Baltimore Dubbed 'Most Robbed' City In America

About a 60-minute drive northeast of Washington D.C., the city of Baltimore is on the verge of collapse.

Thousands of people are fleeing the city each year as total population plummets to 100-year lows. There are about 46,000 vacant rowhomes scattered throughout the area, or roughly 15% of the housing stock is dormant. On a per capita basis, the city has the highest rate of homicides per 100,000 in the country. Opioids from Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland Medical Center continue to flood the poorest of neighborhoods, leaving the African American communities in a perpetual state of addiction, along with the need for constant government assistance programs.

With the local economy basically a black market, gangs roam the streets like a third world country.

The outlook for Baltimore is rather bleak. We have covered the great implosion of Baltimore over the years. The accelerated deterioration restarted after 2015 Baltimore riots. Ever since, the slope of decline has been far steeper than ever seen before.

There is new evidence that verifies our coverage on Baltimore, and we must say - the report doesn't give hope that a turn around in the city is happening anytime soon.

New evidence from ADT security study that examined FBI statistics shows the town is now the "most robbed" city in America.

Baltimore had the most significant number of robberies per capita - 95.87 for every 10,000 people.

ADT's analytic analysts "looked at the FBI’s annual crime data [for 2017] for robbery rates to discover which city in each state experienced the most robberies."

While robberies worsened in Baltimore, they declined nationwide, dropping by 28% between 2008 and 2017.

Some of the safest streets in America are in Boise, Idaho where 2.26 people are robbed per 10,000 people.

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Baltimore Demographics

Black: 63.7%
White: 29.6% (non-Hispanic: 28%)
Asian: 2.3%
American Indian or Alaska Native: 0.4%
Two or more races: 2.1%
Other race: 1.8%
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish of any race: 4.2%

Boise Demographics

White: 89.0%
Asian: 3.2%
African American: 1.5%
Native American: 0.7%
Pacific Islander: 0.2%
Other races: 2.5%
Two or more races: 3.0%
Hispanic or Latino of any race: 7.1%

Detroit wasn't enough for these shitskinned savages, they ruined Baltimore and most everywhere they infest too. At this point, it won't be long before the overwhelming weight of evidence is weighed greatly against the egalitarian lunatics and Darwin's predictions take place

>At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked (18. 'Anthropological Review,' April 1867, p. 236.), will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.

The niggers are done for. There isn't a single race that likes them.


Kek. We're being genocided anyway. Like I said, they're done for. Only blessing of white genocide.

Genocided with nigger bioweapons. Plagues. Are you sure there's enough bullets for 15 billion shitskins though?

Don't worry amigos. Messican hermanos will help you out against the negritos.

Bioweapons that are the easiest to target and weakest to bioweapons. The niggers have genetic admixture unique only to them while the rest of humanity can at least say it has a brotherhood of man and descent whereas the niggers have some backwards subhuman archaic admixture nobody can even ID. They're done for.

I lived in Baltimore city for nearly 15 years. Only got robbed once but I rarely went out, and when I did I stuck to the most heavily trafficked roads, as you'd always see cop cars so they were RELATIVELY safe. A lot of those fucking neighborhoods in that OP video though are true fucking shitholes where a white guy unlucky toi find himself there at 2-3am would never be seen again & no body would ever be found.


That one time was the exception & why I stuck to it afterwards. It's a weird fucking city where it's cheap as hell to live, but good luck finding any employment that'll pay you enough to be able to get out on your own. Most Balitmorons are lifers.

Is pissrael now bulldozing their homes, too?

user is legit.

Gee, I wonder why. I can find you some Detroit mansions which (were) great expensive works of early 20th century art and architecture for a couple bucks. Look online.

looks cool

There's a lot of similar manors in Bmore. 100 year+ old townhouses that get partitioned into 6-8 apartments. I've been in a few that were renovated back into single family homes & they were fucking huge, and stunning. But they'd be in a block that housed doctors & professors & shit, with a section 8 crack ghetto complex at the end of the street.

Nb4 the libtards yell "correlation doesnt mean causeation guise!!!!"

Fucking niggers need to be eradicated like the disease they are.

It's funny when things like this keep getting pointed out about how homogeneous societies/towns always have much lower/non-existent crime rates, and all the lefties do is sperg out about MUH FOOD or some other trivial bullshit that doesn't matter because facts are racist.

