Anyone else notice how the yang gang bullshit disappeared when the Honk Honk clown shit appeared?

Anyone else notice how the yang gang bullshit disappeared when the Honk Honk clown shit appeared?

same as how AOC spam stopped when Yang announced.

the MIGA drumpf shills came at the same time.

Attached: 023.png (1120x586 220.72 KB, 191.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, it's probably the same crowded, sweaty, poo-ridden basement in Mumbai coordinated from Tel-Aviv.

I think the Yang meme died with Christchurch, as gook troop accelerationism got usurped by actual shooting shitskins accelerationism.

Yang was a literal shit meme.

Clownpepe existed before Yang.

If anything, someone who posted yang gang stuff also just happened to like clown pepe

Basically this
Remember that Yang gang is a democratic outreach thing. The kind of people who do nothing but post threads about how Reps are kikes and how voting doesn't matter for hours on the day, and then make posts larping as WNs 'warming up' to the Dem party, that's what Yang gang is/was. Yang gang was all about accelerationism, then Saint Tarrant happened and suddenly accelerationism was associated with killing dozens of brown people, which isn't a good thing to associate yourself with if you want stoned normalfags to vote for you. Honkposters were there before already, and only got emboldened when it happened.

It took a coordinated assault from a leftist discord to spam Zig Forums to spam the CHICOM asset known as yang. Once you address the issue and actually engage them, they fold like fucking balsa wood. A few drinks, one shitposter, and a proxy addon is all it takes to kick Zig Forums around their own hugbox until they all start crying like bitches. Honestly user. They are basically fucking useless at everything even when they have a grossly unfair advantage kek.

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Brenton killed Yang Gang, We would meme for Yang because Trumpstein sucks. But when Saint Tarrant join game, we have join Team Tarrant.

Attached: yang_immortal_3.png (1280x1407, 1.8M)

fuck team trump

honk team7 is at least partly being driven by western glowshits

Clown world is real. That is why honkler could be even more powerful than Pepe ever was.

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It's not that hard to explain. The simpletons at 4cuck simply don't have the wetware to be able to focus on more than one thing concurrently.


Except that I'm pro-Yang and I'm still here.
If you can name for me a candidate that is MORE likely to destroy ZOGs economy than Yang, name him. Especially if they're not White.
If you cannot figure out why the democratic party should not be led by a White man, you're too stupid to talk to me so please just don't respond

Yup. The yang gang is preparing for guerrilla training. But the rebel who had previously lost a tactical examination could go to college – that is, the one who passed the fire test in a military coup, at war against the enemy.


Yang is only choice America have now. But if i have to chose betwen working on memes for Saint Tarrant or Yang Gang, i chose Tarrant. But Yang Gang is not done yet. We have to stop Defender of Isreal in 2020.

Attached: yang_gangsta_2.png (300x480 39.92 KB, 173.13K)

This, yang gang shills were being directed on what to post by members of Yang's campaign on discord while accelerationists started going along with it because they saw potential for SHTF scenario if Andrew were to actually win. Christchurch happens and the accelerationists start making memes like this which spooked the shills on discord, so Yang's campaign pulled the plug.
tl;dr Yang wanted the "meme crowd", got more than he bargained for

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Also…the rainbow pepe is a globohomo meme. It isn't a 'clown meme' it is the Alt-kikes/globohomos trying to become relevant again.

This is like saying we would meme for Marx because Trump is trash, fuck off.

wtf is this honk honk clown shit? I've only seen it in stuff that was obviously shilling for kikes.

I think YANGBANGERS stopped coming around when we all realized that they were actors hired by turks/kikes to subvert the US government. I don't think it had anything to do with fucking globohomo pepe.

I would meme for Marx it that would stop Drumf.

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See this is exactly why no one takes you niggers seriously. You cant even bring yourself to say your opponent's name correctly, like a god damn child. "GOTTA STOP THE DRUMPF! I HATE ORANGE MAN"

Seriously fuck off you worthless liberal faggot. You do not have the mental ability to say a name right, let alone debate someone. You are worthless, your chink is worthless and has no idea about economics and will obama 2.0 your worthless ass by giving you the worst change possible and removing your hopes.


Jews love Trump you idiots. Do you know why? Because he send all your money to Israel. I love how you are scared of China. Burger empire is done. They will suck last money you have before you become Brazil 2.0.

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Shilling is easier and makes more sense when you aren't smoking crack, fyi.

80% of yids voted blue in 2018 and more than that went for HRC.
Yids hate Trump and want a borderless mongrel state, which dems would provide much more willingly than your hated Orange Man.
You fucking glow, nigger.

