With a spic who also thinks he's white (kek). I didn't have the facts to back my shit up, yall are the experts so help me get my bloodlines and descents straight so I can roast this fucker in the coming days. Pic related is what started the convo
I got into the Jews aren't white argument today
Jews aren't white: look up "A People That Shall Dwell Alone" by Kevin McDonald. He's got several chapters on genetics. Tl;Dr, they've made a religion based around blood purity, and that the goyim are unclean and what few converts there are are considered the lowest class for the next 12 generations. In genetic studies, Jews are more closely related to other Jews than they are the local population, i.e. a Russian and French jew are far more closely related to each other than either are to a Russian or a Frenchman, or even a Frenchman is to a Russian. Their closest genetic cousins are the Kurds, next would be Arabs. Cousin marriage and uncle-niece were encouraged until recently, meaning they're highly inbred (Einstein married his 1st/2nd cousin). If I weren't phone-posting I'd post the "I'm not white I'm Jewish" song that some youth leader was singing at a synagogue. Maybe you can find it on YouTube.
Re: slave ships, Nation of Islam has a book series called "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews" (or something like that), they documented tons of proof showing the Black slave trade was run by Jews. They used primary source evidence and Jewish authors, so you can't get more conclusive than that. Their Leo Frank book is also pretty good.
Was he from Spain? For some reason Spaniards think they're white.
It's okay, fella, every dog has its shekel.
Slide thread or nigger
That makes sense when whites are told they're inbred, jews always project.
He's mexican he just wishes he was white
You're a nigger I'm a fucking white man trying to stop retards from thinking jews are white go fuck yourself I will kek all I want faggot
Doesnt help me but great video thanks
Holy shit this is exactly what I needed thanks
Because Spain is a white European country of Celtic, Roman and Gothic descent which expelled all Jews and Muslims five hundred years ago. Burning alive the Jews that tried to remain hidden.
Fought against the Muslim invaders for eight hundred years.
For three hundred years, led a coalition against the Turks, the main threat to Europe then.
Don't get mixed up the Indians with their Spanish masters just because they ended up speaking the same language… Just as niggers, American kikes and north American Indians speak English.
IIRC, your pic related is bullshit and it was specifically created because dummies like you would save it without investigating if it was legit.
Wouldn't be surprised if you were one of the ones dispensing it.
So thats why Israel/the US is pushing the Kurdistan meme
where's your proof zionist
Niggaz tak in dey ebonics doe woight boi, naght in dey English
Just look at any DNA test out there. It doesn't even matter whether or not they are "white" because A) They identify as non-whites, and B) Whites identify them as non-white. They are a separate people, with separate roots, history, genotypes, phenotypes, language and language branch, regional development, values, culture, religion, and destiny. How, in any conceivable way, could you lose a "debate" on this topic? Jew and Aryan stand in such stark contrast to each other that any "debate" on the subject ought to just end up becoming an educational seminar, unless you are debating with a moron, or somebody that debates in bad faith. If the latter two, the twist is that you are the moron.
Exactly. We're the people that care about it the most, which is why they use the insult. We're the only people that forbid incest out to the 2nd cousin, the rest of the world didn't care. Within the Hajnal line it held force of dogma for 1500 years, but really it was enforcing an older custom in place likely since the ice ages. Small hunter gatherer bands would have had to work hard to avoid it, likely traveling dozens or hundreds of miles to swap mates, but scientists have found no evidence of inbreeding in ice age humans, outside of maybe neanderthals which were already on the decline. To go through that much effort means they held it in high regard.
Glad to help.
When I read that I thought the same thing.
people who "ya'll" aren't white
Purity was held in high regard.
Mexicans can be white though are you retarded? Hell even someone as dark as Zimmerman is considered white just because of his last name and hes a shit ton darker than the white mexicans im talking about.
There are three races, white, black, and yellow.
Theyre not yellow or black. Whats left?
Most of the world is white, only subsaharian Africa is black and Far East Asia is yellow. Dont be retards like them to mix ethnicity, religion, language, culture etc. just because they have barely any of those, and their cult leaders have to play twisted identity politics to keep their useful idiots dying for wealthy jews profit.
do you hang around the city a lot or just watch lots of television?
