They paid someone to make this shit.
Why are major news networks making music videos about shit-posting on the internet?
What happened to our society?
CBS Makes a Music Video About Zig Forums
Joshua Williams
Benjamin Taylor
This is good, it means we are getting somewhere.
William Green
OP couldn't embed or even wrap it in something safer than a raw Youtube link?
How do I know if that bitch is even clean?
Andrew Gutierrez
the MP4 is in the OP faggot
stop trying to get people to ignore this
James Adams
Look at the MP4 in the OP you nigger.
Semi-polite sage, OP create better threads, more than just two sentences
Connor Long
What is there to fucking say? They made this video. Look at it.
Mason Reyes
Dominic Young
Brayden Nelson
It's getting ratioed hard.
Dylan Baker
That sure was shit. I can see why they made it unavailable.