Learning French

Considering how France is nowadays, Is it still worth it to learn French? I like it's pronunciation and writing, but I'm doubting it's worth my time. I don't know the country's future (any frenchie's insight it welcome), but now I just doesn't look like a worthwhile effort. Even Japanese seems like a better choice now.

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This isn’t your fucking blog.



don't waste your time on new arabic language le faggot. also this is not worth thread.

Also this-ing this.
No sense in learning what will be a dead language in a decade or two.

Obviously not. Considering the majority of French speakers will be a bunch of worthless Africans in the next 10 years.

Considering how the QTDDTOT is nowadays, Is it still worth it to post in the QTDDTOT? I like it's use in cleaning up the board and preventing shitty OPS, but I'm doubting it's worth my time. I don't know the threads future (any Anons insight it welcome), but now I just doesn't look like a worthwhile effort. Even posting a pointless two-line thread seems like a better choice now.

Sorry mates, I'm new here. I should've lurked more.

That's what I thought. It's such a nice sounding language though.

For me it's always more about the cumulative literature, not so much about what some scullion is saying to her doltish boyfriend so yeah French literature is very entertaining…but for business, no. Chinese all the way. Even the Japs are getting swamped.


Nevermind. But create thread only if you have something imprrtant to say. You could ask this question in random thread and answers would be same.

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Thanks for the insight. I do think about learning Chinese sometimes but it seems like such a chore, but I do recognize the Chinese may be the future, even thought
since they're terrible as workforce. Is France really that fucked, you think the language will unironically die in the near future? It seems like such a damn shame.

Won't happen again, sorry.

I live in France, and yes it is that fucked.

Just learn Arabic.
France has maybe 10 to 20 years left, before it's officially a Caliphate.

Fucking hell, I don't even know how to cope with this.

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Are you ok fox? Forget France. Forget UK. They are gone. We should be glad if white european race survive. We can't save all nations.

Where do you live user? The U.S or France? If you live in France, you better hope for a bigger boogaloo. But if you are a Amerifat I think you should stock up on supplies in case of boogaloo, and vote #YangGang for the monthly $1000


don't waste your time

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If you don't belive in bag, what else you have to belive in?

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You are missing the point of #YangGang..

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French comes from Franco-gallic which comes from Vulgar Latin.
Vulgar latin also became Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and some other shit.
They are all Celtic language.
A European should know their native languages. At least one Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic language. I speak Anglo-Deutsch and Gallo-French and would love to learn Lithuanian or Polski.

What will even survive, man? The bastions of Europe like Germany, France, Scandinavia and UK are already fucked. What is there to look forward to? I'm doubting there will be more like Tarrant to stand up to this.

None. I live in a third-world shithole and I've always dreamed about learning France and going to France, but that's been ages ago, before all this bullshit began. I'm actually feeling rather bad right now.

Enjoy your further brazilfcation.

there's retard, braindead, and then there's you


Still better than Trump.

Yes, learn French and move to Quebec.

t. legitimately mentally retarded
May as well say Sanskrit is Celtic, after all they are both Indo-European.
Italic is Celtic about as much as Celtic is Italic, they both descend from a common ancestor, none of them is the other aside from sharing a bronze age parent, and as far as importance goes, Italic shits on pretty much any European linguistic family, certainly on Celtic ones

I can tell you who will not survive. Britain and France.

Germany have other neighbors who are still clean. But Britain and France love nonwhites more than themself. I can imagine germans doing some hard decisions. But Brits and French are not able to do it.

America is also fucked but they can split to smaller parts. After you get over blackpill phase, you will see there are only two options. We will surivive or we will be erased. Nations itself are not important. Whole race is.

Why the fuck not. There's tons of important French literature to access, and in any case you'll be able to understand what most nafris and niggers say, which may be tactically advantageous in the future.

I asked some people about it, they just say Nah, everybody in Quebec speaks English. Is it true?

Damn shame. I just hope some part of France is preserved somehow.

I thought about this, but I also love listening/speaking French. To whom would I even speak to?

Learn Hebrew and chase that bagel.

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France is being increasingly Africanized and will fall from world prominence. Save your time.

Next thing you will say is that Hispanic languages are not Celtic.
Pic related is a visual aid for you nigger nuts.