Most Jews are white, thats a fact.
The question is kind of complicated:
OP, even wikipedia admits that jews have multiple different ethnicities. Type in "Sephardi Jews" or "Mizrahi Jews" into google and you'll see it.
Check the sources listed. They don't support the claim that 78% of slave owners were Jewish. It's an absurd notion considering how few Jews were in the country at the time. Jews were however disproportionately slave owners but they were not the majority of slave owners.
European of stock and heritage = White
Not European of stock and heritage = Non-white
Mutt = Non-white
Levantines, semites and turkic peoples are not white.
If you want to convince someone of this it takes a while, you need to wonder if that effort is eventually worth it.
Show him this genetic graph.
If Jews aren't white than what are they?
Now you're just making up words.
I'm not white…catholic
That's awesome though
"We thought they were white."
Case closed.
Pretty ironic coming from that barber nigger
This and they have diseases like sickle cell which are only prevalent in niggers IN AFRICA…that means that modern kikes are mongrel niggers in part just like the 'spics' in mexico who are 10-30% nigger. There is no other population that has sickle cell except kikes and niggers. Moses married a nigger and they all pass that sickle cell around their 'cohen' like mad…they even say that god was a nigger…LMAO which is why their culture and religion resembles african voodoo more than anything else except the poo Thuggee people who used to perform ritual human sacrifice to please their god (same as the kikes do).
No kikes are semitic pharisees from babylon…or at least they grafted off of babylon…either way, "come out of her my people or share in her punishment"…nothing that a Pharisee touches (that includes Pauline 'christianity') is something that you should spiritually join yourself too…because they are going to be killed by god and mostly they just want slaves in hell…but we would have to get into the COVEN and egyptian religion to explain how they are allowed to keep you as slaves in the underworld if you join yourself to them.
the simplest counter-argument against jews being white is the term 'anti-semitism' itself - not only do they admit they're semites, but if they were white than criticism of jews would be no different to criticism of christians.
So you're telling me the Beastie Boys weren't the first all white hop-hop crew? They where the first Egyptian rappers? Get the fuck outta here.
Non white - only black or yellow to choose from. Its like saying non-blonde at "dirty" blonde hair. Still blonde.
This. Good answer user. Jews have no relation or kinship to us at all. They are foreigners in our nation as well as being parasitic liars.
Not all blacks get sickle cell. Sickle cell anemia being a side effect of the genetic variations that allows West African blacks to have resistance to malaria. Blacks from North Africa don't get sickle cell for instance.
Its a different division, there is no white, black etc there. When division is about white, mine applies.
Semite is an ethnicity,not race.
That is how people used to think. Wealthy British WASPs where considered the pinnacle of the human race. Irish Catholics where lesser, thus the Irish indentured servitude trade.
Well said, very true.
If they all had black hair and epicanthic eyelid folds, they'd be larping as Chinese.
(Upside of that is they'd be destroying Asia instead of Europe)
Are you crazed Europeans have zero nigger DNA. Niggers are closer relations to chimpanzees than they are to any other species of humanity with an 80% allele match to chimps and only 20% to humans. This means that all the subhumans are closely related to niggers while Europeans are not related at all…look at the slave trades if you want to know where the demon seed/bestiality occurred and was spread too…the subhumans are not HUMAN…only Europeans are HUMAN. All the other races have nigger/chimpanzee blood in them.
So Greeks and Romans aren't white?
There is no continuity at all between even the lesser subhuman races that have polluted themselves with niggers DNA (this would include your hispanic friend as well).
Don't get confused by the timelines. Think about when the (((islamic slave trade))) happened or the (((slave trade))) into the new world.
I donno, if Mediterraneans are white then Jews are white.
What are you babbling about, still no white/others anywhere there.
Are jews that brainwashed into hating whites they get fucked in the head every time they look in the mirror?
you can clearly see from pict three that mediterraneans are part nigger. I suppose the individual would have to be tested and it taken on an individual basis…northern italians are mostly 'white looking' so DNA testing to see how much beast/chimpanzee blood they had. Also of all Europeans jews are almost twice as much nigger blood as the worst of the Europeans…twice…that is almost as much mongrelization as the spics…(being 10% nigger is it a wonder that they can't get their nation together or that there are more deaths [nigger blood] in Mexico than there was in the entire gulf war).
