as ALWAYS, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to see here
As ALWAYS, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to see here
Other urls found in this thread:
weaving anchors come not here.
glad he fired her tbh. his reality tv experiences pays off yet again.
Nothing will happen.
shitty posts
do you support stronk independynt womyn in positions of authority friend?
it doesnt matter who is in the fake positions of authority.
if you see their face, they control nothing.
however they still have eyes, and still have mouths, so i would assume removing them before doing something would be important.
That's all it takes?
Fucking this.
The actual ones in power are (typically) intelligent enough to stay off the radar.
This is a very interesting report that a more paranoid person could read as a roadmap for a coup.
Especially interested in these "exercises", and what they could potentially be used to cover.
Sure if you believe the world can be turned upside down by 19 muzzies on some planes, why can't nationwide martial law be declared because Iranians "switched stuff off".
This is the retarded world after revolutionary movements won.
does this have anything to do with it?
Nigger look at fucking Katrina. That was a localized, TEMPORARY incident, and within 2-3 days niggers were storming police stations fully armed like fucking terminators.
The ONLY thing keeping a full SHTF scenario at bay right now is bread & circuses. Both would disappear in a huge area from an EMP. Most of our fucking infrastructure is crumbling anyway because industry wants big profit margins so hasn't invested in upgrading the vast majority of it. Most places you can clearly see nearly 100 year old components on power lines & shit.
And a bad enough solar mass ejection would fuck not only power grids but electronics GLOBALLY.
What would happen to US infrastructure in an EMP attack?
a category 5 chimp-out.
Royally fucked. Everything requiring electricity to work in the affected area would sustain damage & need replacement. If it took out a regional plant as well the affected area would end up far larger.
Water pumps would shut down, gasoline pumps would shut down. Everything perishable in the supermarkets would spoil if the niggers didn't raid it all first. All the cell towers would be out, internet gone. Would take weeks to months to fix it all, and the would happen within the first fucking week. So then you'd have to deal with all that damage as well.
What the hell is this video supposed to show?
Doesn't mean there is nothing to see.
In fact, these changes might happen so that nothing would change. This would imply many, many important things.
Lets do this
ITT: unfounded paranoia over nothing.
Our government is the most prepared for such catastrophes, simply turn in your firearms at the emergency shelter gate and you'll be given a warm bed once more.
Kek. I actually am starting to think it's possible this report came about because somebody's had a breakthrough in developing a non-nuke EMP weapon with a much larger scale of effect than previously possible. Probably the US, but they know they can't keep it to themselves forever. They're not talking about small areas in that DHS report, they're talking about regions.
That DHS report uses the term "shelter in place" frequently. It's odd, it doesn't seem to act like guns exist or are a problem in the scenarios they postulate. I'll have to read it again, skimmed most of it.
If it took out the entire electrical grid, we'd be doomed. Given the sparse resources and unskilled manpower the estimated minimum time frame to fix it would be 3-4 years just in major areas, flyover america won't have national electricity for a decade. The midwest will literally be fallout.
Old thread from December we discussed this topic
how can you not even deduce this? what are you confused about.
generally worried about the board IQ.
anyone remember that twitter account that was purporting to be the guy who was a former glownigger working in EMP defense?
he promptly gave a stern warning to prepare for an "imminent coast to coast event" and his twitter account was deleted and there was an official release from his office that it wasnt him, yet he never said it himself.
i remember.
anyone remember the fucking "urban warfare training exercises in downtown LA with live explosives?
I remember
God I hope this doesn't happen soon, I can't maneuver around niggers with a torn Achilles. How will you lads hold up?
Pepperidge Farm doesn't, cause Pepperidge Farm knows what'll happen if it does.
a coup from whomst? there has been a single entity/group running things for most likely thousands of years if not more.
everything they do is planned decades, sometimes centuries in advance.
they are not worried about toppling anything, they only plan, and scheme, and tend to be successful.
heh, yea i know.
after all, there is absolutely nothing to see here sir.
I wanted to know what that actual footage is.
I thought EMP weapons were impractical because even the thin casing of most electronics is enough to protect from bursts.
it may not, but i am starting to see increasing patterns that suggest change is coming, somehow.
remember, these people plan longterm. this could just be setting the stage for an event in 5, 10, 20, 50 fucking years.
or tomorrow.
all i know is there has been lots of fucking coincidences as of late.
how about the hundreds of chemical factory explosions past few weeks?
you think you know all of the technology/weapons behind closed doors?
i sure dont.
and it may not even be an emp, but predictive programming historically tends to show up. and play out.
literally use your favorite data collection web crawler website and search "transformer explosions"
click the first few data collection video player site links you see.
