Solutions megathread

ITT: We discuss and brainstorm solutions to the many obvious problems that plague us today. Rather than being simple ("just, like, fix things"), or retarded ("hurr durr gas the kikes race war now"), write as much as fucking possible - outline the specific problem, then detail what exact solution you believe should be put forth. Other anons should point out potential flaws, and we aim to constructively build up eachother's ideas in order to create better and more effective designs. With that being said, let's get a few things out of the way:

Fuck 'em. By that logic, we might as well not even talk on this website (or anywhere else) if you're so goddamned concerned that everything you say will somehow be used against you. Even then, propose a way to organize and plan outside here, then. Something like the "Take a Walk" is something. Saying "we're doomed, it's hopeless, don't even try, they'll stop anything you ever do, just stop trying…" is blackpill shit, fuck off with that.

Fuck you. I'm tired of seeing nonstop bitching with little to no actual solutions ever being discussed, and then every fucking person being called a "kike shill" for any fucking thing. I can't help but feel that this is what is ultimately desired by (((the powers that be))); turning this place from a bastion of free speech (and thus a primordial soup of ideas) into a designated shitposting board would absolutely be their ideal goal. If you have nothing better to say than some shitty reddit-tier one liner, fuck off.

Fuck everyone who thinks this is anything but a ploy for (((our benefactors))) to seize MORE control. It's literally part of the marxist handbook of toppling governments and then reforming them - destabilize, act as the hero against the artificially created (but very real nonetheless) menace, consume all resources, dump and repeat. You do not cure an ill man by stabbing him repeatedly in the chest. There's entire threads dedicated to the topic of accelerationism; please go there if you want to discuss this particular point.

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Other urls found in this thread:

With that out of the way, I'll put forth my own idea.
Formation of confederated independent city-states
I've posted about this before, but I believe the best solution is to create a decentralized, yet co-operative, effort to gain independence. Obviously it won't work by simply going "FUCK YOU KIKES EVERYTHING YOU WANT ILLEGAL IS LEGAL HERE"; that's good way to get Ruby Ridge'd. The idea is, instead, form peaceful coalitions that abide by (if not exploiting) local laws. Rather than doing this in one huge location, though (the ultimate fault of places like Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidians, etc), you'd have multiple spring up across different states (or at least in different locations across one state). The idea here is to form a sort of confederation of enclaves, each aiming to be completely self-sufficient but helping one another out where need be.
Maybe, but that's why you have multiple spring up at the same time. It's easy to go after one place, but a logistical nightmare to go after a bunch at the same time. Look at the invasions of Europe - it wasn't all to one place, they scattered and sprang up everywhere simultaneously (with direct aid from their traitorous government, of course).

The key point is to start off with energy independence - it'd require a lot of capital to get going, but I know damn well there's enough money to pool together that we could easily afford some solar, wind, or even geothermal energy to get shit started. Of course, to even get THIS off the ground, you need a solid construction crew - people educated enough (who speak fucking English) to help set this up, housing, and so on. From here, you could start forming hydroponics farms - you can build these things in any environment, all it requires is the power to maintain them. From THIS, you can start exporting foods. Obviously getting the FDA and shit involved would be a pain in the ass (they'd absolutely find any and all ways to fuck you over), but that's where you try to utilize local farming laws as best as possible and avoid any potentially lawbreaking shit.

With growth like this, you can begin gaining traction, and actually start building upwards (rather than expanding too much to the point that it scares locals). The trick to all of this is to utilize it *all as private property*. Utilize as many fucking laws as you humanly can to defend yourself against hordes of unskilled "undocumented migrant" labor, poor dindu nuffins, innocent merchants, literal retards, etc. It'd be tough to ensure you're not beholden to some retarded quotas, but remember that most of those are self enforced by almost every (((corporation))) anyway. Ideally, because of this, it's unwise to start your base in a shithole like California or the like. Any US state that values personal and business freedom would be most ideal.

Create enclaves, receive paradise.

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Let's, like, all move somewhere were there are like no jews and shit…
Then we'll create a perfect society.

L-like on an island or something.

You're not getting any results until the bread and circuses dry up. As long as there's Netflix and supermarkets, you're going nowhere.

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I'm sure you're being intentionally vague and non-specific as a trolling attempt, but this was discussed several times in the past. The major issue with moving to an island is that you face some SERIOUS logistical nightmares; freight, construction, etc are a pain in the dick to move to an island, which is why it's usually only the ultra-rich that can ever afford to really do so.

The point isn't to get everyone to join, the point is to forge our own destiny. Fuck the rest of the world; they can rot in the hell they've been conditioned to love.

They already existed during the Holy Roman Empire, they were called Free Cities and always ended up being the whores of much larger states like Brandenburg and Prussia.

Plus it's not like either your government would allow it or any of you has enough resources to make it happen.

Unless any of you actually makes it happen and doesn't end up being shot or bankrupt it won't stop being LARP

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The idea wouldn't be to act as a vassal to a larger force, but rather a sort of benign community, irrelevant in the eyes of the government (see: amish).

Again, pooling resources helps a fuckload here. I know there's enough millionaire anons who'd gladly throw money at much dumber shit, so having a well-designed independence plan would be something of a decent pot to throw into. In of itself, it's not a solid plan - it's more like a thesis of one.

Not being shot is probably the hardest part; there's enough Conveniently Placed Gangs Who Definitely Aren't Funded By the CIA that it'd be hard to not get raided all the fucking time, but that's where good planning for security measures comes into play. Making literal castles, moats, etc would be a start.
Yeah, that's the point of being as independent and self-providing as possible - relying on a continual flow of cash would be collective suicide, as you'd get deplatformed off of every possible form of monetary exchange.

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Fantastic thread. Good job OP.
Here's some ideas I have.
Destroy self policing
The only power they have over us is what we let them have. If we all got up right now and walked to our town squares we would have a yellow vest correction in any nation right now.

I agree. I'm mocking them before they come.
There is no unclaimed land and any violent action to take it would anger the jews. Wouldn't want that. That's how you end up having America bring freedom and democracy to your country.

