Taylor Swift donates $113G to Tennessee LGBTQ advocacy group

>According to the (((Tennessee Equality Project))), Swift donated $113,000 to the organization on Monday. The group posted a handwritten letter from Swift, where she cited the recent petition of Tennessee faith leaders who opposed a series of bills that they say target LGBTQ individuals.

>Swift praised the (((religious leaders))) for giving all people a place to worship.



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I want the niggers to leave.

I noticed that too. Unfortunately after it was too late to edit it out


Maybe the people doing transvestigations into Taylor were onto something. I'm sure she used to be a woman, but it wouldn't shock me if she was replaced. Just look at her now, disgusting.

who cares

It wasn't about her. She was used to push the message. Same way we used Wendy from Wendy's


I live there. Faggots, niggers, and jews - Raus!

==SLATE OF HATE== sounds like a heavy metal album.



What would happened if an obsessed fan killed her?

Wow, I'm a nigger.


Take a hike TOR kike

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So, in that case. How to ruin TayTays day? How about spamming Tay pee pee poo poos torturing fags?

how about rape

Anthrax or ricin envelope but in minecraft.

She didn't do shit. Worthless beta cuckolds worshipped her and implanted false ideals onto her. She was always a kike slave.

>Same way we used Wendy from Wendy's
You mean the same way you were co-opted into spreading corporate advertising?


she was a golem

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If you EVER liked Taylor Swift past the age of 23 (being very liberal here), you have an irredeemably niggered-out shit taste in music and you should promptly kill yourself.

post their dox so they can mysteriously get robbed

He's male-to-female trans himself, like Emma Watson and all the rest of them.
Sometimes I wish that I could be a fly on the wall of a Hollywood jew meeting, just to share in their amusement at all the young White lads who idolize what is just a lanky man with plastic surgery.
Not because I hate Whites, but I do hate people who have access to all the evidence and are even shown it, yet refuse to believe because they're ashamed that they masturbated over a man.
As usual, Mr.E breaks it down to levels even an NPC should be able to digest.

take any girl who can sing, and very quickly she is going to be totally compromised, body and soul by jews.

A little much for one celeb golem. Save that for more important denizens of Minecraft.

jews relish building up and tearing down, building up the replacement by tearing down whatever they've built and profited on, it's an age old story if one looks into it.

johnny goyim falls for it every-time, like the dumb cattle they all are

I'm sure Wendy's was overjoyed having their mascot associated with Natsoc and WN. Same as Papa John's. They loved it so much that they fired the papa John guy for not cucking hard enough.


Mighty short index fingers…

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she's been lost to (((hollywood))) illuminati mind control. that shit is real, though it sounds insane.

no one likes her music, we just want to drink her pee and have her spank us.

Why do jews always out themselves through their sexual fetishes?

Why are some people still fanboying this KIKE WHORE?

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She's just as fake as all other alt-right bitches and the whole movement itself.

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She looked ok, but her heart was kiked. She's passed the ideal childbearing age now, and if she doesn't abort the next one, it'll be a retard jew or nigger baby.


It's a shame. She'll be too old to be raped when it will be legal to rape whores like her.

She's 29, retard, but yeah, she should abort whatever abominations she has. No white should ever have that for a mother.

Hi, pederast jew (redundant, I know).


God, the whole reason she was popular in the first place was because she exuded right-wing-esque appearances. Now she's becoming a zion-whore. She'll probably end up doing a Miley or Katy Perry slut walk. Only the worst degenerates will follow her then, with increasing degenerate behavior.
Becky is gone.

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Good, serves you faggots right for being retarded and thinking a woman, let alone a fucking kike owned pop-star who makes shit manufactured music was ever on our side. You beta cucks need to stop this fucking white knighting of women and grow a fucking pair


missionary, solely for procreation gets boring.

Fuck jews are so dumb these days. Once they were great meme wizards like Josephus. Now they are dumbfucks like beni shapirrro and charles schumer.

Who gives a fuck what a celeb is doing to show solidarity with their jewish puppet masters?

this is funny as fuck


dude looks like a lady

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I don't know. I would place my erect penis in her tbh. No poop or pee or blood or whatever jews like.

There's a psychopath on the loose! I've been assaulted by a trips roastie on the interweb! Help! Murder!


I care if her icloud pice leak.
Come on john I know you post here wishing you were white.
Post her pics.
At least prove she is a female.

I don't even recognize you anymore.

She should have had six "White™" children by now. At least three with jm. She is gettign married to here britfriend soon tho. He will nut in her 100% and make mostly nordic + a little bretonic babies.