I used the wrong word then.
What is the correct term for when things go from a pretend democracy to outright martial law under control of a puppet dictator whose strings are being pulled by an unknown entity?
Well maybe they developed a new way to produce EMPs but as far as I know the only realistic proposals were using nuclear weapons detonated in low orbit to propagate EM waves over a region. They supposedly bounce off the lower atmosphere.
culling. i would probably say culling.
the herd is nigh thick.
I suspect if our economy tanks the EMPs will launch, so probably not until trump is out of office (late 2020s)
remember how the public was convinced to invade iraq?
do you think the public will fall for that again to invade iran? or would they need a bigger motivation?
just questions.
remember, the iranian government are now officially "terrorists", user.
I'd like to take this opportunity to inform our fine alphabetically named organization members who'd never browse or monitor here that I fully endorse the culling & think it's about god damn time.
Actually, I'm sure everything will be fine and nothing will happen.
At least that is my prayer.
But user, you saw the latest avengers movie right?
thanos didn't differentiate on the 1 out of every 2 people he evaporated.
At this point in my life I am exactly as happy being snapped out as I am snatching a future wife & disappearing into the vast stretches of open space that'll get opened up to raise her into maturity.
I doubt it. Remember the public backlash when Obama wanted to glass Syria? and with the recent questions about israel I doubt the kikes would be dumb enough to start another war with iran.
Rolling for an EMP
honk honk
Thanks you passive aggressive cunt.
Oh no. How horrible.
that story got memory holed fast as fuck, even my conspiracytard friends didn't even hear about it. Shit was wild, confirmed devgru/seal team six blackhawks rigged for mid-air refueling on site (only a handful exist) and the tolerances for the rotor wingspan vs the objects on the street plus the lack of obvious observers makes it scream black op.
We just need Divine dubs and only the wicked will be eradicated.
Which faction do you think is responsible.
This is not American law. The System allows you to shoot or bomb dozens of power plants across the country.
Waiting for an EMP rejection is like waiting for Hitler. Waiting for a war that can never be so bad.
Create a bomb reactor and create a tough strike EMP.
Therefore, if you have never presented this service, the odds will remain similar.
They won't launch a full scale, proper EMP attack. It will be some wildly (((convenient))) one that knocks us out for a day or so. A proper one would be certain catastrophe and that is too dangerous for the elites, the traitors and kikes.
This user hit the nail on the head. The bread and circuses are what keeps us docile and on their control, they will not allow that to end unless they had some foolproof military strategy to stop the goyim from a revolution.
Well, for the longest time I surmised it was those of the semitic persuasion, however the longer I live.. the less likely that seems.
Game theory suggests that the jews are merely the boogeyman to be flaunted. After all, they are "protected" just enough so that people are punished for defaming them, but un-protected enough so that a healthy streisand effect can be spread by dissenters and become the curators of the semitic boogeyman plot, like 8pol.
History shows us that those in power who show their face, often times meet their end by angry mobs, or have full scale wars stoked into existence to oust them.
My intuition has slowly led me to believe that there is someone removed from the chessboard completely, so intelligent that few know they exist, and fewer have seen them in the flesh. I would bet they are human, nothing paranormal. Just some extremely smart, malevolent humans who have perfected the art of wielding absolute power.
As to the "faction" they belong to, I would assume it is their own. As for who they are? Your guess is as good as mine, as we both still draw breath currently.
Oh, no. That sucks.
electrical fires because of unmaintained and overloaded grid
really nothing to see actually, another shit thread
well, yea. i said this.
You can count, count on it. Don't forget to count me in on the next encounter.
I for one welcome the darkness.
This is a crypto Q thread.
are you refuting the existence of predictive programming in mainstream entertainment? if so, could you explain your position and how you came to that conclusion? I'm sure you have done your research.
This is the obvious conclusion, they are the "gods" of our world, they are what the christians call "satan" and his armies are the jews.
Remember that God is all powerful, but supposedly only humans have the free will required to reject him…so then how does satan do it? Is he just a character god plays? or, is satan also of free will? a human just the same as any of us, but with the secrets of god's system which we were not supposed to know (the angels who gave technology, war, etc to humans were punished)
These people are not going to be healthy. They cannot operate in daily life as we do, it would be a sensory overload, they would find too many contradictions and it would blackpill like crazy, remember also that blackpills are a symptom of intelligence, and we know that the higher iq, the greater risk of depression and related mental problems. These people cannot survive without their servants. If the zog structure falls, they rot and die, they CANNOT keep power if white people are in charge, its impossible.