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And another.

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There's still Quebec.

Probably more useful learning Hungarian or some Baltic language (Estonian?) at this point.

confirmed braindead mongrel

a dead family of Celtic languages once spoken in the Iberian peninsula replaced by Vulgar Latin, wow, you sure showed me
restart your brain before shitting the board further

What a nigger you are.
You probably don't even know how the Germanic people came to be.
You aremost likely one of those brown Southern Italians from Sicily, which means Semitic-speaking Turko-arab. Not the true Italics which are Celtic (includes Germanics) and Illyric (includes Slavics).

Lel jew.

Learning Languages Guide:

Latin→German (or other Germanic language) or Russian (or whatever Slavic language you'd like)→optional romance language→Ancient Greek→Sanskrit→ I N D O E U R O P E A N

this is what mental illness looks like people, take a good look at this freakshow

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Might as well say "schizo/schizoid" and wholly out yourself, in whatever ways your public failure at logic hasn't already.

Jews Dindu Nuffin

I think I might just learn Russian first, since the country seemingly isn't as fucked, then move on to Italian and maybe French.

Chill or take your meds. Because you post insane text.

jn should ps me a rad maymay for this tbh.

It doesn't even use the same glyphs. It is easier than Gaelic glyphs and is somewhat readable to Germanic language speakers but I would go with a Slavic language. I think Uralic might be Mongolian influenced or entirely Mongolian.

IMO not really. France is a terrible place to do business and their language is mostly irrelevant. Spanish and Mandarin IMO are much more useful languages. I study Mandarin with a tutor once a week

TRIPLE CZEKKK'd, but France is a gorgeous country. I took holiday to that city near the Alps where they had the winter olympics a while back, shit was gorjie.

How hard is it to learn Mandarin? How many years you think it'd take to speak it?

Isn't Russian slavic? Also, I like how it sounds, and Russia is a rather powerful country that isn't so fucked by the outside world (even if they fuck themselves over). I'd learn Estonian but maybe after two more languages, because Estonia is still in an uncertain place in all this fuckery, no?

yeah, but of all the things you could learn, French should be last on the list. Chinese is 100000x more useful right now.

Quite a few areas have a decent amount of french speakers worldwide but like any language if you don't plan on hanging around any of the affected regions there's no point in learning it.

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I live in Vancouver so I hear the language all day long, so for me it's about as hard as an amerimutt learning to speak spic in some spicced up southern state like Texas.

The written language is exceptionally difficult. You just have to grind through it learning characters, vocabulary, and grammar from textbooks. You can do that on your own if you have the audio that accompanies the textbooks. What I did was the just get a tutor and start working through news articles about various topics that were higher than my competence level. Just copy down the words that you don't know and create a vocal list and study them in the evening during the weak. Then do another article the next week. You can grind through a lot in a couple of years doing that and the logic of the language will start to make sense to you.

You are quite right i live in quebec and because we don't speak exactly how we write a lot of people have trouble learning the written language

I personally don't like the French language that much, but it is still one of the more useful languages of the world as its use extends outside the borders of France.

Best "bang for your buck" languages are the following in order of importance:

1) English
2) Spanish
3) Arabic
4) French
5) Russian
6) Portuguese

Keep in mind that English and Spanish are the two big ones, with English being the undisputed king because it is the primary language of the superpower of the world (USA) + several other nations(UK, Canada, Aus, NZ, Ireland), language of flight, language of international science, language of pop culture, and so on. It is also a good language because it is gender neutral and only has one article, so it is not as complicated. The only thing that is somewhat complicated about English is its spelling.

Spanish is also crucial as it gives you access to basically an entire continent, + Mexico and Central America, + Spain, and helps facilitate communication with Portuguese speaking nations.

Other then English and Spanish being the two best (with English being the best) the other languages depend mainly on your area of interest. For example do you like the culture (if you don't like the culture you will find it very difficult to learn the language), will you be conducting business with the language (for example if you will be working in the former Soviet states or Russia or states in Russian sphere of influence then Russian is preferable to Portuguese. If you will be doing business in Portugal, Brazil, Angola, or other former areas of Portuguese colonization, then Portuguese is better.