Jews aren't white but the Romans weren't white either, then? You're consistent at least.
DEFINITELY NOT WHITE…THEY ARE SEMITIC PEOPLE…not white…and the vast majority to perhaps all of them are khazARYANS…so turkic people and NOT WHITE AT ALL. Not all KhazARYANS have the Mongol features, the higher caste ones might pass for white except for all the mongrel/nigger DNA…
This Nigger DNA mostly expresses itself in nigger hair and nigger lips in the kikes. See how many have the telltale signs of their nigger blood in them?
There was some fag who was always posting JIDF part nigger mongrel girls on Zig Forums and I can't remember how I classified them in my photo collection but you could always see their nigger lips and dark/black curly hair as well in every photo just like the hassidm have those ringlet curls that show their nigger inheritance.
You are frozen in time user. The ENTIRE Mediterranean was ROMAN/EUROPEAN WHITE…including all of Northern Africa. The (((islamic slave trade))) did not happen for another 1,000 years well after the fall of the republic during the time of Nero and the subsequent decline of empire from breeding with niggers. Every civilization or people who breed with niggers are ruined for 10,000+ years possibly forever. Breeding with animals is never a good idea…not even for animals.
So you know nothing about history? All of North Africa, the Levant, and Anatolia were white until the dune coons came into being.
Pick up a history book user. What are you 12 years old? Yes, the entire Mediterranean and all of Northern Africa was WHITE at one time…Wait…you don't actually think the NIGGERS BUILT THE PYRAMIDS do you?
The Egyptians (Celts) are quoted in hieroglyphs as saying that they made nice pets…literally they keep niggers as an exotic housepet but felt they were impossibly stupid.
So now a 56% Amerimutt is gonna tell us White Latinos we aren't White. Fuck off, burger fag.
Israeli citizenship requires DNA testing. Show him some MSM article talking about that. The normie will trust the MSM.
Yeah and it was the Byzantines who allowed it, wanting to eliminate Arian Christianity from the world.
Oh on that first pic read the last line of the abstract. Niggers are a 30,000-year-old aberration on this planet which came from mixing HUMANS with chimpanzees. They can trace nigger DNA back 30,000 years and then their genetic code dies. This is why the kikes have such an affinity for niggers as well because the kikes REALLY DO COME OUT OF AFRICA and their ancestors REALLY ARE MONKEYS. They are animals more than HUMAN and they have been a complete parasitic plague on this planet. They are trying to turn it into 'planet of the apes'. This is why you see things like that part nigger pope bowing to the 'black nobility'…because he is their fucking slave.
This is true. If you can't into basic numeracy and statistics then you are not white by MY definition
Eugenics does require the reduction of those who are genetically close but undesirable.
The whitest jews are the Ashkenazi, and they're maybe 30% of jews. The rest are pretty much pure Arab. Of course this is all pretty entry level, especially if your spic friend thinks he's white cuz some Spaniards raped his great grandma.
I personally am one of the very few remaining pure 100% Germans on the planet. Yes we are 'from America' though my family was here long before 'America' was an idea in the founders mind…but not every American is le 56% kikel.
'Latinos are the product of fucking niggers and integrating them into the hispanic population.' go take a DNA test spic mutt…you will find that it will tell you truthfully that you are 10%-30% nigger from fucking slaves after the (((islamic slave traders brought them over to destroy your nation with their DNA)))…
You didn't have to actually FUCK THEM so take it up with your ancestors…I am not the one who thought it would be a good idea to commit bestiality.
Yea, and it is pseudo science. In practical terms, Jewish genes are ambiguous entities and often do not match legal definitions of Jewishness. For example, non-Jewish donor sperm and ova can be used in assisted conception clinics to produce babies that are legally Jewish in the eyes of the State, though only if the gestating womb is Jewish. DNA markers that could be read as Jewish on an individual level, however, need not be identified in these individuals. Conversely, a child could have Jewish genetic material, but without a Jewish mother would not be considered Jewish. These varying possibilities point to the ambiguity or outright contradictions across the field of Jewish genetics and the rabbinical sphere.
Most Arabs could pass the jew test.