Now, I do want to address your idea a little.
That sounds cool. I love it. I'm not even being sarcastic, I sincerely think that'd be awesome.
However, practically it's almost as unlikely as the Island plan.
First off, where? How? When?
Maybe I'm being a doomer, but I genuinely do not have confidence that we could take over an already established city like Birmingham, Rockville, Vicksburg, or San Antonio even if we had a multi-million dollar, well organized political party.
>Let's just build a city!
Yeah sure but that's as pie in the sky as "hurdur just liek fix everything"
Firstly, Zig Forums cannot do anything grand scale like that. We're not a political party or even any sort of organization at all. Getting anons to do anything is worse than herding cats. It's like herding cats that you can't see. You don't even know if they're cats!
And everyone thinks everyone else is a CIA agent. So if you actually suggest; "Hey, let's all meet here and build a city"
You'll get a never ending stream of

Besides, the logistics of actually building a city are enormous.

That said, I'd love to design a White City from scratch. Remember back when imkamfy was in charge and we had that "Let's build a city" thread?
That was nice.
I'm the old-European architecture guy.

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Abso-fuckin-lutely. Self-policing, in theory, is well and good - but it always seems to conveniently lead to massive infighting, constant divide, and cancer.

A unified ideal is a must. An unwavering and stalwart man will always prevail over the meek and paranoid.

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Is this some kind of utopianism like the Zeitgeist movement?

Surely it would be easier for some psychopathic materialist to take power, real power and implement their vision in the vein of Caesar, Alexander the Great or Napoleon.

Violence. there. That is the only solution.
Anything else will fail while enemies of the white race are alive.
Genocide the jews. Genocide all non-white races. Only after that can any plan be enacted.

There should be an Zig Forums exodus to an area where people should be mandated to lurk one year. That is a reason 8ch went downhill. we allowed too many newfags to feed the shills. to be fair though, shills feed other shills to increase the noise ratio. There has to be an imageboards 2.0 run on blockchains that doesn't require mods or leaders. Someone has to have thought of it. if I had the money, i'd get Zig Forums or whatever to make it.

if you think of it, who self-police themselves? those that are considerate and polite. the logos and self discriminatory. meanwhile the pathos sjw burst out with their outrage devoid of any internal restraint.

Nice, I think I may have saved some of the pictures you posted, user.

Yeah, it's still very much so pie-in-the-sky, but it's the most middle-ground solution I can think of. It absolutely requires a lot of chiseling and grinding out the finer details. However, rather than taking over a city directly, I think the easiest solution is to move into the outskirts of one - you'd have easy access to existing infrastructure, but don't have to beholden to all of its faults. There's some fuckhuge property around the US that, for all intents and purposes of the average layman, isn't worth shit and thus cheap as dirt. Texas, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, and South Dakota all come to mind as good spots for fuckloads of land.

Bonus points if there's already a house or houses built - I remember looking at some properties, and there's a surprising amount that actually have guest houses as well as good sizes houses for under 10 million. This'd be the easiest starting point.

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Screencap your post, print it out on your self, and then we can see it after you've done what you say you will. We will never see your screencap connected to any real world violence because you're inflammation is for imageboard censorship.

If you wouldnt commit violence to defend your imageboard then you dont deserve to have it tbh

There are two modes of thought for this and at risk of being called a CIA agent myself I'll start actually naming specifics.
The two schools of thought are
1. Trying to escape from ZOG
2. Trying to set up forward positions for eventual Reconquista.

The first plan would involve trying to find an area of the US (everyone is an American) that has less shitskins and less kikes and less degeneracy than everywhere else, then building up our numbers there. A less flattering term is "White Flight"
The problem with this idea is that the only areas left are the regions so exploited by ZOG in the past that they're poor as dirt today. For instance, Charlestown WV or Fargo ND
Another problem is that if/when (let's not kid ourselves. It's 'when') the System figures out what's going on, then the ADL, SPLC, and the entire might of the hate-industry would descend upon us to stop us mid-way. There would be battles in the streets and martial law and it would be a fucking blast. And maybe we'd win. Who can say?

The latter plan involves attempting to locate an area right up in the enemy's face that is valuable like Seattle or Portland, moving in in large numbers, and then forming paramilitary organizations to physically drive the enemy out.
An example of what this would look like is Golden Dawn. Not quite as mean as Hezbullah but not quite as nice as your civic homeowners' association either.
The problem with this idea is; could we really win that? The enemy isn't stupid and they'd declare martial law in order to protect the precious faggots, weirdoes, niggers, spics, and of course God's Chosen People.

Frankly, I believe that the only way to take over a city is open rebellion.

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Not quite utopianism, but it certainly would hit all the markers needed for a generally good quality of life. I guess if you consider this a utopian ideal, then sure. The main flaws would come from the necessity of decent health (mentally and physically) among individuals who would help form this structure, but I think a good initial filter is key here to make sure you don't end up with slews of retards. I haven't watched much of Molyneux's stuff, so I'll try and digest this video.

Zig Forums is basically a snowball of different shades of shit over time. The core was solid oldfags from ye olde /b/, but have over time become massively outnumbered by each successive generation of newfags - each more horrifyingly retarded than the last. I think the biggest, most under-utilized phrase in recent years that used to be a staple of chan culture is "lurk moar". I also blame shit like know your meme, making it way too easy for somebody to pretend to belong here rather than integrating naturally and organically.

It's the ever-present issue if you're one of good moral character - you are, by nature, less likely to be radical or extreme. As a result, you're often targeted by the radical and extreme - a never-ending struggle. The solution to this is an impenetrable and unwavering defense. Tireless vigilance is the price one must pay for the glory of true freedom.

t. glownigger

Zig Forums is a board of peace

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Tough question. Maybe one or a few of these; 1) A great deal of citizen violence against globo-homo-shlomo. 2) A great deal of occidental solidarity and cultural reunification. 3) Killing Reporters. 4) Killing Banks. 5) Killing Income Tax. 6) Land Grants to Whites. 7) Land Retractions from Foreign ownership. 8) Georgism based Tax. 9) Sacking the Tin-Pot Market. 10) Homogenous genetic based Citizenship. 11) Foreign Aid charity clawbacks. 12) Occidental Technology clawbacks. 13) Animal and Ocean conservation with industrial fishing, subsistence and sport Hunting for White Men. 14) Removal of ethnically special hunting-fishing rights for aboriginal, inuit, pygmy and injun populations within Occidental Nations. 15) Prioritize scientific anthro-archaeo historical research over anti-white injun court obstructions – abandon diplomatic universalism where outside groups are concerned. 16) Get Japan back in charge of the Chankoro colossus. 17) Glass Islam. 18) Annihilate Atzatlan. 19) Make Dravidapoos Clean up the African Ocean they defiled, or gigadeath themselves. 20) Feed the Animals and Fishes of Africa with a billion Kafirs. 21) Contain white women. 22) School Eugenics. 23) Abort Abortion. 24) Restore Couvade tradition and proper wife ownership. 25) Go Space.