I would say if you like French culture and the language then go for it. It will give you access to France and her overseas territories (French Guyana, New Caledonia, Former French Caribbean, French Africa), and it is the former language of diplomacy.

Learn Russian and Spanish, user.

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You'd be good in many countries with Russian (russia, eastern europe) and Spanish (central and s. America, Spain), also millions of bitches.

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I have a natural facility to learn languages. Could I speak Mandarin in a year, at least a conversation-worth?

How is Quebec nowadays? Is it wort to learn French for them?

I speak three of those. But as stated, the state of France is chaotic, and frankly what would I ever do in Africa? The thing that worries me is that French culture is rapidly dying, so I won't even have anything to practice on other than (old) literature.

I can speak Spanish, I'm tempted to learn Russian now, and maybe French after a second new one, as a hobby.

Beautiful spoken and written language, and beautiful now-dying culture.


Like everywhere else, Quebec has strong and growing white farmer population, an aging/degenerate urban white population, and a booming urban shitskin population.

Canada is importing like a million nignogs per year in a country of only 30 mil. It has 10x less population than the states so it is getting non-white far more rapidly. Luckily, the rural areas are hard and cold and well protected by strong ag zoning laws, so the shitskins stay in toronto and montreal.

*laughs in ancient latin*

Yes, just concentrate on speaking and listening, leave reading and writing for later. It's not that difficult.

we can take them back.
have hope.
now go and do the biggest thing that men could have ever done.

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Nothing. It's already over. White genocide is literally complete. Our time to grab guns was over 100 years ago, and we didn't do anything. We are the last generation. Whites will be exterminated worldwide before 2100.
That was a false flag. You'll notice that everything happened exactly like every other false flag in history, and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, ANYWHERE, FOLLOWED HIM IN ACTION. BECAUSE HIS WAS JEW-PLANNED ACTION.

If you want to know useful languages for the future, I'd recommend Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese (English too, but I'm going to assume you already know that one).

Try PHP n00b

Learn Japanese to counterbalance the oodles of leftist tranny weeb faggots learning it in order to counterbalance the subversion. There are tons of Japanese people with far-right views, and it is worthwhile to make those kinds of connections.

You will probably give up learning Japanese though. Learn French.

its the most disgusting language on the planet. sounds faggot

I've actually been considering learning it specifically because of how bad things are getting there.
Sage because you're a defeatist faggot.

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People didn't follow him because they were cowards. The reasons he said in his manifesto were 100% right, even if it didn't justify his actions.

Aiming towards Russian right now.

That's good to know, thank you.

Thanks, I might try it.

I'll look into it. I really respect japanese people and culture, even if I don't like anime that much.

Here's the defeatist faggot>>13098504, not me.

By the time you ever get functional in something a difficult as Chinese, there will be apps (good ones by then) that translate on the fly.
Learn Latin to make your English brilliant.
Learn to code.


Latin is virtually useless. No app will be as good as you knowing something.

Tarrant was a false flag you yid.

/dempart/ speaks french
tbh just learn the language of your ancestors

You're failing to make the distinction between rural and urban. Rural France and Britain are still very much white. You might just be a Gemanophile to the point it's got you a bit myopic.

Russian characters are not especially hard to learn, it's not anything like kanji/hanzi. The gender and extensive case system will be more of a shock for Anglophones.

Which dialect? Not everyone speaks standard Mandarin, far from it. Plus they have a lot of problems, and you can't leverage the language for finding a wife. They also hardly produce any media or even publish on the internet. You can also easily learn 2 European languages in the time it takes to learn Chinese. So a lot of downsides if you don't plan on living there, even as they are further restricting visa access.

Show evidence that any whites, anywhere, will fight back under any conditions. I'll wait.
It's proven. His own manifesto says so.
We know.

Arabic is not a lot of bang for your buck. They hardly produce any native media. They don't write, they don't even dub or translate foreign media. Not only that but MSA (Modern Standard Arabic) is only used in media. Which means that if you actually want to communicate with Arabic speakers you have to additionally learn a dialect. Which dialect? Egyptian is far and away the most common, then maybe followed by Gulf. But the educated class of Arabs all speak French or English. So you're left with a language where you can only talk to dumb people who are barely even literate.

