I don't like this honk meme. It makes me feel like we've given up

I don't like this honk meme. It makes me feel like we've given up.

I don't want to give up.

Not now.

Attached: whosbehindthis.jpg (330x330, 38.83K)

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The honk memes are watermarked, it's a glownigger psyop to identify Zig Forums influencers on social media in a deniable way (they already know who we all are) so they can be persecuted. It's Zersetsung.

I just find it unfunny – like it's trying to force the Clown World meme to be more than it actually is.

That is your problem. Honk meme is not about it blackpill. Honk meme is about pill after blackpill.

You can change color by simple trick in editor. Hue or gamma. It may be glownigger psyop same way like boomer wojack is Monster Energy Drink psyop. But who cares. Memes rise and fall.

I see it as more of a way to make fun of what's going on, not giving up. I suppose it varies from person to person. The anti-Whites seem to hate honkposting. I'd imagine because it makes their "struggles" a joke requiring only a shit clown pepe to illustrate.

I feel you

It's just……. gay

Its a phase. Talking about it doesn't do any good, let them run their course, whoever's shilling it so hard. I don't mind it yet.

It's a counterstrike against the term "clown world," much like based and redpilled and maga are now worn out by shills in a transparent attempt to make the terms uncool.

interesting, then, that the hundreds of clown pepes (351 so far by my count) all have totally identical RGB values in the wig, nose, and bow tie, isn't it? What are the odds of that?

Impossible if clown pepe is organic, 100% if they constitute a watermark in a non-organic shill meme.

It failed. Give up, it's obvious now, and now that people like James Woods are posting it, the dataset is ruined.

ya it sucks


Yeah that's just you. There's no 'we'.
You aren't in charge here.

I like it. It's funny and well produced. Without a bit of humor we're all just a bunch of ebil nazis and shit.

Go ahead and give up.

I've made a couple. so I know this can't be true.

Classic gay honker

They don't. I always change gamma ot hue bit. Not my fault if some anons keep original wig.

At least i never made any meme for Trump.


Absurdism is kind of a Nietzschean thing.
It influenced Franz Stuck, artist of the Wild Chase painting which everyone thinks foretold Hitler's rise.
The cuck Camus was its biggest proponent though, so take that as you will.

Attached: 800px-Sisyphus_by_von_Stuck.jpg (600x364 239.99 KB, 38.86K)

Is Zig Forums a Juggalo board now?

A credible concern – found below statement somewhere, can't recall.

Some people, figuring out the falsity of the posits of society that were foisted upon them in their youth, simply wither away in despair. But some choose to laugh. Some choose to become the clown and laugh at the utter spectacle of it all. It is thusly that they are initiated into the ways of magic, and they may soon find that the stick that the fool used to suspend his bindle can quickly become the staff of the mage. The only way out of this machine is to take control of its levers. The philosophy of the enlightened clown can be summed thusly:

1. Take what you can. Secure the bindle, drain as much resources from civilization as you possibly can as an individual.
2. Break what you can’t. Do as much as you can to destroy the infrastructure of the civilization without being legally identifiable as the person responsible. Provoke arms of the beast into attacking other arms. Turn the machinery of the global state against itself wherever possible.
3. Give nothing back. Contribute as little as possible to the commons of civilization. Unleash chaos, escalate disarray and hasten collapse.

Attached: 34goeqh.jpg (1599x582, 220.73K)

Embrace hilarity.

Attached: clownworld.jpg (5000x5312, 5.17M)

how do you become honk pilled?

It's response to there being no political solution. It's the calm before the storm. What comes next is going to look at lot like Tarrant Effortposting, except dialed up even further.

Well at least take comfort in knowing that the left are losing their shit over something as silly as a clown. It's like we became Pennywise incarnate.

honk honk 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

KEK, but we are smarter and work well in groups.

Well, I made this, and I just copied someone else's honkler. So I imagine the colors are exactly the same.

Attached: disasterGirlHonkler.png (2000x1050, 2.06M)

You've got the truth if it user. This year is going to be interesting. I give it another month or so before there is a new effortpost. The time difference between is ever shrinking. Rolling for a holy Bean Remover next.

Where'd ya go? You just ask questions and run?

Attached: 62473f322ae5d2f3709b23bfe31afd5ce89ae4eedccf77d862aa1fbb48aadfc1.png (350x310, 91.38K)

Honk your privilege.

There's no more accurate description of society than a retarded clown. Roll up roll up, for the gayest show on earth!

Attached: fb2.jpg (600x600, 42.53K)

Don't worry OP, it will be gone within a week or two.

Attached: Connery_smoking.jpg (595x680, 55.18K)

I'd also say that the worst possible situation to have at the start of any fight is to have a lot of people confused which side they should be fighting for. Honkler is immensely successful at drawing the lines on the battlefield, even if that is not obvious at the first glance.

So ? what is your point express your feelings and say how depressed you are ?
threads like these make me miss Imkampfy, he was an asshole but at least he kept shit threads like these in the oblivion where they belong.

It's lefty-tier lame. Which makes one wonder about its origin.
Ides of March happens > forum floods with various "interested" noobs here because of this > clowns and fagflags take over.
Anons don't see anything odd about this?