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The former is certainly the right path to go. A lot of people are heavily blackpilled to the point that they believe in some Tolkien-esque ever-present omnipotent evil, but it's not quite so. There may be eyes everywhere, but that doesn't mean they can actually do much but watch in most cases. It takes a surprising amount of work to do shit like the raid of the Branch Davidians. Furthermore, with the right approach and set of plans (with backup plans for every backup plan), you can easily ward off not only the hordes of Diversity, but also the Watchful Eye.

To get this out of the way, I'll have to concede a point that I know will piss a lot of people off, but it must be said - this movement cannot be outright white nationalist. There's reasons why, but too many watchful glowniggers to elaborate. That being said, the best approach is ultimately one that focuses solely on being meritocratic anyway. An extremely important factor is an initial "quarantine" process - fraternal societies do this shit all the time, and it's why they're still around. Like any country worth a damn, you do not just let anybody in just because they said they want in. There must be a HEAVILY strict initial process - no fucking exceptions, for anyone.

A fantastic model to look at would be the amish. Those fuckers know what they're doing, and goddamn do they do it well. Half the time they skirt around local laws, too - but nobody gives a fuck because, well, they're not hurting anyone and are in the middle of nowhere. I think one element we would likely need to utilize is religion. Nothing pre-existing, mind you, but one we make up with the intention of forging our own manifest destiny. Faith is an important element for unity, too - so it fills that need quite well, and also helps to make sure we can stop any abrahamic faggotry from springing up.

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The perfect place to start is the South Island of NZ. Many here, while currently too afraid to say it support the intent (perhaps not the actions) of Brenton Tarrant and despite what msm would have you believe we are still predominately White.

>The key point is to start off with energy independence - it'd require a lot of capital to get going,
Take it by force. The south has several large hydro electric damns that could be seized and defended. Setting mines for "mutual assured destruction" would at least force the issue to negotiation. These dams are able to provide all the energy required in the south. Arguably, they were stolen from the people of NZ via the NZ Constitution Act 1986 that allowed parliament to become self sovereign without ratifying that decision with the people it claimed to represent. This allowed the sell off of many state assets without recompense to those who built them. Enough people remember this timeline for it to be a salable story. One of these dams is also currently fully occupied supplying a ZOG controlled refining industry that could easily be destroyed if the supply was interrupted even for a short time.
We already produce many times the amount of food required to feed the existing population.
Most important is to replace the existing ZOG controlled banking system. For this a crypto-currency is the obvious choice but a lot of work remains to make this palatable for the masses.
Success in destroying the banks would provoke such a putsch to the level of an international crisis, but here we can play China/Russia/etc off against the US to keep the supply of trinkets coming our way.

This idea only really works for trying to effectively take on the whole world; you'd absolutely become public enemy #1 if you took over a dam, no matter how many kiwis might support you. I don't trust NZ enough at this point to want to try moving there and becoming benign, either. But damn, is it beautiful. Such a shame it's being ransacked now.

Reminder that constitutional fixes should be duplicated here

There are a few here that have an appetite for taking on the whole world. We are perfectly positioned for it, The sheep would follow as long as the beer is good enough.

Doing so in one fell swoop wouldn't work, though. At best, you'd have to build up some serious time investment and a lot of people - a "slow burn", where you won't see the immediate gains in your lifetime, but know that your children (or their children, or their children's children, etc) will reclaim the planet.

Agreed, but a few mind-controlled warriors can do the wet work as/when required. ZOG are not the only ones that know how this works.

The video is a rebuttal to the Zeitgeist movement thing that petered out a few years ago. Not nationalist, but some fringe left-libertarian group that proposed creating a new society based around innovation, free of controls from globalist elite that control various institutions from academia to finance.
Are inevitable. Of course that will be relative; our retards will still be better than their retards. There will always be an imbalance in talent, ability and drive among any given population, even if that population is largely comprised of talented and driven people. A better aim might be to create a society that doesn't pander to the lowest common denominator.
What do you mean by this? Comfort? Good times? Second breakfast?
A little bit of adversity can be a surprising impetus.

USA should enforce 110% Freedom Of Speech everywhere, or at least everywhere that is still a defacto US Colony (US bases), as well as in all Turd World nations that we can push around.
That would instantly cash the entire Jewish agenda in ZOG-Europe, for instance. Any Govt Official that even thought about threatening someone for question the Holohoax would themselves be targeted by US military. What do I mean by "targeted"??? WTF it takes. They turn themselves into nearest US soldier or they and anyone around them is at risk for Drone Strike or JDAMs.
When I was in Mexico on Spring Break we found an older and honest Mexican willing to talk about why Mexico remains FUBAR.
He said no one is ALLOWED TO TALK about fixing things. Plus, unlike WASPy Americans, rich Mexicans actively do everything to keep other dirt poor out of Mexican shittyness.
I imagine exact same goes for Africa.

