Today I voted for Benny Gantz in the Israel democratic election. I'm sick of Netanyahu's corruption and his inability to make peace with the Palestinians. Under Gantz the military will still be strong but we have a chance for better relations with the rest of the world.

Who did you guys vote for? Or if you aren't an Israel citizen, who did you support in the elections today?

Will update this thread once we find out the election winner in about 12 hours.

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This thread should be hilarious

This is a political forum and everyone here loves to talk about Jews and Israel.

Surely the Israel election should be major news for a community of people with such a keen interest in Zionism!

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ariel sharon is not available so there's really no point participating.

Rolling for extreme right wing


Ariel Sharon and Rabin were the only 2 Israeli prime ministers who genuinely came close to peace with the Middle East.

We would live in a different world today if either of them had succeeded.

Ariel Sharon suffered a fucking horrible end. He had a stroke and because he didn't die he was still getting paid a salary as a prime minister. The law in Israel says the prime minister keeps getting paid unless he dies or is voted out. So his family kept him alive on machines for 8 FUCKING YEARS collecting his paychecks until he finally died.

Rabin was so close to making peace and then he got murdered by a hardcore Zionist guy who didn't want peace.

Hopefully we can see a better leader in Israel soon. The people of this country want change.

I'm not Jewish, I'm Atheist :)

One day your tiny state of kikes will be leveled to the ground with a nuke or explosives to the nearest ammonia factory.

Death to Israel.
Free Palestine.

Both the leading parties in the polls are very right wing - so I think you'll get your wish!

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This is some high level jewery

Hey you kike rats, Trump gave you shitbags the Golan heights to colonize, not this fucking board. Now climb back in your cattle cars, and fuck off.

Netanyahu wins. Enjoy your pretend election.

Sorry, but that's just not a logical way to view the world.

Israel has a major nuclear arsenal hidden in underground bunkers in the deserts. Because of this it's suicide for any country to mount a serious attack. Even if another country hit Israel with a bunch of nukes they could still launch a retaliation large enough to destroy the globe.

Secondly, none of the arab countries who hate Israel the most would nuke it because they would wipe out Palestine.

Israel is basically un-nukable, and un-attackable by any government, the only people who can attack it are terrorists using civilian populations as cover to avoid retailiation.

The only way forward is peace

There's been heaps of Jews openly posting here, I've seen AMA's, pictures of guys posting from Tel Aviv beaches, and Jews in all kinds of threads recently.

Like it or not a significant percentage of the people reading and posting here are Jewish

Sadly, I expect that you are correct

Fuck off AND kill yourself you disgusting yid

Thanks Tarrant aka ZOG boy.

no digital machtollbooth fichero?!
how odd, here in the states they let the liberals run them…

Yeah, that does explain a lot.




I think Tarrant opened our eyes to the need to communicate more with people who hold different opinions.

The only way we can bring peace to the world is to engage with those we hate and find the things we have in common.

This is the most jewish thing I've heard all year, and I was just in the house committee thread

the foundation myth
How does one recognize a foundation myth? It fulfills three functions.

1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of the "Holocaust" and WW2 has become their foundation myth. It fulfills all three functions.

1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2) Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. And by law throughout most of Europe.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

This is by design.

Yeah, no.


And? Do you think muzzies actually give a fuck about each other? No, they dont. They'd view their deaths as for allah or some shit, and not give a rats ass. Thats ASSUMING they even cared enough to have some need to justify it to themselves. They could just say "you failed allah by not eliminating the jews on your own… and failing allah means you're not a true mudslime" or some such

You can hardly call yourself a diehard Nazi or white supremicist if you don't even know about Israel and the Jews.

That's like hating steak when you've never eaten a steak. You have to concede that you might be wrong about the taste until you try it!

Are you suggesting that we start eating Jews?

Well aren't you a fucking gent, keeping us bad goyim in the loop.

Do you like pork? :^)

Personally I don't buy into the whole "great man" theory that Hitler was a history changer by himself.

