for a while now, they suck feds dicks and bow down to them
man that's a good jpeg, laughed for about 3 minutes
cryptic message of hate to the law enforcement analysts around the world lurking
Sucking up does nothing. Get the Honkler&Koch ready.
t-thanks for warning us jussie
cops of the deep south have always been redpilled
Help out all the Honks you can.
better after it was posted in 4chan /int/ when france won the cup. they were absolutely ass blasted at the heckling
It’s possible.
I Encourage anyone here who wants to know why Zig Forums exists and what it is trying to do and why there's so much hitler stuff on here, to watch this. europathelastbattle.wordpress.com
Yeah, this. Zig Forums has always been a board of peace - a deep cover antifa op to full any horrible racist cis White me thinking of rebellion into the open. This can only be accomplished by living in one's deep cover identity, much as a narcotics agent does. Only instead of smoking crack, it's shitposting about Hitler.
What do you except after all the glow in the darks on this board are praising a terrorist and talking about fertilizer bombs
Zig Forums is a board of peace. How can the police arrest us if we have done nothing wrong?
how are they going to inoculate them from the redpills?
isn't that just another word for….OH SHIT
new meme, you're welcome
redpill em
*honk* *honk*
Can someone please report this man as a fed?
There is a parking lot in downtown San Jose, California, where a huge gang of 50-100 beaners gather every night. They drink, do drugs, and commit crimes. If you walk anywhere near them they jeer at you and threaten you.
Since we're looking at internet crime, how about DMT NEXUS OPENLY DISCUSSING MURDER AND DRUG DISTRIBUTION? Pigs don't want to investigate them or they'll lose their bribe money.
Or the FUCKING TRIFORCE WEBSITES, clearnet CP sites where users openly discuss molesting children and making CP.
There is no profanity to express how I feel. I wish everyone in this sick world would die.
Kill yourself
Maybe the niggers were right. Maybe killing cops is the answer.
Except like all jews. We can smell you a mile off, see your tricks from an even greater distance.
Do you know why your race has to keep proclaiming to be fictional characters? Because No Jew living or dead, has sacrificed themselves for a greater cause.
You are a larper, thinking you're "aggravating those ebil nazis" when, the reality is, you're a joke, just like the other 6 gorrillion.
First of all fuck glow niggers.
Second of all mass killing is okay as long as they aren't human, protip: muds are not.
Remember when the news went on /b/ after the Jessie Slaughter shit and /b/ pretended it was a pure, family friendly board for a few days?
We should do that Zig Forums and pretend to be some wholesome, family site to throw off the police/news/and any other cucks that want to destroy and monitor us.
Nothing more wholesome and family friendly than National Socialism.
hell yeah my brother
what the fuck is this, are you asking for accountability?
Ha, let them try! The threads of this board will have the paid informant's head spinning. Remember, it was our form of shitposting that created the true Adolf Hitler, before he found our kind in the Beer Hall, he was nothing but a broke artist NEET who was paid to spy on us for sustenance.
They have to see, read, hear, think and feel each one of our words. They can only survive by hiding this place, not by taking it in more.
I wonder if he even gets paid on embarrassing himself constantly.
All nonwhites are nonhuman.
Not if we assault you first, haha!
To all those new government agents from around the world, Welcome! Welcome to Zig Forums.
Remember, there are more boards like Zig Forums like /Baphomet/, /cow/ , /kkkmoon/ if you want to stick to truthsaying, if not you are more then welcome to visit more SFW (Thats safe for work for you people new to the internet!) you are more then welcome to visit boards like /v/ , Zig Forums and /pdfs/ but as i said, there is a whole pile of boards for you to post and browse!
Again, welcome friends, the day will come when you finally welcome the truth.
Hey, police, watch this you terrorist faggots!
Glowniggers drop some useful info from time to time, I have learned more on this website than most other places on the internet.
We had some serious agencies on our backs over time, I don't think some clueless "internet cop" or whatever is going to do much damage.
This site is hosted on DoD servers anyway
The hilarious thing is that Nazis don't even exist. The left has to keep changing the rules to create them.
Small brain: Nazis don't exist
Enlightened brain: Nazis exist [spoiler]on the south pole
Remember how those Facebook employees all took the redpill after seeing our memes, now imagine this happening with zogbots.
