Do any of you hurt ruler? Close to 1 year. At that time, the internet was used nashkata, although they were not involved in the military coup. Keep your thoughts in mind and prepare yourself quietly physically and spiritually. A year later, use this site to explore the world of Google via automated Sabostara in the country of New York or San Jose Valley.
He traveled physically to the place and was exploring something. Once you have a regional request, the plan is how to taste at least three times a night.
Procedure You can build a Molatov cocktail catapult to launch the Molatov cocktails but the fense secure range. It is quiet and safe. More noisy option being tried for one.
Use your head, then you can think how this success.
Angel Parker
It’s impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. Horror has a face. And you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared.
Tyler Gutierrez
You have to have men who are moral and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling, without passion, without judgment, without judgment. Because it’s judgment that defeats us/
You will kill women because they breed. You will kill children because they grow up.
You will not take prisoners and exchange family photos with them.
and the people you fight for will hate you.
They will want to bury this time of necessary barbarism. They will do anything to forget you.
But you will have saved your race and your civilization.
Justin Fisher
Friend of mine made one once that was capable of firing 2 liters. Problem I see with it was it worked with propane, so I don't see how you could light & load a molotov without setting off the gas.
Xavier Moore
by winning, we get the right to write the story and designate ALL the culprits
the winners will have no mercy with the weak who have lined up against them
wrong.. the horror of your deeds will resound though history….everyone will hate you.
Your children will renounce you.
Austin Flores
Are you sure? Seems to me it could work fine. Especially the other things one could fire out of there.
Liam Phillips
You will need to do this.
Psalm 137:9 New International Version (NIV) 9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.
we will have lost tens of millions of our people, our suffering and our efforts to survive
the white man will be enervated and will no longer hesitate to beat up his wife like an Arab so that she will not be a whore in the future and will destroy everything that led and will lead back to a racial war
all the degenerate powers die in the battle or die after battle , specially in europe because all of this group is ennemy of them (ex : gay collaborate with african in write , but on reality african dream destroy gay and women feminist ) ex: tranny fighted with sandniggers
in chaos situation of racial war , police is not here for assured security of them ennemy's party and leftist feminist and lgbt will themselves go to suicide because they sincerely think that they can ally
after win the racial war , the white man will be very violent and will no longer make peaceful protests All of medias on organisation who will accuse the white man will be destroyed by the most brutal force we are not sorry
Juan Sullivan
For what a "modern" race warrior would be take a look at the turner diaries. More specifically the audio book over the text. Hearing the conviction in the readers voice makes it 100x more powerful.
James Allen
If there are gods, then we - the aryan race - comes the closest to them.
Fight for your lands, just like Al Qaeda is fighting for theirs!
Jacob Johnson
My grandfather fucking stormed normandy beach so that his great grandson could go on HRT and snip his dick off to create an artificial vagina. When he stared down those evil nazis he had visions of the greatness of America, of the young black thug raping his grand daughter, of the poor Mexican man robbing an elderly white couple. He fought for the freedom of ALL people around the world. America IS the world now thanks to the sacrifices he and others made for Greater Israel.
Luis Cook
Looks like we must become ==Soldiers of Odin== (Einherjer) once more to save our race.
Grimm’s Teutonic Mythology, Chapter 7:
The highest, the supreme divinity, universally honoured, as we have a right to assume, among all Teutonic races, would in the Gothic dialect have been called Vôdans; he was called in OHG. Wuotan, a word which also appears, though rarely, as the name of a man: Wuotan, Woatan. The Longobards spelt it Wôdan or Guôdan, the Old Saxons Wuodan, Wôdan, but in Westphalia again with the g prefixed, Guôdan, Gudan, the Anglo-Saxons Wôdan, the Frisians Wêda from the propensity of their dialect to drop a final n, and to modify ô even when not followed by an i. (1) The Norse form is Oðinn, in Saxo Othinus, in the Faröe isles Ouvin, gen Ouvans, acc. Ouvan. …It can scarcely be doubted that the word is immediately derived from the verb OHG. watan wuot, ON. vaða [to wade through, to rush], ôð [óðum - rapidly, vehemently]; …the ON. óðr [frantic, mad, furious, eager or mind, song, poetry] has kept to the one meaning of mens or sensus. (3) According to this, Wuotan, Oðinn would be the all-powerful, all-penetrating being, qui omnia permeat; as Lucan says of Jupiter: Est quodcunque vides, quocunque moveris, the spirit-god. "
God is with us, never forget that as we face Satanic Jewry!
Cameron Baker
One sheckle has been deposited in your account.
John Morgan
Yeah OP well sometimes that's how it is and by sometimes I mean if you pickup a history book - all the fucking time.
Leo Powell
Hail Odin Allfather, God of Death, god of the gallows, god of the terrible berserkers.
David Martin
You want to know something I don't get?I dont get why Odinists don't recognize that globohomo is Loki. That semitic globohomo faggots are our mortal enemy.
Lucas Thompson
It's just shitposting play natsees here.
Asher Murphy
That's the spirit.comrade. but know even if you survive the war,, you will die alone and despised. You will have saved their race and culture and they will hate you
Brody Collins
mysticism is no subsitiute for action….pray if it comforts you. but act.
Jason Ross
Consider the following; Portable mortar launcher in the back of a moving van or goods truck.
