For all of you who don't know what it is: It's Jewmerican CIA founding white nationalist organisations all over Europe to use them for its political purposes. Probably one of the most important topics to talk about. If this thread gets anchored/deleted, you know (((who's))) doing the moderation.
>Finally, it is worth noting here that these august institutions were linked in a tight criminal embrace with many of the most prestigious financial firms in America including (((Citibank))), the (((Bank of New York))), and the (((Bank of Boston))).
How redpilled is Zig Forums on Gladio?
Other urls found in this thread:
Says he's on leave from the doctorate program and no telling whether he still has his job. Some of us don't get doxxed and work our ways into nifty positions. Would like to see more information before giving in to the idea that any organized white nationalists are spooks, that's a big black pill. Post more info plz.
Newsflash, really talented and intelligent people still get sought after in spite of, or in some cases, because of their views and political dispositions.
Eat shit you spamming piece of shit kike.
You should read the whole article, I just posted the most relevant excrepts. It talks about how right-wing organisations across Europe were built by the CIA:
Azov are trained, armed and even manned by the CIA, everybody knows that and there's a million sources for that, and that same Azov is regularly inviting white nationalist organisations from across Europe for conferences and training camps - and they're attending.
hello glownigger
Just like I said, the CIAniggers showing up like flies to cow manure.
You will never be white, jew.
I am white, but you will never not work for the CIA.
I neither glow, nor am I a nigger.
Glass House is the NSA you moron. Their entire building is made of ballistic glass.
You look mighty organic, glownigger.
wew thats the siberian mouse girl right?
whats her name again, masha or something?
I dont think that she wouldve transexd and gone off to fight, she seemed like a proper jew slave/slav
The Jews have arrive, there's the derailment. Back to King's pace.
Its pretty well known that most "right wing" opposition are controlled opposition, as that is the standard jew doctrine.
Any real threat to their power would be instantly shut down to prevent another Hitler spawning somewhere.
Its no surprise that when you look at so called european right wing movement almost 80% of them support Israel unconditionally (surprise?) Find me one mainstream party that is actually getting votes that are anti-Israel, the only that you will find are left leaning commies who themselves are controlled or led by the jews.
Dont let the illusion of this world cloud your judgement, the enemy is everywhere, even in your mind. It is not an easy task to remove their power when theyve had it for 70 consecutive years
Jew detected.
Even if the Jews don't control the opposition, they spend all their time distorting the truth to make it appear that they control them. Then they try to control access to them and isolate them.
We already know how you operate Schlomo.
A very interesting subject indeed, created after ww2 with the main to combat the soviet union as resistance fighter in case of a potential soviet invasion.
In many ways this is lit your western al qaida, but ofc created long before those faggots even was a thing. Very shady stuff indeed and I bet as these fools who join AQ and so and think it's about religion, the lower levels here had zero knowledge that they were/are actually controlled by the now cia and bongs..
quite remarkable. I have to run now, but massively interesting field which is very little known to the general public
You provide a source that fucking glows, after having somebody else tell me I glow, and expect me to believe you?.
This is like that time I got frogged by the Sheriff in Northern Arizona while trying to help out a bunch of moronic Jewish kids on the highway. The first time they had a fucking Rabbi Mossad goon with them, so I figured they were fine.
When I came back around to make sure he was gone, so I knew it was Mossad kids playing games like usual.
Get out Mossad nigger.
That's the dumbest mental gymnastics I've heard in months. Too bad you can't delete this post now shlomo.
You have no way to disprove my post, every fact agrees with me and validates what I have stated here.
I don't know which organization you in particular were hired by, but I cam smell agency from your posts here.
Lmao, there's half a dozen books quoted in the article on Gladio. CIA involvement in right-wing organisations is a fact.
You are literally pic related.
My only agency is to make people aware of CIA infiltration of right-wing movements.
That operation doesn't even exist anymore. It's called Orion now. The remnants of the it's materials were cast off into something callled.
I forget what it's called now, but it's defunct. They handed that off to a foreign power because of the Constitutional issues, and the Right Wingers getting cast out into the general public, and working the tech fields in the private sector.
You're a gay pig.
Operation Orion was something in Columbia.
Who's supposed to believe that? Your garbage low-effort posting can only be meant to confuse people, but you failed this time shillboy. Your (((masters))) will sure be mad.
Orion was ran here, I met the field cordinator for it last year, along with his Mossad counterpart.
I am not in Intel. I was denied fo an obvious reason.
Yeah, wouldn't surprise me if it's all CIANigger'd up.
I wonder if those Gladio weapons caches are still around.
Wow, i didn't know about this one.
This shit just prove a simple fact: (((Cold War))) was a hoax to polarize White people and make them infight each other for enternity.