There is only 'one side' and that is the kike side, quit falling for their bullshit game of 'political parties' it makes you look stupid.

but that is same what Trump want too. it doesn't matter if you vote left or right. they control both sides. Trump is example. before elections he was all about wall and immigrants. now he is all about holocaust and want more immigrants than ever ( but legally ).

your only option is crashing american plane with no survivors. but you care about economy so you will play jewish game to the end.

>crashing american plane with (((no survivors)))

If you needed to come to a realization about voting for a non white, you shouldnt be here.
This inorganic clown garbage is from cuckchan amd and redditfaggots. Yes, we live in clownworld. No, garbage memes aren't welcome.

That's what the jew media keeps telling us, anyway. Same jew media that tells us all about chemical weapons, yellow cake uranium, and off-camera burials at sea.

Honkler is new Pepe. Deal with it. I would meme for Patrick Little, but he can't win. Show someone better than Yang.

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Clown pepe is a boomer tier meme anyways. You can see it with those boomers in /qresearch/ who repeatedly allude to clowns.

so i looked at the honkler. it's a jewish lesbian nigger. wtf Zig Forums?

'Honkler' is a globohomo/CIA forced meme and it is about as organic as a bottle of gycosphate.

Just in case people don't really understand how retarded those people are, take a good look. This is your average MAGAtard.

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Niggers breeding like rabbits are also organic. If jews would say Hitler was good goy, would you love Stalin instead?

Qtards are best retards. You can create insane theory and they will eat it like candy.

That was a fun little irony.

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Not exactly. You can create any theory pinning all problems the world faces onto non-existent "Nazis" with every solution being to subjugate every aspect of your life and nation to jews and they'll eat it like candy. Nothing else seems to gain much traction.

Yang was one of the manufactured directives by some JIDF type group (somebody post the printout pls), obviously when actual organic manifestations occur the fake shit gets blown away.

Boomers are example of successful jewish brainwashing. Alex Jones is another example. Jews do not run America. Do you know who? DMT mechanical NAZI elves from 4th dimension.

They love zionism. We need day of pillow.

I don't know what logical fallacies are wtf I love niggers, jews, and Stalin now.

Jews literally murdered Stalin by poisoning him because he had purged them from government. That's a terrible example.

Honestly, it was so bad that I just decided not to respond. lol What could anyone say to combat such reckless retardation?

not at all. just tell Zig Forums that jews did it and Zig Forums anons would do opposite. doesn't matter if it make sense.

Fuck Andrew Chang and all Chinee doggo skinners.

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Anyone notice how obvious these paid jewish shill narratives are? Why the fuck are we allowing them? Why the fuck are we PERPETUATING them.

On neinchan tbh.

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I'm reporting this to your supervisor. You aren't fitting in chaim.

Wow Trump posters are cringe

I'm just so sick of hearing about all the "winning" we are getting with Trump I'm willing to vote for whoever to make it stop

Been a lot of coordinated shilling, mostly by leftists.
Horrible posting on cuckchan.
If it was worth the time to saturate here we would suffer the same as we lack basic moderation.

Check that shit out. Up over 60%

Also, everybody that isn't a fighter or hasn't been involved with martial arts at some point is scared of the Gracie Clans.

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I only Genocide in Germanic languages.

I like the yanggang meme as it is literal suicide for america (not american btw) and will cause burgerpire to finally implode. hopefully niggers and shitskins will abuse the cuck "whites" who remain in the ruins so we have stock footage and proof (betond south africa) that all sub-humans have nothing but the worst intentions for us. which can be used to inspire and spark actual white people into action.
The clownworld meme was always around just in different forms; from == THE RIDE NEVER ENDS == to == CANT WAKE UP == , different forms same idea: modern life is absurdist and merely a dream within a dream; a reality that is subjective. if one so desires he can change this "Clown reality" by cumulative force from him and his brothers. HONK HONK is affirmation that you recognize the joke the world is currently.
At this stage of the masterplan the fire needs to be == BIGGER AND BRIGHTER == so all can see the message this place offers.
(meme (idea)) cleanup comes later.

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They were already getting that money, you dummy.

Zero times one is zero.

Incorrect. Learn calculus. Zero times One infinity is still Infinity.

You should have at least read the first couple of chapters of that book.

It's actually a very well written and easy to understand book, even for math illiterates such as myself.

That's because you weren't born on an aboriginal prison island lmao

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Bullshit. We used to brawl with them in highschool. They went to West High and we went to some other nearby school. They always called the cops as we were winning. Well. Their moms did. The Gracie boys would never quit like that tbh. Good times. Oranges and cowboy hats.
Hi Sandy :^)

Yang - CIA
Pepe clown - GCHQ
trace the origins

How to spot fed/newfags (Shibboleth guide)
Anyone calling a member of the (((tribe))) anything other than a kike (including using the word "jew")
Anyone posting an unspoilered picture of a nigger/shitskin
Anyone supporting miscegenation even ironically or yellow fever
Anyone using 'nazi' as a slur
Posting Joan ID images
Posting cats / bronies / pepe clowns / monster boomer (GCHQ origin)

Yes, this does mean the majority of the posters you see are feds/newfags.