I think he just personified a general anti-semetism that was rampant at the time, caused mainly by the Catholic church

Yea I eat pork every day. I ate 2 ham sandwiches for lunch.

You can get pork and non-Kosher food everywhere in Israel

I'm honestly curious about the election, I didn't even know you were having one, is your guy going to win?

You know the rules. These Jews are craftier than I thought…

I support Bibi. His inbred spergery was always a major redpill for the masses, but with Yael Kushner's dad in the White House, his chutzpah has been reaching levels that never seemed possible. Jewish power has never been this blatant.

As a militant Jewish supremacist I'm sure Netanyahu has it in the bag. And if he didn't get back in where would Trump get his policy ideas from?

As a Russo-israeli this is very interesting…
Russia and Israel have been friends since the beginning, especially when ukies are cozying up with Iran……

As you wish, a picture of the pork in my fridge to prove I'm not a secret Jew in disguise.

You know a lot of people in Israel aren't Jewish right?

A lot of the people who post here don't actually seem to know much about Israel despite hating it so much.

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Kek curse judea.

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Benny is a leftist brudder

No I don't think the guy I voted for even has a chance, but I'm hoping.

Netanyahu has everyone scared. The hardcore Jews think he's the only one who can keep the country safe - and that if they vote in someone more "liberal" it could erode the powers of the religious people.

Israeli Jews are quite divided between the really religious and the moderately religious who are more like regular first world people

Bullshit. Saying you're a non-jew in Israel is like saying you just hang out at a gay bar because you like the drinks. You're an ethnic jew, regardless of what sky entity you worship.

that is why they were done away with.
isreal is just a redshield colony at this stage.

Have you seen today's hearing?

Good God. That's like a metaphor for the holocaust. A thing that is devoid of any existence is kept alive for years and years just so jews can make money out of it.


I'm actually ethnically Dutch and don't have any Jews in my family.

I don't hate Jews though like most people here, I mean I live in a Jewish country!

I see, too bad


Kill yourself

A lot of people born and living in Israel aren't Jewish at all. I mean for a start almost 25% of people here are Muslim.

Israel is very diverse, even more than most western countries. You have Europeans, Africans, Jews, Arab Muslims.

There's not many Asians or Indians though.

It's fucked up. Religion leads to such horrible things

I hope a Palestinian murders Gantz and Netanyahu both you disgusting kike parasite



I'll be going to sleep soonish (It's 1am here in Jerusalem) but in the morning I'll update you all on the election results and answer any unanswered questions.

Love being part of this community and seeing such a diverse array of people. Where else in the world can you have Nazis, Jews, Blacks, Muslim extremists, etc, all mixing and socialising in one place???

This is truly the pinnacle of freedom of speech, and for all the horrible things posted here that part is beautiful.

Love all you lads.

Almost all of us do.

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Not ze best place for this post.

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What would happen to Israel if the USA would collapse?

Since the Gaza wall was erected and the demolition law put in place murders by Palestinians have dropped to almost nothing. It's a major news event when anything happens now.

Outside of the West Bank everywhere in Israel is 100% safe. You can walk around at night without issues, etc.

Israel outside of the West Bank is safer than most American and European cities.

They have Russia and the EU to parasite off of, plus alliances with India and China.

I don't have anything to ask. Your leaders are cunts. You clear Muslims from your neighborhood and send them to our countries to cause hell. Don't just dump your shit on other people. Sort it out yourself before someone sorts it out for you.

You disgust me you fucking adamite
Can’t wait till we only have a hundred million total worldwide population of all white people.

Israel is much stronger than people here seem to realise, in terms of the military and economy.

People talk about the aid money the US government gives to Israel. What they don't realise is that in return for the aid money Israel gives the US weapons and medical technology, software, etc. The aid from the US is just part of the trade relationship, it's not actual money for nothing.

Obviously if the US collapsed it would hurt Israel, but Israel has major trading relationships with many other countries, an independent military, nukes, and a software industry that is second only to Silicon Valley.

Israel has heaps of Muslims, 25% of people in Israel are Muslim.

