I cant believe how fast the West is becoming a dune coon/Mudslime shit hole

I live in Canada, and damn is it annoying that there are so many Mudslimes , niggers, wiggers, sjws and other scum in the country. I dont even know if there is any country in the world where i can avoid these subhuman scum. If you move over to Europe, it is basically the same shit as Canada, niggers, Mudslimes, lbgt, sjws, wiggers and other scum everywhere.

Looks like the white race is dying rapidly, thanks to the pro-Muslim scum in the West. A shame really because Islam and other leftist/sjw scum are dominating the West. There seems to be nowhere to hide for us anymore.

You might as well convert over to Islam sooner or later because Muslims are gonna take over your country sooner or later. And this is honestly inevitable.

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Dude it happened a long time ago. The best you can do is join the white flight. I disagree with Saint Tarrant's manefesto on that point. There are places where you can live a european / colonial life in peace. It's just not anywhere near a big multicultural city.


I think the term "multicultural" is very misleading because liberals/lbgt/sjw are actually very racist, racist towards European/white culture, and the only cultures they tolerate is Islamic/lbgt/sjw/Judaic and other forms of degenerate culture. Also the sjws seem to hate anime/hentai/lolicon for some strange reason.

Don't worry. No matter where you flee, the jews will find your beautiful community and destroy it. They're very good at that.
No place is safe.

When I say "multicultural" I mean it in it's derogotory sense

If you make a few more posts or write a killer essay, you might finally tip the scales.

Not your blog. Kill yourself.

Actually there are jews here - but they are all from a (white) ethnic minority. The (white) ethnic majority keeps a lid on them quite well.

Oh one piece of advice is that your refuge should speak an unpopular language (i.e. NOT English, French, German, Russian or Spanish) It's a great defence against the Jew media, and you have great power when simply to speak your national language is in itself an ethno-nationalist act.

Happy hunting.

Filipinos are even more annoying.

That was what i expected to hear.

Honestly I never tell anyone how good it is here - I don't want a bunch of autists from pol showing up here.

literally spam, do not reply to it.

The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Aug 14, 2016

Attached: THE MOST INTOLERANT WINS.png (714x1238, 132.3K)

I live in Canada too! I found the secret to fight back against Islam. They are winning because we are decadent and morally bankrupt. To win against Islam, at least here in the west, we need to infect the muslims with our sick culture Frankfurt school style.

Armed only with good looks, charm, and an IPhone, I do battle for my people on Tinder. I have single handedly won 24 converts to western decadence from the grips of Islam. Unlike us, foreigners tend to be naive and easy to exploit. The hajis on tinder think it’s an innocent dating app, there just looking for a boyfriend and so don’t stay on long enough to learn what it’s really about. The hajis are surprisingly willing to date white men, because we’re afraid to chase them they think it means we think they’re ugly. To them the thought of a white boyfriend makes them wet, we’re hard to get and we’re high status.

Almost every haji I met has only dated a few times before and hasn’t been ruined by riding the cock carousel. If I use my charm and hint at family, marriage, and perhaps even conversion to Islam, I can get about half to fuck on the first date and almost all by the third (and yes, most are virgins;). After I have my way with them, I ghost them, and all they’ll be left with is my fake name, lol


GTFO Chaim.

You don't belong here you disgusting piece of shit.

LOL. Serves the fucking semites right, getting their own techniques used against them.

It's not the Muslims who are pushing tranny shit and cuckold porn.

what exactly are muslims winning? Our country is run by kikes.

Funnily enough, I do the same with Asians here in Vancouver. I'll just chat with them and then say something like "I've always dreamt of moving to Korea and starting a family. I have cash saved up and can start up a restaurant. It wouldn't be anything to fancy but I just want a nice middle class life with a woman I love." If they are in any way interested you will see the cogs turning. From how she responds, you'll know instantly if you can fuck her or not.

Attached: 3xR9s5.jpg (1315x1332, 293.09K)

ITT we celebrate being degenerate, race-mixing dickheads

europe takes in 1 million of them a year
plus they reproduce fast

Don't worry, we're just planning. Accelerate.

You dick must be POZZED AS FUCK

Attached: mumified penis angel lust hanged man.jpg (634x553, 38.46K)

Globohomo at it again…{sigh} it is all so tiresome.

Only going to get worse.
Put up the crime map, no gun zone map, and the race distribution side by side…

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (550x419 576.71 KB, 115.48K)


Oh my god

50:0. The madlad is still

You mean (((Western))) Europe.

Yeah but eastern europe is full of kikes, same thing different skin tone.

You dont agree because youre shortsighted. Its like assuming Poland and Hungary wont have to deal with a jihad at some point. The world is turning brown, because no one is culling the useless eaters.
Muslims and nigger populations can be compared to that of deers; they keep fucking until they die of starvation because there is not enough food to go around.

The sad thing is this really is their best.

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