You can sever the hand that holds the sword, you dont have to remove the head, he will bleed out either way.
electro-magnetic pulse strikes
that will be used in the next false flag to take out NYC's power grid and remind the nation of 9/11
to justify war against Iran and WW3
Interesting story. Who knows, I just tend to go with facts so that I am not muddying the waters of discovery and increased wisdom of the real story.
So far all I know is that there are different "plots" for each level of intelligence. On the bottom level, the plot is the standard "the country works for us, they protect us, lets hope that other country doesnt try something and hurt us"
The next level up is the plot of the two party system, incorporating the plot below it, but now there is another "bad guy" factor that seeks to disrupt your party from protecting you from other "bad" countries.
The next level up starts incorporating covert elements, the "deep state", corrupt elements in the government, and the beginnings of the real questions stemming from deep seeded loss of trust in what you are told.
The next plot naturally is the JQ, you start looking into things and see that all roads lead to tel aviv, you see how the strings are pulled, and you think you see the fingers, and the fingers are the fingers of bibi.
The next plot would be when you start saying to yourself "wait a minute, could this really by the end of the string? have I finally and definitely found the man/people who make the puppet dance?" and after thinking on it, you see a pattern, the pattern being an endless layer cake. You now realize that everything you have seen always tends to be controlled by something else you have yet to discover.
So I tend to stick with the notion that I really know little about the prime mover of this world, as every other time I thought I knew, I eventually found evidence to the contrary.
Lel. Conspiritards are easily misdirected.
KYS zionist scare porn warmonger. Iran is a friendly nation. You kikes and shills are the problem. Iran didn’t commit 9/11, the Levon affair or the USS Liberty.
Israel is an illegitimate terrorist state and must be destroyed
I was going to say everyone knows Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons and couldn't trigger an EMP but then I remembered most Americans are retarded and will probably go along with anything as long as blumpf says it
You need to educate yourself on how fragile our electrical grid is. A nuclear EMP is the worst-case scenario (beyond a solar flare, but that's out of human control), and both can not only bring the power offline, but also cause physical damage to the components necessary to bring that power back online. If this happens across the US all at once, you are looking at one super fun scenario.
shitty posts
literally the same words the torpedo used. 20 seconds before your post. Also, I never gave an opinion on Iran, my opinion on Iran has nothing to do with the thread. And if everything you see makes you fearful, I cannot help you there, you must overcome that on your own.
but this is why the religious angle is so valuable.
It does not decree that any single person or group you could name is the root cause, simply that there is a root cause, and it must be defeated. "satan" is a descriptor of who is at the end of that endless thread, it will never not be satan because satan is a concept of the greatest form of control.
So even if behind jews are greys, and behind greys reptillians, and behind reptillians are space jews, there is at some point an origin, and the single point from which that entire chain is formed is identified as a concept, its not reductionist, its admitting to not being capable of fathoming the depts.
If it IS human, it cannot operate in our world, its not possible, nothing that could be that powerful could ever survive our world, for if it could, it would show itself. and take its throne.
If it is NOT human, then it cannot show itself because it operates on belief, and we are ot so far into clownworld to permit a non-human to show itself without skepticism.
The jews OPENLY are not the true masterminds, they admit this in everything they do, in all their books, they call forth to molech as their supreme being, the rival of the LORD, he is what they perceive to be the greatest force acting on earth, and he is what christianity calls "Satan" Is he the end of the thread? maybe, but what if he is not? well then his identification as "satan" was incorrect, and infact behind him is "satan"
But again, this does not matter, because they only work if you let them. The muslims are the sword, the jews the shield, and molech is the body. If muslims are gone, then molech cannot kill us, yet he is not defeated, and he can still do harm
If jews are gone, then molech can still kill us, but he cannot defend himself, and can be defeated
If jews and muslims are gone, then molech is defenseless, and cannot harm us, he then dies without anything to feed him, if he is merely the champion of something else, then that thing dies because it has no champion, no sword, and no shield.
That isnt to make it seem like muslims are the greatest priority either, shields are actually the most dangerous weapon in combat,especially if you dont have one yourself. Whites have no shield, we have no sense of self, and our sword is not under our control. We must reclaim our souls and our blade, dispense of our opponents shield, and outclass him in even combat.