Checking those Satan trips. Yep, the Cold War was mostly for show, though it was real for those unfortunate poor sous that tried to climb over the Berlin Wall.
I doubt the CIAniggers left anything undocumented. The last thing they would want is weapons getting into the hands of an actual patriotic liberation movement.
Probably cemented them off like they did to Erich Honecker's underground bunker after reunification. That, or they have them stored in a warehouse somewhere.
Or shipped them to Libya/Syria because they're weapons from the 60s, or Bosnia/Croatia/Kosovo during the Yugo wars. That, and replaced them with fewer but more modern caches.
True. Didn't think of the breakup of Yugoslavia, or the subsequent wars.
This is a moarpheus thread, reminder to sage hide and report moarpheus threads.
Reminder he doesnt know what the alternate 14 words are and gets triggered about the idea of preserving white womens beauty on top of spreading anti-Irish D&C and Alex Jewns tier disinfo that makes us look like flat earth nutballs.
They just want Ukrainians and Russians to kill each other so they can flood both countries with niggers later.
OP seems to have triggered the shills quite hard lel. Their objectives were rather simple, identify people who would have resisted and posed a threat to ZOG, radicalize them and send them to fight other white people (and get butchered for nothing), after they are gone flood the country with niggers and enforce globohomo (This is what NATO does as a beating stick of the international jewry) . They did the same on the Balkans. Don't forget the opportunity to harvest some organs and human slaves for Israel.
We can notice a similar pattern with ISIS, obviously some Muslim elements were identified as a threat to Israel, so they created a controlled opposition that would actually fight other Muslim groups (and everyone else who is not a kike or crypto-kike), eliminating anyone willing to fight along the way. Again, human slaves, organs for Israel, and destruction of historical sites (in order to erase history) as well.
Eastern ZOG (Russia/China) play a part in it as well.
This is the sort of shit lefties use to 'prove' we're the System pawns and they're the real rebels. It was set up in case the commies invaded and right wing groupe would act as guerilla groups. It died off pretty quickly but gets hyped up like it was some hyuuge thing. Just like MK Ultra
gladio b is a thing. gladio was also active in belgian mass shootings in the 80s or 90s, it is a very deep rabbit hole. In wartime gladio is a guerrila organization that waits for the enemy to completely take over the land before they start stabbing the enemy in the back. In peacetime they run all sort of sick ops trying to prepare for wartime, that's the theory anyway.
Polish trade union “Solidarity”
Bombing of Bolognia train station
Propoganda Due
It would be just terrible if Anons were to share and repost information that would show how governments murdering their own people for political purposes regularly.
I wish Gladios was the "ebil right wing assassination squad" it purported to be, and not just some globo-homo scam
Well then it must be true
Russia already has the largest mosque in Europe lol
stay mad shills
It's actually not well known and anyone attempting to expose it tends to be attacked by young men whose minds are completely mapped and understood by the jew. This understanding is taken into consideration when crafting the narrative/psyop/hoax/propaganda.
The duped will violently defend the dupers.
These groups aren't pro-white[sic] notice the kike shill cannot even capitalize "White"?in the first place.
It's trivial to identify controlled opposition. Not just by their lavish demonstration matériel - 20 foot wide, glossy vinyl banners, uniforms, transport, legal representation, professional film and photo equipment, high-bandwidth websites etc usually while claiming to be broke - but by the way in which
but mock arrests and trials are of course part and parcel
This was particularly evident with the state group "National Action", which, despite having been proscribed by the UK authorities, is still acting as a valuable wellspring of anti-European, anti-White, anti-Traditionalist propaganda and characters.
The UK law is clear, any public gathering of more than 3 persons, whose unlawful or lawful actions share a common objective, and who cause the public to fear a breach of the peace (a disturbance of the public calm), is an UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY.
Yet we have video after video of NA members erecting inflammatory banners, shouting and making a disturbance, taking over public spaces, and even attacking passers by, while the police stand by without intervening.
They have also demonstrated in areas with specific restrictions against demonstration (the area around parliament for example) without facing police resistance.
In one egregious example of state sanction, an NA "member" assaults what we are told is a "leftist", right in front of a police constable. He is not challenged or arrested.
NA = state
EDL = state
GI = state
One of the most excellent ways to build a roster of active anti-White, state controlled honeypots, is to pay close attention to whom the organization called "Hope Not Hate" chooses to "expose" or "attack".
HNH is a clearing house for new controlled op talent and groups.
It is the classic reverse psychology trick.
Shit, Hope Not Hate and the various controlled ops even share the same colour scheme and a similar font (as do most of the other groups.)
How fucking desperate are you?
I think we can agree, that the most visible manifestation of state controlled op right now, must be the "Generation Identity" network.
