7 levels of awakening

7 levels of awakening

the one thing that the denizens of the alternative media have in common is that almost all of them display some ignorance of what God's Word, the very foundation of all reality, says at some level (some more extreme than others)

People need to liberate themselves from their dependence on what will eventually change and pass away; the Word of God is eternal and never-changing, and provides the framework where one can truly be liberated from bondage and darkness.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Go sell your bibles in some other place.

You: >go somewhere else
Also you: >*is here*

yo nog, why are you here then, you retard gamma faggot?

Ah yes. Christianity.
All are welcome here.
Tell me about the Bible and Jesus

Don't do that.

I refuse to believe this shit isn't bait

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Rabbis can fuck off
Death to all adamite scum

Christ cuck

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sounds like you're making the mistake of taking the JP and the JQ pills together and downing it with bleach

Synagogue of satan out in full force as usual

filthy nigger loving semites, leave this board

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Roman Catholicism is not even biblical Christianity you kike

How do you fellows define race? And what is the standard of truth you use that leads you your conclusions?

Why don't you Christfags get your own house in order before you try proselytizing to other WN. People might actually take you seriously then.

I was there for it when the expanding brain/mind meme was invented.


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you aren't fooling anyone filthy race traitorous spiritual semite

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Why don't you stop sucking Jordan Peterson's lobster cock and using it as a reason to assume that you already know how orderly other people's houses really are?


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i hope you daughter marries a holy nigger and gives you a lot of godly mulattos

Keep it on with your glownigger trash; keeps this thread more visible đź‘Ś

nice strawmemes bro

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If that happens, at least it would be better than marrying a white that acts like a degenerate nigger like you

always a pleasure to demonstrate what a low filthy race traitorous "people" christmutts are, a religion of spics, negroid and ungodly mongrels

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Was joseph cucked by god?

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shit thread try harder


Abraham the Ancient Cuckold?

Sarah & Abimelech", 1960 by Marc Chagall.

>Today, as I was catching up on my daily reading of the Bible through the ESV Reading Plan, I was dumbfounded to find Abraham, once again, willing to sell his wife into adultery to become a cuckold.

It was just eight chapters ago, that Abraham sold his wife into adultery with Pharaoh, and here we see Abraham doing the same thing with Abimelech!

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Adam and Eve (The First Cuckold Relationship) Samael and Lillith

shoo shoo (((Rosenburgists)))

Will never understand what people see in some jewish carpenter and his hippy friends


The Secret Lives of Christian Swingers

A few years ago, the Ashley Madison website made waves through the Christian community. The site told people that having an affair would, in fact, be good for a marriage rather than harmful. Most who spoke against it talked about the sometimes-irreparable damage it would cause on marriages.

But, one of the questions that started surfacing out of the discussion on adultery was, “What is okay to do sexually within a marriage?

Since the advent of this question, there has been a growing belief in the Christian community that if both parties within a marriage agree and participate, then anything goes. That is, if one spouse shares a fantasy with the other, and both parties are game, then it is okay to play that out, regardless of what it is or who it involves. The end goal of participating in these sexual behaviors is ultimately to enhance the relationship.

Enter, “Christian Swinging.”

Yes, you read that correctly. Christian Swinging. With taglines like, “Meet local Christian swingers who believe that an open and honest relationship with each other will keep any marriage fresh and exciting,” websites are popping up to help Christian couples meet other Christian couples for the purpose of swinging.

Is it so wrong if both marriage partners are aware and agree? While the “anything goes” mindset might sound like the latest way to spice up your marriage, this reasoning couldn’t be more faulty, damaging, and unbiblical.

The sexual act is meant to be a monogamous experience, between one man and one woman, within the marriage context (Gen 2:24-25). Believing that the relationship will be enhanced by anything other or in addition to that is an all out lie by the Evil One himself. Bringing another person into the sexual relationship, even if it is seen as “strictly sexual,” is contrary to God’s design (Heb 13:4). Whether the person is real or fictional, depicted on a screen, in your mind, or in the room itself, there is never a place to justify a third, or fourth, or more.

Even beyond the marital commitment between a man and woman, God designed sex to be a relationship that unites persons made in the image of God. Daniel Heimbach reminds us in True Sexual Morality, that, from the very beginning, God created man and woman as His image bearers and that there is an “obvious link between bearing God’s image and how He intended that we use the gift of sex. How we behave sexually has to be consistent with what it means to bear God’s image.”1

Let me encourage you and your spouse to take some time tonight and just check in with each other. Where does your marriage stand in its sexual purity?

Have both of you protected your sexual relationship from including another person be it either by mental fantasy, pornography, or inappropriate relationships?
Do you both view sex as a way to build relational intimacy that far exceeds physical pleasure?
Is the sexual relationship between the two of you intimate and spiritual rather than a shallow physical act?
Do you both view the sexual act as part of “becoming one flesh” and a gift God gives to a husband and wife, to be shared only between the two?

You may not be a swinger, but neither can you assume that your marriage is immune from succumbing to the lie that an illicit sexual relationship is good for your marriage. If you struggled to affirm any of the above statements, God provides a way of redemption. Let today be the day that you turn the other direction and run to Christ. Let today be the day and your spouse commit to protecting the gift of a sexual relationship God has given your marriage.