Denounce xir tay tay.

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Does anybody even live near one. That's how you know you do not live in mostly European area. Always where Africans and Mayanos are. Never in China town or the rolling hills / mountains (Euro).

Sounds a lot like Muzak, yet didn't mind her in this video.

Attached: Wildest Dreams - African Culture.webm (640x480, 10.63M)

Generally, you want to live an hour or more from the closest walmarx. Or any supermarket, for that matter.

I live in a 98% white county and there's a Walmart here

Sam Walton was a white man, wasn't till after his death his kids took over and kiked it up

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According to that chart I'm a woman. What bullshit.

Just throwing this out there, but as rich as Taylor is 113 grand is probably what she'd spend on a nice evening out.

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I'm not surprised. Did you guys see how depressed she was when Zig Forums started shilling for that subhuman nigger filth kayne whatever? She was on your side before you backstabbed her like a pack of kikes.

That was also my first thought, G corresponds to x10^9 within SI prefixes.

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WTF I love Taylor Swift now.

Why 113?
Why not 100 or 150 or even 120?
Who donates unrounded amounts and why?
I smell a conspiracy.



Give the niggers reparations and they might leave.

Not all torfags are created equal.

I live in a rich white area (sprinkling of Asians) in Canada. On rare occasion, I when I visit my nearest walmart it's chock full of some of the blackest looking niggers I've ever seen. I don't understand where they live? Does walmart just bus them in to mill about to create an enriching experience? I've never seen anything like it.

They normally all pile into cheap apartments in groups of 4-5. It's disgusting.

Either that or the government bought them some expensive housing nearby. This country is ruined by the way, when you look at the schools in any urban area, it looks like Africa. In 20 years, Canada will be ruled by ruthless Chinese automatons lording over a population of subhumans making a close approximation to Brazil. There will be pockets of whites steadily struggling to avoid the nigger plague, possibly moving north to colder and colder climates to escape enrichment.

Mistake? G stands for gorillion, right?

It's not bullshit… the metrics are clear regarding the proportions of those fingers Vis-à-vis sexual dimorphism. Do the research.

But biological rules have exceptions. Don't kill yourself or cut your dick off before talking to Bruce Jenner..

She just threw away $113,000.00.
Holy shit.
This is Tennessee we are talking about, not California.
What a waste.


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it all related to the manipulation of the stock price and public funding. No doubt the jews control the Federal Reserve Bank and all evil flows from there.


Please pay attention. This is literally Tax time…she had to donate this money to lower her gross adjusted income. It could have went anywhere else like cancer or orphans and its a chance to virtue signal to the left. She isnt giving money away for a cause to be generous..her accountant gave her a number to donate somewhere and shes scoring points with her fans.

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That's a nice Beshine morph.

Y'all need to pull your heads out of your asses and stop defending a woman who has produced literally billions in revenue for the record industry while championing exactly zero conservative causes.

Tell me anons, is she tranny or not?
And if not, why didn't some tough man kidnap her and dump some proper wagner-hitler-nietzscher elixir into her skull already?

Sorry buddy, the "Taylor Swift is my Nazi Waifu meme" was just a meme. I don't know if I buy that "everyone in hollywood is a tranny" thing though. Not that it would really shock me at this point if it were true. Honk honk.

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Only one way to find out.

rape him

Nope. They are never that attractive
She also has real family.

Fuck off faggot.

Taytay is a dyke. Check CDAN for more Enty digs Taytay and her "bff" Karlie Kloss.


I'm a proud HomoNazi dedicating my life to eradicating the Transdimensional Jew, especially for what it did to my soul. The only goal is revenge.

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like pottery

I liked her before she was 18, unironically, but that was just about looks. Everyone in hollyjew gets ruined. I don't know how anyone here could be shocked.

Livestream your suicide.


Seriously? Conservatards are gayer than actual faggots these days.

Always kill those who support faggot abominations first. Before killing the abominations soon after.

Its not by accident that Tennessee was chosen, of course like all Republican areas in the country, Tennessee is fine with jews but is not ok with sexual degenerates and so this money is specifically targeted to be used by jews in a place where Whites aren't having to deal with as much sexual degeneracy like other parts of the country.

Though, what am I saying? By trusting in jews, it was bound to happen that the jews would subvert the goyim, I mean the Byzantines were literally protecting jews within their walls when the city fell to the Muslims. One has to wonder who left those doors open at the walls of Constantinople?

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So what else is new?

She looks like an ugly trap.