You watched too much jewish propaganda and you think its reality.


Too bad Boise is being flooded with spics, poojeets, and chinks. Those numbers you boast won't last long!

Dont use bullets.

Gas is the way to go

and it isn't just nigger street crime
the redbone mayor is caught in a scandal where she received $800k in kickbacks for city contracts with medical corporations
scandal has been out for a month now and nothing is being done
niggers cannot into justice or civilization

moonman, where are you?

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Why are those African American gentlemen just standing around at night? Won't they be exhausted when they wake up in the morning to go to work?

LA looks terrible too

It looks like the dream of s o r o s in reality.

Niggers, drug addicts, criminals, illegal migrants, prostitutes.

All this in a city named after angels.

The left wing liberal globalist work for the devil, it's obvious from the outcome of their actions.

no shit?

The CIA is mostly responsible for the mess that is the black community. They taught blacks how to make crack, or the other way around idk, and it’s been lethal on minorities and whites ever since. Plenty of blacks understand that integration was a mistake and we all lived better off in our own communities. I used to be resentful towards them and other POC, but I’ve come to realize that they’re mostly just lesser beings who appreciate real white supremacy.

All I want is to colonize a mulatta’s womb.

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She’s hot ngl


This is the population of Baltimore since the 1860's

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Nigger lover, your children are going to look like fucking apes- not to mention the low IQ and violent tendencies

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This is the population of Detroit since the 1860's

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So this is next level cuckoldry. Impressive.

This is the population of Chicago since the 1860's. Man I wonder what happened in the 1960's that drove everyone out of these places………………….

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what do whites do in Baltimore? Are they all drug addicts?

at least a quarter of them are. most employed in unproductive service industry. city is economically dead. only people making money are the politicians and corporate contractors.

interestingly enough, Baltimore use to be a hive of kikes. I read a book on the weekend from libgen about new types of judaism in America and it talks a lot about how kikes in Baltimore wanted to reform their religion because they didn't want to learn hebrew or read the talmud, and they would send super autistic letters to rabbis all over the world

if whites were organized, we would be able to evacuate our own race from deadzones. There is absolutely no reason to keep our kin stranded in places like that.

after '68 majority of jews went to catonsville northwest of the city

shit i have family down there. they flip houses but, also have kids down there. bad fucking news

I had to take a class trip to Baltimore in middle school. It was "to see the aquarium", but looking back, I'm guessing it was just a ploy to get our white class exposed to niggers in the ghetto.

simply acknowledge ZOGbots are not your friends. The Chinese would cordon this area, close all egress, round everyone up, and put them to work in a paper mill, if I was living on the streets like this I would be happier working in a paper mill, eating rice balls with pork or tuna instead of smoking meth or addicted to heroin in a daily living nightmare of piss and shit smelling tent nightmare sidewalk living, every single fucking day until I eventually get knifed for not being able to afford my meth or heroin via panhandling or theft/robbery.

He or she may try to distract you with finger puppets, card games, a social story, some other fucking issue of non importance wghile you worry about your kids in elementary, middle school or high school, rest arrused all the hopes and dreams you have for your children will be ruined so thank your local ZOGbot, try some heroin yourself, or kill yourself…………. otherwise do something you fucking coward.
You'll thank me afterwards.

if they're making money - that's one thing. But people that are in unproductive jobs should be rescued.

that was to

these stats are not accurate. the dems steal local elections such as mayorship and HE pushes for immigration funding. there are plenty of blacks in boise idaho, but they are only children now. in ONE generation, the last white part of the usa will be replaced with nigger DNA.

Chinese would fence their chinatoown and import more gooks to work for rice balls, you would be left outside fence/

there are migrants in boise idaho.

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Just begging for this.


Pure coincidence.

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What a shitty smuggie. The mutation for white skin only appeared roughly 10-15 thousand years ago.

When jews put that in a story it is to trigger the donation class into dismissing the problem until the niggers slither into their neighborhoods and it's too late do anything about it except move to Tel Aviv, where each jewish family gets $23,000 per year in U.S. aid for the right to exist. They do a lot of stories about how most of the military is minorities when instigating wars. A major city in America being destroyed by the jew's favorite WMD should be cause for action. If only white Christians had a right to exist too.