Portuguese gives you access to Brazil, which is a shithole country of retards. Portugal is a tiny country of ~12m, so the "white" (educated, high quality) media is far less common. They also have a more complex phonology than Brazilian Portuguese, to the extent that most Brazilians will not understand you. And it has way less resources to learn.

If you drop Arabic and Portuguese off your list I think it's closer to accurate. But French still has a way higher quality media output and legacy corpus of literature than Spanish, even with the Latin American colonies included. I'd also put German a lot higher on the list if your only goal is to consume German media. They have a lot of old literature that is great, and a lot of technical books and translations from other languages that you won't find in English. The big downside is that most young educated Germans will speak English so well that you're unlikely to have a higher level German, and they'll end up switching on you (when you talk to someone, whoever has the higher level language skill, that is the language that gets switched to).

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This is a great plan. French is insanely easy if you already know Spanish. You could also pick up pic related and learn all the romance languages at once. The main difference are pronunciation and some function words like pronouns/prepositions. Russian is unique enough in terms of content that it will open up a new world to you. Don't learn chinkshit.

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"Personal Home Page"

Fuck you Rick and your missing teeth but thank you for flooding my apartment with cigarette smoke

It's always worth learning another language used by White people. French is easy. Japanese is VERY difficult and you can fuck off to /anime or whatever with those larpy dumb cunts.

If you haven't already seen this, you might find this interesting
Languages ranked by how difficult they are to learn for an English speaker
Although if you already know Spanish, it might be better to go in the other direction.

As for your other question, it says Mandarin would take roughly 2200 hours to learn, compared to less than 600 hours each to learn Italian and French (would be easy because you already know Spanish and English) and then roughly 1100 hours to learn Russian

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Thank you. I will definitely get this. Do you have a comparable recommendation for someone with a workable French/Spanish trying to pick up German?

Most overrated "World language"
Less economic importance than Italian.

Nigger, but France is still economically more important than Italy

Meme from Soviet days. Economy smaller than Italy. A filling station with nukes. Maybe worthwhile if you have to operate Russian weapons tech.

Brazil is the future and will it be forever. Depends on how important South-America is for you. They have less gardener and pool cleaner in the USA, than the spics.

A retard that think English is related to Latin.

I am a Québécois and yes most people in big city can talk english but we always talk old french so we dont really pratice and git gud.
We learn it in school but with anti-french the rest of canada (ROC) did on us for 3 century with dont feel like cooperating and fuck anglo. we want to preserve our language.

Their English is terrible. I knew a fag from Queuebeck and his English was fine but his brother had to use google translate.

Learn Latin, I don't have a pdf for Wheelock's though.

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Let's reorder this list from the perspective of someone who has actually read things from time to time in life:

1) English
2) French
3) German
4) Spanish
5) Russian

A lot of people will take issue with the prioritization of French over German. I acknowledge this objection but would respond that this ranking takes into account the English speaker, who arguably has more access to Germanic texts than the Francophone. As other anons in this thread have noted, it is important to take into account "conversation quality" when evaluating the utility of a language. I don't give a fuck that there are more speakers of Spanish than German – far more interesting conversations (written or not) have occurred (and will occur) in German than Spanish.

English speaker go straight to German. German has lots in common with old English (that is like ah foreign language for contemporary English speaker) English is more simplified, so it more easy for a German to pick up English than the reverse.

Spanish speaker have it more easy to learn German than French ones. Pronunciation of written text is quite similar. I'd say the speech melody of (Castilian) Spanish and German is quite similar. The argot they speak in the Americas is something different.

French is quite odd for a Latin language. The ancient spelling doesn't help. Italian/Spanish is quite similar. Which is nice for picking up the basics but can lead to not proper speaking both.

Nearly 100 replies with suggestions of learning Latin being shilled, what a surprise. That's basically required if you want to read anything in context, before jews controlled the narrative.

French is fucking useless and you don't have to understand the language to riot. The most useful European languages now after English are German and Russian.

quebecois french and parisian french are very different.

Also, fuck Quebec. I think we should let you french faggots leave just so we can invade you, fuck your women, and force you to speak english.

Of course it's worth it to learn French, lots of important literature in need of being read, understood and preserved.

No need for it to speak to niggers though, there's nothing that you need to communicate to them in French that can't be better said with a sjambok or rifle.

For the old texts alone it would be.