We'll have professionals going full Tarrant by the end of the year.
God-like brain: Nazis exist in the North Pole, making presents for Santa Claus to deliver down jews' chimneys.
Not only is Henry Rollins most likely a faggot but he probably rapes little boys since he was raped himself when he was little, until he was a teenager. He definitely acts like a total fag. Plus he says he's never had a relationship since his 20s.
Enlightenment: With help of the Vril Society and mediums like Maria Orsic she helped the Nazis escape to Aldebaran where the original Aryans live and are preparing for the final war against (((Them))) and to bring forth a golden age of humanity
No we wont
Feds and other traitors I'll tell you what's happening.
While you thought you weren't being noticed selling out the country, you were. By now, millions of armed men who once supported police now count the days before you attempt to criminally disarm, so you can be shot to death like the worthless scum you are. You'll kill plenty of productive members of society along the way, but eventually every last one of you will stop returning home. Your wives will be fucked in the asshole by niggers after your memory fades in 6 months, your daughters will be kidnapped by sandniggers and raped for years until their organs are harvested, and your sons will be tortured.
All because you obeyed orders and turned your back on your country.
To the few decent nationalists amongst you, don't show up to disarm duty. Don't let the nigger dyke diversity hire captains with no time on the street send you into a traitor's meatgrinder.
Pretty sure the chans are being hosted by US law enforcement anyway, but I guess (((they))) want to play ball with whining kikes and shills.
Well you sure fucked up with tarrant
will block vpn? it will force someone to leave.
What's your favorite Hitler biography? My pal wants to know.
[*waggling of large uncircumcized phallusi in your general direction intensifies*]
Zig Forums's warrant canary has not expired.
wew 12 is a record isn't it?
Which is funny, because I'm a National Socialist and I don't even want to gas kikes.
wooden doors
hi bolis you want big beni :—DDDD
big beni haha :—DDDD
Come and lurk mr lawman
A priest, an imam and a rabbi walk into a bar. The barman looks at them and says "what is this, some kind of joke?"
No guns? No problem.
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
why now?
the NZ pro- shooter, call for violence SHILLS present "problem"
here come "solution"
it is a set up
are you sure it's prudent, when some golem cops could be mudslimes?
you may get doxxxed and antisemitified later
be careful
this place has been a psy op honeypot from the start you fuckin retard, it's been literally hosted by the dod for years now
I for one want to welcome our kike police-state nig nogs
That requires site or board owners who give a shit.
Go back to Plebbit you faggot.
all that faux-edge, youre clearly a crypto-faggot
Good. Any intelligent investigator is likely to be white. The more time they spend here the more redpilled they will become.
that or they'll start jerking off to blacked porn
Excuse me. White is an epithet.
You meant light.
And you're clearly projecting, faggot. When you die of AIDS remember that your alcoholic father who beat and raped you didn't love you because you're not worthy of love.
We need Brenton to clean up Moscow!! There are literally millions of Muslims in Moscow, and they are very aggressive, can beat you for a wrong look.
The Christchurch shooting was a false-flag engineered by T-Series to discourage more subscriptions to PewDiePie.
We will find you you stinky malcontented fucking jew. One way or another DOTR will come for you.
why do you tarrant guys keep pointing out the enemy of the elite/jew? the enemy is the elite, muslims are the ally.
Yawn. Try harder
the dumbocracy governments have been targeting muslims non stop since 2001. tarrant targeted the exact same chosen 'enemy'.
tarrant did exactly what the elite is doing and wants to do.
Ill check those repeating digits and tell you that there are people watching fullchan, that have studied for years to understand what i am when i wake up. People had training, had meetings, read corporate handbooks, just to understand what i know by heart. Honestly, AIVD if youre watching - pay me and ill explain everything you want to know.
There are some Radio jock shills, politicians and tv personalities who were anti government in 2008, now they are for Big government and are pumping this out since 2016.
No terrorist attacks are happening in English speaking countries. No big ones, nothing. So the English speaking countries are trying to weaken Europe.
Is this why they rape hundreds of thousands of white children?
answered here:
Also, that's why these deep state shills from english speaking countries are out to get everyone.