Tariffs are GOOD because they are TAXES. All this talk about Trade Wars and "passing on cost to consumers" and "distort the free market" etc misses the real issue. Why SO much drama over this one particular minor type of tax, when we already have a massive stealth-tax when (((The Fed))) prints money to support multi-trillion dollar 'deficits'. There are no 'deficits', only tax increases.
Anyways, back to "Tariffs, The Good Taxes"(tm). It is sorta true that when one group gets a tax cut everyone else gets a tax increase. So….when one group gets a tax increase everyone else gets a TAX DECREASE. :) The entire anti-Tariff argument can be easily reduced to "taxes are bad because they cost people money", which isn't a valid point. Economic profs drill their students with the diagrams proving Tariffs ONLY make things worse for everyone. But as soon as you ask "then were SHOULD taxes cum from, professor?" it all falls apart into some Communist or Libertarian fantasy. As long as we remain IRL where lots of taxes are needed for at least SOME shit (police, fire, roads, military), Tariffs start looking like best possible option. According to my own personally created economic theory, Tariffs, if "done right" will result in equal amounts of': a) higher cost to domestic consumer b) lower profits to foreign producer, thus…….the Foreign Producer ends up paying a WHOOPING 50% of your tax (your govt gibs).
Tariffs (ie favoring domestic production) has numerous IRL benefits (((Economists))) (globalists) pretend don't exist: 1)As taxes go, they are low cost to collect. IRS regs are in the 40,000 pages and increasing, and all of that costs huge money on both sides. Also leads to "crimes", enforcement, collections, seizure, etc. Its an ongoing Guerilla War/Counter Insurgency of People VS Govt. Property Tax? Ditto. Sales Tax at cash registrar, or even Amazon? Are U fucking kidding? Govt is running % to grab pennies? WTF? In contrast, if the product being Tariff-ed don't lend to smuggling (crude oil, cars, etc), collecting the tax is trivial and guaranteed to be paid in advance. Mr Honda don't want 500,000 units of 2018 aging at dock due to Tariff dispute.
2)Trade “Wars” (encouraging local alternatives) can prevent REAL wars. And if not actual hot-war, then reduce shortages, price gouging, etc resulting from overseas shenanigans we can’t control and shouldn’t be involved in trying to control. There should be a domestic supply of all needed products at at least a subsistence level so if foreign supply ends local production can quickly be ramped up VS start from scratch by people who don’t know WTF they are doing.
3)Toxic/Defective products are deterred if all parties are under same national legal system.
4) In direct contradiction to what my well-meaning extremist Austrian School prof says (once you grant that SOME tax funds are required) Tariffs aren’t just OK for us, but its perfectly OK if everyone else puts Tariffs on our stuff to raise their needed Tax Funds. It all evens out, with the result that imports cost more, but everyone’s OTHER taxes are reduced, so costs are really the same, but everyone has more locally produced products and less FOREIGN ENTANGEMENTS. With Tariffs, you eliminate things like GM lobbying for more US tax payer funded military in South Korea because they have a partnership that makes those little Chevy Spark cars. And don’t get me started on all this “our vital interests in the the Middle East” BS. OK, you got me started. Our only interest in the ME is oil, which dictates our only goal in the ME should be extreme “regime change” in the only nation that interferes with our oil producing trade partners, Israel.

All in all, domestic production is much more cosy than foreign imports. A health society needs a complete variety of "employment situations" just to keep marginal types off the streets and out of trouble. Rosa Parks' job was "sewing bedsheets", good honest work. Today that is all done by overseas slave labor and your typical Negress is a welfare drug addict. Your bedsheets cost $3 less but 1/3 of the city is a no-go zone.

As the Klu Klux Klan points out, prior the IRS and The Fed, when the USA was all healthy and growing, our Fed Govt was mostly funded by Tariffs.
Tariffs should be the first thing ANYONE, anywhere should consider when they think about funding ANY tax funded ANYTHING. Tariffs are the ONLY tax that isn’t also toxic to the society in various “economic friction” ways, as well as an elixir in several social areas.

Millennials right now are moving to poorer neighborhoods and gentrifying them which inevitably brings back the third worlders within a decade or so. Instead of gentrifying, white people should form communities in the most destitute areas of America and keep them in poor condition so as to discourage minorities from coming. In a way the whites who can't afford to live in gated suburbia or rural areas need to become the "sewer dwellers" of society. Just a thought.

PS-another wonderful about Tariffs, that is always sold as a "bad thing". They hurt real business! Why is that actually good? Because, UNLIKE all the other insane runaway taxes of various types, that put Govt at over 50% of Economy, with corresponding Dead Lost due to Govt waste and corruption, such as IRS, State Income, SSI, etc…..when a tax like Tariffs is proposed (that will hurt a real business) we get smart committed people popping up to lobby AGAINST the tax increase. No one seems to want to oppose increases in IRS, SSI, etc taxes, just position to get some of the pork.

Whites should make a deal for 100yr lease on Chinese "ghost cities".

Chi-Com army would handling keeping non-Whites out, in exchange Chi-Com industry would have people that can actually create new shit with their brains, instead of just copy stuff.

Ah, I see - I've heard of the Zeitgeist movement, figured it was some anarcho/fringe thing. Guess I was somewhat right; at least they aimed to get away, rather than infest.
I've been working on a general outline of what must be valued in a society (and thus, produced) in order for everyone within it to truly have a good life. The idea is to not only have it follow reality, but also tie into symbolism neatly and thus be understood fairly well. It's the 15 Values of Humanity; broken down, it's split into 3 different groups of 5. Each of these values can be constantly increased in order to increase the overall value of a society - however, none can be merely substituted. No amount of money can ever make up for lacking in ANY of these areas - they are all necessary. Together, each group act to support one another - as a form of "social gestalt"

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The needs of survival
These are what each individual absolutely must have in order to survive. Anything short of these will almost certainly result in death in about week, if not much more immediately in some cases. These are the bare-minimum, ground level necessities for every human being.
This includes food, essential nutrients, vitamins, and drinking water. Much more poignant than hard tac and fecal water. You must eat.
This means a place to call home that can shelter you from the environment. You must be protected.
No pooping in the streets. Taking care of your trash, bodily waste, and even keeping your air clean are all needed to attain sanitation. You must be free of excess waste.
Finding a good middle ground from the heat and the cold. Could be considered a part of shelter, but realistically requires its own focus in the form of things such as air conditioning, central heating, warm clothing, fans, etc. You must be evenly warmed and cooled.
Sleep, relaxation, and the ability to take a break. Going without this leads to undue stress, and eventually heart failure. You must be able to relax.

The needs of civilization
While the individual may be able to live without these, their lineage would end here if they do not value the following. In essence, it is not enough to merely care for the individual self - you must carry on to the pillars of civilization itself.
No civilization worth a damn ever got there without some form of organized security. You need places to store your belongings, walls to protect these places, guards to man these walls, and weapons for the guards to use. You have the right to self-determination as an extension of security. You must be able to secure yourself, and your belongings.
Art is merely the creation and expression of an idea - its branches are numerous, its applications vast. Every civilization has created art, and should continue to do so if they wish to carry on. From the cave painting, to the interactive entertainment medium - all serve the same purpose of expressing ideas. You must be free to speak your mind, feel your heart, and show your soul.
Every good civilization has cared for its sick, its weak, and its developing. From the frail baby to the fading elder. You must care for your people.
Without reproduction, there is no future for your civilization. Sex is not something to be repulsed by or made taboo - it is to be celebrated and treated with dignity, respect, and care. Far removed from the juxtaposition of "taboo" yet utterly pervasive and degenerate of the postmodern age. You must pass on your genes.
From imitation, to classes, to abstract understandings - education is the staple of civilizations, where the voices of the past can echo for millennia. You must pass on your memes.