Hope Not Hate has been kind enough to compile for us, a list of the various tentacles of this kosher golem:
In many cases the scripting is so tight that the individuals cast as "leader" in any given chapter, even look the same, because appearance and dress is part of the script.
Much like a movie.
GLADIO was intended to fight the commies if they took over, but through the subversion of NATO by European communists cum socialists, it has been wrecked.
If anybody here thinks NATO hasn't been subverted they should watch Jens Stoltenberg's TED talk.
I'll briefly summarize:
Kek, saved
Hitler dubs confirm
Even Mosley was a Tavistock patsie, one must operate under knowledge that the enemy had 7 decades to develop and refine their methods (and that's something they have been doing for centuries), every organization that's allowed to engage in various activities is to be held under high suspicion.
I read stuff from some of these, they couldn't help it but shit on Palestine and praise Israel kek. Not that the opposite is any less controlled. But once you begin to understand their false dichotomies, it becomes easy to filter. It's not hard to figure out when someone is a paid actor, they are unable to react properly to unscripted scenarios. Which is why one should create as many as possible.
NATO was the ZOG army since day one. Axis were the only genuine opposition, everything else was
Some of those political parties are jewed from the start, some get co-opted later on. Basically if a genuinely right wing nationalist party is a small little "3rd party" alternative, they will let it exist as a form of controlled opposition. But anything that starts getting big or starts really getting off the ground they quickly move in on. Basically, they get offered legitimacy as long as the cuck out to the jews, meaning right wing parties can criticize Islam and whatnot as long as the suck kike dick and support Israel. If they don't play ball, their leadership gets some bullshit charge and goes to prison, usually some ugly pedo tier shit nobody wants to question or defend, the same way they used to accuse dissenters of being faggots in order to de-platform them back when the general public still knew to beware of homosexuals.
I never understood Generation Identity.
Once Europe is integrated into a superstate the bankers will just say "thank you, we'll take it from here".
Which is why any movement should be judged based on how much it benefits, or damages the international Jewry.
I have heard rumors that there are elements within Azov and Casapound that are against NATO and Israel(jews),but if the leadership is kiked there is not much they could do.
What is your take on Nordfront?
He isn't necessarily wrong tho,look at what happened with Brenton,most of the sources that claimed and provided "evidence" that the attack(and Brenton) was "false flag" were jewish or jewish controlled(or just retarded boomers in some cases)
Your source on the claim Greg Johnson advocates pederasty: hecalled homosexuality a divisive side issue over 15 years ago? I've been reading his material for a while. In general, his decades of work is better sourced, more logical and coherent than some anonymous gaslighter.
I'm familiar with his work over a number of years, and I think you're full of shit.
Michael Aquino is god you nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
The groups supported by the CIA don't dissolve after the fact and rise to political power
They are playing the good-cop, bad-cop game with Russian gov. It's just that roles are inverse for various population groups. They are given the Russian boogieman to fight instead of those who are their true enemies. Same goes for eastern Ukraine. This is why we need to counter them globally and don't fall for their d&c attempts. Both Russians and Ukrainians, nations that are very close genetically and culturally, are killing each other on behalf of Jewish oligarchs running both countries (and their sponsors in case of Ukrainian gov).
Yeah, look at Trotskyists holding all the power in EU now.
That's pretty pathetic senpai
Any group that gets subverted into attacking another nation instead of its own government is controlled opposition.
Don't die fighting Russia (if you are from Ukraine) or fighting the Ukraine (if you are from Russia) while they import shitskins to replace you.
Don't engage in any battles against a foreign nation until you've removed every foreigner from your own land first.
NATO Pilpul.
You work for the cia? Are you a nignog or a big guy?
He created everything? Sure he isn't just an author you have a gay crush on?
CIA doesn't hire niggers.
It's definitely good for people to always be suspicious of something or someone being controlled opposition, but don't go full schizo and assume everyone and everything is. Jews and their friends aren't omnipotent, don't let them convince you otherwise.
Except that Ukrainian militant groups are literally trained and funded by CIA and NATO lel
They were also the ones with the most casualties, pure coheincidence.
Zerohedge spams Russian desinfo.
If you don't believe, compare it with Russia Today/Sputnik.
And the jew kabal in Ukraine are all Nazis - OST Russia Today/Sputnik
Yeah, every now and then, when you hear about Germany "catching" a neo-nazi in the police, or in the military, that's the government just tying up loose ends. The cold war never ended. In the US we had militias and klans, occasionally there's a military man (((caught in the nick of time))), but nationalism never took root here for such groups to be much use. The militias catch everyone who might want a pack, and of course Zig Forums is a honey pot. This Take a Walk shit is fucking desperate shilling.