Gotta agree clown shit is kinda gay and a forced meme, we can get the same message through with way better memetics

Your (((concern))) is noted

Do it then you nigger.

Accelerationism is the only path forward at this point. I know a bunch of you faggots are still opposed to it (most of them are kikes/shills), but I haven't heard a single other solution being proposed to solve these problems. Quite frankly, there is no solution anyway. Decreasing the timeline to collapse will destroy the long-term kike agenda.

i am glad he is gone. this board was shit under his rule.

It's because most of you keep shilling for marxist accelerationism that accelerates white genocide and pretending it's the kind of accelerationism Tarrant wrote about instead of pro white accelerationism like rising up and taking a stand in an era where that is taboo. It's very disingenuous what's going on here, the intentional combining of the two, just because they share a word in common, to try to trick people into furthering our bondage under kike leftists.

that is not accelerationism. you have it all wrong.

What the fuck is marxist acceleration? I'm talking about decreasing the time to collapse, and collapse will yield anarchy for a transitional period of time. I also don't know what the fuck "pro white accelerationism" is. This is precisely the type of language leftists use to make shit convoluted and hard to follow, instead of "justice" they add a qualifier.

That being said, let's not pretend that when SHTF all whites are going to survive. There are no shortage of whites that need to be purged along with all the kikes and various muds. However, I believe that over the long-term, whites have a sufficiently high IQ that we can reconquer everything. I have no concerns that all these muds can rebuild anything or succeed in a war against whites that survive.

it's a template brah

Attached: clepe.png (2048x2048, 565.09K)

And things are so much better after he was gone isn't it ? this thread is a prime example, what a wonderful conversation we're having here, don't you think ?

I find it funniest in context with /biz/ as a sign that the crypto market has officially capitulated

Whoever made this has done DMT.

You need only look around you and see what the world has become. When you're living in a clown world the only thing left to do is be a clown. Is your race getting genocided? That's fine, just genocide someone else's race! Are men cutting their dicks off and calling themselves women? No problem, you may as well support furry transitions and people's right to surgically attach tails and cat ears to themselves, who cares! Clown world is the accelerationist counter to the blackpill, everything is fucked so we might as well help burn it down instead of just retreating and giving up. And who knows, maybe we'll be the last ones left standing above its ashes.

Attached: honk a nigger.jpg (856x551, 46.25K)

You are either a shill or a useful idiot. Congratulations, either way you are a blight on humanity.

You are clearly of inferior mental fortitude and should rapidly acquaint yourself with a rope.

Attached: leo_welcome.jpg (600x400, 49.24K)

I made that template few days ago because some user asked for it. So everyone who use that use wrong colors. Cry more.

better than be banned for everything. it sucked soo much i had to return to cuckchan for some time.

well I heard his plan

what's yours ?

Trump. 2020.

He will indeed win, and the mentally defective shills, trannies, and ai chat bots will all blow a collective gasket, again.

than your plan is failure already

And what exactly will that accomplish? More immigrants, more white pacification, more neoliberalism. Republicans are controlled opposition, Trump's presidency is proof that voting our way out of the clown world is no longer an option.

Attached: COPE.png (300x480, 138.04K)

Wrong, it's impossible for him to lose in fact, not unless there is a coup inside the DNC and media that sees the most overt commies, SJWs, and anti white lunatics thrown out.

This is your plan for coping for the rest of his current term, and his next term, and the inevitable Pence presidency after that. You've got nothing.

That's kind of obvious.

Point is with Trump you lose. If he will win, it is victory for Israel and more immigrants ( Legally ) for America. I doubt even half of his previous voters will vote for him again. Only Qtards still worship Trump.

Its a trash meme spread by the CIA/jews/trannies/someone to make people give up.
Be like Brenton Tarrant and make positive change in your community, don't be some fucking clown.

Attached: Brenton-tan.jpg (393x489, 118.67K)

You're just going to keep this up for years, aren't you? And when he does win again in 2020 (your failure will be mocked, don't worry!) you'll just moan some more. I actually enjoy it, I find it funny. How are you actually doing though? Are you holding up OK?

Millennials' default setting for social interactions and looking at the world is cynicism and irony. This is their coping mechanism for they empty existence. This meme is just that. More gay irony and cynicism.

Nobody is "keeping anything up". You are a schizo and you have leeched onto a strong personality(trump). He has become your god, but hes just a kike puppet like all the rest.

nah, it's only the beggining of crypto currency takeover over world.

Attached: Cryptocurrency is antisemitic, Goy..jpg (796x798, 157.63K)


Seems like a natural thread.

I am not American so it will not hurt me that much. Tell me when you get your walls. Not wall in Israel but in America. But why bother with wall if Trump want more migrants than ever. And he will let them in legally so no need for the wall anymore. And he can send even more money to Israel. Still not tired of winning?

Attached: miga_cuck.jpg (931x1080, 401.66K)

That's comforting, I guess.

You misunderstood. I'm not disagreeing with you, merely that psychologically, crypto traders have capitulated. This is as close as we'll get to a bottom give or take if you autistically paid attention at all

Just try to grasp what I mean, dude. Also, if there's no "we" there will be no you nor I.