I think maybe religion used to be something pure, that actually was a defense against whatever it is, but i do not think so much anymore. Religion is constantly in the spot light, another "political" party to be used to ensnare people into groups for it, and against it. Not to mention the many variations/sects that are in constant disagreements. Just my opinion.
I think if religion was a real tool to defeat it, it would be suppressed more than anything else, but we see churches operating openly, and prayers/services on prime time television. Maybe in the past, there was a "pure" "real" religion, but whatever it is now I cannot believe it to be the original organic form.
As for what you said about:
That is assuming you know everything there is, and for all we know, there could have been a random mutated gene that gave a man an IQ of 500, and over the centuries/millennia he has conquered the world in secret. We cannot say.
and when you say:
I think whether it is human/inhuman is of little importance, as we know it can pretty much do whatever it wants in terms of maintaining power. It has no rival, so I dont even know what "its" goals are. Perhaps we are just an experiment. Maybe it has ruled for so long, and it knows it cannot be beat, so we are like mice in a cage, and it likes playing with the new wheels and foods it gives us just to satisfy curiosity.
EMP is a good means to regain your homelands. The chimpout will result in people waking up to racial feelings. We will be pulled away from cheap dopamine-injections and (((porn))), (((entertainment))) and (((education))) will lose much of its influence on my people.
One of the bigger downsides is communication that is lost between continents, or even counties. But that hasnt stopped Europeans from working together before. Especially considering it will be whites and east-asians that regain electrical and digital progress the fastest, i think its a good method of acceleration. Its actually the ultimate form of accelerationism.
If you filter OP the thread becomes readable
no, the thread becomes non-existent.. because I wrote the first post.
I wasn't kidding earlier when I said I was worried about the current state of the boards IQ. Thank you for reminding me about that.
Anyway, I will have to take a break for now anyway.
No idea how else I'm supposed to ensure virginity at 16.
Fucking philistine.
Or if he says not to do it. All depends on which side you mean.
Faggot niggger.
Throwing stones from a glass house, pedo
Belief is the manna of the Gods. I wonder if the chicken or egg came first.
And it'd be interesting to know, if they can be born from belief, whether they can also starve & die from lack of it.
I hope not, we need Kek.
come on
Reported for repeated spam.
Literally nobody but you said that.
religion IS suppressed.
The catholic church was the greatest enemy the jew ever faced, because it was the only church who taught the biblical truth that the jews had been condemned by god, and that europe was chosen to fufill the covenant of christ. The catholic church is responsible for the salvation of roman and greek knowledge, the flourish of art, science, history, and the suppressor of brother wars. It preserved the old languages, built universities, and ensured safety and prosperity for europe, it even went so far as to form special groups of holy men who acted as medieval detectives, known for routing out crime, disease, and jewry. It was for this reason they were infiltrated, and we got vatacan 2: jewish fuckyoualoo, in the 60s of course, where the jews made all their power plays.
I have long since left the church, But in my personal life I aim to restore the old ways. I have learned from medieval and ancient treatises how to identify, investigate, and dispell the tricks of the jews and those behind them. They find latin horrifying, for one, they are scared of bells, for two…divinely inspired art sickens them, this includes cathedrals, this is why they want muslims to consume them, and art to be uninspired and abstract, churches began to play loudspeaker bells, have you ever heard the sunday bell from a true belltower? it rings so pure and far its almost hard to believe.
Did you know that in the 15th century trannies were written about?
According to the catholic church, a hermaphrodite, while rare, was possible, and they were as god had made them, it is unfortunate, but there it is…however, they also cautioned that some may claim to transform men to women and women to men, without gods will, and by their will alone, these people were simply put down as liars and practitioners of ungodly and unnatural acts.
Look now to the second vatican, where trannies, despite the fact that they were not made so by gods will, are accepted as "being how god made them"
Do you see? the church is not the church, It is empty inside, and the actors play phantoms of what was before, twisting the religion to fit their hedonism, the current catholic church is no different than a woman in portland dressing as a nun and masturbating with a crucifix, they are all the wicked usurpers.