The needs of purpose
Every civilization must strive for perfection, knowing full well that it is impossible to truly attain. A never-ending struggle with which you will drive your species forward. A ceiling which is only as high as you let it grow.
The perpetual search for knowledge is the cornerstone of greatness. Science is merely a means to this end. Truth is the ultimate goal to attain for any who seek to learn. You must discover.
None may know what the future will hold - but we may have faith that it will bode well, lest the gaze of the abyss turn us to stone. You must believe.
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin - both equally important, and without which neither may grow but as a cancer. Hate that which is right to hate - it is fuel, pure energy for you to continue on through the darkest of times. Love is what you will need to hold onto, what you will want to protect, and what you will want to experience at all times. You must be able to hold both hate and love in your heart.
That which can endure the test of time. The conservation of every one of these values is tantamount to success. You must keep your culture, your people, and all it stands for alive.
That which can continue to move. Every stride should be made with the intention of moving toward a destination - whether this be to improve, to explore, or to take a step back for a respite. True progress keeps one from the harrowing silence of stagnation. You must keep moving.
You may have seen a similar post some years back; I've worked on a bit to condense it a little

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I understand what you mean and why.

However, the reason why I am pessimistic about our abilities to do that are… (this is going to trigger some serious screeching) demonstrated by Harold Covington and his life's goal of getting White nationalists to consolidate in the PNW. Covington came closer to actually accomplishing an IRL goal larger than putting up fliers or making edgy music seriously though I love WLP. pls don't bully! than almost any White nationalist other than Rockwell and the Robert Matthews.
But even with his actual semi-organization thing going on and despite years of effort, he couldn't even get a significant number of White nationalists to make a small journey to a new state.
And it's not like it was difficult. All he needed was a few hundred dedicated, serious White Nationalists and he could have actually begun to resist the Regime. Physically.
And begun to physically drive out the invaders.

But White Nationalists are so lazy and so unconcerned with our own genocide that we'll make up any excuse in the world to not do anything IRL. Instead restricting our "resistance" to online bitching.

That's the painful truth.

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I think the issue there was with the leadership itself; I haven't looked TOO much into the PNW, but I remember it all mostly being very low energy and very little actual planning. The end goal was just "get a lot of whites together, everything comes afterward". I'd much rather a 1,000 page document detailing every exact measurement needed to lay the groundwork for sanctuary.

no. we must united as one and crush them

I am a devout Piercite and Whitakerite, having listened and read almost all their works. Too, I have listened to most of Covington's RFNW as well as read many of his writings. And I can say without bias that Covington had the best laid out plans of the three. Ironically he did have documents detailing pre-revolutionary planning and post revolutionary governance (obviously you don't write about anything in between except in Aesopian language… which Covington wrote in abundance).

Rest assured, HC had planned far more than "just get a bunch of Whites together"
The trouble is that he tried to get us to do something more than post about our troubles.

Also, I really do recommend his books as they're actually more informative than the Turner Diaries from a revoltionary perspective. You may remember some threads on the subject of analyzing asymmetrical warfare from the IRA, FLNC, and ETA's perspective. I wrote those so I can say with some small amount of authority that Covington also knew what he was talking about.

In fact, I also wrote a thing about where Dr. Pierce and Covington learned their art of war and it is quite an interesting subject. Two very different men with very different, almost ironically so, teachers of war.

Anyway, he had a pretty good plan.

We are going to have to consider moving closer to each other and 'circling the wagons' so to speak. Anyone doing business with subhumans needs to be 'dealt with' as well. They shouldn't be looking at our women or our homes.

This is the god's honest truth. There is no other solution. LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF KILLING.

Hmm, interesting. I'll have to look more into his writings and approach, then. If nothing else, it may serve as a good lesson in what to do and what not to do.

Here are some interesting screenshots I''ve save that would be appropriate for this thread.

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I wrote an extremely long and extensive body of text and while I stand by it, I'll just give a TL;DR version:
Would like to see if you guys want to build off this, maybe I'll post the full thing if you'd want.

fucking this , people need to study them more, there loads of books about the IRA you can read in public library over Britain. The IRA is probally the best example of a paramillitary in a western country that has actually achived something. The "peace agreement" gave massive concessions to the IRA. Also read up on the loyalist millitas too, you have to know the reasons that they failed.

I reccomend this book

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Nice hopefag containment thread you have here.

Reported for spam. There are no peaceful solutions. You will also never do anything violent. The thread is useless.

Here is the perfect plan.

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It is already possible to build a space elevator. The key idea is the Orbital Ring version of the space elevator, not the geosynchronous tether concept you are familiar with.

See, for example, Paul Birch's writings:

There are many other feasible ways for us to get to space much more cheaply and safely than rockets:

You get the idea. Any of these could be done for $100 billion or less, a negligible cost when considering a GDP of trillions of dollars.

Why do something like this? Overnight, asteroid mining becomes an incredibly profitable industry. Because the cost of delivering payloads to LEO drops from thousands of dollars per kilogram to less than $100 (potentially less than $1) we can now retrieve asteroids with trillions of dollars worth of minerals for mere tens millions of dollars in addition to having an easy viable way of returning those resources back to the surface. We acquire the ability to deploy profitable solar power in orbit above cloud cover and with the ability to return said power back to the surface with near zero loss by running power transmission cables down the elevator.

Just how profitable?

With increased luminosity in space, enhanced exposure time, and the ability to deliver base loads, solar panels pay for themselves in only 1-2 years while having a 20 year life time. In other words, if you put $5 trillion of solar panels into space, you get your $5 trillion back by the end of year two and a $5 trillion income stream each year thereafter. In other words, the US could cut everyone's taxes, both personal and business, income, capital, death, or otherwise, all to 0%, not even cut any benefits or current spending, and pay off the national debt within a decade.

If your politician isn't talking about this, he is stupid or controlled opposition.

niggers will be pleased

We need a rotating /solutions/ thread to keep this alive. If any anons see this, in the future when this thread is gone, another should be made. They don't want anyone to fight back. They want you reading 'white female raped on vacation' clickbait threads all day.