There's Muslim cops and Muslim people in the parliament.



Syria is not a concern to anyone in Israel. Israel basically sends fighter planes in and bombs targets in Syria any time they feel like it, and the Syrians can't even retaliate.

The war in Syria had nothing to do with Israel, Israel definitely didn't want a destabilised neighbour and purposely avoided doing anything that might wipe out Assad

Quintessentially jewish. There should be a statue to that in Israel. It perfectly captures the jewish spirit.

You know what I'm talking about. Refugees. Your Zionist arm creates them and your progressive arm lets them into our countries.

Actually silicon valleys big tech giants have their headquarters or research and development in Israel

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Actually the US gives Israel maximum about 3 billion a year, a fraction of money in terms of how much they make. In return Israel gives the US technology (medical, military, and software).

Google "Israel gdp" and you'll see the country of Israel makes 350 billion per year. The 3 billion from the US is a drop in the ocean.

People here don't understand world economics well, you can find this information out almost anywhere that isn't a forum with lots of white nationalists

The Golan Heights were stolen for their wealth of oil beneath the ground. Kushner and Ira Greenstein at Genie Energy are heavily invested in this land as is Benjamin Netanyahu and his Rothschild masters.

Then end the foreign aid and repay America for the lives lost fighting your wars.

So why are you still taking it, you cheap bastard?

Exactly, that's just another example of the US benefitting from the Israel economy. They have their headquarters in Israel because they benefit from Israeli technology and research, two things the Israel economy is extremely strong at

Why is that?

It's part of the trade between the US and Israel. US gives Israel money, Israel gives the US military technology they don't give to other countries.

Sorry to reveal to you but most of the worlds best military and medical technology is actually invented by Jews!

I voted for nuclear hellfire. Counting down the results now.

And the world's worst social technology.

why do you think the US military attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and soon to be Iran?

Israel stole all of Africa's gold and diamonds and are still thieving it.

It was one of the only good thing Netanyahu did, he purposely put all these laws in place to encourage the growth of the tech industry.

Because Israel has no natural resources and lots of wars and potential sanctions, the country is focused on industries that make them economically resiliant.

For example no matter how many sancitons other countries put on Israel they will keep buying our medical technology rather than letting their people die. It's a sanction-proof industry.

And technology (software and military) actually stays strong as an industry through war.

This is normal, not a feat.
All those companies also have headquarters in almost every capital city on the planet.

Yea, but they made a LOT of money from it.


So I heard.

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Various reasons, mostly dumb ones. You had an incompetent president (George Bush) who jumped into two wars without good reason.

You should have just taken out the Taliban as a punishment and then left.

As for Syria, that was just a consequence of destabilising Iraq.

As for Iran, really doubt that will ever happen. They'll just keep talking shit to each other. Iran is all bluff, they know they can't survive a war because all the other Arab countries hate them.

It's easy to blame the Jews but every single shit war in the last 20 years in America was basically the fault of George Bush.

Which politician is going to rebuild the temple? And when?

The idea of an incoming civil war is in my opinion just a conspiracy of the far-right.

If you look at the statistics there is actually less conflict and violence in the world than ever before in human history - it's just that the media makes it appear like things are getting worse because fear sells.

The only way change can ever really happen is by voting

Nice vampire glyphs. I would respect you more if you didn't destroy Europe and America for your stupid Greater Israel. You stole Palestine and now you want to take over middle east. You cunts are moust selfish motherfuckers on this planet.

You better fix your problems before rest of this sad planet find solution. Stop poisoning every European party with your zionist crap. We are not your friends. You already poisoned everything from art to economy. Satan's chosen people.

I'm not sure, I vote based on economic issues, against corruption, and for human rights.

I don't pay attention to religious issues because I'm Atheist

Some of those names sound mighty suspicious.



90% of the 'people of god' occupying the biggest welfare state on the planet and in recorded history are atheists user.

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Voting is meaningless. Unsurprisingly in the home base of the * any opposition is infiltrated within 0,000000001 picoseconds.