Fuck off, clownkike.

You keep regurgitating his retarded false narrative, when he's no different from standard obama / clinton basic bitch liberal on 99% of his positions. UBI is just more welfare, it pales in comparison to the scale of the New Deal, which not only didn't end America, but has very successfully exploited white workers for 70 years and counting. You shills recycle through the same 4 talking points over and over again, and then deflect away to Trump every time somebody calls out your yellow jew. This shit maybe works on cuckchan.

Attached: BASEDchink.JPG (634x785, 98.8K)


At least somebody here have brain. Notice they instantly call you kike.

At least change your ip if you're trying to build a false consensus.

Looks like you are dummy one here. You know they take all your money but you still shill for Trump.

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Yang is the only candidate that looks at America like a nation, and not the open air factory it's supposed to be.
kek, if you don't make money, you're a douche and get killed off, which is unironically why unproductive whiggers are being phased out.


Well jew, you will get your wish. Once the US is done there is nothing keeping us from killing you jew fucks en masse. It is only our laws that allow you to continue taking from white men.

You faggot.
All jews call each other 'kike' and hate being caled 'jew'.
Joan is just jewphone pics.
And 'nazi' is an insult even as a positive identifier.

That meme shows how out of touch with reality chang is. He thinks automation will replace people beyond manufacturing (sorting, assembly, and welding) and service ordering (fast food, ticket puchase, future govt) machines. He probably calls text files "AI" and thinks Africans are responsible for the recent Boeing plane crashes and not the pooloo "coded" software pilot that the ape pilot's couldn't override. Same as those train crashes about a year ago and all those Tesla yet they are DC not AC crashes all this past year like almost every week.
Automation sofware kills.





Also obvious retardation

Holy shit, there are people on here so stupid that they STILL can’t recognize phone uploads, and think it’s some marker of anything else other than a phonepost? People think this board will fall for anything.


Yang just ran out of money to fund his shills, that's literally it.

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Yeah that thread has my shitposts so what fednigger.
Prove that an iphone upload isn't exactly the shit file name claimed to be joan's.
Link the fucking archive of the original joan thread.

Nah he can't distance himself from being seen as a ch9ee.
I would vote for an actual TBZ Taiwanese gang member, tho. Krazy is my first option.

Isn't that the point though?

cuckchan nigger detected
We proved that
1. iphone uploads do use GUIDs
2. joan & co were using similar GUIDs
how the fuck else do you think she convinced you dumb niggers it was "hurr durr it's only a jewphone photo guyz!" so you download it?
3. we coded a detector

Where ? At 4jew ? Stupid jew. How to search ? By thread number ? By thread name ? Who remembers that ? How stupid are you jews to think people fall for such shit ? Provide link or fuck off with your lies.

you're a moron

Do you know you can change colors in editor?

Tell me why all clown pepes have the same watermark then…

I know, so fuck off or lurk moar

Yang tried to harness the powers of memes for himself but accidentally meme'ed Christchurch instead.

Attached: red_dare-copy.jpg (600x653, 1.13M)

this sounds right to me, pretty funny really

Because that is part of meme. But if you change HUE or Gamma bit, you change these colors but your for your eye they are still same.

Also a huge surge in threads being derailed by 20 posters in a row calling each other schizo.

I think this is also paid derailment/ a psyop to make anons lose confidence in rationality of other anons/ a psyop to visitors lose confidence in rationality of Zig Forums anons

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why am I laughing

This is literally the first time I've ever seen an anti-accelerationist try to come up with an argument against the economic reasons to agitate for Yang.
However, the cost of the New Deal actually pale in comparison to Yang's UBI insanity.
NOT COUNTING all the other wacky ideas Yang has, his UBI policy ALONE would cost 3 trillion dollars a year.
3 trillion dollars A YEAR

Compare that to the cost of the New Deal which was at its height in 1941 a "mere" 13.7 billion dollars a year which is about 250 nillion a year today.
And that's for a White economy that can suffer serious shocks and strain.

And for comparison, the entirety of ww2 for the USA cost only 6 trillion in today's dollars.
In otherwords, Yang's UBI would cost AS MUCH AS ALL OF WW2 In just two years.

Think about that

How about let's all just do a line, listen to the White Jew Niggers from Brooklyn, and pretend the NYPD is a force that SERVES and PROTECTS the INTERESTS of ITS subjugated CITIZENS.

Based. That will have to destroy economy.