And guess what? WE accelerated the fuck out of progress. it's almost as if when whites control the world science and all arts advance at a unprecedented degree, compare to the snail pace we are at now; it's like being back in the DARK ages (due to christ cucks originally)

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That's fort Lauderdale and most Broward tbh, When I lived in Broward, I've seen automobile thefts in broad daylight at especially at some the more wealthy areas because they know the cops won't do shit and the car will gone forever.

Dude, dark ages are a myth. Christian orders and monasteries preserved a lot of Greek and Roman works, back in the time the clergy was the only part of society, apart from nobles, that could acquire higher education. Thanks to them we know as much about ancient times as we do. Downside is, sadly, that over the time many myths have arisen, such as bullshit that Greeks were faggots, which is now common "knowledge" that actually has no grounds in reality and doesn't survive scrutiny.

Your smuggie is still stupid and stop saying "we", you haven't contributed anything to the world ; you haven't even made any children. The fungi growing in your cum sock dont count.

lol, do retards still believe that myth? It was already disproven years ago

Capitalism at its finest.


Theres rumors police have abandoned stations in Baltimore and the niggers took em over.

It is very sad what they did to Baltimore. You can tell when you're there that it was once a very beautiful, old-school European style city. Now those pointy tower homes are all boarded up and marked with gang signs.

You have some hipsters at the university spending their parents' money. Other hipsters work some service jobs at the airport. The only whites living in Baltimore proper are hardcore left-wing and most have been robbed multiple times but still excuse it away. Baltimore is truly a war zone, and it's weird how nobody seems to understand how bad it is until they go there. You really have to visit to get the full experience, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's not that different from the literal Congo.

Christians keeping the monopoly on that, and blocking everyone else, for control - thats why its dark ages. As opposed to every other "ages" when other people were free to do the intellectual stuff, and everything flourished.


Nothing wrong with black people. The CIA is mostly to blame for having introduced cocaine into black neighborhoods, that and integration which was a massive mistake. Blacks were doing well when they had to depend on their own apparatus and not yt subsidizing their ghetto ass lives.

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Is this any surprise? Indeed, could this be a more profligate (and deserved) outcome? 'Democracy' in action in the modern 'America'. Godspeed.

A known shithole.
Fags move to Boise before moving to the coast.

In the late 1800's Baltimore was the pinnacle of genteel American high society.

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Democrats ruined it.


Get off the plantation, brother.

Stfu niggr

We got a BOKO HARAM shill here. Niggers are not humans and should be domesticated or separated from society like any other animal. I say we sell the good looking females niggers into sexual slavery and slaughter all the men. If you really believe the CIA is the cause of all the problems with niggers and not genetics, you might as well become a journalist for the HuffPost


The HuffPost would never cover that truth, dawg.
I agree and the mulatta I’ve posted will be my wife.


Plowed by the slaves jews imported.
Plowed by the slaves niggers fought to own.

You lose with niggers and jews.

Ok boomer

Okay (((boomer))).

The home of my grandparents, my mom, and me (briefly). Like many Western cities it used to be run by white people and pretty comfy (decades ago). Then, after WW2 and Hitler, it was decided that white people are oppressors and slowly the nigs took over and because they aren't very good governing nor do they feel any sense of responsibility when things turn out badly (just blame it on the white man) things just keep getting worse.

how do I convince my liberal baltimoron relative to move out of that shithole? he turns a blind eye to getting robbed, and only admires nigger "culture" like the barbershops. if we werent related I'd see it as a lost cause, but I feel it's my duty even though he is beginning to hate me for my seeping power level. he always says he isn't afraid of black people and isn't a racist, so he can live there but I cant. A few bad apples, all that crap. Very stubborn.
what is the best way to approach this and actually get results?

Seems pretty okay for a ghetto, man.

I'm afraid you relative is lost. He is no longer a your relative. He's a Try to keep the relatives you have left safe.

Remember that race riot? Baltimore was bad before that event, but now it's way worse. A already corrupt police force scaled themselves back after those riots, and now the homicide and crime rate generally skyrocketed in that city. I'm intensely curious about Baltimore, so I've been studying the sociology of the city since that time.

Don't worry about it. Get a wife, have kids, and live your own life helping your children and teach them to carry on their ancestors legacy.