Copyright? Shit was rolling along nicely. Here's another.
1080p matroska. files.catbox.moe
Copyright? Shit was rolling along nicely. Here's another.
1080p matroska. files.catbox.moe
Other urls found in this thread:
The removed (((JewTube))) link:
Can still be grabbed at Invidious:
Yeah, I don't know. Mod's don't really talk amongst each other any more. And I can't see who deletes stuff, just who banns.
Why did they joked about pizzagate? It’s real and they treated it like nothing. So evil.
Pizza is Eastern Euro slang for gay buttsex.
You have to be careful where you get your pies from. You might end up with more than you wanted.
Because (((they))) afraid, that goyim know about it and desperately trying to ridiclue that as "neo-nazi conspiracy theory".
Not unless kikes run this board/site.
It's protected by satire, political discussion, humor etc. etc. etc.
Fair use is a good thing that kikes hate.
Well, they just made themselves even more obvious. What a dumbest choice to make a video like that.
Kikes are so retarded they say that the USS Liberty is a conspiracy theory.
That's because they're JIDF
Reminder that jews are unworthy of life.
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
You're a retarded nigger and shouldn't be posting here.
Come on user. You don't know where on the spectrum he is. He just needs to lurk for a few years.
Thanks but I already knew that.
Jews are responsible for White Genocide and the holocaust never happened
It is also not in the interests of non-whites to stop White Genocide, so never trust them
Synagogues have armed guards. And it would make more sense to hit the kikes that are doing ill - or target their kids, wives, family and so on. Point is, your targets should matter, if you insist on fedposting irl.
Fedposting irl is the solution
Then atleast heed my advice user. A dagger through the ribs is better than a blow on the arm.
This makes no fucking sense.
The arms, the ribs, both are enemies.
And if you want to scare the kike real good, then have no manifesto, distance yourself from any groups and imageboards for a year or two, and erase all about yourself from the internet that you can and any relations to groups you may have had. Live a seemingly normal life during this time as you plan and get ready.
Be undefinable.
The kikes here are gonna call you a mossad israeli MK-Ultra no matter what you are.
Never give a shit about optics, it never matters what the kikes think.
What dumb ass shit is this?
Since it mentions "The Cathedral" it must be NrX
It's all bullshit terminology.
Fight for yourself, and your race through it.
It would be a shame if someone sent them packages filled with explosives labeled "tasty foreskins", but had nothing but Pork Rinds and a fertilizer bomb inside instead.
holy shit is this awful
WTF is up with the tranny jannies deleting that thread? Fuck you guys, new bunker is neinchan.com.
We have a symbiotic relationship. ADL gives us publicity and raises our status. In return, ADL gets an enemy it can point to and raise sheckles "zomg, those nazis are real bad, don't you want to support the fight against them?" SPLC does the same, has $250M dollars in various accounts so they can sent out newsletters and make occasional appearances on MSNBC. They definitely need a quarter billion dollars to send out newsletters.
It is a weird relationship.