What is Charlottesville? What is the Alt Kike? No shit the CIA are creating orgs; they made Mao in the OSS days, they made Bin Laden in the 80s. This is typical shit.
Oy vey…incoherent shit is an argument
Are you gay? Are you illiterate? Are ESL so nuance escapes you?
I'm a proud gay illiterate, so we should get along perfectly.
And trannies have dicks. Snow is White. Water is wet.
Not all trannies have dicks, only the girl ones do.
So you do understood you double coon? Then you know that means these weren't White Nationalists. The mission was to set up insurgents in the East, in case of invasion by the USSR into the West, creating a distraction. Not that the CIA wished to fulfill the 14 words. That didn't stop these groups from behaving on their own. That's the point, that's why in the US you honey pots, where these groups had actual strategic use. The USSR did the same shit in the Americas and Africa. Both did in Asia. The State Dept even helped the Baathists in Egypt and Iraq for a time, that didn't mean their goals were intertwined. Christ, you halfwits.
The Ukraine mess was a product of the State Department. Hang that mess where it belongs, around Hillary's neck.
It was her favor to King Negro for his support for her Presidential run.
They thought it was a sure deal. They weren't away that the Negros don't like Democrats. They like having control over the party, and disposessing Whitey. They don't actually give a shit about Social Justice, or whatever it is that party is espousing as the great moralist crusade of the day.
Azov Battalion/Other Ukranian Gov associated groups post-maiden revolution are obviously fucking CIA glow in dark. How the fuck does anyone actually fall for this shit?
The Russians are National Socialists here. They very rarely associate with outsiders. When they do, it's because you've earned their respect.
That deserves a lol
What they are are simply Ukrainian patriots who will take money from wherever they can to fight the Russians.
Has it not dawned on you yet? The National Socialists took over the CIA. The Communists started it, but the NatSoc were the experts and ideological basis.
Ever think that maybe they are trying actually get something started? Why waste all the time and resources otherwise?
Uh, bro I don't think the secret intelligency agency of the largest ZOG country is on our side.
You forgot the part where they where instrumental in installing a nearly all jew government in ukraine.
I wish.
They did nothing wrong.
It was just local patriots consciously piggybacking convert geopolitical fuckery to protect their people from communism, they were never pawns of the CIA neither did they trust it, at worst they were naive enough to assume common interests. Many of them were even aware of the ZOG fuckery and treated cautiously on the "support".
t. my dad had friends and connections in various deep-right activist circles, including the current leader of the Golden Dawn
Best goy!
I never comment, but that has to be the dumbest shit i've read on fullchan in about 5 years
If you know it's a honeypot, then it kind of loses it's purpose, no? Shills are forcing two narratives, one being "do nothing goy, stay in the online containment box we have made for you" and another being trying to make anons to join some over-the-top organization that would get them arrested (or killed).
The proper cause of action is to get involved IRL, but avoid any illegal actions and use your knowledge to point out enemy agents and provocateurs. No one can force you to break the law if you don't want to. And everyone is innocent until proven otherwise (as long as it lasts, seeing the general trend of things). The overall fear of activism is a psyop, most of their control is based on people practically policing themselves. On the other hand, your value as someone who knows what's going on is very high, and you should avoid any threats to your life or freedom.
That's usually how you go from a "bastion of peace and democracy" to "a terrorist organization that's a threat to democracy and global peace" :>)
Those shabbos goys didn't know that they will get discarded as soon as they stop being useful, we have a lot to learn from examples like Bin Laden, Milosevic, various ME regimes, etc. Their plan for Ukraine is to get as many right wingers killed (they are the ones who got sent to die in cauldrons), then to make what's left illegal and either disband or arrest them, incorporating the most criminal ones as their goons enforcing the (((progress))), and once that's done, start importing niggers and shitskins for population replacement. If they had a gram of brain, they would go against the kikes first. Next stage is NATO importing literal niggers from Africa "to fight the Russian threat"
If you really think that people like Hillary or Trump get to decide anything, you need to lurk for 2 more years before posting. And yes, SJW's don't really care about equality, they are mostly psychopaths and social predators who are doing whatever gives them political power. It's usually the (((moral))) people that you need to be the most wary of.
Using this word is a red flag, it's a civnat concept developed by kikes to make white people kill each other over various imaginary things. There is no real reason for Ukrainians and Russians to fight, they are all brainwashed by propaganda.
CIA probably has more Jews than Mossad lel. They were the central global instrument for ushering the neo-ZOG, you'd need some very strong argumentation to point otherwise. Decadence, drugs, human and organ trafficking, sponsorship of various criminal and terrorist groups, human trafficking, all on behalf and for the benefit of Israel, it's a very long list.