I have started my own manifesto:
Lets take a look at historical revolutions like The American Revolution and how Hitler came to power and also texts like Siege by James Mason.
How do we sustain and create an effective revolution? How do we get past the demoralization and the tendency of people to just commit suicide out of despair instead of actually going down fighting? How do we get men to sacrifice their lives rather than wait for others to do so? How, and most important, do we come together with a plan where we can win decisive or else Pyrrhic victories against the enemy, where the enemy will lose too much to win?
I think right now what we should probably be doing is making our presence felt everywhere. Right now I believe in all honesty most of the white population is redpilled at this point and the ones that aren't likely never will be. I've been doing a fuckload of networking IRL and normal whites are more redpilled and ready than the shills on Zig Forums would make you believe, and they all accept Brenton's actions. What we need however is for everyone to know we exist and are around and have radical demands.
I suggest we start the revolution this way:
Phase 1. Postering campaigns with links both to 8ch.net/pol/ and to a protonmail or similar account for people to contact with questions. These posters must demand the deportation of non-whites and can also be mixed with stats about the average age females have their first child, birthrate stats, and other redpills but at least 50% of the posters plastered all over the place should be simply demands for the deportation of all non-whites.
Phase 2. Building up a network that we can get enough people to effectively march and protest for deportations of all non-whites. Filter out anyone who'd water down the message of course or who has major and obvious mental issues that make them a liability. Be to filter out also pacifists as well as the trigger happy.
Pacifist – I define this as the "violence is never the solution" crowd. They will constantly talk about how they are peaceful and encourage others to never engage in acts of violence. They will make us appear non-threatening and cucked and push overs.
Trigger happy – I define this as the people who can't even wait to make our demands known and give things a little time before gunning down the enemy.
The ideal revolutionary – someone who is trained, ready, prepared, willing, and even itching to fight but who wants the peaceful solution if possible first and will only begin burning shit down, rioting, and killing the enemies if the government, churches, or corporations we're making our demands to try stop our protests and silence our freedom of speech. If they actually respect our freedom we just keep protesting and growing the movement and amassing more and more people on our side all willing to fight. If they crack down on us, we spill their blood.
This is the right combination of having a spine and being civil. Neither savage nor coward.