Iranians burning US flags vs. SJW commies burning US flags

It might seem sort of similar on the surface. In reality, it's very far from their reasoning. Iranians only do it out of protest because of ZOG's hostility against Iran, while commies do it because of "muh oppreshins! muh colonialism!". I can tell you right here, right now, that they actively want Whites dead, and their excuse is, again, "muh oppreshins! muh colonialism!". If anything, they're all wildly different from each other.

Iranians hate homosexuality, trannyism, abortion, and other degeneracies. SJW commies love everything I've just mentioned. Iranians actually love meeting and talking to Western tourists and even give them flowers. SJW commies always dream about killing anyone who they think are the "privileged oppressors" (Whites), even though most of them in the US came from poor European immigrants who have never done anything to their shitskin ancestors. Iranians mourned for the death of the innocent people who died in the Zionist-plotted 9/11. SJW commies ironically mock those who died in said incident and think it's "completely justified". And here I thought they are supposed to be "anti-Zionist".

If anything, these "people" are blatantly arrogant. So why are they like this? You know it's bad when even shitskins like Iranians don't even care about the existence of Whites. Iran never seeks a war with any country, but here we see SJW commies deliberately wanting a race war. It's all so tiresome.

Here's a quote Hassan Rouhani himself:

Attached: I cry, too.mp4 (722x502 62.84 KB, 103.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What the Aryanians SHOULD burn is the rainbow flag. Help whites reclaim it from the fags. Also have a semite free first
Honk Honk

Also, here's some shitskin arrogance as a bonus. Take a good long look, they're all paper tigers with low impulse control. Also his Twatter name is just a form of irony because he's a commie, as well. The worst mix possible.

Attached: Nigger Arrogance.jpg (719x1315, 137.02K)

I'd say these "people" are like the New Fish-Man Pirates from One Piece. Whites/humans have never truly done anything horrible to them, and yet they claim themselves to be "God's devine punishment against Whites/humans".

Attached: New Fish-Man Pirates' Jolly Roger.png (889x810, 386.54K)

No need to. They hang the actual degenerates who support said flag. Good on them, honestly.

Not really, their country is loaded with trannies

Probably because they think it magically changes everyone into the corresponding opposite sex. In the Quran, however, Allah hated trannies:

That's great that on one issue your retarded goat religion gets it right among everything else they get wrong, and yet your best Islamic country still fucks it up.

I'm not even a Semite, but I agree. I don't know why they suddenly accepted it. Sorry for the IP switch.

Is he even aware that most White Americans all have ancestors from Europe who then moved to America during the 1900's? Is he saying Polish, Irish, German, and Russian Americans deserve to die, too? It's very stupid to assume that all Whites are the same, it makes them think that all of them descended from le ebil racist colonialists, apparently.

what the fuck are you talking about? im assuming thats either some movie or a cartoon. grow up already, you have better things to do.

What kind of world do you live in where you don't even know One Piece? It's literally as popular as Naruto and Bleach, if not more. I assume it's not as popular in the US because of the god awful 4Kids dub. It also attracts non-Whites, for some reason.

Bump. It amazes me how retarded leftists really are compared to Iranians. I mean, since when were homos, femicunts, and trannies ever "oppressed"? Commies used to consider homosexuality as "petty bourgeois". Now they are the proletariat. Surely, those gated community dwellers are being "oppressed" by the "White" system.


How is OP wrong, exactly? I've been to Iran myself, they're extremely friendly and happy people. Also:

What are you trying to pull here, Moshe?

I think the s o r o s network can be classified as a terrorist group.

They meet the criteria.

Unlike these pampered commies, iran has an actual reason to burn it.

Why do you care what he's aware of? Dox and murder.

