(((They))) are not even hiding it anymore
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>Dan (((Cohen)))
God bless the state of Israel. All of our enemies have failed: Romans, Amalekites, Nazis. ANYONE who stands in our way dies.
אנחנו הגזע הראשי, אנחנו הנבחרים ששולטים בעדר ומניחים לכבשים ללקק את רגלינו תוך כדי מתן הצעות המחיר שלנו
He's playing the good Jew for the bad Jew Netanyahu.
Reminder that there are no good Jews.
Those fooled by illusions will often be confused by the appearance of internal jewish conflict. - Confuckshus 420 bc
You mean, he's playing his side of the kosher sandwich.
Of course kikes, the immoral golem beasts that they are, thrive in a fallen world belonging to Satan your father.
Plus it looks like thats a goof account.
The bit about the kike's post is legit though.
How can anyone even deny jewish power at this point? It isn't some kind of illuminati conspiracy theory, it's blatantly in all of our faces.
Jews never lose
b-but muh russia…
Wow, it's actually true. Although, it's really an order and not a "request." Looks like war with Iran is on the table, boyos.
It is a side effect of the Israeli elections being held today. Jews of all stripes are using the different goyish tribes against their fellows. It will be over by tomorrow.
It's fucking beautiful, really. The most blatant & vocal anti-semites turn out to be jewish puppets, so you never trust any politician who's antisemitic.
Yeah, it's the Jewish version of good cop/bad cop.
Normies are dumbed down to the level of pig shit, that's why the Jews keep getting away with their bullshit.
If anything, it's a ruse to keep the Jewish tribe intact, and to keep Jews from assimilating too much.
The Omar shit really blew my mind. They chose to have a black female muslim do it, used it to shove a fuckload of antisemitism bills through, and had the ones calling her out that got the most visibility be white. Then simultaneously used it as a leftist virtue signal that they'll call racism out from whoever (as long as it's against jews) AND a marker of how "oppressive the system is to black, females, and muslims". Leftists will still be mentally gymnasting 10 years from now to work their way out of each mental gymnast move requiring 10 more to cover the hypocrisies.
Fucking kek, that too. Separating them from whites. So many fucking simultaneous layers.
True fucking 42d chess.
Yep. I suspect that it's nothing new in the Jewish playbook. Remember, (((they))) had cooperated with Muslims during the time of al-Andalus in Spain, I suspect this is just a repeat of that with methods tweaked for the modern age. And indeed, many simultaneous layers, many vectors of attack. The Jews are geniuses at manipulation, I'll give them that.
Just when you think they're starting to get lazy & losing their touch, they mic drop like this. One has no choice but to applaud the skill level while firing up the oven.
Omar is a fucking double state solution zionist whore.
The only ones who trust here on Zig Forums are retards who believe in "anti-zionist" shills.
That's part of my point, anyone who names the jew gets called a shill; and anyone who doesn't name the jew, like Tarrant, also gets called a shill. We end up circlejerking & arguing one another over who is & isn't when none or all of them could be.
D & C.
Just get people to vote (((Left Wing))) in the upcoming election
Brenton named the jews, but shills pretend he doesn't.
But yes, jews control the narrative around here.
Not satisfactorily for some. Personally I loved how he did but didn't, with the "as long as they stay in Israel & don't subvert others". Very tongue in cheek.
I'm quite ignorant about secret societies, Illuminati, Masons and such, but I suspect that something like that did/does exist and its purpose was to indoctrinate and organize gentile traitors to serve the Jews. To bring them from ghettos in Europe to a position, now, where they're running the show and have reclaimed Israel.
He's exactly right.
You will see the anti-zionist kikes unironically defend the anti-zionist jews on the globe, not just Israel i.e. Maduro or that Cortez bitch.
muh D&C the jews.
Can't reclaim what was never yours to begin with. Modern jews are not israelites. The israelite jews (the few that are left) protest israel's existence.
Yet staying in israel LOL
Those aren't israelites either, those are controlled opposition.
Don't get me wrong, even the actual israelites have to go, because as a race they're tainted & it's only a matter of time before the same tree would sprout from the leftover seed.
But the true israelites are the jews that aren't in Israel because they believe only God can undo their sentence. I respect that, but still, in the ovens you go.
This is the proof you MIGApedes need: (((TRUMP))) is an Israeli assett. He scammed the entire world with his patriotard bullshit campaign. He was only ever an attempt to get the right to support neocon-esque warmongering.
Fuck Trump
Kicked out everywhere is winning?
(((They))) clearly are hiding it. It's just like (((their))) media, the truth of their evil only comes out when they're talking in their parasite language.
Pretty sure Jewish women burn the most BBC, too. I'd hate to be one, honestly. Chances are, you wouldn't even be associated with any ruling power. But you'd be a beta male with a hyper-neurotic mother and a predisposition for an abject obsession with loose change.
In a weird sense, yes, getting kicked out has kept their tribe largely together.
No shit chaim. But it's not as though an unkiked president will ever be an actually viable choice until jews are eliminated or full revolution happens, whichever comes first.
I'll still vote for Trump & anyone else that makes their unknowing puppets seethe. Because there are no "good" choices.
And yes I realize full well that includes the right. But the right doesn't openly hate me for being a white male.
Am jewish, can confirm this is how it is.
Well they are matrilineal. But being beta is kind of irrelevant when many get to pick & choose who to fuck at whim.
It's because nobody wants a 'nice jewish boy' of any sort. theatlantic.com
Hollywood whores are a dime a dozen. Many of them whore out openly to anyone and have the tapes to prove it.
Not even debating that, but there's a ton of waifufags who are still envious.
chaim, without US taxpayers and tech, your holy desert shithole will not survive even a few months against a bunch of enraged Arabs (yes, they are also semites too), who will be happy to "feed you" with a bloody matzoh.
Apex fallacy.
Of course it is; Weinstein is the king of betas.
Meant as more of a zinger than a serious argument.
I have to wonder if most "White" women are actually Jewesses, and crypto-Jewesses LARPing as White women fucking nigger dicks in order to promote it to White women.
Yep. jews kill jews confirmed. Fucking faggot, Celtics will never die.
Nah. Most jew women are Europeans. Haplogroup K. Look it up on eupedia. Same as male Haplogroup G. Most of jews are this group but most of this group is European. It is a major problem.
I forgot
Yeah, mostly from strategic Jewish intermixing with the European aristocracy. Arnold Leese wrote about it, how the Jews were intermixing with British royalty and creating an aristocratic crypto-Jewish stock.
Pat Little.