The idea is good, but how do you do it? Can we start a corporation to help white nationalists settle a city? I remember somebody from RPF starting one of these in Topeka for lolbergs. I don't know how much traction he got.

negroids don't pay taxes

he made a church iirc, I'll try to find it

I think the biggest thing we need to accomplish right now, at least on the US side, is tactical publicity
We're either though of state side as a tiny fringe of the republican party or as a bunch of evvvvvillll nazis who killed 6,000,000 hether highers at charlottesville
I saw some guys talking in a thread on half chan the other day about a March on DC to protest affirmative action, mass immigration, and other anti white shit and I thought it sounded like a pretty good idea
They wanted to do it on agusust 28th, the same day martin luther coon gave his " I have a dreamn speech."
Which aside from being fun to do for the bants, will be sure as fuck to get us in the papers.

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here nigger is a collective image of the antipode to white, all who are against whites including global corporations

The independence of the Amish (or similar withdrawals from the society at large) works in the modern state because of their similar independence from the energy and economic grid, which either an enclave must be or be able to drop in/drop out of at will, an example of the latter being here. Neither will rectify the problem of the larger society, but could make pockets of heaven or hell therein. However, it is where we must start, looking inward and then acting from, but the start up of such communes is immense (see: heaven's gate) and is probably less inappropriate, given time and resources, than forming havens with interlaced feature to the culture and its commodities at large. So, doing this on a personal level, with oneself and one's immediate family, is where I think we should start in beginning that independence, while at the same time reconnecting through the internet and other interlattices.

Have you tried just laying down and dying and saving us the trouble moshe?

I think a huge problem is that, due to fear of glowniggers, no one actually organizes. Meetup threads are honeypots, Take a Walk is a honeypot, discord, IRC, social media, etc etc etc. There is nowhere we can openly discuss plans to co-habitate, not without someone watching us.
How do we get around this?

Start shooting.

The keys of my keyboard are black.
My written pills are therefore black.

Those projects are fucking pedo because you'll never get a chance to realize them, and the moment you remove the roadblock, you'll probably not need those projects any longer.

Create white states by soft-harassing non-whites, so they'll want to leave. But the issue is that most whites in these regions are sheep.
You need to start making coloreds fear for their lives, feel the pressure, feel considerably unwelcome. Destroy their property, be uncivil towards them. Ruin their car, destroy their fence. Show them no respect.

This. People should probably read The Turner Diaries before 'coming up with a plan.' The book essentially reads like an instruction manual for taking over a country. The major issues standing in the way would be hostile powers like China and Russia intervening during the chaos.

captain nemo's lifestyle

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The problem is:

My Solution for that is a IQ based procreation in which those which higher IQ mostly Asians and Whites will have tax exemption if they have 3 or more children while Low IQ will have tax exemption only if they have no children or 1 child and are not divorced

Okay that's great, how do we get there when any attempts to get the word out would be met with "GLOWNIGGER HONEYPOT" ad infinitum?

Careful, FBI. Some of us might listen to your advice.

Which kind of solution are we talking about here user?

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RE Technology, deplatforming, decentralisation etc.: this whole thread

Also covers how to ruin Netflix's model too. Supermarkets are another logical step in the same direction.

Absolutely agreed. The UWC and their military wing had their highpoint in the 1970s, 80s and they fought as hard against the London government as they did the IRA. They very effectively employed economic warfare to force concessions from London.
Unfortunately for them, they actually ended up as the biggest losers in that war when the government sold them out to appease the IRA.

Full manifesto pls?

What I found to be extraordinarily helpful in learning about this shit was the Zundel Trials. I think that, if we educate people on that, the rest will follow quite smoothly. We can actually use the same psychological tricks that the kikes use to redpill people.

I think that people are naturally curious. Having seen a few threads lately about vandalism to spread redpills, I think that this is a good approach. In the same way that the dystopian future may control the population with certain phrases around every corner, the kikes are doing this now with the media. We should do the same. We should vandalise to spread specific "introductory" redpills that will influence the more curiously-minded normalfags to investigate.

The final one.
Polite sage

I enjoy the double meaning bigly user.

OP is a fag and probably a jew. If you can't see there's no political leadership and that all these cunts are dishonest pieces of shit literally buying votes, I don't know what to tell you besides, neck yourself.

You know what the enemies goals are as they've openly admited it. As such, you're being delusional. You're ignoring FACTS so you can do some mental masturbation the result of which, will never come to fruition. You want to find the 'based' shitskin politician to vote for hahaha. Motherfuckers want to eliminate us as a race. The response to a declaration of WAR, isn't to 'brainstorm' a bunch of a faggotry you dumb jew.

You're misreading what's written so fucking hard I'm pretty sure you're the schlomo sucker here, he didn't say to participate in the current system, but to exist in a bubble within said system, either riding out the storm or doing something else that may or may not be preperation for an insurrection.

Holy shit, those are all fantastic reads. Thanks, user.

That's basically just American National Socialism. To be honest, I have too many issues with National Socialism to believe it would really work.
"populist" and "elitist" are more or less opposites - care to elaborate on their relationship and/or define them in this context?
The American constitution is pretty great, mainly because it serves as a non-partisan, non ego-driven set of virtues to abide by. It acts as a standard regardless of the times. Hitler's 25 points of the NSDAP were absolutely made for the times, although it certainly has its merits too. That being said, a strong constitutional republic that's propped up by heavy patriotism and unified under a common bond is overall a solid shell. It just needs a lot of filling out.
Good idea, although I disagree with term limits and lengths that small. They should be closer to 5-8 years, and about 2 or 3 terms.
Slavery is retarded and ass-backwards; any citizen should have a good quality of life, or not be a citizen at all (read: deported). Also, term limits were introduced in the amendments to the constitution in the first place.

I think a better way is to mandate a citizenship based on merit, and to ensure that no children are automatically given citizen status. Instead, everyone at the age of 18 must earn their citizenship through some form of community service. Examples include military, police, hospital work, first responders, etc. Every citizen would essentially be gauged during each 4 years of their service by one part their peers (during their time of service), one part a council (arbitrating as hand-picked by the state), and one part a randomly selected jury of regular citizens. Until then, they would be considered secondary citizens - guests, etc. Secondary citizens would obviously have much more limited rights (No guns, can't vote, etc), and (as mentioned by the NSDAP) could be expelled in times of disaster or famine if necessary.

Abso-fucking-lutely. Ideally, you'd be making this system in a fresh sandbox away from the existing governing structure anyway, but if it were to be hypothetically applied to an existing structure, then yes. The central bank, as a privatized entity, is an absolute cancer and is the root cause of globalism and banking.
Agreed; furthermore, there needs to be a removal of a checkbox ballot system. If you can't fucking remember the name of the candidate you want to vote for, you don't need to be voting.
This part is 100% retarded and is absolutely why Hitler lost. Invading other countries and imposing your culture and ideology onto them is anti-nationalist, and rotten to the core. Defending your homeland is the only form of war you should ever fight. They should, instead, beg to become absorbed by you simply by virtue of your absolute strength.