I'll just bump this thread instead of making my own.
Iran's in the grey zone for me. I like and appreciate their anti-Jew mindset and how they're trying to kike the kikes at their own subversion game. It's nice shit, it's too bad whites are the crossfire.
With that said, Iran's very anti-West and I don't believe it's because of Jewish influence in the West but because of the US' coup of their Socialist Prime Minister which would lead to the Shah being overthrown. The fact that they support and made calls to the US to restrict gun laws and said it the lack of gun laws is a sign of corruption brings my piss to a boil that they dare insinuate that we unarm ourselves and surrender to the state. It's insulting. The calls they made for all Muslims Sunnis included to unite against the US tells me they hate the US for different reasons. They hate the US for taking advantage of the Iranian economy and for propping up the Shah. They hate the Jews due to the nature of their country being a theology. All Muslim countries hate Israel, from Socialist Nassar in Egypt to Nationalist Saddam in Iraq. Iran's hatred is filled with a more prominent resolve.
I find that even though I like Shia Islam more than Sunni, it's still Islam at its core and I think the problems Persia has right now is due primarily to Islam. I wish they'd restore Zoroastrianism but that's never going to happen. It's a shame because I would love to join up with the Persians and wipe the Israelis off the face of the earth but so as long as they follow any form of Islam, it would just boil down to the enemy of my enemy is my friend doctrine. And that always is convenient until it isn't and they become your enemy.

Iran's only crime is its being in israel's neighborhood.
See also: pretty much every other country in israel's neighborhood that has had the US pounding the piss out of it because israel.

I don't think they actually care about that, at all. Do you have any proof? What I do know is that actual commies are pro-gun only in the sense that they don't want the working class disarmed (whom they all think are non-White, of course). They see it as a "bourgeois idea". That said, Iranians are not commies, if anything they're politically moderate even in the West. They are sometimes liberal-minded though, but not SJW-tier in any way.

Amen to that. Also, isn't it hilarious how practically more than half of commies nowadays aren't even poor? The other lesser half is unemployed, which is NOT part of the working class.

Iranians burning the US flag is their form of nationalism because the militant zionist globalism in the middle east all stems from the US. leftists in the US burning the US flag is an attack on what little white America there is left to patriotic about and white people in general

(trips of truth)
Confirmed. If this is what anti-White commies want, then what's stopping them from creating some faux revolution about going into the houses of White families and then gunning then down and throwing their corpses in massive bonfires in major cities while singing Kumbaya?

Yeah I do, I didn't post it because the link fucked it up so here it is:
The Marxist-Commies support guns until they get into power and restrict gun rights so they cant overthrow them. It's a trait of a oligarchy.
That said, the Iranians are a theological oligarchy, which is why I don't trust them. It's one thing to be run by a government that's pursuing secular policies and one that's doing it by theological nature. It's anti-science, reactionary, and zealous which worries me. The Soviets, when they invaded Afghanistan, were fought by Muslims terrorists that were funded by the United States. Years later, 9/11 happens by the same Muslims the United States funded. You can't and shouldn't side with religious extremists because they're far more unpredictable. It's the also the fact that I don't adhere to the enemy of my enemy policy. It's not the best idea in the long run because you end up splitting the spoils with someone who is still your enemy.
Which is why I wish Iran was Zoroastrian, I can trust a Zoroastrian over a Muslim due to the less hostile nature of the religion compared to Islam.

Does the am*rifat flag smell like hamburgers when you burn it? Based Persians.

Let me get this straight, you're saying I should worry more about the faggot flirting with my underage son just down the street the the Iranians thousands of miles away?

How is that possible, in clown world Iranians bad faggots good. Everyone knows that.

Islam is practically contradictory to the beliefs of Western leftists. So why are they claiming to support Islam when they are feminists and homosexuals themselves?

The difference is Iran usually burns Israel's flag at the same time.

The United States was found by Freemasons, the United States flag means the slow march of anti-segregation into Whites not being allowed to live separately in North America. I can't believe I have uncles and a great uncle who died in those stupid jew wars for White slavery, I can't believe my brother in the Air Force wants to invade Iran because "something something the Iranians are secret pagans who hate Israel".

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1620x1159, 222.96K)

Black, and nonwhite communists in general, are the worst communists, in my opinion. Why? Because they completely defeat the whole purpose of communism. Remember that one time when communism was about class struggle and helping out the poor regardless of race? Well it turns out that's not what communism is about anymore, according to them.

As even if you're a white communist, they will still hold you accountable for "racism" just because you're born white. It's interesting how third world shitskins are completely different from western shitskins. Just like what OP said about Iranians, Khamenei actually has some of the same rhetoric as they do (anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism), but ultimately he's against both capitalism and communism because he stands with Islam. Yet he has never told his own people to kill white Americans unlike what black communists think.

I don't remember North Koreans or Venezuelans wanting to kill them, either. These black communists are basically thriving on universities and actually live in one of the whitest states.

