WTF I Love Florida Now

ACLU: "We and partners have issued a travel advisory urging immigrants and people of color to use extreme caution when traveling in Florida"

Thanks, ACLU. We don't want them here either.


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I wonder if it will offset the fact that felons can now vote in Florida.

>endanger (((our))) communities

Which anti-immigrant bill? I'd sure like to be able to vote in favor of it if it's up for a public vote.

Usually they make a post to express utter outrage and how they intend to fight back with a guaranteed victory. How strong is the bill for them to have their tail between their legs?

It's bill SB-168, its not up a public vote.

thanks user.

having to obey the law = OMG USE EXTREME CAUTION

So, the FL state senate is giving the finger to the radical extremists demanding sanctuary privileges for foreign national invaders. I have to say I'm both surprised and impressed. Now let's hope they pull it off successfully.

Really makes me think.

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