Sex is good, beautiful, satisfying, and intimate. It provides relational depth, is wonderful in every detail, and truly brings glory to God if we understand and embrace it the way God designed it.

Explain to us how that little story there is something that the Holy Bible actually includes?

Oh wait, you can't. Nice try bub


Wives, Cuck Your Husbands in Church

The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.

1 Corinthians 14: 34-35

The churchychristians who like to talk about the role of women in church fall into several camps. Two of the most clearly-delineated of these are (1) “Women are absolutely forbidden to speak in a church meeting,” and (2) “Paul was speaking to a particular culture at a particular time, and that verse in One Corinthians (hey, Donald!) is not applicable to today’s women.”

To hell with those debates. Here’s the meat of the matter. That portion of Scripture is designed to prevent wives from spiritually cuckolding their husbands with the Professional Pastor.

Who’s to be the spiritual head of the woman…the husband, or the pastor?

Okay, if you answered correctly, then ask yourself why a wife should ask a question about anything biblical directed to some seminary-trained parasite? If the husband doesn’t know the answer, he should think and study and find out the answer. If he holds an incorrect answer, he should try to find the correct answer. If he holds a correct answer, why ask a mercenary minister?

Ah, but look at what happens in almost every church, almost every Sunday. Wifey puts up her hand, blushes, smiles, and titters, “Um, Pastor Mark, does Genesis 110, verse four thousand really mean that straight shifts are superior to automatic transmissions?” The pastor smiles gently, says, “Thank you, that’s a really good question. Let’s open our bibles to that passage and unpack this a bit….” And all the while, huz-huz-husband sits passively by, smiling at his wife and at the pastor and at those who turned around in their pews to offer supportive smiles at the so-earnest wife, and he lets his wife get taught by this guy who didn’t even grow up locally and has no vested interest in the community outside of his paycheck and retirement plan.

And churchy men stand by and take this kind of bullshit. It never even occurs to them that they are allowing the pastor to spiritually cuckold them.

One wonders if the wife is aware of it. Or the pastor. Who knows? I don’t. Women and paid preachers both belong to sly groups. I don’t understand a woman who would undercut her husband, and I sure as hell don’t understand a male who is unashamed of living off of the wages of working men by doing nothing more than bullshitting their way through their little happytalks and leading public prayers that violate everything Jesus Christ ever taught on the topic and offering vapid, inane answers to questions posed by people whose family lives are being torn apart by drugs, niggerloving daughters, and the feminist imperative.

To those of you who are still ensnared in the organized church….I hate that for you. I try to warn you, but you need those authority figures and those regularly-scheduled cracker & juice playtimes.

Better you than me.

What is the point you're making there? That some Christian woman essentially affirms that "Christian swinging" is an oxymoron, right?

>>>Zig Forums



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I'd trust Rosenberg every day over rabbi Sha'ūl ha-Tarsī

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Orthodox Christian here. I'd rather go worship in some hole in the ground constantly on the alert for the gestapo coming to gas me than live in this shit hole clown world. Promoting Christianity is counter productive in this world: we did just fine with a few scared apostles shaking in a cave: The only thing you should be selling to your fellow whites is the truth about the holocaust and the JQ. I will also accept rehabilitation of Hitler.

There is no saving someone's soul if their minds are mired in jewish bullshit.

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Kek. You people.

Those Christian articles that speak out against cuckery are pretty good, dude. Keep droppin the knowledge on these glowniggers

In fairness, no. 1) Jesus isn't God, 2) Joe and Mary weren't married yet, 3) if in case God had impregnated Mary, its incorporeal, or they did it in the 9th dimension, so it doesn't count. In fairness. He's not the first miraculous conception myth.

Any particular reason that every name in the list is a known Rebel Media shill?

Not ony are you a filthy cuckold but you are a deluded liar. Typical christkike

what's your scriptural support there buddy?
also, are you saying that the gospel is jewish bullshit?

fuck off leftypol

Ya know.. I actually have a weird story about this.

So, last year I fucked a married woman, and I've been talking to her off and on since then (but very much not in 'that' way), its blatantly obvious she still wants the D, but because of regret and life circumstances I've avoided it. Well, the other night some crazy nutter lady wanted to preach to me about saving me or something, and told me "jesus told me to talk to you and help you seek him out, and he knows you have some sexual sin you need to seek forgiveness for.. just know time is running out, this country doesnt have long left and you need to fix that before its to late"

It… was pretty trippy… I mean, I don't even know this bitch, I don't present myself in a sexual way or flirt with women openly or anything like that, I play it all pretty straight laced and up standing citizen (because, until last year, I was.. and its really the only bad thing I've done in my adult life where I've directly wronged another person)… but to know nothing about me, see only the very upstanding side, and still somehow nail me for that?… it was just… well, trippy.

Sometimes it makes me wonder if maybe those nutters dont actually have some connection

you got any actual arguments for how you arrive to the conclusion that the the true God of the Holy Bible is a "cuckold god"?

So far, all I see is a classical case of projection.

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John 8:44

retard, you're examining the character of fallen human beings who are sinful. God has no sin, and cannot sin. You're not doing so well for your case so far, niggerfaggot


this level of coping, I'm sure True Christianity™ is based and redpilled but has never been tried!