I want glowniggers to leave.

I'm convinced that the meme of the "towering space elevator from the ground up" was pushed as a muddying-the-waters style of meme; a pre-emptive strike to brand the whole idea as retarded, because that is obviously retarded but now de-legitimizes any form of similar idea by association thanks to it. Because this really would be the best way to expand and avoid resource shortages.

This alone is still not enough, of course - because the point of the current struggle isn't that we're somehow lacking resources (Earth has a LOT to go before we've tapped it out), it's that any and all resource gains are going to a very select few instead. Like a parasite.

Thanks, user. You've motivated me to keep this shit as active as possible. Even if my solutions are shit and everyone calls me a faggot every day for the rest of my life, if at least one idea makes it to make sure we can continue to exist as a species (even if in a small but sustainable circle), it's worth it.

I'll be 100% clear, I'm not personally attracted to the idea of white-exclusive sanctuaries, or white supremacy at large. This isn't because I believe we should have Diversity and Enrichment camps, but because I don't think every white has merit inherently. You've got to earn your shit. You need a better filter than merely being white, and if a few non-whites slip through which aren't retarded and fit the exact same specifications, who the fuck cares? The issue with all the current systems is that they literally encourage non-whites to come to white countries and never fucking change. That's why you see Mexicans flying Mexican flags. It's why you see hundreds of no-go zones in every EU country. Non-white nations that were once prosperous and had a future have been turned to shit by these policies. If nothing else, it'd be entertaining to have a flawless filter that literally doesn't mention or care for race on the surface, yet only whites end up getting through it anyway.

Religion might be the best bet. The Amish get away with their shit because they base it all around religion.

Honestly, fuck that - trying to convince normalfags of the keys to paradise is a vain effort. It's the same reason we shouldn't advertise Zig Forums on other places. Traffic and newcomers should be organic only, rather than trying to vie for the incredibly short attentionspan of normalfags.

Really, I think the best approach is to actually do the opposite - create rumors and spread disinfo about how terrible your sanctuary is once it's up and running. That way, normalfags avoid it like the plague. You'd likely get a knock from your friendly neighborhood feds, but that's where keeping shit 100% tidy is key - they'd try to plant evidence or make shit up, sure, but good security systems and monitoring would help to prevent that. Given this, they may not even bother, because they'd likely realize it'd do them more harm than good and just fuck off and accept that you're not impeding on their territory or operations.

Yup, this is why I suggested the very first steps must be to gain energy independence.
I never thought of this aspect, but it's a good idea. Convening from time to time to catch up and ensure good communication with eachother is a must.


Like I said, it's about getting the right people first. The rest who are on the fence would follow. This is obviously the hardest part, but even that can't begin until we have a solid plan that consists of something written in no less than the length of a goddamn phonebook.

I want glowniggers to leave.

Nah, that shit's edgy and at best creates a bunch of martyrs. Also, it's pretty evil. There's a reason we detest them. Becoming them is not the solution.

That only really describes the act of taking over an existing structure, which obviously will always piss a bunch of people off.

Or just cut off the rest of the cancer that is the outside world, realize it's hell, and create paradise in a small but well-made sanctuary. Seriously, fuck 'em.

Like I said, it's about reaching out to the right people with the right resources - not just every random shitposter on Zig Forums. Somebody like Notch would be a good choice, maybe. This also ties in with having more than just "good optics" - you need to have legitimately virtuous ideals that wouldn't be met with virulent opposition by most people. I've been able to explain almost all of my ideals to braindead normalfags, and you'd be surprised how receptive they are.


Good shit. I'll keep tabs on that thread, thanks for the heads up. It's harder and harder to find good threads here.

I'm illiterate and didn't know of the Zundel trials until now. Interesting stuff, but like I said, I think the approach to optics needs to be different. Quiet and positive in the beginning, but only appealing to a very select few people - basically, an elitist approach. Then, once everything is operational, spread negative disinfo about yourself to keep faggots out. Nobody to ruin your paradise if they think it's hell.

Nice blackpill, Mr. Cortez-Inglasio Alvarez. What's YOUR solution, then?

One last question:
What are we waiting for?
This isn't a generic "lul why aren't we shooting people already" question, it's a question of why everyone, despite being on the edges of their collective seats, refuses to stand for anything.
When we can find what's stopping people from getting off their asses, we'll have done something huge.
In the meantime, I'm going to be making at least part of that plan you speak of. I just wish that it was easier to reach people in general with this shit, let alone the RIGHT people.

Short, exhaustive essays developed parallel to individual-topic graphic memes, intended to rouse normies and make the central American political tenet End the Fed. I can lead the normies from there.

If we desire solutions in the next 100 years, this is not a viable option. Military technology, which includes information technology, will enable established powers (see Israel) to genocide the global population precisely, exhaustively, and without contingency failure before you could make any meaningful economic, military, or demographic dent on the grand chessboard. As much as control of central global banking represents central global control of all labor and resource value, control of the hearts and minds of the people of the world's military powers represents the only viable means to making an adequate economic, military, and demographic dent in the grand chessboard to your cause.

You are so full of yourselves. Literally sit down and war game this scenario without your cringy propaganda. Unless world war 3 happens things WILL NOT being getting fixed. Even if every White RIGHT NOW started unironic Right-Wing Death Squads it would still be an uphill battle. And it's like, do you really think nonWhite countries are just gonna let you start killing their people? Do you think ours/yours will? Hell, do you think even if you took the peaceful route of sending them back or even paying them to leave that their countries would take them back? And that's just a best case scenario where ALL Whites side with Whites, and we both know that sure as hell isn't going to happen. How many of Whites are actually mutts that said otherwise to the census? How many of Whites will side with their mutt family members against their own self-interest? How many of Whites just don't fucking care?

And this is just low-level, uncomplicated stuff. This isn't like talking about infrastructure damage, or resource allocation, or embedded agents/traitors, or troop movements, or potential nuke usage, or allied military (ours included) bases that are around the world that would or might now not be able to be protected by us, or the fact that any nonWhite allies we might have will almost certainly have a hard time reconciling the dissonance… FUCK. Every time I see one of these posts it leaves me gobsmacked so hard because it's like you truly, truly do not think about this at all and just want to open your mouth because you like to hear yourself speak!