It would seem that there is value in DNA, and some have less of it. They have integrated the spirit of communism far more than anybody else.

You're on the wrong board, pal. But yeah, you're right about white commies being antagonised by the colored ones. Which is exactly why white commies want to die at the hands of colored commies.


The sad state of younger generation is that they are so retarded that they are forgetting what things are called. One piece is a type of bikini and bleach is a compound to remove stains. They probably call them some faggy meme terms. idiots.

But what was a naruto?

Where does the "solidarity among workers" part play into this? Why are they even marxists in the first place when they don't even want to corporate to the kosher revolutionary cause?


Welp, I borrowed one of OP's pics. I even used the same quote from Rouhani. I've shown this to the nignog commie and compared him to the Persians like what said OP did, then I get this. I created a twitter account just for this to happen… It's just as I expected, though.

As for some dox, the only information I have about this guy is from some Zionist kike website that tracks down the internet information of pro-Palestine, but anti-white and pro-faggot leftists: I'm telling you, their views of white people are extremely warped as all hell. Reminder that whites have 99.999999% most likely never done anything to them personally. They're not even poor just as some anons ITT have said.

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I don't see either of them burning Israel flags.

Both are controlled opposition.

They couldn't really ever restore Zoroastrianism. It's a hereditary religion, you can't convert to it, you can't marry into it. And the only people who were Zoroastrians were the Persians, who have been raped and ethnically replaced by Arabs until the only 'pure' Persians that remain exist on the fringes of civilization in Iran and the surrounding countries.

These days what does the US flag represent?

Attached: e84u34873509134j3t9w8098345.jpg (783x624, 71.16K)

Wrong, Iranians do burn Israeli flags. In fact, inciting "Death to America" is prohibited in radio and television. While "Death to Israel" isn't. As for leftists, they do, but not as much. Their true goal is to put up a new flag, which is mostly red.


Sad fate but the solution's actually simple. Have Zoroastrians in power in Iran and have them begin a program where pure blooded Zoroastrian Persians pay less taxes if they have a big family while raising taxes, the bigger the family, the less they have to pay. In two-three generations, the demographics will be put back on track and along with penalizing Muslim Iranians, discouraging them to breed, the Muslim population will decrease as well. If that doesn't work. You can allow Zoroastrian Persian men to marry pure blooded but Shia Persian women so her children will be Zoroastrians.

I'm actually wondering. Seeing how it's 100% legal to burn the stars and stripes, how legal is it to burn other countie's flags. Maybe, other flags that have less stars on it…

The American flag ceased representing anything valid when the nation died On the 11th of September, 2001 a parasitic & murderous foreign power attacked and killed thousands of Americans on US soil in full view of the world.

Now there only exists a zombie state where the USA once flourished.

It's leaders spend its wealth and send its sons to die on behalf of the attacker.

Since 2001 the American flag has become only a proxy symbol for the Jewish state. Who gives a shit if it burns?

Attached: u67554fyiug987875653.jpg (678x516 44.4 KB, 55.85K)

Leftists seethe US flag in a different way. They see it as a symbol of "muh racist White supremacy", therefore all Whites in the US "need to be exterminated". Funny how Supreme Leader Khamenei kind of has the same rhetoric as cultural marxists have, and yet he has never actually hated Europeans for being born European.

Actually, it's even funnier when shitskin/nigger commies are practically almost all racial supremacists, however I'm not saying tribalism is a bad thing here. They're having a hard time admitting that all they would ever want out of their lives is to get away from White people, Louis Farrakhan admits this. Full of antiwhite and we wuz kangz rhetoric? Sure, but they're just not as inconsistent as shitskin/nigger commies. As the latter would mostly never know what they want out of life beyond tweeting the many hundred times you want to kill a White person even though they wouldn't, well, most of the time. Okay, it's more like half of the time.

Unlike Louis Farrakhan and the NOI as a whole, however, the shitskin/nigger commies all fall flat on their arguments when it comes to their support for homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, and straight up globalism and internationalism (no borders/no nations). In fact, they shouldn't even be supporting abortion since it's the #1 nigger killer, neither feminism or homosexuality (even though they are the mostly likely race to be homosexual). Even some Black Pride groups understand this. They're only following false prophet ideologies because they were taught to.

There are also Americans (and ((())) ) banning the Southern flag.

Attached: Confederate_Union_Jack.png (1000x632, 37.1K)