See above, friend.
Hudson Bailey
God will not lift a finger during our struggle.
We must incinerate them. Man after man.. child after child…..
Perhaps your god will reward you after you are dead,,, perhaps not.
What matters is your race survives.
and with the white race's survival is the possibility of a glorious future.
Jason Perez
Learn about technicals as well You need to know someone who can weld because they need reinforcement in the bed and back of the truck
what you need is the will to go into a shitskins family's house and kill everything that breathes.
Benjamin Allen
Get some surgical tubing, and make a water balloon launcher for your cocktails.
Henry Miller
Heil Better it happens in my time so my sons may one day know Valhalla
Josiah Powell
These are for the Blue Helmets and subhuman genociders who are going to fight being purged.
Isaiah Gray
You don't actually have to lift an hand user….it is SUMMERTIME user it is hard to sleep when it is so hot out at night that you need air conditioning. That means that air is drawn in from the outside of the house.
John Gomez
That's the spirit. bare the burden of blood and terror for children.
they will wonder why you cry out in your sleep and you will never tell them.
Chase Gonzalez
The UN will not come during the American Civil War because only the United States leading the UN makes it act.
Wyatt Moore
They are already stationed in Canada. Both Chinese and Russians, they will come down through the plains, divide the nation and occupy the food producing areas and farms and dairies.
Ethan Hernandez
Hail. Lets do it and set the world in order. Lets finish the job they started.
Or, I don't know what they call it, but there's a type of exercise thing that is functionally an oversized rubber band that can make for some really high draw strength.
Noah Thompson
Saged for off topic…this is a tiny fraction of the global food shortage that is coming to this planet this year. This is like 1 weeks worth of bad news. The kikes have secured their food supplies, grain by stealing Russia's and relocating it to Egypt. China is hoarding grain for the last year and importing as much food as possible. I am only letting you know so that you will know what to expect and which direction to run. The Chinese and Russians are stationed in the Rockies. Where is our military? ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLANET BUT NOT HERE.
This thread is about preparing the willing for the horrors to come.
We must fight. We must kill. and we will be hated for that. If you are part of this, you must bear that burden.
They will mourn all the darkies.
They won't understand.
but you will have saved them/
Luis Long
In minecraft clownwork ironically for a prank you could use a 3 man slingshot with only 1 man if two of the handles were attached to some prongs welded to your car
Kayden Reed
try to think things through more carefully
John Martin
Do be retarded, no one cares what happens to the niggers at all…they are not even part of the equation.
Asher Ross
one cares what happens to the niggers at all
Kill them and see.
oh race warrior.. you will be hated.
For your service and sacrifice. and all the blood on your hands… they will hate you.
and yet you will have saved them.
Henry Cooper
Sorcha Faal has been pushing this nonsense since 1980. Give it a rest.
Evan Brown
the Chinese and Russian governments don't matter… the Great Replacement is real/
We all know this. we all all know our race is facing extinction.
and some of us will fight.
and we will be hated…
even if we win and turn the tide.
we will be hated
They will hunt us. They will jail us.
This is sacrifice will make make.
No medals. No parades. No monuments.
You will be hated until you are forgotten.
accept this.. and fight. or don't and watch everything you ever loved die.
Jacob Myers
Those exercise bands can be weak and snap. Underwater Harpoon gun bands are much stronger and better. Its the type I used to make homemade bands for workout ;)
Checked, the Fuhrer is speaking. Just be fucking careful anons.
Lucas Lee
Fuck off reddit, when whites act there will be no question.
Justin Morris
I am not the Fuhrer. I am only a man. I am not special or unique. I just want you know what is to come, but I only have an inkling.
I can only imagine the horrors you will endure.
You will have to do terrible things… I know this from history,, and the people you fought for will reject you,, I know this from history.
I have only read books. You will live History. Terrible bloody history,
Terrible things must be done. entire continents must be purged.
There will be a war. A war without uniforms.. without quarter. with mercy.
and you have to fight it or face the end.
I am sorry your generation must face this.
but if you do rise and fight the future is darkness.
Jeremiah Taylor
lol nice troll
Jordan Wood
Or everybody could you know…. just go home.
Matthew Allen
"There must be virtue." -Odin
Grayson Morris
Non user, if they voluntarily leave we need to hunt them down in their homelands and kill them. You guys are always so eager to kick the can down the road so that your children have to deal with it. They have all come against us to genocide us as a TEAM and they all need to DIE to ensure the future of White Children. The future of White children cannot be assured while the subhuman enemy remains on this planet.
Globohomo isnt Loki. You exhibit semitic thinking when you divide the world in ultimate good and ultimate evil.
Alexander Powell
Anyone who mourns them should be sent to join them.
Benjamin Kelly
i realize that all old people look alike but that's not a WW2 veteran. that's somebody in his early 80s, tops. ww2 vets are mostly gone or have skulls like Beetlejuice at this point; pushing mid-90s and are shrunken dolls and heads.
Jayden Foster
Sadly. you are right OP, but can't we have our own secret parades with monuments, medals and hookers
Be sure to ram when you’re all out of ammo See you fuckers in Valhalla
Henry Parker
You’d need a tamper or a buffer of sorts. Or just rig something up that would ignite on impact Little bit o magnesium suspended in a plastic bag in the liquid part of your hypothetical Minecraft projectile