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Reply goes downhill after this

Everything I said is the truth. You people are fucking full of yourselves. There is no peaceful solution to this. The only thing Whites truly have going for us is that a little over 80% of the over 330,000,000 legal guns in the United States are owned by Whites, with a high 70% being owned by Whites males. I'm not here to hold your hand. By and large, this is not something people can truly plan without the help of the government. You do not fight two-front wars, and if you asked me to hedge my bet with where I think they'd side it'd be with anyone but the White minority that wants everyone else to leave.

You want some reading material, go read what happened between the Serbians and the Albanians. I bet my top dollar the whole thing goes down like that but with no Russians to come in and cockblock the United Nations from killing the locals, because what you people don't seem to get is that this situation has played out on the smaller scale several times. Arm yourselves and stock up on nonperishables. Unprocessed oats is one of the healthiest things that lasts a hell of a long time. Same with peanut butter.

Reply goes downhill after this. See thread on "Small Arms." You are so fucking full of yourself…

Imagine being this binary in your permutations…

And people will dare sit and call me a shill because I'm not a fanatic but then go on to say the equivalent of do nothing. Here I sit in the middle and point out everything that is wrong with the Right because at least they have half a brain and then you all continuously prove me wrong.

Just kill yourself, for fuck's sake.

Silence jew

you calling me a yid does not make me a yid. i don't need to call you a brainlet because it would affect nothing

I think most are waiting for a safe, streamlined solution. We came to 4chan (and now Zig Forums) because we generally aren't putting ourselves at risk by doing so. Most don't want to actually start a civil war (despite what glowniggers may want to push; seriously, it is absolutely in their agenda to do so). However, if there were a place where we could not only move to and avoid most troubles, but also even flourish, you'd see a pretty big spike in activity. The issue is that the closest we've gotten is shit like the NWF, but that has its own set of issues. As mentioned earlier, a lot of people are HEAVILY blackpilled and don't want to do anything. It's an uncomfortable truth, but it's absolutely true - a giant chunk of people who are willing to bitch about problems don't really want to do anything about it. This is made worse (or maybe originally orchestrated) by glowniggers, who try to herd us into an impotent state. The best way to disarm your enemies is to make them fire the first shot, or at least convince everyone that you did. They've done this in literally every conflict the US has been in for the last ~60 years (See: Vietnam).
Good. I think a good approach to this is to utilize our collaborative efforts, and focus on our strengths rather than trying to overlap too much. I'm shit at math, for example, so I'd rather not pretend to work out any mathematical details.

For repairing America, yeah, you kinda have to do this. 4chan and Zig Forums are political propaganda machines that alphabet soup agencies can't even fucking compare to. Ending the fed is absolutely imperative to saving America. Literally everything else must come after this.

This is a bit too blackpill for my tastes, but I get your point. That's why you don't try to start a civil war or go toe-to-toe with these genocidal maniacs. You also vastly underestimate the effect that infighting has on every established power.

I… what? Everything you just posted is predicated on shit that I haven't even fucking said at all, what the fuck are you on about?
Says who?
Aside from a few glowniggers ITT, we're not even suggesting that, you stupid faggot. The best approach here is to let them commit collective suicide by bankrupting their own selves. Parasites can't live without a host, and I'm suggesting we molt and split off from society at large. Let them devour the husk.

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Is it this easy? Fuck it, probably. In my opinion, a naive white pill is better than a black pill. Right now we are all spinning in a circle wondering which direction to run in, however, it doesn't actually matter what direction we run in - we all just run together and we win. Planning from the internet, fighting over minor differences in how to build the utopia, creating theories about plans and how they might fair under future circumstances is a waste of time at this point. Everything you need to know about how to make a city-state will become known to you once someone actually tries to start one. It doesn't have to align completely with what you idealize, and that's fine. Once we have a unified banner, we will all rush under it and it will grow faster than you ever thought possible - and if it fails, it just teaches us what we need to do to build the next one. This will work even better if there are many of these city-states popping up across the country, all learning from one another and making it harder to be singled out.

Just need to:

It can be Northwestern Front, it can be the midwest, it can be an island, it can be anywhere. It doesn't matter goddamnit just go, we're running out of time!

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No such thing, they are ALL being inoculated with blacks.
You know what else "floods" in?

You're already dead there, the SECOND a black person gets shot by a white person, you will have feds jizzing on every government building you have.

The only thing that can save us at this point is to pray for Meteo to wipe this planet and use your "white conservatism preppers" to rebuild.

creamy, i concur

That will never happen because you idiots can't agree on anything? Northwest Imperative?

We could unite on that but they iz shillz

What about religion? Which one is the one we unite with?

This is the flaw of the nazi ideology. When you become authoritarian, good luck agreeing on what the rules will be

The key is going to be communication. Any code we produce on the web can and will be cracked. We need to spot each other irl and eventually form enclaves. They exist irl - I was a part of one briefly b4 I fucked up and let them down.

Subtly will be key. learn how to talk about issues w/o making it obv to normies. In the end, a good attack beats defense - as per the typical conservative strat (which still baffles libs) we just need to point out weaknesses in the libs arguments while orienting ppls thinking. The natural conclusions WILL follow once the premises are corrected.

Also, we do have allies in deep places, and they will help you faggots survive if you demonstrate enough virtue. Focus on yourself first and foremost and dont be a massive faggot. Then start noticing possible allies. Then test them. Dont sperg 1488 or something - even if you're 99% sure of his ideology. At this stage we need to have some semblance of faith in each other or we're fucked

IMO we gotta expand on that redpill pastebin that's always floating around. It only cites 1 or 2 sources per argument - making it appear weak. You gotta pick
Quality or Quantity b/c it gas neither. Either bombard with more than 50 sources or pick a few of the abs best redpills. Anything from a reputable organization & which is recent will have heavy psychological impact on normie heuristics. Also, imo you shpuld shamelessly use the stuff ((they)) have permitted; namely, peterson, shapiro, etc. Its not perfect, but ppl gotta get used to the idea of agreeing on certain things but disagreeing on others.

Sounds good, brother.
Don't let the shills get you down.
A lot of people are moving to Hungary, at the moment. A white rallying-call is taking place there.

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Keep posting shitler and articles about "Niggers" and "Kikes" as well as how "National Socialism" will save Whites.