Rape babies of mestizos definitely don't count. Nothing counts but having two PURE BLOOD HUMAN parents. The only currency on the planet is genetic currency. The most important thing you could EVER RETAIN was the billion+ years of specialized genetic evolution of your own species if you are HUMAN.
You are a fucking nigger. Your DNA might be European but you have become a nigger by osmosis.
I can trace my whole lineage and it's 100% European.
Plus, there are almost no niggers in my country unlike yours.
Oh, yeah, a (((DNA test))). Sure, I'm gonna spend my shekels right away!
They are interchangeable completely…all the semitic turkic people are interchangeable and they all have disgusting fucking habits of their race…pedophilia, gib me dat nigger welfare ideology, torture, incest, homosexuality, usury, theft, murder etc. etc…
Wow truth hurts doesn't it user. You know niggers don't trust science either…they think it is like voodoo or something.
I can't speak to the racial aspect of a jew not being white. I know that they internally do not consider themselves white. They self identify as outside what white Europeans consider "us." That is part of their drive to deconstruct "white European" society. Jews don't like ethnohomogenous societies. They self identify as a group identity, and they encourage low border high immigrant societies where they can operate. They are raised that way. It is sad and disgusting. They don't aim to add, they aim to destabilize and conquer (which they have already done without total control). Yet.
Roman colonized parts of North Africa but there where people already living there. (The Berbers.)
I remember reading about a bio weapon that jews in Israel were developing to target their neighboring Arabs. It ended up being canceled because surprise surprise, they shared too much so the Arab targeting virus would have killed too many jews.
Sure thing, nigger. I don't like (((science))). According to your nigger logic, in order to be White I need to spend my shekels into these very accurate and science-based tests!
What's next, nigger? If you see it on TV (TalmudVision) it must be true? You don't think like a White person anymore. You became a nigger. I'll pray for you tonight…is what I'd say if you had a soul but you're just a nigger.
I am 100% northern European. English, Swedish, German. My ancestors smile on me, Jew. Do yours?
Quit being fags.
They are completely fucked when it comes to bioweapons because they have mongrelized themselves with any pussy they could latch onto like a leech. This means that they can never use a bioweapon WITHOUT significantly slaughtering their own people as well as the people in high positions in their society. It is pretty funny. We however can and will use bioweapons because the entire planet turned against us at the kikes order and the subhumans deserve it. Time for a White/European ONLY planet.
This is why they have been having a fucking MELTDOWN over the last few months over Zig Forums because the 'slave goy' got it into their head to slaughter the subhumans using bioweapons and there is nothing the kikes can do to fight it. They are going to be toast.
For the /new/friends itt.
1. A landrace, or race, is a domesticated, locally adapted, traditional variety of a species of animal or plant that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species.
1. An ethnicity, or ethnic group, is a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.
Just being a Negro doesn't qualify you to understand the race situation any more than being sick makes you an expert on medicine. [Dick Gregory, 1964]
Hehehe…ok user whatever makes you feel better when you sleep.
They do. Be sure to suppress that Swede in you lest you become a faggot.
Have a great night.
Nice quote. With some minor changes that could make some faggots think twice.
Have never done faggotry and never will while I control my destiny. Dark times are brewing and I am powered by the generations of my ancestors that would have smote this cancer if they had recognized it.
Your ancestors fucked niggers and you have nigger blood in your veins making you act crazy and dumb.
I would say that we are a different Species from the subhumans though. There is nothing that they have offered the planet in terms of culture or technology at all…ohhhaaahhh niggers can smash a peanut, chinese invested an early compass, the rest are just trash who fuck and devour every living thing until they pollute the entire planet and everything around them.
Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
Get fit, get armed, make good friends.
Already there. You are correct in what white men in Europe, the US, Aus and NZ should be doing. The main part is redpilling your people stuck in they system who don't recognize what is happening.
It is heartbreaking to see when it finally clicks in and they realize. It is also heartwarming to see them break out of their mental prisons. A bitter pill to be sure.
The first and simplest tactic is humor. Second, is argue ideas instead of people or events. It is far easier to convince people that Hitler had good ideas, than it is to convince them that Hitler was good. Just don't tell them these ideas were his until later.
If his ideas where so good then why did he lose the war so badly? Huh? Huh?