Ime to turn the rainbow flag into a hate symbol #2

The old thread went byebye while I was spending far too too long doing this with my shit skills. I like to finish a job I started

Attached: whitecentral3.PNG (1600x960, 49.08K)

ffs, my copypasta skills are shit too



Try to make your hate symbol not look like a butt. A butt and a head. We are trying to take it back from fags, not look even more faggy.

Actually, every one of these flags has made us look like faggots and clowns or kikes. It is a psyop to make Whites look fucking rediculous.

mmm, must be in the eye of the beholder

yep, that's why the last thread exceeded the limit. I did this new one especially for whiny bitches

Attached: honkrainbow.PNG (1600x960, 60.77K)

Just use the regular gay rainbow flag with obscene gestures.

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Operation OKKK is successfull since 2017 We need to force leftist to dug so deep down in their lunacy once again. Now in 2019, we need to turn another gesture into our WHITE POWER SUPREMACY SIGN. We need a gesture that people dont think that much about it but is commonly used…well, but Im out of ideas. Any help?

Rainbow is ruined. Especially for children.
Fix it.

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Attached: give-the-rainbow-back.png (720x661, 477.85K)

>the rainbow I learned about has 7 colors
The fag rainbow is missing blue.
It has six colors instead of seven.
This is important.

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I think this is a bit too hard to attack. You need to go for something ludicrous, yet still untouched.
For instance, spin some news on how the color orange is some dog whistle by the alt right to call their own members to certain areas, maybe spinning some retarded Thule Group bullshit about how it's got magical powers etc.

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Love Honks Hate!

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Gradients are shit in flags.

Despite being less than 13% of the population, clowns commit nearly 52% of honks.

Adding six and seven colored rainbow for comparison.

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rainbow was made by God as a symbol of his promise to never kill almost the entire human race again

a bit too hasty a promise I think


Reposting the ones I liked.
I liked the ideas of

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true that

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post posters on 4/20 hitler's birthday

There are 6 colors, there are 12 "branches" rays? in the black sun. You could segment each pair of branches to one color.

Attached: im not an artfag - plz no bully.png (1618x1000, 355.01K)

I think it would look really akward.
Have this though, you reminded me

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