You misunderstand. I do not claim this to be impossible, What I claim is that it is not possible for him to be open about what he is, intellect is an awesome and terrible burden, the best case scenario for this hypothetical being is that he is so smart his brain has made him an idiot to protect itself, the idiot savant…this means that he needs caretakers because he cannot fathom the world because it does not make sense. If he is not an idiot, then he is subject to blackpilling. Remember that IQ is based on pattern recognition, this is exactly why external forces harm high IQ individuals, because the patterns are so obvious you feel maddened by the fact that nobody else seems to notice them, my IQ is only 150 and I feel like a crazy person literally every fucking time I interact with anyone outside this board (and sometimes while I interact with people in this board) because they cant even notice fucking patterns that THEY create.
No rival? My good man, whites are the rival, perhaps only by its own will are we such, but we are such. We are most skilled in all the ways satan is weak to. This is a duel between the forces of ultimate good, and the forces of ultimate evil. The night has encroached on the day and we are living in imbalance, during the last cycle we were told of this occurring, lugh had secured the balance, and morrighan celebrated, but she sung a poem of the cycle's end, known here as the kali yuga. We live in the end of the cycle, Jesus seems to be the avatar chosen to usher in the next beginning, and when the light covers the earth in a thousand year summer, we will be in happiness, until once again the forces of light and dark are in balance, and once again the forces of dark acccept that inch, and take a mile.
I dont think they can starve from it, else how would kek work? he hadnt been worshipped in how long?
I think This is also the reason why some gods demand spreading their word. Alot of folk here dont trust the LORD because of this, but consider this:
You are a god among gods, but while other gods favor war, or peace, or birth, or death, you are master of them all…this is a concept in ireland. As master of them all, you are the balance, you cannot fall fully into one or the other, so you cannot become consumed by this…take odin for instance, his knowledge allows him to be consumed by the prophecy of his death, which causes him to create the circumstances for it, he lacked balance, and so he was eaten by an enraged fenrir.
So if you are the god of balance, and you wish end the cycles, how can you do it but by gaining the power over those who perpetuate the cycles? So after a cycle begins anew, and the tribes spread across the world, there is only one godless group among them, an easy target id say. Well soon after you realize why these people had not accepted the other gods…and it is because they are heathen peoples, wicked and defiant, incapable of selflessness or self reflection, they turn on you time after time, and because the glass of patience is emptied, the scale tilts and the glass or wrath is poured out. In a fury you curse them, they had a chance to bring the world into balance, but they spat at it, they revel in their carnal pleasures at the end of the cycle, they see the end like others see the beginning.
So you instead choose to put your power to work in a dangerous way: play by their rules. They ignore the subtle works of god, so you must stop working from afar.
Stooping low to the earth you become one of these lesser beings, through your mortal form you eventually awaken to your power and begin to fulfill the promise you made in anger, because if you do not stay to your word, how can you be in balance? So you offer the jews one final chance, If they deny you this one last time, you have set up a cosmic domino effect of absurd numbers of unfathomable and near invisible cosmic alterations that upon the death of your mortal being, by the spilling of that blood, you might set in action a plan you dont even have to exist to fulfill.
God's plan was to bring the armies of the world against false israel, because they had and would continue to poison creation. He promised wolves, lions, and strange men from a strange place would arrive to destroy them.
Did god give up all of his power to set up a trap for his opponent? did he sacrifice an important piece in order to checkmate? We cannot know, but we can speculate. It would explain how despite his fall from favor among humans, and the rise of the lesser gods is still moving his plan forward. Does kek exist? does odin? Do they have power now because the LORD of them permitted them sight beyond sight, and allowed them to forsee what had to come? Perhaps they lie dormant as part of this plan, perhaps they were awoken as part of this plan, perhaps none of this at all, or all of it. What is known is that there are forces on all sides trying to restore balance, and perhaps this is the meaning of revelations, that the LORD is not gone, but in a slumber, the last to awake, and the first to blow the horn of war upon the unnatural forces of molech and his army.
Always kill jews.
That was full of potato meme farmers
I don't remember either of those
care to elaborate a bit?
just looks like transformers exploding to me
I think it's just some semi-psychopathic rich "jew" (khazar) families (like the rothschilds) who form the tip of the pyramid. Most people don't know anything about them; haven't even heard of them, but smart/perceptive white guys like us got together via the internet (new mostly-uncontrolled technology) and figured it out. They were pretty quick to counteract that (only took them, what, 25 years? to get on the ball in that regard) and now look at us; flooded with shills and retards and unable to actually get anything done, meanwhile the internet keeps getting smaller and smaller and more tyrannically controlled and monitored.
occams razor says it's just psychopaths doing what they do, having macro effects on our civilization